Dydd Iau
Ar ddydd Iau wnes ni fynd i weld sumbarine ac roedd hyna yn ddiddorol iawn, es ni mewn grwpiaau o ddau ac es i mewn grwp Mr Evans! Roedd angen i ni gwrando ar radio bach i clywed beth sudd wedi digwydd yn ystod y cyfnod yna, yna roeddwn ni wedi fynd i traeth LaBaule ac chefais ni cyfle i fund siopa a prynu hufen ia!
On Thursday it was a very interesting day because we went to see what a life was like on a sumbarine back in the day and it was very good, we went in groups of two and I went with group Mr Evans! We meeded to listen to a little radio to find out what the facts was and how it was back in the day! Then we had an amazing opportunity to go to LaBaule beach and go shopping with our friends and have ice cream!
Dydd Gwener
Ar ddydd Gwener roeddwn ni wedi fynd yng hanol Nantes i fynd i weld yr eliffant ac roedd e wedi cerdded o gwmpas y dre, cyn hynnu roeddwn i, Eluned, Kaela a Betsan wedi fynd i prynu panesiocla ond doeddwn nhw ddim wedi gwerthu nhw felly cafodd i brioche, cafodd Kaela muffin, on rudw methu cofio beth cafodd Eluned a Betsan on roedd hyna yn ddiwrnod hwyl!
On Friday we went to the middle of Nantes to go and see the eliphant and it walked arkund the town, before that me, Kaela, Eluned and Betsan went to get a panesiocla but unfortunately they didnt sell any so I got a brioche and Kaela got a muffin but I cant remember what Eluned and Betsan had, but that was a fun day!
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