Sunday, 25 June 2017
Saturday, 24 June 2017
Donnerstag/Dydd Iau/Thursday- Bethan
Hallo! Heute habe ich mit meinen Freunden in der bus gesungen, das war spaßig und lustig. Wir haben 'Let it go' gesungen. In Heidelberg hatte ich eine Führung in dem Schloss, das war interessant. Heute habe ich mit Lena, Ffionwen und Hanna in Heidelberg etwas gekauft. Ich habe ein Geschenk für meine Familie eingekauft. Ich habe mit Lena, Ffionwen und Hanna ein eis gegessen, es war lecker. Heidelberg ist fantastisch, aber sehr heiß. Heidelberg war sehr spaßig. Heute habe ich mit Lena in einer Pizzaria gegessen. Die pizza war sehr groß! Wir müssen morgen die pizza essen! Ich und Lena waren auf einem Sommerkonzert. Das war cool! Lena hat in einem Chor gesungen. Ich sitze mit Lena und ich spreche mit Lena. Lena ist sehr lustig!
Yn flogiau rydym yn fod ysgrifennu amdan popeth ac felly rydw i'n fynd i sôn am ein taith bws i Heidelberg heddiw. Roedd e'n ddoniol! Canwn ni yn uchel yr holl ffordd hyd yn oed i 'Let it go'! Yna pan cyrraeddon ni i Heidelberg ymwelon ni ar castell fawr yna a wrando ar stori diddorol iawn yr castell. Yna ar ôl ddysgu am yr hanes cafon ni amser yn rhydd yn lle siopa Heidelberg gyda ein partneriaid, i fynd sipoa a fwyta hufen ia eto! Cefais hufen ia Ferrero Roche ac siocled tywyll. Edrychais o gwmpas gyda Lena, Ffionwen a Hanna. Cafon ni hwyl! Prynnais llawer ac llawer o annregion. Mwynheiais fod yn Hidelberg gyda Lena, Ffionwen a Hanna. Ar ôl teithio nôl bwyton ni (fi a Lena) mewn bwytu pitsa ac yna fynd i sioe cerddoriawth yn ysgol hi. Rydym nawr yn mwynhau ein nôs olaf gyda ein gilydd.
In blogs you are meant to write about everything, so I will. Our bus ride to Heidelberg was very funny. We sang really loud to songs, even Let It Go! When we arrived at Heidelberg we had a guided tour around the Castel and learnt a lot about the history and story of the castle. After that we went around Heidelberg with our partners! I went around with Lena, Ffionwen and Hanna. It was fun. I baught pressents and we all had ice cream once again. It was fun in Heidelberg, and hot. Then just before me and Lena went to a summer concert in her school we went to a pizza place and had giant pizza's! We are leaving some for tomorrow now because the medium was so big. Me and Lena are now trying to enjoy our last day together.
Friday, 23 June 2017
Heute war interessant. Ich habe Heidelberg mit meiner Freundin besucht. Ich habe Spaghetti Eis mit meiner Freundin gegessen. Das war spannend. Ich habe Gummy-Bears eingekauft. Ich finde Gummy-Bears wunderbar und lecker! Zu Hause, bin ich mit Simon, Julian und Arne geschwommen. Ich habe Fußall und Trampolin mit Julian gemacht. Ich habe Pommes mit Julian, Joe, Jannis, Efan, Freddie, Mario und Harry gegessen. Das war sehr lecker. Ich fand heute sehr gut!!
Roedd heddiw yn ddiddorol iawn. Roedd y grwp wedi ymweld a Castell Heidelberg a siopa yn Heidelberg. Bwytais Spaghetti Eis gyda fy ffrindiau. Roedd hwnna'n neis iawn! Prynais dwy baced o Gummy-Bears. Rwy'n hoffi Gummy-Bears oherwydd maent yn wych ac yn flasus iawn. Nôl yn y tŷ, nofiais gyda Simon, Arne a Julian yn y pwll. Ar ôl hyn, neidiais ar y trampolîn gyda Julian. Bwytais sglodion gyda Julian, Joe, Jannis, Efan, Freddie, Mario a Harry. Roedd hwnna'n flasus iawn. Ffeindiais heddiw yn dda iawn.
Today was a very interesting day. We as a group visited Heidelberg Castle and then went shopping in Heidelberg. I ate my second Spaghetti Eis of the trip and it was amazingly tasty. I bought two packs of Gummy-Bears. I like Gummy-Bears because they taste very good. Back in the house, I went swimming with Simon, Arne and Julian in the family's pool. After this, I went on the trampoline with Julian. I ate chips with Julian, Joe, Jannis, Efan, Freddie, Mario and Harry. They were very tasty. I found today very good.
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Diwrnod 5 FN
Heute waren wir im Schloss von Heidelberg. Dieses Schloss ist sehr alt und hat verschiedene Zeitalter erlebt, wie die Renaissance. Mein Lieblingsort dort wo das Riessenfass stand. Es war so gross, dass ich darin haette leben koennen. Danach waren wir in der Altstadt shoppen und ich war in sehr vielen Touristenshops. Dort haben wir auch ein Spaghettieis gegessen. Wenn ich zurueck komme, werde ich vorallem dieses spezielle und leckere Eis vermissen.
Heddiw fe wnaethom ymweld a'r gastell yn Heidelberg.Mae'n adeulad hen iawn,ac yn bert..Fy hoff ddarn oedd y barrel gwyn mawr.Gallaf wedi byw ynddo'n eitha hapus.Yna fe wnaethom siopa yn Heidelberg.Fe es i i llawer o siopau toristiaetg.Roedd y stwff ynddynt yn neis ond ddim yn chep.Hefyd fe gawsom Spaghettieis .Mae mor flasus.Byddwn yn ei golli pan rhwyf nol yn Caerdydd.
Today we viseted the castle in Heidelberg.It's a very old and stately building.It has 3 types of architecture including Gothic.My favourite part was the giant wine barrel.It was so huge i could have lived in it and had a very spacious home.Then we whent shopping in the City.It was the hottest it's been.37•c.I whent around all the really touristy shops.Fun.I also ate Spaghettieis.It's amazing.I'll miss it back in Cardiff.
Heddiw fe wnaethom ymweld a'r gastell yn Heidelberg.Mae'n adeulad hen iawn,ac yn bert..Fy hoff ddarn oedd y barrel gwyn mawr.Gallaf wedi byw ynddo'n eitha hapus.Yna fe wnaethom siopa yn Heidelberg.Fe es i i llawer o siopau toristiaetg.Roedd y stwff ynddynt yn neis ond ddim yn chep.Hefyd fe gawsom Spaghettieis .Mae mor flasus.Byddwn yn ei golli pan rhwyf nol yn Caerdydd.
Today we viseted the castle in Heidelberg.It's a very old and stately building.It has 3 types of architecture including Gothic.My favourite part was the giant wine barrel.It was so huge i could have lived in it and had a very spacious home.Then we whent shopping in the City.It was the hottest it's been.37•c.I whent around all the really touristy shops.Fun.I also ate Spaghettieis.It's amazing.I'll miss it back in Cardiff.
Donnerstag / Dydd Iau / Thursday
Donnerstag bin ich Heidleberg gegangen. Es war sehr ziemlich! Am Morgen bin ich mit Bus gefahren. Ich habe mit meine Klasse gesungen. Ich bin Heidelberg Castel gegangen. Am Nachmittag habe ich mit Fidelis, Eiriana, Khatarina, Lisa und Ffion eingekaufen. Es macht spaß. Am Abend habe ich Sommerkonzert gesehen.
Heddiw, aethon ni i Heidelberg, mae'n ddinas pert iawn. Yn y bore aethon ni ar y bws i Heidelberg gyda ein partneriaid. Roedd Efan efo siaradwr felly rhoddod e cerddoriaeth arno ac canodd oawb ar y bws yn uchel iawn, roedd y athrawon yn eu hoffi! Cyrraeddon ni Heidelberg ac aethon ni ar trên lân y mynydd i'r Castell. Cafon ni taith dywys rownd y Castell. Gorffenon ni yn y Castell felly aethon ni siopa. Es i siopa efo Fidelis, Eiriana, Khatarina, Lisa a Ffion cafon ni llawer o hwyl. Yna, aethon ni nôl i'r ysgol. Cefais i fwyd tseiniaidd efo teulu Fidelis ac yna aethon ni i gyngerdd Haf Fidelis lle roedd hi'n chwarae'r ffidl. Cyrraeddon ni adref ac cael hufen iâ ac yna mynd i wely. Yn fy marn i ffordd arbennig i orffen noson olaf i yn Grünstadt!
Today, we went to Heidelberg, it is a very pretty city. In the morning we went on the bus to Heidelberg with our partners. Efan had a speaker on the bus and played music, everyone was singing very loudly, the teachers really enjoyed it! We arrived at Heidelberg and went on a train to the Castle. We had a guided tour around the Castle. We finished at the Castle so we went shopping. I went shopping with Fidelis, Eiriana, Khatarina, Lisa and Ffion. We had a lot of fun. Then we went back to the school. I had chinese food with the family and then went and watched Fidelis' summer concert where she was playing the Violin. We then went home and had a ice cream and then bed! In my opinion a amazing way to end my last night in Grünstadt!
Am Donnerstag bin ich in das Heidelberg gefahren. Ich bin in das Schloss gegangen. Ich habe das Weinfass gesehen, es far groß. Ich bin das bowling besucht.
Heddiw fe aethon ni i castell yn Heidelberg. Aethon ni cerdden rownd y castell efo tysysydd yn dweud i ni ffeithiau am y castell fel pwy sydd wedi byw yna a beth rieddwn nhw'n gwneud yna. Ynddo fe mae efo'r barel mwyaf o gwin yn y byd gallaf sefyll ar dop o fe. Ar ol hynnu aethon ni siopa am 2 awr a cael hufen iayna hefyd. Aethon ni adref ac wedyn mynd bowlio a cael fwyd.
Today we went to Heidelberg castel. We walked around the castle with a tour guide telling us facts about the castle itself. In Heidelberg castle they have the biggest wine barrel in the world being able to hold 222,000 of wine. After that we went shopping for a couple if hours. We came back and went bowling and had food there.
Dydd Iaur
Heute wir habe Heidleberg gehen es war wunderbar.Wir habe Spaghetti eis und eis gegessen et war lecker und toll.Nach wir habe eine Grillparty mit Felix Cai und et war spaß und nach die grillparty wir spilen fußball und et war toll.
Heddiw roedd ni wedi mynd siopa mewn Heidelberg ac roedd yn hwyl iawn oherwydd cafodd fi spaghetti eis a hufen ia ac roedd yn blasus iawn yn Heidlberg roedd fi hefyd wedi prynnu het.Ar ôl roedd fi wedi cael barbeciw ac ar ôl wnath i chwarae pêl droed.
Today I went shopping in Heidlberg and it was good because I had spaghetti eis and ice cream and I bought a hat and I then had a barbecue and after the barbecue we played football which was fun because it was warm and Cai and I won
Heddiw roedd ni wedi mynd siopa mewn Heidelberg ac roedd yn hwyl iawn oherwydd cafodd fi spaghetti eis a hufen ia ac roedd yn blasus iawn yn Heidlberg roedd fi hefyd wedi prynnu het.Ar ôl roedd fi wedi cael barbeciw ac ar ôl wnath i chwarae pêl droed.
Today I went shopping in Heidlberg and it was good because I had spaghetti eis and ice cream and I bought a hat and I then had a barbecue and after the barbecue we played football which was fun because it was warm and Cai and I won
Diwrnod 5 /Day 5
Hallo. Heure ich Heidelberg besucht. Es war sehr interessant. Ich habe Heidelberg Schloss gesehen.Nach Ich habe Heidelberg einegekauft. Es war sehr gut. Ich habe spaghetti eis gegessen. Lecker. Nach ich habe grill Ben und Henry besucht. Ich habe wurst und kartoffel gegessen.
Roedd heddiw yn eitha da. Yn cyntaf roedden ni wedi mynd i castell Heidelberg Cafodd ni taith o gwmpas y castell. Roedd en mor fawr. Roedd yna casgen enfawr, faint ystafell dosbarth a mwy. Ar ôl i y taith o gwmpas y castell cafodd ni amser i myns siopa yn Heidelberg. Roedd na llawer o siopau yna, Roedd llawer o pobl wedi mynd i siop gummy. Roedd yr athrawon yn neis ac wedi prynnu spaghetti eis i ni. Blasus. Ar ôl siopa am 2 awr wnaeth fi, Felix, Florian, Ben a Henry mynd i barbecue yn tŷ Ben. Cefais i selsig gyda tatws. Cefais i sudd grawnwyn i yfed hefo dŵr fizzy. Ar ôl y fwyd roeddwn ni wedi mynd i chwarae pêl-droed mewn cae agos. Diwrnod olaf yn Grundstadt.
Today was ok. First we went to Heidelberg castle. It was very interesting. We saw a giant barrel that was the size of a school clasroom and more. We were in the castle for a little while. After that we went down to Heidelberg city to look around and shops. Most people bought stuff. Lots went into a gummy shop. We were there for a while. Afterwards we went back home. We then went to Ben and Henrys house for a barbecue. I had a sausage and potato. I had grape juice mixed with sparkling water to drink. Everything was bery nice. After that we we went to play football for a bit at a local bit of grass. Today was our last full day in Grundstadt i had a good time.
Hwyl Fawr
Roedd heddiw yn eitha da. Yn cyntaf roedden ni wedi mynd i castell Heidelberg Cafodd ni taith o gwmpas y castell. Roedd en mor fawr. Roedd yna casgen enfawr, faint ystafell dosbarth a mwy. Ar ôl i y taith o gwmpas y castell cafodd ni amser i myns siopa yn Heidelberg. Roedd na llawer o siopau yna, Roedd llawer o pobl wedi mynd i siop gummy. Roedd yr athrawon yn neis ac wedi prynnu spaghetti eis i ni. Blasus. Ar ôl siopa am 2 awr wnaeth fi, Felix, Florian, Ben a Henry mynd i barbecue yn tŷ Ben. Cefais i selsig gyda tatws. Cefais i sudd grawnwyn i yfed hefo dŵr fizzy. Ar ôl y fwyd roeddwn ni wedi mynd i chwarae pêl-droed mewn cae agos. Diwrnod olaf yn Grundstadt.
Today was ok. First we went to Heidelberg castle. It was very interesting. We saw a giant barrel that was the size of a school clasroom and more. We were in the castle for a little while. After that we went down to Heidelberg city to look around and shops. Most people bought stuff. Lots went into a gummy shop. We were there for a while. Afterwards we went back home. We then went to Ben and Henrys house for a barbecue. I had a sausage and potato. I had grape juice mixed with sparkling water to drink. Everything was bery nice. After that we we went to play football for a bit at a local bit of grass. Today was our last full day in Grundstadt i had a good time.
Hwyl Fawr
Am Mittwoch bin ich in das Reptilium gefahren. Ich habe viele Tiere gesehen. Ich habe einen krokodil gesehen, es far lange. Ich bin mit meinem freunden gegangen. Das Reptilium hätten alles. Ich habe einen grillen gegessen.
Ar dydd Mercher roeddwn ni wedi mynd i Reptillium am y dydd. Cyn i ni fynd i'r Reptilium roeddwn ni wedi mynd siopa am tipyn. Roeddwn ni wedi gweld llawer o anifeiliaid ond yr un mwyaf oedd y crocodeil roedd e'n enfawr. Roeddwn ni wedi cerdded rownd e am tua 2 awr gan cyffwrdd rhai o'r anifeiliaid. Wedyn aethon ni adref a cael barbeciw.
On Wednesday we went to the Reptilium. We saw lots of reptiles theres from things like tiny lizards to crocodiles! Just before we went to the Reptilium we went shopping a bit. In the Reptilium there was a few things that stood out like the crocodiles some of the snakes there was everything. And we touched some animals. After that we came back and had a barbecue.
Donnerstag/Dydd Iau/Thursday
Guten tag.Heute Heidelberg mit partner beucht.Ich habe castel gesehen.Ich habe mit partner postcard eingekauft. Ich habe Eis gegessen.Ich habe let it go mit bus gesungen.Ich bin Pauline geschwomen.Ich habe bbq gegessen.
Helo.Heddiw aethon ni i Heidelberg gyda ein partneriaid roedd yn hwy.Cefon ni trip o amgylch y castrll roedd yn fawr ac roedd llawer o hanes iddo.Ar y bws i Heidelberg canodd pawb let it roedd yn ddoniol iawn.Prynodd y athrawon ni hyfen ia roedd yn flasus iawn.Prynais anrhegion ac wedyn aethon ni adref.Aeth fi a Pauline nofio roedd yn wag ond cefon ni llawer o hwyl.
Hello.Today we went to Heidelberg. We viseted the castel it was very interesting and the tour was good.On the bus we all sang let it go it was funny.The teachers bouge us ice cream it was very nice.In
Heidelberg I bought gifts and then we went home.We went swimming and the pool was empty but it was fun.I had a bbq for food.
Helo.Heddiw aethon ni i Heidelberg gyda ein partneriaid roedd yn hwy.Cefon ni trip o amgylch y castrll roedd yn fawr ac roedd llawer o hanes iddo.Ar y bws i Heidelberg canodd pawb let it roedd yn ddoniol iawn.Prynodd y athrawon ni hyfen ia roedd yn flasus iawn.Prynais anrhegion ac wedyn aethon ni adref.Aeth fi a Pauline nofio roedd yn wag ond cefon ni llawer o hwyl.
Hello.Today we went to Heidelberg. We viseted the castel it was very interesting and the tour was good.On the bus we all sang let it go it was funny.The teachers bouge us ice cream it was very nice.In
Heidelberg I bought gifts and then we went home.We went swimming and the pool was empty but it was fun.I had a bbq for food.
Donnerstag/Dydd Iau/Thursday
Heute bin ich früh aufgewacht, es war ein weiterer sehr warmer Tag. Wir gingen nach Heidelberg mit unserem deutschen Austauschpartner. Wir sahen das castell es war sehr warm und ein bisschen langweilig dort, und dann gingen wir mit unserem parner und unseren freunden einkaufen. Ich habe gegessen spagetti eis im der Cafe, es ist uns so lecker. Als wir zur Schule zurückkamen wir gingen in den Supermarkt, um deutsche Süßigkeiten zu vergessen. Als wir nach Hause kamen, hatten wir Abendessen und dann noch mehr Spaghetti eis.
I woke up early again this morning, it was another warm day, it went up to 37 digress. We went to Hidelburg with are german exchange parners today. We went to see Hidleburg castell it was on to of a montain, luckily we didn't have to walk up we went in the train up. From the top of the castell there was a nice view of Hidleburg we where very high up. It was very very warm on the tour around the castell and it was a bit boring aswell. After we saw the castell we went shopping with our exchange parnters and friends. We went to have ice cream i had spaghetti ice. After we got back to the school Claras mum took us to the supermarket too buy german sweets, chocolate and drinks. When we got back to her house we had dinner and then a ice cream van came on her street so i had another spaghetti ice. Then we sat in Clara's garden and played onthe trampoline.
Mittwoch // Dydd Mercher - Elin John
Mittwoch // Dydd Mercher - Elin John
Heute habe ich Reptilium gegangen. Ich mag der Reptilium denn es ist macht spaß und gruselig. Am morgen habe ich schokolade gekauft. Schokolade ist sehr lecker. Am nachmittags habe ich spaghetti eis mit Josh, Jacob, Bobby, Laura und Anna gegessen. Dannach bin ich 'soccergolf' mit Lily, Bobby, Laura und Anna gespielt. Guten Nacht.
Today we visited a reptile museum. I liked the reptile museum even tho it was very creepy and the animals were very big. In the morning I bought chocolate. German chocolate is very tasty. In the afternoon I ate spaghetti eis with Josh, Jacob, Bobby, Laura and Anna. After that I went to play 'soccergolf' with Lily, Bobby, Laura and Anna. 'Soccergolf' was very fun. Good night.
Heddiw fe wnaethon ni ymweld â amgueddfa ymlusgiaid. Roeddwn i wedi mwynhau hyd yn oed roedd yr anifeiliaid yn fawr ac yn frawychus. Bore ma' fe wnes i brynu siocled. Mae siocled yr Almaen yn flasus iawn. Yn y prynhawn fe es i i fwyta spaghetti eis gyda Josh, Jacob, Bobby, Laura ac Anna. Ar ôl hwnna fe es i i chwarae 'soccergolf' gyda Lily, Bobby, Laura ag Anna. Roedd 'soccergolf' yn llawer o hwyl. Nos da.
Heute habe ich Reptilium gegangen. Ich mag der Reptilium denn es ist macht spaß und gruselig. Am morgen habe ich schokolade gekauft. Schokolade ist sehr lecker. Am nachmittags habe ich spaghetti eis mit Josh, Jacob, Bobby, Laura und Anna gegessen. Dannach bin ich 'soccergolf' mit Lily, Bobby, Laura und Anna gespielt. Guten Nacht.
Today we visited a reptile museum. I liked the reptile museum even tho it was very creepy and the animals were very big. In the morning I bought chocolate. German chocolate is very tasty. In the afternoon I ate spaghetti eis with Josh, Jacob, Bobby, Laura and Anna. After that I went to play 'soccergolf' with Lily, Bobby, Laura and Anna. 'Soccergolf' was very fun. Good night.
Heddiw fe wnaethon ni ymweld â amgueddfa ymlusgiaid. Roeddwn i wedi mwynhau hyd yn oed roedd yr anifeiliaid yn fawr ac yn frawychus. Bore ma' fe wnes i brynu siocled. Mae siocled yr Almaen yn flasus iawn. Yn y prynhawn fe es i i fwyta spaghetti eis gyda Josh, Jacob, Bobby, Laura ac Anna. Ar ôl hwnna fe es i i chwarae 'soccergolf' gyda Lily, Bobby, Laura ag Anna. Roedd 'soccergolf' yn llawer o hwyl. Nos da.
Donnerstag/Dydd Iau/Thursday
Heute, wir haben Heidelberg besucht. Heidelberg war ein bisschen langweilig aber interessant. Ich finde die Schloss in Heidelberg gigantische!
In Heidelberg ich und meinen Freunden haben Geschenk eingekauft.
Ich habe mit Ashleigh auf dem Bus gesittet. Ich habe mit meinen Freunden auf dem Bus gesungen. Ich habe heute viel gelernt.
Dydd Iau
Heddiw, wnes i fynd i Heidelberg. Roedd Heidelberg yn eithaf diflas one yn hefyd diddorol. Rydw i'n credu fod yr castell yn Heidelberg yn enfawr!
Yn Heidelberg roeddwn i a fy ffrindiau wedi prynu anregion.
Ar y bws wnes i eistedd ar bwys Ashleigh. Roeddwn i a fy ffrindiau wedi canu ar y bws hefyd. Roeddwn i wedi dysgu llawer iawn heddiw.
Today I went to Heidelberg. Heidelberg was quite boring but also very interesting as we learnt about the history about the castle. The castle in Heidelberg was absolutely gigantic! In Heidelberg my friends and I bought presents for our family and friends at home.
On the bus to and back from Heidelberg I sat beside Ashleigh. My friends and I all sang songs on the way to and back from Heidelberg!
I learnt so much today.
Heute, wir haben Heidelberg besucht. Heidelberg war ein bisschen langweilig aber interessant. Ich finde die Schloss in Heidelberg gigantische!
In Heidelberg ich und meinen Freunden haben Geschenk eingekauft.
Ich habe mit Ashleigh auf dem Bus gesittet. Ich habe mit meinen Freunden auf dem Bus gesungen. Ich habe heute viel gelernt.
Dydd Iau
Heddiw, wnes i fynd i Heidelberg. Roedd Heidelberg yn eithaf diflas one yn hefyd diddorol. Rydw i'n credu fod yr castell yn Heidelberg yn enfawr!
Yn Heidelberg roeddwn i a fy ffrindiau wedi prynu anregion.
Ar y bws wnes i eistedd ar bwys Ashleigh. Roeddwn i a fy ffrindiau wedi canu ar y bws hefyd. Roeddwn i wedi dysgu llawer iawn heddiw.
Today I went to Heidelberg. Heidelberg was quite boring but also very interesting as we learnt about the history about the castle. The castle in Heidelberg was absolutely gigantic! In Heidelberg my friends and I bought presents for our family and friends at home.
On the bus to and back from Heidelberg I sat beside Ashleigh. My friends and I all sang songs on the way to and back from Heidelberg!
I learnt so much today.
Dydd 5/ Day 5/ Tag 5
Dydd 5
Heddiw rydym yn mynd i reptilium i gweld fathau o gwahanol anifeiliaid. Fel bob dydd rydym yn paratoi i mynd i reptilium. Am brecwast cafais bacwn a wyau. Pryd cyrheiddodd roeddwn yn gallu siopa am awr, roedd pawb wedi rhedeg i'r amdudler, doedd dim un potel arol. Ond roedd llawer o pobl ddim yn hoffi'r amdudler a wedi gwerthi i pobl oedd yn hoffi amdudler. Cerddodd i'r reptilium, roedd merch yn disgrifio llawer o anifeiliaid. Gwelodd crwban, pry cop, neidr, madfall ddraig a llawer mwy. Roeddwn wedi cwffwrdd crwban, 2 fath o madfall ddraig a hefyd roeddwn yn gallu cwffwrdd neidur ond dwi heb. Rydym wedi mynd nol i tŷ a wedyn rydym wedi cerdded ar mynydd Grunstat. Ar y mynydd oedd lle i bwyta a cofodd sglodion. Cerddodd nol i'r tŷ i bwyta a cafodd cyw iâ a tomatos.
day 5
Today we are going to reptilium to see different kinds of animals. So like every day we are preparing to go to reptilium. I had Bacon and eggs for breakfast. When we arrived we were able to shop for hour, in the shop everyone was running to the amdudler, there weren't any bottles of amdudler after. But many people did not like amdudler and they sold it to people who like amdudler. We walked to the reptilium, and someone was describing the animals. I saw a turtle, spider, snake, lizard dragon and much more. I had touched turtle, 2 types of dragon lizard and also I was able to touch a snake but I do not. We walked back to the house and then we have to walk on the mountain Grunstat. On the mountain was a place to eat and i had chips. We walked back to the house to eat chicken and tomatoes.
Tag 5
Heute sind wir gehend Reptilium, um verschiedene Arten von Tieren zu sehen. Ich hatte Bacon und Eier für frühstuck. Als wir ankamen, konnten wir stundenlang einkaufen. Wir gingen zum Reptilium, und jemand beschrieb die Tiere. Ich sah eine Schildkröte, Spinne, Schlange, Eidechsen Drache und vieles mehr. Ich hatte Schildkröte berührt, 2 Arten von Dracheneidechse und auch ich konnte eine Schlange anfassen, aber ich nicht. Wir gingen zurück zum Haus und dann müssen wir auf dem Berg Grunstat laufen. Auf dem Berg war ein Ort zum Essen und ich hatte Chips. Wir gingen zurück zum Haus, um Huhn und Tomaten zu essen.
Heute um zwanzig nach sechs, habe ich aufgestanden. Dann, wir bin Heidelberg gefahren und ich habe mit Maisie auf dem bus gesitzen. Wir bin im Zug die Schloss gefahren. Der Zug war schnell. Dann, habe ich die Schloss besuchen. Die Schloss ist groß, historisch und wundershön. Es war sehr heiß auch. Nach, habe ich mit Elin und Bethan in Heidelberg eingekauft. Ich habe viele gekauft.
Heddiw codais am dauddeg wedi chwech. Wedyn, teithio'n ni i Heidelberg ac eisteddais ar fwys Maisie ar y bws. Teithio'n ni ar y tren i'r castell. Roedd y tren yn gyflym. Wedyn, ymwelais a'r castell. Mae'r castell yn fawr, hanesyddol a prydferth. Roedd e'n boeth iawn hefyd. Ar ôl, es i siopa gyda Elin a Bethan yn Heidelberg. Prynais
Today I woke up at twenty past six. Then, we travelled to Heidelberg and I sat by Maisie on the bus. We travelled on the train to the castle. The train was very fast. Then, I saw the castle. The castle is very big, historical and beautiful. It was very hot too. After, I went shopping with Elin and Bethan in Heidelberg. I bought a lot.
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
Dydd 4/ Day 4/ Tag 4
Dydd 4
Heddiw rydym yn mynd i Tech museum, rydw i'n teimlo cyffrous i mynd i Tech museum. Rydym wedi paratoi i mynd,cerddodd ni i'r ysgol. Roeddwn angen cymrud y bus i mynd i'r tech museum. Rydym wedi cyraidd y Tech museum, roedd merch wedi dangos ni sut i creu papur. A Gwelodd llawer o pethau diddorol, dysgais tipin ar y trip. A wedyn aethon ni i siopa, cafais subway a hyfen ia. Rydw i wedi prynu pethau am fy teulu. Aethon ni nol i Grunstat, a rydym wedi mynd nofio eto a gwelof llawer o pobl yna. Cerddodd nol i'r tŷ, a wedyn rydym wedi mynd i bwyty italian a cafais pissa magaritta.
day 4
Today we are going to Tech museum, I feel excitied to go to Tech museum. I have prepared to go to the Tech museum, we walked to school. We went on the bus to go to tech museum. When we arived Tech museum we hat to put ar bags in a safe. Someone showed us how to create paper. And I saw a lot of interesting things, I learned a little bit on the trip. And then we went shopping, i had subway and ice cream. I've bought things for my family. We went back to Grunstat, and we went swimming again and I saw many people there. We walked back to the house, and then we went to a restaurant italian and I had pizza magaritta.
Tag 4
Heute gehen bist wir zum Tech Museum, ich fühle mich aufgeregt, um Tech Museum zu gehen. Ich habe bereit, zum Tech Museum zu gehen, wir gingen zur Schule. Wir fuhren mit dem Bus zum Tech museum. Als wir das Tech-Museum anhielten, müssen wir ar Taschen in einen Safe bringen. Jemand hat uns gezeigt, wie man Papier schafft. Und ich habe viele interessante Dinge gesehen, ich habe ein bisschen auf der Reise gelernt. Und dann gingen wir einkaufen, ich hatte U-Bahn und Eis. Ich habe Sachen für meine Familie gekauft. Wir gingen zurück zu Grunstat, und wir gingen wieder schwimmen und ich sah viele Leute dort. Wir gingen zurück zum Haus, und dann gingen wir in ein Restaurant italienisch und ich hatte Pizza Magaritta.
Diwrnod 4 FN
Heute waren wir in einem Reptilium in Landau. Bisher war es der beste Ausflug. Meine Lieblingstiere dort waren die Krokodile und die Basilisken. Ich hatte einen Basilik auf meinem Kopf. Im Reptilium war es waermer als draussen.
Heddiw fe aethom ni i'r Reptilium yn Landau.Hon oedd fy hoff drip.Rhwyn hof iawn o anifeiliadud fel na.Fy hoff bethau oedd y crocodeil a'r basalisk(Ddim o Harry Potter).Cefais basalisk baby ar fy men.Roedd yn teimlo bach yn rhyfedd.Roedd yn andros o foeth yn y Reptilium.Boethach na ty allan.Roedd hefyd mwnciod bach a meerkats yn y Reptilium.Triodd un o'r mwnciod dianc.Cyn y Reptilium aethom i archfarchnad.Fe rhedodd pawb at yr almduddler.
Today we whent to the Reptilium in Landau.I think it was my favorite trip.I like reptiles.My favourites where the crocodiles(behind the glass) and the basalisks(not from Harry Potter).Basalisks are sometimes called a Jesus lizard as they can walk on water.I had a baby basalisk on my head.Felt a bit weird,it had a very long tail.It was actually warmer in the Reptilium than it was outside.They also had small monkeys and meerkats in the Reptilium.One monkey tried to w
escape.Before the Reptilium we whent to a supermarket.Everyone rhan straight to the almduddler.
Heddiw fe aethom ni i'r Reptilium yn Landau.Hon oedd fy hoff drip.Rhwyn hof iawn o anifeiliadud fel na.Fy hoff bethau oedd y crocodeil a'r basalisk(Ddim o Harry Potter).Cefais basalisk baby ar fy men.Roedd yn teimlo bach yn rhyfedd.Roedd yn andros o foeth yn y Reptilium.Boethach na ty allan.Roedd hefyd mwnciod bach a meerkats yn y Reptilium.Triodd un o'r mwnciod dianc.Cyn y Reptilium aethom i archfarchnad.Fe rhedodd pawb at yr almduddler.
Today we whent to the Reptilium in Landau.I think it was my favorite trip.I like reptiles.My favourites where the crocodiles(behind the glass) and the basalisks(not from Harry Potter).Basalisks are sometimes called a Jesus lizard as they can walk on water.I had a baby basalisk on my head.Felt a bit weird,it had a very long tail.It was actually warmer in the Reptilium than it was outside.They also had small monkeys and meerkats in the Reptilium.One monkey tried to w
escape.Before the Reptilium we whent to a supermarket.Everyone rhan straight to the almduddler.
Mittwoch / Dydd Mercher / Wednesday
Mittwoch habe ich Reptilium gegangen. Es war sehr interessant und heiß. Am Morgen habe ich Almdudler gekauft. Am Nachmittag bin ich mit Eiriana, Khatarina und Fidelis geschwommen. Es macht spaß. Am Abend habe ich BBQ mits Fidelis, Fransiska und Trish gegessen. Ich habe mit Trish gesprochen. Ich habe Eis gegessen, es war lecker.
Codais yn gynnar yn y bore eto ac mynd ar bws i Landau. Cyrraeddon ni yn gynnar felly aethon ni siopa. Gwelodd pawb Almdudler ac rhedeg ato fe mewn frys. Nawr, roedd e'n amser i fynd i'r Reptilium. Dangosodd merch hyfryd ni rownd y lle ac yn rhoi gwybodaeth i ni am hr anifeiliad. Yna, gorffenon ni yn y Reptilium ac mynd nôl i'r ysgol ar y bws. Cwrddais i Fidelis ac mynd ar trên adref. Bwyton ni crempog am ginio ac yna mynd nofio. Aethon ni nofio efo Eiriana a Khatarina, roedd e'n hwyl iawn. Daethon ni adref ac cael BBQ efo Fidelis, mam Fidelis a Trish sef ffrind y teulu o Dde Affrica. Roedd ei Saesneg yn dda iawn ac roedd hi'n gwybod llawer iawn am Lloegr a Cymru felly siaradon ni llawer. Roedd e'n amser gwely felly aeth Trish adref.
I woke up early this morning an went on a bus to Landau. We arrived early so we went shopping. Tye minute everyone saw Almdudler in the shop they ran like the wind to try and get some. Now, it was time to go to tge Reptilium. A very nice lady showed us around and told us about the animals. Then, we finished in the Reptilium so we went back on the bus to school again. From school Fidelis and I caught a train home. We ate very nice pancakes for lunch and then went
swimming with Eiriana and Khatarina. We came home and had a BBQ with Fidelis, mam Fidelis and Trish a family friend from South Africa. Trish's english was very good so we spoke a lot about Engkand and Wales because she knows a lot about them. It was bed time so it was time to leave.
Mae ein calonau yn mynd mas i'r teulu❤
Wednesday/Dydd Mercher/Mittwoch
Das Reptilium war fantastich! In dem Reptilium, habe ich viele Tiere gesehen. Ich habe eine Schlange, ein Krokodil, eine Eidechse und eine Schildkröte gesehen. Es war ausgezeichnet! Ich habe einen Schildkröte gehalten, und es war sehr cool. Nach Mittag, habe ich Muffins mit Kira gebacken. Es hat spaß gemacht. Wir haben was vom Grill gegessen. Ich habe Marshmallows gegrillt. Es war lecker! Morgen, werde ich Heidelberg besuchen.
Roedd y Reptilium yn arbennig heddiw! Roedd llawer iawn o anifeiliad o bob math, ac roedd hi'n ddiddorol yn dysgu am yr ymlusgiaid gwahanol. Roedd nifer fawr o nadroedd, gwelais crocodeil enfawr, ac fe ddaliais i crwban. Dysgais llawer heddiw! Yn y prynhawn, fe wnes i greu cacennau siocled gyda Kira. Roedd hi'n hwylus! Yna, pan ddaeth Eric a Max adref, cafon ni barbeciw yn yr ardd, ac roedden ni wedi tostio 'marshmallows' yn y tân! Roedd hi'n flasus iawn! Yfory rydyn ni yn mynd i Heidelburg i ymweld a chastell ac i siopa!
The Reptilium was amazing today! There was a lot of animals of all kinds, and it was interesting to learn about the different reptiles. There were a large number of snakes, I saw a huge crocodile, and I held a turtle. I learned a lot today! In the afternoon, I made chocolate cakes with Kira. It was so fun! Then, when Eric and Max got home, we had a barbecue in the garden, and we toasted marshmallows in the fire! It was delicious! Tomorrow we are going to visit a castle Heidelburg then we are going shopping!
Diwrnod 4/Day 4
Hallo. Heute habe ich Laden besucht. Ich habe Subway gegessen.Ich habe Reprilium gesehen. Es war zer interessant. Ich habe viele reptilien gesehen. Es war gut. Nach ich bin mit Felix, Florian,Ben,Henry,Max,Eric,Jamie,Elliot,Fabian, Ben und Felix geschwommen. Es war zer lustig. Ich bin tauchbrett 10m gesprang.
Roedd heddiw yn dda. Yn cyntaf roeddwn ni wedi cyraedd yn gynar i'r Reptilium felly oedden ni'n cael mynd i'r siop agos ac edrych rownd. Roedd llawer o pobl wedi prynu Almdudler. Cefais i subway. Ond y peth pwysicaf oedd y reptilium. Roedd llawer o ymlusgiaid yn y lle. Wnes i cyffwrdda crwban a neidr. Roed na hawl i ni mynd mewn i'r ardal babanod ac roedd popeth mor fach.
Ar ôl y taith rownd y Reptilium wanaeth llawer o pobl mynd i'r pwll nofio. Yr un un. ddoe. Roedd en mor hwyl. Roeddwn ni wedi mynd ar y sleid yn mwy ofalus tro yma. Roedd llawer mwy o pobl yna.Felix, Florian,Ben,Henry,Max,Eric,Jamie,Elliot,Fabian, Ben, Felix a Fi. Cefodd ni hwyl ar y bwrddau deifio ac ar y springfyrddau ond roedd llawer o pobl angen gadael yn gynnar.
Today was fun. First we arrived at the reptilium an hour early. But there was a shop right beside it which we all went to. Lots of people bought Almdudler. An Austrian drink. We also got subway. The Reptilium was very good beacause there were loads of reptiles of all sizes. There were snakes, alligators, spiders, fish and more. We were allowed to touch most of them because they weren't dangerous. After a good tour of the place we went home. We then set off for the swimming pool. There were more of us this time,Felix, Florian,Ben,Henry,Max,Eric,Jamie,Elliot,Fabian, Ben, Felix and me. After a while of mucking around on the slides i decided it was time and plucked up the courage to jump from the 10m platform... 4 times. A very exciting and interesting day.
Hwyl Fawr
Roedd heddiw yn dda. Yn cyntaf roeddwn ni wedi cyraedd yn gynar i'r Reptilium felly oedden ni'n cael mynd i'r siop agos ac edrych rownd. Roedd llawer o pobl wedi prynu Almdudler. Cefais i subway. Ond y peth pwysicaf oedd y reptilium. Roedd llawer o ymlusgiaid yn y lle. Wnes i cyffwrdda crwban a neidr. Roed na hawl i ni mynd mewn i'r ardal babanod ac roedd popeth mor fach.
Ar ôl y taith rownd y Reptilium wanaeth llawer o pobl mynd i'r pwll nofio. Yr un un. ddoe. Roedd en mor hwyl. Roeddwn ni wedi mynd ar y sleid yn mwy ofalus tro yma. Roedd llawer mwy o pobl yna.Felix, Florian,Ben,Henry,Max,Eric,Jamie,Elliot,Fabian, Ben, Felix a Fi. Cefodd ni hwyl ar y bwrddau deifio ac ar y springfyrddau ond roedd llawer o pobl angen gadael yn gynnar.
Today was fun. First we arrived at the reptilium an hour early. But there was a shop right beside it which we all went to. Lots of people bought Almdudler. An Austrian drink. We also got subway. The Reptilium was very good beacause there were loads of reptiles of all sizes. There were snakes, alligators, spiders, fish and more. We were allowed to touch most of them because they weren't dangerous. After a good tour of the place we went home. We then set off for the swimming pool. There were more of us this time,Felix, Florian,Ben,Henry,Max,Eric,Jamie,Elliot,Fabian, Ben, Felix and me. After a while of mucking around on the slides i decided it was time and plucked up the courage to jump from the 10m platform... 4 times. A very exciting and interesting day.
Hwyl Fawr
dritter tag
Today was awesome! the museum was sick with all the gadgets flying around and blowing up, then I came back to a wet afternoon of water fights!
sorry for the short one
Heddiw oedd yn arbennig! Oedd y amgyeddgar yn arddechog gyda holl pethau yn hedfan dros y lle, yn a pan cyhraedd gatref cefais diwrnod wylb iawn gan pelau ddwr ac ymlladd.
rwy flin am un fyr.
Heute war toll! das museum ist fantastisch denn das gadgets fliegend überall. Ich Dann Kam
sorry for the short one
Heddiw oedd yn arbennig! Oedd y amgyeddgar yn arddechog gyda holl pethau yn hedfan dros y lle, yn a pan cyhraedd gatref cefais diwrnod wylb iawn gan pelau ddwr ac ymlladd.
rwy flin am un fyr.
Heute war toll! das museum ist fantastisch denn das gadgets fliegend überall. Ich Dann Kam
Zu einem nassen Nachmittag von Wasserkämpfen
Entschuldigung für die kurze
Mittwoch/Wednesday/Dydd Mercher
Heute gingen wir zum Reptillium und es war sehr lustig, dass ich über all die Tiere gelernt habe und ich habe sogar einige von ihnen zu berühren. Nach der Schule gingen wir wieder schwimmen und wir hatten viel Spaß.
Today we went to the Reptillium and we got to see lots of reptiles and we even got to touch some,we held lizards on our heads and it was very funny because they were jumping from head to head.Once we had finished in the Reptillium we went back to Grünstadt and I went swimming with Lena and some other friends and it was so much fun,and now I am very tired.Good night.
Heddiw aethon ni i'r Reptillium a wnaethon ni weld a dal llawer o'r anifeiliad,roedd yn hwyl ôl ysgol aethon ni i nofio eto efo Lena a rhai o fy ffrindiau eraill,cawsom ni amser wych yn chwerthin yr holl amser.Pan cyrhaeddais i nol i dŷ Lena wnaethon ni warae gem efo'i chefnither.Nawr rwy'n mynd i gwely oherwydd rwy'n flinedig iawn.Nos da.
Today we went to the Reptillium and we got to see lots of reptiles and we even got to touch some,we held lizards on our heads and it was very funny because they were jumping from head to head.Once we had finished in the Reptillium we went back to Grünstadt and I went swimming with Lena and some other friends and it was so much fun,and now I am very tired.Good night.
Heddiw aethon ni i'r Reptillium a wnaethon ni weld a dal llawer o'r anifeiliad,roedd yn hwyl ôl ysgol aethon ni i nofio eto efo Lena a rhai o fy ffrindiau eraill,cawsom ni amser wych yn chwerthin yr holl amser.Pan cyrhaeddais i nol i dŷ Lena wnaethon ni warae gem efo'i chefnither.Nawr rwy'n mynd i gwely oherwydd rwy'n flinedig iawn.Nos da.
21/06/17 Grünstadt
Guten tag, heute ich ging nach der Reptilium. Wir belassen der schule an der bus und angereist für einz stunde. Es wurde sehr geil. Der schlangen,frosch und eidechsen wäre ziemlich eindrucksvoll und geil. Rührend und haltend der tiere war sehr amüsant. Wir dann ging zurück an der bus und ging daheim. Wir ging für à spaziergang auf der wald. Der bäume wäre wuchtig. Wir der hund genracht und er war laufend allseits. Danach der gehen wir ging zu bekommen eis.
Helo, heddiw es i i'r Reptilium. Gadawon ni yr ysgol ar y bws ac yna teithion am awr i'r reptilium. Cyn iddyn ni cael mynd i weld yr ymlusgiaid gwahanol roedd rhaid i ni aros am awr. Yn yr amser hynny aethon ni gid i'r archfarchnad oedd ar ochr arall yr rhewl. Roedd gan yr siop yma subway ynddo lle gallon ni prynnu bwyd. Yna, o'r diwedd pryd oedden ni yn gallu ymweld a'r reptilium, aethon ni mewn i ddau grwp wahanol. Roedden ni yn gallu anwesu yr anifeiliaid e.e neidr, broga, crebanod a.y.y.b. Ar ddiwedd y taith o gwmpas y gwahanol arddangosfeydd welon ni Meerkats, roedden nhw yn ciwt iawn. Ar ôl ddod yn nôl i'r ysgol ar y bws, roedd rhaid i mi ddal y bws i mynd nôl i'r tŷ. Dewdodd Marie wrthaf fod ni yn mynd i mynd am dro yn y goedwig. Roedd y coed yn y goedwig yn enfawr a roedd y bryn roedd y llwybr arno yn serth iawn. Hefyd wnaethon ni ddod a'r ci a roedd o yn rhedeg pob man. Ar diwedd y llwybr yn y goedwig roedd yna llyn a roedd hi'n prydferth. Ar ôl i ni gyd cael gorfwys wnaethon ni gyd cerdded nôl i'r car i mynd adref. Ar y ffordd adref aethon ni am hufen ia a roedd o yn dda iawn. Gorffenon ni ein hufen ia a aethon ni adref.
Hello, today we went to the Reptilium. We left the school on the bus and traveled for an hour to reach the Reptilium. Before we could go and see all of the different reptiles we had to wait for an hour. So in the meantime we went to the supermarket which was across the road, it also had a subway where people could buy some food. Then when we could finally go into the Reptilium, we had to split into two groups and we then looked around at all of the different snakes, frogs, turtles ect. While walking through the different parts of the reptilium we had a chance to stroke turtles and snakes and we also had a lizard put on our heads. At the end of the guided tour we got to see some meerkats and they were very cute. After traveling back to the school on the bus I then had to catch the train to get to the house. I was told then that we would be going on a walk through the forest. Once we were ready we got in the car to go to the forest. The trees in the forest were massive and the hill that we were on was extremely steep. We had brought the dog with us and he was running everywhere. At the end of the path in the woods there was a lake and it was beautiful. After having a break from walking on a bench we all walked back up to where the car was. On the way home from our walk we went to get some ice cream, it tasted very good. We all finished our ice cream and then went home.
Dydd Mercher/Mittwoch / Wednesday
Guten tag.Heute habe ich Reptilium besucht.Ich habe schlange und eidechse gesehen.Ich habe schokolade geeinkauft.Abende ich habe Pauline volting gesehen denn es ist cool und wunderbar.Nach habe ich mit Ashleigh schnitzel gegessen und cola getrunkenes ist leckur.Ich habe mit Ashleigh in der park gespielt.Ich hin müde.
Helo.Heddi aethon ni ir Reptiliwm.Roedd yn boeth ti fewn.Gwelon ni llawer o anifeiliaid wahanol, gwelson ni neidr, madfall, mwnci a fwy roedd yn ddiddorol iawn yn ddysgu am y anifeiliaid wahanol.Cefon ni siawns i cyffwrdd rhai or anifeiliaid roedd nhw'n yn od iawn.Cyn mynd fewn ir reptilium aethon ni siopa prynais almdudler a losin.Yn y noswaith gwilias Pauline yn wneud volting roedd yn wahanol ac yn gwych roedd hi yn dda iawn.Wedyn aethon ni am fwyd gyda Ashleigh ai fartner.Cefais schnitzel i fwyta roedd yn flasus yfais coke.Aethon fi a Ashleigh ir parc roedd yn llawer o hwyl.Nawr rydw i wedi blino.
Hello. Today I went to the reptilium it was very interesting and warm.We saw many different animals like lizard snakes miarcat and monkey. We learned about the different animals.Befor the repilium we went shopping and I bought almdudler. When we arived home we went swimming for a hour but after I watched Pauline do volting it was very impressive.After I went for food with Ashleigh I had schnitzel it was nice.We went to the park it was fun. I am tired now.
Helo.Heddi aethon ni ir Reptiliwm.Roedd yn boeth ti fewn.Gwelon ni llawer o anifeiliaid wahanol, gwelson ni neidr, madfall, mwnci a fwy roedd yn ddiddorol iawn yn ddysgu am y anifeiliaid wahanol.Cefon ni siawns i cyffwrdd rhai or anifeiliaid roedd nhw'n yn od iawn.Cyn mynd fewn ir reptilium aethon ni siopa prynais almdudler a losin.Yn y noswaith gwilias Pauline yn wneud volting roedd yn wahanol ac yn gwych roedd hi yn dda iawn.Wedyn aethon ni am fwyd gyda Ashleigh ai fartner.Cefais schnitzel i fwyta roedd yn flasus yfais coke.Aethon fi a Ashleigh ir parc roedd yn llawer o hwyl.Nawr rydw i wedi blino.
Hello. Today I went to the reptilium it was very interesting and warm.We saw many different animals like lizard snakes miarcat and monkey. We learned about the different animals.Befor the repilium we went shopping and I bought almdudler. When we arived home we went swimming for a hour but after I watched Pauline do volting it was very impressive.After I went for food with Ashleigh I had schnitzel it was nice.We went to the park it was fun. I am tired now.
Ich fand heute herrlich und super! Ich habe Almdudler und Apfelschorle getrunken. Ich finde Almdudler wunderbar und immer kalt aber Apfelschorle ist besser. Ich habe Reptilium mit meiner Freundin besucht. Das war sehr spannend. Ich habe fotografiert. Ich habe mit Max, Jamie und Gwyddien gegangen. Das war sehr lustig. Ich bin mit Will, Evon, Efan, Freddie, Julian, Jannis, Joe, Harry und Mario geschwommen. Ich finde schwimmen sehr lustig und toll. Ich habe Pommes gegessen. Das war sehr lecker und wunderbar. Es war sehr sonnig noch mal!!
Ffeindiais i heddiw yn rhagorol. Prynais Almdudler a Apfelschorle ac yfed yn ystod y dydd. Rwy'n hoffi Almdudler ond rwy'n credu bod Apfelschorle yn well. Roedd y grŵp wedi ymweld a'r Reptilium yn y bore. Roedd hwnna'n gyffrous iawn. Cymerais nifer o luniau o'r anifeiliaid. Ar ôl ymweld a'r Reptilium, fe wnaeth fi, Will, Evon, Efan, Freddie, Julian, Jannis, Joe, Harry a Mario mynd nofio yn pwll newydd yn Grünstadt. Bwytais sglodion ac roeddent yn blasu'n arbennig. Roedd y tywydd yn wych unwaith eto.
Today was my favourite day so far. I bought Almdudler and Apfelschorle and drank it throughout the day. I like Almdudler but I prefer Apfelschorle. The whole group went on a guided tour to the Reptilium. That was very exciting. I took a lot of pictures of the animals. After visiting the Reptilium, me, Will, Evon, Efan, Freddie, Julian, Jannis, Joe, Harry and Mario went swimming in a recently opened swimming pool in Grünstadt. I ate a lot of chips and they were very tasty! The weather was very sunny once again!
Mittwoch/Dydd Mercher/Wednesday -Bethan
Heute war es sehr spaßig! Ich habe mit meiner gruppe das reptilium gesehen. Das reptilium war sehr warm, aber es war fantastisch. Ich mag gecko's und schlangn so es hat mir sehr gefallan. Ein gecko ist auf mich gesprung, das war lustig! Das reptilium ist groß und interessant. Heute habe ich mit Lena und Lena's Mutter Speyer gesehen. Speyer ist sehr nett und schön, aber heute in Speyer war es sehr heiß! Ich habe mit Lena 'SeaLife' gesehen, das war spaßig! Ich habe mit Lena in dem wasser gespielt, dass war nett. Ich habe mit Lena ein spaghettieis gegessen. Spaghettieis ist lecker. Ich und Lena haben eine Kirche (dom von Speyer) angesehen. Es war sehr groß! Heute war sehr gut.
Roedd heddiw'n dda. Yn gyntaf awson ni i'r repetilium, roedd e'n boeth iawn mewn fo. Edrychais o gwmpas mewn fy nhgrŵp i. Pan wnaeth y ddyn cymrud mas un o'r gecko's, wnaeth y gecko neidio bant o'i law ac ar fy mhen, roedd hynnu'n ddoniol. Ar ôl i ni ymweld a'r anifeiliaid arbennig i gyd es fi, Lena ac mam Lena i lle or enw Speyer. Roedd hynnu'n dda. Roedd e'n boeth iawn ond yn bert iawn. Aethon ni i 'SeaLife', roedd hynnu'n hwyl! Cafon ni spaghettieis yna. Aethon ni i cafe hufen iâ! Roeddech yn gallu cael spagetti mewn hufen iâ a hyd yn oed coffi mewn hufen iâ. Ymwelon ni Eglwys enfawr ac yna dawnsio mewn dŵr er mwyn fod yn llai boeth. Roedd heddiw yn dda.
Today was a good day. Firstly we all went to the repetilium to see all the reptiles. I like snakes and lizards and so I found it fun. Also, a lizard jumped onto my face, that was weird, but funny. After seeing all the giant lizards, me and Lena went to Speyer. Speyer is really pretty, and really hot! We went to the SeaLife, which was so fun! There were fish as big as mine and Lena's heads! After that we went for some spaghettieis, in a ice cream Café. You could have spagetti and coffee as ice cream! We also went to see a Church/Cathedral, it was so big! Today was a good day.
Roedd heddiw'n dda. Yn gyntaf awson ni i'r repetilium, roedd e'n boeth iawn mewn fo. Edrychais o gwmpas mewn fy nhgrŵp i. Pan wnaeth y ddyn cymrud mas un o'r gecko's, wnaeth y gecko neidio bant o'i law ac ar fy mhen, roedd hynnu'n ddoniol. Ar ôl i ni ymweld a'r anifeiliaid arbennig i gyd es fi, Lena ac mam Lena i lle or enw Speyer. Roedd hynnu'n dda. Roedd e'n boeth iawn ond yn bert iawn. Aethon ni i 'SeaLife', roedd hynnu'n hwyl! Cafon ni spaghettieis yna. Aethon ni i cafe hufen iâ! Roeddech yn gallu cael spagetti mewn hufen iâ a hyd yn oed coffi mewn hufen iâ. Ymwelon ni Eglwys enfawr ac yna dawnsio mewn dŵr er mwyn fod yn llai boeth. Roedd heddiw yn dda.
Today was a good day. Firstly we all went to the repetilium to see all the reptiles. I like snakes and lizards and so I found it fun. Also, a lizard jumped onto my face, that was weird, but funny. After seeing all the giant lizards, me and Lena went to Speyer. Speyer is really pretty, and really hot! We went to the SeaLife, which was so fun! There were fish as big as mine and Lena's heads! After that we went for some spaghettieis, in a ice cream Café. You could have spagetti and coffee as ice cream! We also went to see a Church/Cathedral, it was so big! Today was a good day.
Mittwoch / Dydd Iau / Wednesday
Eute gingen wir zum reptisium im Landau . Wir sahen Schlangen, Eidechsen, Alligatoren und mehr. Nachmittags schwimmen ich, mit meinen Freunden im Eisenburg. Ich habe eis gegessen im schwimbad. Aber zu groß, Ich konnte es nicht beenden, Also stelle ich es in den bin.
Heddiw roedd yn ddiwrnod arall boeth. Aethom i'r reptisiwm yn Landau cyrhaeddodd yn gynnar felly aethom i'r amfarchnad lle aeth pawb yn wyllt i brynu Almdudler sydd fel lemonêd . Pam agorodd y reptiswm fe gwahanodd mewn i ddau grŵp gwahanol, aethom ar twr o amgylch y reptiswm. roedd yn rhy boeth mewn yna. Fi cyffwrdd neidr ac roedd yn teimlo yn rhyfedd iawn. Yn y prynhawn aethom nofio yn bwll Eisenburg. Prynais hufen ia enfawr doeddwn fethu eu gorfannau felly taflais yn y bin.
Today was very warm again, we went to the reptilium in Landau, we arrived there before it opend so we went to the supermarket across the road. Everyone rantibuy Almdudler which is like lemonade. When the reptilium opend we went over. We where put into groups and then had a tour around the place. It was really really warm in there. In the afternoon me and my german partner went back to her house o. The bus it was really busy so we had to stand up. Then we went swimming in Eisenburg, it was a really big pool with a 10m high diving bored but I didn't jump of it. Then i brought a really big ice cream, but it was so big I couldn't finesh it so i put it in the bin.
Heddiw roedd yn ddiwrnod arall boeth. Aethom i'r reptisiwm yn Landau cyrhaeddodd yn gynnar felly aethom i'r amfarchnad lle aeth pawb yn wyllt i brynu Almdudler sydd fel lemonêd . Pam agorodd y reptiswm fe gwahanodd mewn i ddau grŵp gwahanol, aethom ar twr o amgylch y reptiswm. roedd yn rhy boeth mewn yna. Fi cyffwrdd neidr ac roedd yn teimlo yn rhyfedd iawn. Yn y prynhawn aethom nofio yn bwll Eisenburg. Prynais hufen ia enfawr doeddwn fethu eu gorfannau felly taflais yn y bin.
Today was very warm again, we went to the reptilium in Landau, we arrived there before it opend so we went to the supermarket across the road. Everyone rantibuy Almdudler which is like lemonade. When the reptilium opend we went over. We where put into groups and then had a tour around the place. It was really really warm in there. In the afternoon me and my german partner went back to her house o. The bus it was really busy so we had to stand up. Then we went swimming in Eisenburg, it was a really big pool with a 10m high diving bored but I didn't jump of it. Then i brought a really big ice cream, but it was so big I couldn't finesh it so i put it in the bin.
Dydd 3/ day 3/ Tag 3
Dydd 3
Rydym wedi codi a bwyta fy brecwast a paratoi am mynd i'r viniard. Cerddais i'r ysgol gyda fy partner. Rydym wedi cerdded draw i'r lle nhw yn tyfu y grawnwin, a roedd dyn yn siarad am sut nhw yn creu gwin a ble nhw yn cadw y gwin. Roedd y dyn wedi rhoi taith rownd y viniard. Mae wedi rhoi ni pretsels a sudd afal pop, roedden blasu ardderchog iawn. A wedyn cerddodd nol i tŷ Yvo i cael fy dillad nofio i mynd nofio. Daethon ni nol a cafodd ni porc byrger.
day 3
I woked up and ate my breakfast and prepared for going to viniard. I walked to school with my partner. We walked over to where they grow the grapes, and the man was talking about how they made wine and where wine was keep. The man had given a trip round the viniard. He gave us pretzels and apple juice pop, it tasted superb. And then me and Yvo walked back to the house to get my swimwear to go swimming. We came back and we had a pork burger.
Ich wachte auf und aß mein Frühstück und war bereit für Viniard. Ich bin mit meinem Partner zur Schule gegangen. Wir ging hinüber, wo sie die Trauben wachsen, und der Mann sprach darüber, wie sie Wein gemacht haben und wo sie hält der Wein. Der Mann hatte eine rundfahrt um die Viniard gegeben. Er gab uns Brezeln und Apfelsaft, es schmeckte hervorragend. Und dann ging ich und Yvo zurück zum Haus, um meine badebekleidung zu bekommen. Wir kamen zurück und wir hatten einen hamburger.
Dydd Mercher
Am mittwoch wir haben die reptiliwm gegangen et war interessant und wunderbar wir habe schlange,kleiner affe,schildekörte,gesehen sie sind toll und interessant und ich habe die schlange anfassen et war seltsam aber gut.Nach wir in die schwimmbad mit Cai Rhys Elliot Max und Ben wir gleiten auf der rutsch.
Heddiw roedd ni wedi mynd i'r reptiliwm ac roedd e'n diddorol iawn ac yn gwych roedd ni wedi gweld neidr,mwncis bach a crwban roedd rhai o nhw yn ciwt iawn ond roedd y neidr ddim yn dda ac doedd e ddim yn ciwt iawn.Roedd fi wedi gweld llawer o pethau arall ac ar ôl mynd i'r reptilliwm roedd ni wedi gweld Cai Rhys Elliot Max a Ben ac roedd ni wedi mynd lawr y sleid ac roedd e'n hwyl iawn.
Today we went to the reptiliwm it was amazing and really interesting we saw many different insects and animals there were small monkeys lizards spiders an alligator and it was a bit scary but still interesting and exciting.When Ben and I went to the pool we saw Cai Rhys Elliot Max and Ben H and we jumped off the diving platforms.
Heddiw roedd ni wedi mynd i'r reptiliwm ac roedd e'n diddorol iawn ac yn gwych roedd ni wedi gweld neidr,mwncis bach a crwban roedd rhai o nhw yn ciwt iawn ond roedd y neidr ddim yn dda ac doedd e ddim yn ciwt iawn.Roedd fi wedi gweld llawer o pethau arall ac ar ôl mynd i'r reptilliwm roedd ni wedi gweld Cai Rhys Elliot Max a Ben ac roedd ni wedi mynd lawr y sleid ac roedd e'n hwyl iawn.
Today we went to the reptiliwm it was amazing and really interesting we saw many different insects and animals there were small monkeys lizards spiders an alligator and it was a bit scary but still interesting and exciting.When Ben and I went to the pool we saw Cai Rhys Elliot Max and Ben H and we jumped off the diving platforms.
Dydd 4
Heute war sehr interesant. Ich bin in die morgen, der supermarkt gefahren. Ich habe mezzo mix gekauft. Es war sehr lecker! Dann ich habe die Reptilium besucht. Ich habe in die Reptilium, ein Shlange und ein Eidechse berührt. Ich habe über die Reptilen gelernt. Es war sehr interesant. Danach ich bin geschwommen. Es war sehr spaß! Gute nacht!
Dydd 4
Heute habe ich reptilium gegangen und das war toll und interessant und der war schleine und kleine. Später wir pizza gegessen und dann ich bin in der freibard mit Jaanis, Tom, Julian, Efan, Freddie, Harry und Mario geschwömmen.
Heddiw roeddwn ni wedi mynd i'r reptiliwm ac roedd e'n gwych oherwydd roedd yna llawer o anifeiliaid fel mwnci ac neidr. Ar ol hwna roedd ni wedi cyrraedd gatref yn gynnar felly cafodd ni pitsa ac wedyn mynd nofio gyda pobl arall.
Today we went to the reptiliwm and it was great because there were loads of intressting animals such as monkeys and snakes. Then we went to subway and got lunch. When we got back we ate pizza and went swimming in an outdoor pool with other exchanges. We drove home and went to bed.
Heddiw roeddwn ni wedi mynd i'r reptiliwm ac roedd e'n gwych oherwydd roedd yna llawer o anifeiliaid fel mwnci ac neidr. Ar ol hwna roedd ni wedi cyrraedd gatref yn gynnar felly cafodd ni pitsa ac wedyn mynd nofio gyda pobl arall.
Today we went to the reptiliwm and it was great because there were loads of intressting animals such as monkeys and snakes. Then we went to subway and got lunch. When we got back we ate pizza and went swimming in an outdoor pool with other exchanges. We drove home and went to bed.
Noch ein warmer Tag heute, es ist wieder 30° . Wir waren im Reptilium . Eine Frau führte uns herum und ließ uns ein paar Reptilien streicheln. Dort waren viele Schlangen, viele Leute hatten Angst. Aber ich wollte sie streicheln um zu sehen wie sie sich anfühlen. Es war sehr interessant herumzulaufen und den naturinstinkt zu sehen. Die meisten Tiere waren in einem Käfig oder einem Terrarium. Es war ein schöner Eindruck. Zuhause angekommen gab es Lasagne. Es war lecker. Später werde ich Neele beim Voltigieren zusehen.
Another warm day today, waether reaching 30°C again. While we visited the reptile museum. A lady guided us around and let us smooth a few of the reptiles. There were many snakes, many people were scared. But I wanted to smooth them too see how they felt. It was very interesting going around seeing neatly extinct. Most of these animals were in a cage or a glass cage. It was a wonderful experience. Arrived back at Neele's house and had lasagna. It was delicious. Later I will be watching Neele at vaulting (horse riding).
Dydd Mercher
Diwrnod poeth arall, yn cwrdd 30°C eto. Teithiom i'r lle amgueddfa ymlusgiaid. Wneuth feniw caredig arwain ni o amgylch yr amgueddfa. Hefyd yn gadail i ni weld yr anifeiliad yn agos. Roedd yna llawer o nadroedd wahannol i weld. Llawer o pobl yn eithaf ofnus. Ond roeddwn i eisiau ei weld nhw yn agos. Oedd hyn yn ddiddorol iawn, gan fod llawer o'r anifeiliad bron yn difaledig. Mwyafrif o'r anifeiliad mewn cawell gwydr. Roedd yn profiad arbenig. Cyrhaiddais nôl i tŷ Neele i cael Lasagna, roedd yn blasus iawn. Yn hwyrach yn y dydd byddaf yn mynd i weld Neele yn wneud vaulting ar y ceffyl, marchogaeth.
Noch ein warmer Tag heute, es ist wieder 30° . Wir waren im Reptilium . Eine Frau führte uns herum und ließ uns ein paar Reptilien streicheln. Dort waren viele Schlangen, viele Leute hatten Angst. Aber ich wollte sie streicheln um zu sehen wie sie sich anfühlen. Es war sehr interessant herumzulaufen und den naturinstinkt zu sehen. Die meisten Tiere waren in einem Käfig oder einem Terrarium. Es war ein schöner Eindruck. Zuhause angekommen gab es Lasagne. Es war lecker. Später werde ich Neele beim Voltigieren zusehen.
Another warm day today, waether reaching 30°C again. While we visited the reptile museum. A lady guided us around and let us smooth a few of the reptiles. There were many snakes, many people were scared. But I wanted to smooth them too see how they felt. It was very interesting going around seeing neatly extinct. Most of these animals were in a cage or a glass cage. It was a wonderful experience. Arrived back at Neele's house and had lasagna. It was delicious. Later I will be watching Neele at vaulting (horse riding).
Dydd Mercher
Diwrnod poeth arall, yn cwrdd 30°C eto. Teithiom i'r lle amgueddfa ymlusgiaid. Wneuth feniw caredig arwain ni o amgylch yr amgueddfa. Hefyd yn gadail i ni weld yr anifeiliad yn agos. Roedd yna llawer o nadroedd wahannol i weld. Llawer o pobl yn eithaf ofnus. Ond roeddwn i eisiau ei weld nhw yn agos. Oedd hyn yn ddiddorol iawn, gan fod llawer o'r anifeiliad bron yn difaledig. Mwyafrif o'r anifeiliad mewn cawell gwydr. Roedd yn profiad arbenig. Cyrhaiddais nôl i tŷ Neele i cael Lasagna, roedd yn blasus iawn. Yn hwyrach yn y dydd byddaf yn mynd i weld Neele yn wneud vaulting ar y ceffyl, marchogaeth.
Dienstag // Dydd Mawrth - Elin John
Dienstag // Dydd Mawrth - Elin John
Hallihallo! Es ist mein zweiterTag. Heute war sehr fantastich. Ich bin spaghetti eis gegessen. Spaghetti eis war sehr lecker! Ich habe Technik museum besucht. In Mannheim habe ich mit Bethan und Ffionwen einkaufen. Dannach habe ich pizza und eis mit Bobby und Lily gegessen. Tschüss!
Good evening! It's my second day here in Germany. Today was fantastic and I enjoyed it very much. I ate spaghetti eis ( ice cream that look like spaghetti ) for the first time. It was very tasty. We had it in Mannheim which is where I went shopping with Ffionwen and Bethan. After that I ate pizza and spaghetti eis ( again ) with Lily, Bobby and our partners. Bye!
Helo! Dyma fy ail ddiwrnod yma yn yr Almaen. Roedd heddiw yn fantastig ac fe wnes i joio fe llawer. Fe bwytais spaghetti eis yn Mannheim. Roedd yn hynod a flasus. Fe wnaethon ni ymweld â amgueddfa technoleg. Es i siopa gyda Ffionwen a Bethan. Ar ôl hwnna fe es i i gael pitsa a spaghetti eis ( eto ) gyda Lily, Boby ac ein partneriaid. Hwyl fawr!
Hallihallo! Es ist mein zweiterTag. Heute war sehr fantastich. Ich bin spaghetti eis gegessen. Spaghetti eis war sehr lecker! Ich habe Technik museum besucht. In Mannheim habe ich mit Bethan und Ffionwen einkaufen. Dannach habe ich pizza und eis mit Bobby und Lily gegessen. Tschüss!
Good evening! It's my second day here in Germany. Today was fantastic and I enjoyed it very much. I ate spaghetti eis ( ice cream that look like spaghetti ) for the first time. It was very tasty. We had it in Mannheim which is where I went shopping with Ffionwen and Bethan. After that I ate pizza and spaghetti eis ( again ) with Lily, Bobby and our partners. Bye!
Helo! Dyma fy ail ddiwrnod yma yn yr Almaen. Roedd heddiw yn fantastig ac fe wnes i joio fe llawer. Fe bwytais spaghetti eis yn Mannheim. Roedd yn hynod a flasus. Fe wnaethon ni ymweld â amgueddfa technoleg. Es i siopa gyda Ffionwen a Bethan. Ar ôl hwnna fe es i i gael pitsa a spaghetti eis ( eto ) gyda Lily, Boby ac ein partneriaid. Hwyl fawr!
Dydd 2/ Day 2/ Tag 2
Dydd 2
Roedden ar y bws i mynd Grunschtat. Rydym wedi stopio i gweld y Altstadtplan Köln, un or adeiladoedd diddorol yn eruop. Pryd oedd ni wedi cyraidd, roedd i yn trio ffindio fy phartner. A wedyn cerddodd i tŷ partner i rhoi fy bags yna. Cerddodd ni i caffe i bwyta, prynais siocled sbageti, roedd y sbageti hyfen iâ yn blasu ardderchog. Wedyn aethon ni i pwll nofio gyda Josh a partner Josh. Aethon adref i bwyd cafais iar a tatws, roedden blasus iawn! Arol hwnna gwelodd Gurdians and the Galaxy yn Almaeneg.
day 2
We were on the bus to go Grunschtat. We stopped to see the Altstadtplan Köln, one of the most interesting building in eruop. When we arived in Grunschtat, i tride to find my partner. And then we walked to the house to put my bags there. We walked to a cafe to eat, I bought chocolate spaghetti, the spaghetti ice cream tasted great. Then we went to the swimming pool with partner Josh and Josh. Went home to have are dinner that was chicken and potato, it was delicious! After we whatched Gurdians and the Galaxy in German, and then went to bed
Tag 2
Ware auf dem Bus Dach Web real Grunschtat. Web hielt an, um den Altstadtplan Köln zu schweißen, einer der mwyaf Interessantes Gebäude in eruop. Wenn das Netz in Grunschtat gekommen ist, um zu finden, um meinen Partner zu finden. Und ging zum Haus web wedyn Dach roddir meine Taschen gibt. Internet-Café zu essen und ging Dach, ich kaufte Schokolade Spaghetti, die Spaghetti-Eis schmeckte toll. Dann gingen wir zum Pool mit Partner Josh und Josh. Ging nach Hause zu oes sind Huhn und Kartoffel Abendessen Tattoo Diener, es war sehr lecker! Nachdem die Gurdianer und die Galaxis in deutscher Sprache geschlagen wurden, ging sie ins Bett
Y taith
Ich starte das Fahren im Bus in der Nacht am Samstag. Die Fahrt war lange aber hart. Ich sprach mit Freunden während de Fahrt und spielte mit meinem Handy.
Arol tua 4 awr cyreiddod y ferry sydd yn hoff darn y taith fi oherwydd bod ni galli cerdded o gwmpas ar y cwch. Yn ystod yr taith fi dim wedi bwyta gormod oherwydd bydd yn gwneud fi yn sall.
For the most of the trip i listened to musik on my phone and also talked to my friends whilst 1% of the trip was sleep! We reached France early in the morning and there were already very noticable different things like the different foods/drinks, all the writing is in french and we had to pay to use the toilets!
Dydd 3
Heute war sehr spannend. Es war sehr sonnig noch mal. Ich bin um halb sieben Uhr aufgestanden. Ich habe mit Julian und Simon gegangen. Das war sehr lustig. Ich habe Mannheim besucht. In McDonald's, habe ich Chicken Nuggets und Pommes gegessen. Ich habe Sprite getrunken. Ich finde Sprite wunderbar denn es ist immer kalt!
Ich habe Spaghetti Ice mit meiner Freundin gegessen. Das war total spitze. Zu Hause, habe ich trampoline gemacht. Ich habe Football-Golf mit Julian, Efan, Freddie, Joe und Jannis gespielt. Ich liebe Football-Golf denn es ist sehr toll und schnell.
Roedd heddiw yn gyffrous iawn. Roedd y tywydd yn heulog unwaith eto ac roedd pawb yn ei fwynhau. Codais am hanner awr wedi chwech. Cerddais gyda Julian a Simon i'r Orsaf dren er mwyn mynd i'r ysgol. Roedd y daith yn ddoniol iawn. Ar ôl hyn, roedden ni wedi ymweld a Mannheim. Yn McDonald's, bwytais Chicken Nuggets a Sglodion. Prynais Sprite ac yfed e'n go gloi! Rwy'n hoffi Sprite oherwydd mae wastad yn oer!
Bwytais i a rhan fwyaf o'r grwp Spaghetti Ice gyda ein ffrindiau. Roedd hwnna'n hollol arbennig. Pan cyrhaeddon ni'r tŷ, aethon ni ar y trampolîn. Ar ôl hyn, chwaraeais Football-Golf gyda Julian, Efan, Freddie, Joe a Jannis. Rwy'n caru Football-Golf oherwydd mae'n wych ac yn gyflym.
Today was very exciting. The weather was sunny as usual and everyone had a great time. I woke up at half past six and got ready to go to school. Julian, Simon and I walked to the Train station to go to school. The train journey was very funny. After reaching school, we headed off to visit Mannheim. Mannheim was a very big place including many shops like JD, Footlocker. In McDonald's, I ate Chicken Nuggets and Chips. I also bought a Sprite that was very nice. I like Sprite because it is always cold and refreshing.
Then most of the group ate Spaghetti Ice with our friends. They were very tasty. We walked back to the house and then played on the trampoline. After this, I went to play Football-Golf with Julian, Efan, Freddie, Joe and Jannis. I love Football-Golf because it is great and a very fast game.
Tuesday, 20 June 2017
Diwrnod 3
Heute waren wir im Technikmuseum. Es war sehr interressant besonders das oberste Stockwerk. Danach waren wir in Mannheim shoppen. Ich kaufte dort ein wunderschoenes Kleid. Schliesslich war ich mit meinem Austauschpartner schwimmen und essen in einer Burg (Pfaelzerteller und Schnitzel). In der naehe vom Haus meines Austauschpartners landete eine Helikopter. Ein Polizeiauto und ein Krankenwagen waren auch da., aber es war kein Unfall zu sehen. Ich bin mit Lisa und ihrem Bruder Paul dort hin gelaufen, aber wir konnten nichts sehen.
Heddiw fe aethom i weld y Technikmuseum.Roedd y diddorol iawn,yn enwedig y llawr dop.Wedyn fe es i siopa efo rhain o'r merched yn Mannheim.Fe prynnais frog du pert iawn.Ar ol hynnu,es i i nofio efo fy martner.Fe wnes i drio Schnitzel roedd yn flasus iawn.Fe laniodd hofrenydd ar y stryd ar bwys un ni.Rhwy'n meddwl fod rhywun wedi ei frifo yn fawr.
Today we whent to the Technikmuseum.It was very interesting,ecpecially the top floor.Then I shopped in Mannheim,and bought a lovely black dress.After this,I whent swimming with Lisa.A madical helicopter landed a few streets away.I rhan eith Lisa and her brother Paul to see what was happening.We think someone was hurt badly.
Heddiw fe aethom i weld y Technikmuseum.Roedd y diddorol iawn,yn enwedig y llawr dop.Wedyn fe es i siopa efo rhain o'r merched yn Mannheim.Fe prynnais frog du pert iawn.Ar ol hynnu,es i i nofio efo fy martner.Fe wnes i drio Schnitzel roedd yn flasus iawn.Fe laniodd hofrenydd ar y stryd ar bwys un ni.Rhwy'n meddwl fod rhywun wedi ei frifo yn fawr.
Today we whent to the Technikmuseum.It was very interesting,ecpecially the top floor.Then I shopped in Mannheim,and bought a lovely black dress.After this,I whent swimming with Lisa.A madical helicopter landed a few streets away.I rhan eith Lisa and her brother Paul to see what was happening.We think someone was hurt badly.
Dydd Mawth
Heute sind wir zum Technoseum in Mannheim gegangen und es war sehr interessant, denn wir hatten die Chance, Papier zu machen und uns die Technik anzuschauen. Im Museum gab es interaktive Dinge wie ein Pendel und einen Ballon und vieles mehr. Nachdem wir einkaufen gegangen sind und ich bekam einen Mezzi-Drink, der eine Mischung aus Coca Cola und Fanta ist und meine Gruppe ein paar Sachen gekauft.
Today we went to the Technoseum in Mannheim and it was very interesting because at the place we had the chance to make paper and look around at all the technology there.At the museum there were interactive things like a pendulum and a balloon and much much more.After we went shopping and I got a Mezzi drink which is a mixture of coca cola and fanta and my group bought some stuff.After Ben and I went to the swimming pool with Felix and Cai and we saw Max and his exchange eric and we went on the slide together and we kept on crashing and it was super fun after that we went on the diving platforms and I jumped off the 5 meter one.
Heddiw aethon ni i'r Amgueddfa Technoleg yn Mannheim ac roedd yn ddiddorol iawn oherwydd cawsom gyfle i wneud papur ac i edrych ar y dechnoleg. Yn yr amgueddfa, roedd pethau rhyngweithiol fel pendil a balŵn a mwy. Ar ôl i ni fynd i siopa ac fe ges i yfed Mezzi sy'n gymysgedd o Coca Cola a Fanta a brynodd fy ngrŵp ychydig o bethau a cafon ni spaghetti eis ac roedd yn blasus iawn ac roedd i yn hoffi e'n llawer.
Tuesday // Dydd Llun
Am Dienstag, bin ich in das Technikmuseum gefahren. Ich habe Papier gemacht. Ich bin mit dem bus nach Mannheim gefahren. Ich habe in Menheim eingekauft. Ich habe schuhe gekauft. Ich bin vier haben Eisemburg besucht.
Heddiw roedden ni wedi mynd i'r Technique Museum am tua 2 awr. Yn yr museum ni wedi creu papur fel roeddwn nhw wedi yn yr hen ddyddiau. Ar ol hwnna fe wnaethon ni fynd ar bws i Mannheim i fynd siopa. Roeddwm i wedi prynu esgidiau newydd yna pa wnaethon ni fynd siopa. Roedd pawb wedi cael hufen iâ. Pan daethon ni nol i'r tŷ wnaethon ni fynd i Eisemburg i fynd nofio. Ar ol hynnu daethon ni nol am te.
Today we went to the Technique Museum for a couple of hours. In the musem we made paper like they did in the olden days. After that we went to Mannheim siopping. I bought a new pair of trainers there. Everyone there had an ice cream. We came back and went to Eisemburg for swimming where thay had diving platforms. After that we came back for some food.
Dienstag/Tuesday/Dydd Mawrth
Am Dienstag, bin ich in das Technikmuseum mit meinen Freuden gegangen. Es hat spaß gemacht, aber ich war müde! Dann, habe ich in Mannheim, mit Olivia, Anna und Cara eingekauft. Anna hat Schuhe in Foot Locker gekauft. Ich habe eine Spagettieis gegessen. Das war sehr lecker! Nach Mittag, bin ich mit Eric, Kira und Max in dem Freibad geschwommen. Er war sehr heiß! Morgen, werde ich das Reptilium besuchen. Ich bin spannend!
Heddiw, fe aethom ni ar y bws i Mannheim. Mae Mannheim tua awr i ffwrdd o Gründstadt. Yn Mannheim, aethom ni i'r Technikmuseum yn y bore. Roedd hi'n ddiddorol iawn ac yn hwylus, ond roeddwn wedi blino! Yn y Technikmuseum, fe ddysgon ni sut i greu papur. Yn y prynhawn wedyn, aethom ni yn ôl i ganol Mannheim, a chafon ni ychydig o oriau i fynd i siopa. Roedd hi'n boeth iawn, felly cafon ni Spagettieis. Roedd hi'n flasus iawn! Aethom ni yn ôl i'r bws wedyn a phan cyrhaeddom ni yn ôl yn Grünstadt, es i i'r pwll nofio gyda Eric, Kira a Max. Neidion ni oddi wrth y bwrdd deifio oedd yn mesur 5 metr mewn uchder. Roedd hi'n llawer o hwyl. Rydyn ni yn mynd i'r Reptilum yfory; dydw i methu aros!!
Today we went on the bus to Mannheim. Mannheim is about an hour away from Gründstadt. In Mannheim, we went to the Technikmuseum in the morning. It was very interesting, but I was tired! At the Technikmuseum, we learned how to create paper. Then in the afternoon, we went back to the center of Mannheim, and we had a few hours to go shopping. It was very hot, so we had Spagettieis. It was delicious! We went back to the bus and then when we arrived back in Grünstadt I went to the swimming pool with Eric, Kira and Max. We jumped from the diving board that measured 5 meters in height. It was great fun. We are going to the Reptilum tomorrow; I can't wait !!
Dydd 3
Halo heute war fantastisch! In der morgen ich habe müsli gegessen mit Jaanis.In der der schüle ich habe gefahren nach Manheim und der technique museum mit dem bus und das war fantastisch und interessant. Später ich habe foot golf gespielt mit Jaanis, Julian, Evan, Freddie und Tom und das mar
toll und austrengend.
Hello roedd roedd heddiw yn gwych! Yn yr bore cefais cereal ac sudd oren. Wedyn roedd ni wedi mynd i'r ysgol ar bws cyhoeddus. Wedyn roedd ni wedi mynd i'r technique museum ac roedd e'n gwych ac diddorol iawn. Wedyn roedd ni wedi mynd siopa yn Manhhaim. Ar ol ysgol roeddwn i wedi chwarae foot golff gyda pobl eraill.
Hello today was great! In the morning i had cereal and orange juice. then we went to school on the bus and then went to manheim on the bus. When we reached Manheim we went to the technique museum which is just a really big techniquest and there was a thing where you lift a 20kg weight on a rope and I lifted it up and then dropped it on my foot because i'm smart. Then we went shopping where i bought sliders. After that we went to foot golf where i came fourth and Evan came last because he cant kick a ball. On the way home we stopped for ice cream which was huge because theres always loads of food in Germany. Then we watched The Simpsons in German which was really wiered because the voices are different.
Tuesday / Dydd Mawrth
Heut , Ich habe bechut die Tech Mosiwm in Manhein denn se ist ganz gut. Ich spiele basketball in die house mit Mario und Martin.Ich essen mcdonalds mit meinem freunden in Manhein.
Heddiw es i siopa ar ôl mynd i'r Tech Mosiwm prynais hed-ffones newydd sony o siop vodafone.
For te I went to a restaurant with the nuygen family. I had a graet time in Manhein but it was very hot and Thursday is going to be 35C unlike today of 'just' 30C.
Heut , Ich habe bechut die Tech Mosiwm in Manhein denn se ist ganz gut. Ich spiele basketball in die house mit Mario und Martin.Ich essen mcdonalds mit meinem freunden in Manhein.
Heddiw es i siopa ar ôl mynd i'r Tech Mosiwm prynais hed-ffones newydd sony o siop vodafone.
For te I went to a restaurant with the nuygen family. I had a graet time in Manhein but it was very hot and Thursday is going to be 35C unlike today of 'just' 30C.
Dienstag - Bobbi Kerfoot
Hallo! Heute was... kochend. Sehr kochend. Zu kochend. Ich habe beinahe niederbrennen. In Mannheim, habe ich einen Bleistift eingekauft. Mannheim ist sehr besetzt. Meine familie sind sehr nett und freundlich. Ich mag meine familie!
Helo! Roedd heddiw yn... boeth. Boeth iawn. Yn RHY boeth. 'Nes i bron â losgi. Yn Mannheim, wnes i brynu pensil. Mae Mannheim yn frysur iawn. Wnes i bron colli fy ffrindiau yr holl bobl! Mae'r teulu rwyf yn aros hefo yn neis ac yn gyfeillgar iawn. Rwyn ei hoffi nhw llawer! Wnes i hefyd mynd i gael pitsa hefo Elin, Lilly, ai phartneriaid. Roedd y bwyd yn flasus iawn, ond roedd y Spagetti Eis cafon ni ar ôl yn hyd yn oed yn fwy blasus!
Hello! Today was... for lack of a better word, BOILING. Very warm. TOO WARM. I almost burnt. A bit like my chicken nuggets in cooking class. 😅 In Mannheim I bought a pencil and some refills for it, since it's a mechanical one. Mannheim, as expected, was very busy. I guess you could say there were MANN-Y people there!... My puns have gotten worse 😅 I DEFINITELY need to improve. Anyway... I almost lost my friends in all the hustle and bustle. There were posters everywhere of... uh... FAMOUS LEADERS... graffitied on, as part of the poster. They looked really well done, and i even thought that someone had just cleverly graffitied on them to cover the faces. I think it was a good artistic and appealing choice. They looked like emoji's, covering... infamous celebrities with different political stances from me that may, or may not be the colour orange, or rule Russia😅. After we got home I went to have Pizza with Elin, Lilly, and their partners. It was quite tasty, but nothing beats my home-made pizza! Yum! We had a Spagetti Eis, much like the one I had in Mannheim, which was also very tasty!
It's time for me to sleep now, since it's about ten! Bye!
Helo! Roedd heddiw yn... boeth. Boeth iawn. Yn RHY boeth. 'Nes i bron â losgi. Yn Mannheim, wnes i brynu pensil. Mae Mannheim yn frysur iawn. Wnes i bron colli fy ffrindiau yr holl bobl! Mae'r teulu rwyf yn aros hefo yn neis ac yn gyfeillgar iawn. Rwyn ei hoffi nhw llawer! Wnes i hefyd mynd i gael pitsa hefo Elin, Lilly, ai phartneriaid. Roedd y bwyd yn flasus iawn, ond roedd y Spagetti Eis cafon ni ar ôl yn hyd yn oed yn fwy blasus!
Hello! Today was... for lack of a better word, BOILING. Very warm. TOO WARM. I almost burnt. A bit like my chicken nuggets in cooking class. 😅 In Mannheim I bought a pencil and some refills for it, since it's a mechanical one. Mannheim, as expected, was very busy. I guess you could say there were MANN-Y people there!... My puns have gotten worse 😅 I DEFINITELY need to improve. Anyway... I almost lost my friends in all the hustle and bustle. There were posters everywhere of... uh... FAMOUS LEADERS... graffitied on, as part of the poster. They looked really well done, and i even thought that someone had just cleverly graffitied on them to cover the faces. I think it was a good artistic and appealing choice. They looked like emoji's, covering... infamous celebrities with different political stances from me that may, or may not be the colour orange, or rule Russia😅. After we got home I went to have Pizza with Elin, Lilly, and their partners. It was quite tasty, but nothing beats my home-made pizza! Yum! We had a Spagetti Eis, much like the one I had in Mannheim, which was also very tasty!
It's time for me to sleep now, since it's about ten! Bye!
Dydd Mawrth // Tuesday // Dienstag
Dydd Mawrth
Heddiw aethon ni i'r Technoseum ac rwyn credu oedd e'n hwyl iawn. Roedd yna llawer o bethau hwyl i wneud yna ac llawer o wybodaeth diddorol iawn yna. Ar y llawr cyntaf aethon ni i roedd yna llawer o ddyfeisiau diddorol a hen iawnoedd yn cael ei ddefnyddio er mwyn wneud pethau gwahanol fel creu papur neu creu blancedi neu carpedi. Cafon ni sesiwn creu papur ac wnaethon ni wneud e gan cymysgu hen deunydd gwlyb a dŵr ac yna rhoi e trwy rhydyll oedd wedi ei siapio fel siâp papur felly roedd y papur yn sychu fel un sgwâr fawr.
Today we also went out to Manheim and went shopping along a really long street. At first me Gwyddien and Efan went to McDonalds to get food and there we ran into a few other groups and ate with them. When we went to order we struggled a bit because we weren't sure of all the german names of the food. After eating for a while we went to Foot Locker and i bought a pair of adidas shoes that Gwyddien and Ben also bought.
Ich ging zu Fabians Haus und spielte seinen Nintendo Switch und wir spielten auch draußen Fußball für eine lange Zeit. Wir haben mit Fabian und Elliot und Akif in die garten fußball gespielt.
Dienstag/Dydd mawrth/Tuesday
Heute habe ich Mannheim besucht.Zuerst habe techmosiwm mit denn grwpen gefarhen.Es ist spaß.Ich habe Papier gemacht.Es ist cool und historic.Ich habe experimente gespielt.Ein habe ich Mannheim ist warm in Mannheim.Ich habe burge gegessen.Letzte habe ich tractor mit Pauline geritten.
Heddiw es i i Mannhein roedd yn neis iawn.Ar trip bws cyteiddon ni i y tecmusum roedd yn cwl.Un gweuthgaredd kedd creu papur fel yn y gorffenol.Ar ol creu papur cafon ni y cyfle i edrych rownd y amgieddfa roedd yn fawr iawn roedd arbrofion i wneud yna ac roedd yn llawer o hwyl. Ar ol y amgieddfa aethon ni ir ardal siopa yn Mannheim roedd yn eithaf fawr roedd yn heulogbiawn yna ac yn eithaf boeth.Ar ol gorffen ei amser siopa prynodd yr athrawn garedig hufen ia i bawb, cefais spaghetti ic roedd yn flasus.Wedyn ar ol cyraeth y ty aeth Pauline i cefyla ac hepais creu burger gyda y fam.Cefon ni byrge am fwy roedd yn flasus iawn ar ol fwyd eithon ni ar trip mewn tractor y teulu roedd yn hwyl iawn.
Today we went to Mannhiem it was very good.We went to the tecmusum it was cool to see all the invensions.The activates we did where making paper it was interesting.After we had a chance to go round the big museum it was very fun to play on the experimance. After that we went shopping it was fun, the teachers bought everyone ice cream I had spaghetti ice it was very tasty. When we arived home we had burgers they where nice.We went on a trip in there tractor through the field and village it was very beautiful.I had fun today.
Heddiw es i i Mannhein roedd yn neis iawn.Ar trip bws cyteiddon ni i y tecmusum roedd yn cwl.Un gweuthgaredd kedd creu papur fel yn y gorffenol.Ar ol creu papur cafon ni y cyfle i edrych rownd y amgieddfa roedd yn fawr iawn roedd arbrofion i wneud yna ac roedd yn llawer o hwyl. Ar ol y amgieddfa aethon ni ir ardal siopa yn Mannheim roedd yn eithaf fawr roedd yn heulogbiawn yna ac yn eithaf boeth.Ar ol gorffen ei amser siopa prynodd yr athrawn garedig hufen ia i bawb, cefais spaghetti ic roedd yn flasus.Wedyn ar ol cyraeth y ty aeth Pauline i cefyla ac hepais creu burger gyda y fam.Cefon ni byrge am fwy roedd yn flasus iawn ar ol fwyd eithon ni ar trip mewn tractor y teulu roedd yn hwyl iawn.
Today we went to Mannhiem it was very good.We went to the tecmusum it was cool to see all the invensions.The activates we did where making paper it was interesting.After we had a chance to go round the big museum it was very fun to play on the experimance. After that we went shopping it was fun, the teachers bought everyone ice cream I had spaghetti ice it was very tasty. When we arived home we had burgers they where nice.We went on a trip in there tractor through the field and village it was very beautiful.I had fun today.
Dydd Llun /Montag/Monday
Dydd Llun /Montag/Monday
Ich habe geschwommen in der pool mit meinem freunden. Ich habe weinberg gegangen es war interstant und denn wir trinkt die traunben shaft.
Es i rownd y stordi ble mae pobl yn neud gwin hefyd roedden wedi yfed sydd grawin. Ar ôl ysgol es i
nofio gyda fy frindiau.Wedyn es i nôl i tŷ mario I cael super.
Today was good I walked very far it was tiering and hot . We saw where they grow the grapes and we got to try sowm grappe juice.
Ich habe geschwommen in der pool mit meinem freunden. Ich habe weinberg gegangen es war interstant und denn wir trinkt die traunben shaft.
Es i rownd y stordi ble mae pobl yn neud gwin hefyd roedden wedi yfed sydd grawin. Ar ôl ysgol es i
nofio gyda fy frindiau.Wedyn es i nôl i tŷ mario I cael super.
Today was good I walked very far it was tiering and hot . We saw where they grow the grapes and we got to try sowm grappe juice.
Diwrnod 3/Day 3
Guten Tag. Ich habe Technikseum gebesucht. Es war zer interessant. Ich habe mit meinem freunden einegekauft. Es war ok. Nach ich habe mit Felix, Florian,Henry,Ben,Max und Eric geschwommen. Es war zer lustig.
Helo. Heddiw awthon ni i Technikseum yn Manheim. Roedd en diddorol iawn ac roedd na llawer o pethau i chwarae gyda a neud. Ar ôl i ni cael edrych rownd am tipyn roedden ni wedi creu papur y ffordd hen ffasiwn. Ar ôl i ni edrych rownd yna am 2 awr roeddwn ni wedi mynd siopa yn Manheim. Roedd llawer o siopau. Wedyn aethon ni adre ac roedd ni wedi mynd i pwll nofio yn Eisenberg roedd en dda iawn. Roedd na 5 bwrdd deifio 1m, 3m, 5m,7.5m a 10m. Nes i neidio bant or 5m. Ond y peth gorau oedd y sleid oherwydd roedden ni'n cael my d lawr fel ni moen ac roedd y holl grŵp o ni wedi mynd lawr yr un pryd ac roedden ni'n bwrw mewn i ein gilydd. Roedd en hwyl iawn. Roedd fi, Felix,Florian,Henry,Ben,Max a Eric wedi mynd lawr yr un pryd. Llawer, neb wedi brifo.
Today was fun. First we went to a Technikseum which is a technical museum kind of like techniquest but better. It was really interesting because there was a lot to do. After looking around for a bit they showed us why paper was so expensive and valuable in the old days, by ahowing us how to make it. It was very interesting. We spent around 2 hours there. Afterwards we went to Manheim to shop. There were a lot of shops. That was an hour and a half. The teachers were nice and bought us ice cream. I got spaghetti ice. When we were done we got the bus back to the school. We were picked up by the families and taken home. We went to the Eisenberg swimming pool after to muck aroumd for a bit. I went on a slide with Felix, Florian, Henry, Ben, Max and Eric. Yes, a lot, and all at the same time. We would always end up hitting each other but luckily no one got hurt. We ended up mucking around on the spring boards and diving boards. I jumped off the 5m one, 4 times. We were there for about 2 hours. It was really fun.
Hwyl fawr
Helo. Heddiw awthon ni i Technikseum yn Manheim. Roedd en diddorol iawn ac roedd na llawer o pethau i chwarae gyda a neud. Ar ôl i ni cael edrych rownd am tipyn roedden ni wedi creu papur y ffordd hen ffasiwn. Ar ôl i ni edrych rownd yna am 2 awr roeddwn ni wedi mynd siopa yn Manheim. Roedd llawer o siopau. Wedyn aethon ni adre ac roedd ni wedi mynd i pwll nofio yn Eisenberg roedd en dda iawn. Roedd na 5 bwrdd deifio 1m, 3m, 5m,7.5m a 10m. Nes i neidio bant or 5m. Ond y peth gorau oedd y sleid oherwydd roedden ni'n cael my d lawr fel ni moen ac roedd y holl grŵp o ni wedi mynd lawr yr un pryd ac roedden ni'n bwrw mewn i ein gilydd. Roedd en hwyl iawn. Roedd fi, Felix,Florian,Henry,Ben,Max a Eric wedi mynd lawr yr un pryd. Llawer, neb wedi brifo.
Today was fun. First we went to a Technikseum which is a technical museum kind of like techniquest but better. It was really interesting because there was a lot to do. After looking around for a bit they showed us why paper was so expensive and valuable in the old days, by ahowing us how to make it. It was very interesting. We spent around 2 hours there. Afterwards we went to Manheim to shop. There were a lot of shops. That was an hour and a half. The teachers were nice and bought us ice cream. I got spaghetti ice. When we were done we got the bus back to the school. We were picked up by the families and taken home. We went to the Eisenberg swimming pool after to muck aroumd for a bit. I went on a slide with Felix, Florian, Henry, Ben, Max and Eric. Yes, a lot, and all at the same time. We would always end up hitting each other but luckily no one got hurt. We ended up mucking around on the spring boards and diving boards. I jumped off the 5m one, 4 times. We were there for about 2 hours. It was really fun.
Hwyl fawr
Dienstag/Tuesday/Dydd Mawrth
Heute sind wir in das Technikmuseum in Mannheim gegangen. Es war sehr interessant und es war lustig zu lernen, indem man Dinge machte, wir machten Papier mit Dana (einer der Techno Scouts). Danach gingen wir in Mannheim einkaufen und ich kaufte mir viel Kleidung , Es war sehr lustig.Wir hatten dann alle Eiscreme oder Spaghetti-Eis zusammen. Nach der Schule ging ich zurück zu Lenas Haus und wir hatten Spaghetti Bolognese zum Tee und dann gingen wir zu Lenas Freundeshaus, wo Grace bleibt, um einen Film zu sehen, wir Beobachtete Klick und es war so lustig, aber auch traurig. Dann ging mir und Lena nach Hause und jetzt ist es Zeit fürs Bett. Gute Nacht.
Today was very fun,we went to the Technik Museum and made paper with Dana one of the Techno Scouts.It was very interesting to learn new things by playing about with things.After that we went shopping in Mannheim and i bought lots of clothes and had a lot of fun with my friends.We then had ice cream and some people had Spaghetti-eis.After that we took some photos and then went home.I had spaghetti bolognese for tea and then I went to Lena's friend's house to watch a film,we watched Click and it was very funny.But now I am very tired and I must sleep.Good night.
Roedd heddiw yn ddiwrnod wych!Es i i'r Technik Museum a dysgais am sut oedd pobl yn creu bapur yn yr hen ddyddiau.Roedd yn hwyl i ddysgu trwy chwarae.Yna es i siopa yn Mannheim ac ar ôl hynny caethom ni hufen ia melus.Es i dŷ ffrind Lena i wylio ffilm ac yna nol i'r tŷ ac nawr mae'n amser cysgu. Nos da.
Today was very fun,we went to the Technik Museum and made paper with Dana one of the Techno Scouts.It was very interesting to learn new things by playing about with things.After that we went shopping in Mannheim and i bought lots of clothes and had a lot of fun with my friends.We then had ice cream and some people had Spaghetti-eis.After that we took some photos and then went home.I had spaghetti bolognese for tea and then I went to Lena's friend's house to watch a film,we watched Click and it was very funny.But now I am very tired and I must sleep.Good night.
Roedd heddiw yn ddiwrnod wych!Es i i'r Technik Museum a dysgais am sut oedd pobl yn creu bapur yn yr hen ddyddiau.Roedd yn hwyl i ddysgu trwy chwarae.Yna es i siopa yn Mannheim ac ar ôl hynny caethom ni hufen ia melus.Es i dŷ ffrind Lena i wylio ffilm ac yna nol i'r tŷ ac nawr mae'n amser cysgu. Nos da.
Dydd 3
Hallo! Heute war sehr spaß! Ich bin die museum und Mänheim besuchen. Die museum ist sehr interesant und prima. Ich habe papier machen. Es war super cool! Auch, Mänheim war ausgehtseichnet! Ich habe ein jacke gekauft und ich habe ein spaghetti-eis. Es schmekt sehr gut! Später ich habe ein film gesehen. Die film war lustig aber es war auch traurig. Tschüss!
Dienstag/Dydd Mawrth/Tuesday -Bethan
Deutschland ist sehr heiß! Heute bin ich mit Lena in der sonne gelaufen. Das war cool. Heute habe ich mit meinen fruendin das Technikmuseum angesehen, es ist sehr groß. Das war sehr interessant und ich mag das Hamsterrad. Ich bin in dem Hamsterrad mit Elin gelaufe. Das war spaßig und das Technikmuseum war spaßig. Danach habe ich mit Elin und Ffionwen Mannheim angesehen und ein paar sachen eingekauft. Es war sehr heiß in Mannheim. Nach der schule habe ich mit Lena gezeichnet, das war lustig. Heute habe ich Lena's Oma kennen gelernt. Ich sitze mit Lena auf dem bett und spreche über morgen! Tschuss!
Well, beth dylswn i ddweud am heddiw. Ydw, rydw i'n colli fy nheulu llawer ond rydw i'n fynd i cael llawer o hwyl. Yn gyntaf gad i mi sôn am Manheim. Mae Manheim yn fawr iawn ac yn edrych yn really cŵl. Roedd yr tywydd yn boeth iawn rwy'n fynd tipyn back yn frown. Cafon ni awr i siopa, sydd yn iawn, prynnais ddau peth ond roeddwn i esiau prynnu dau peth arall ond gafon ni ddim amser. Roedd yr techniq museum yn dda iawn. Roedd e'n fwy fawr nag oeddwn i'n feddwl. Wnaethwn ni creu papur a chwarae gyda'r pethau yna. Heddiw wnaeth fi a Lena fynd am dro ar bwys tŷ ei nain. Mae ei nain yn neis. Rydym wedi wneud celf ac nawr rydym yn eistedd lawr ar ei wely. Mae'r tywydd yn boeth iawn yma. Siarad yfori!
Well I must say today was very hot, but apparantley it will get hotter. First off we visited the Musuem which was really interesting. I liked playing with all the things there especially the weight lifting swing, making paper, weird bubbles and the giant hamster wheel, I went in it with Elin. I actually thought it was really fun and interesting, I learnt a lot. Then we went shopping for an hour in Manheim. That was good. I got two things, sadly there was no time for the other two I was going to get but that is okay. After Manheim and it's hot weather I went to see Lena's nan. She is very nice and her house is big. Me and Lena went for a walk in the sun by her house then came back to her house and drew. We are both now sitting on her bed. Talk tomorrow!
Dydd 1/ Day 1/ Tag 1
Diwrnod 1
Doedd i methu aros i mynd i Almaen heddiw, roedd i'n teimlo cyffroes i gweld fy cyfnewid. Rydym ar bws yn teithio i Almaen. Rhoi'n teimlo blinedig iawn, does dim llawer o bellder tan bod ni yn Almaen. Ar y bws roedd i yn chwarae cerdiau a gwrando i cerddoriaeth. Cysgais llawer ar y taeth i'r ferry.Day 1 I could not wait to go to Germany today, i was feeling exciting to see my exchange. We traved to Germany on a bus. I was feeling very tired, there is little distance until we are in German. We were playing cards and listen to music on the bus to keep us entertained . I slepped a lot on the journey to the ferry.
Tag 1
Ich konnte es kaum erwarten, heute nach Deutschland zu gehen, zu meinem Dienergefühl Aufregendes Dachschweißen. Web nach Deutschland im Bus gefahren Ich fühlte mich müde, da ist fem Distanz Bis web sind auf deutsch. Web spielte Karten und hörte Musik auf dem Busdach. Halten Sie uns unterhalten. Für eine Menge auf der Reise eine slepped zur Fähre.
Dienstag / Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday
Dienstag habe ich Mannheim besucht. Es war sehr groß! Am Morgen, bin ich Technikmuseum gegangen. Am Nachmittage, habe ich eingekauft. Ich habe Spaghettieis gegessen (danke Miss james, Mr Voyle, Miss Francis, Miss Morris), es war sehr lecker! Am Abend, habe ich Pitch Perfect gesehen.
I ddechrau Dydd Mawrth aethon ni i Mannheim ar bws. Yn y bore, aethon ni i'r Technikmuseum, roedd e'n ddiddorol iawn ac yn hwyl. Ar ôl i ni creu papur yn y amdduegfa aethon ni nôl ar y bws ac mynd i ganol Mannheim ble mae'r siopiau. Prynon ni llawer o bethau gwych, yn cynnwys Spaghettieis (diolch i'r athrawon), roedd e'n flasus iawn. Aethon ni nôl i'r bws ar ôl cymryd llun gan Miss James i Drydar,cwrddon ni ein partneriaid nôl yn yr ysgol. Cyrraeddon ni tŷ Fidelis ac yna chwarae Uno a Badminton. Yna bwyton y theulu a fi Spaghetti. I orffen y dydd gwylion ni Pitch Perfect.
To start Tuesday off we went to Mannheim in a bus. In the morning, we went to the Technikmuseum, it was very interesting and fun. After we made paper at the museum we went back on the bus to the center of Mammheim where the shops are. We bought a lot of great things including Spaghettieis (thank you to the teachers), it was very tasty. We went back on the bus after Miss Jmaes took a picture of us for Twitter, we met our partners at the school again. We arrived at Fidelis' house and we played Uno and Badminton. Then, we ate spaghetti. To finish the day we watched Pitch Perfect.
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