Hallo. Heute habe ich Laden besucht. Ich habe Subway gegessen.Ich habe Reprilium gesehen. Es war zer interessant. Ich habe viele reptilien gesehen. Es war gut. Nach ich bin mit Felix, Florian,Ben,Henry,Max,Eric,Jamie,Elliot,Fabian, Ben und Felix geschwommen. Es war zer lustig. Ich bin tauchbrett 10m gesprang.
Roedd heddiw yn dda. Yn cyntaf roeddwn ni wedi cyraedd yn gynar i'r Reptilium felly oedden ni'n cael mynd i'r siop agos ac edrych rownd. Roedd llawer o pobl wedi prynu Almdudler. Cefais i subway. Ond y peth pwysicaf oedd y reptilium. Roedd llawer o ymlusgiaid yn y lle. Wnes i cyffwrdda crwban a neidr. Roed na hawl i ni mynd mewn i'r ardal babanod ac roedd popeth mor fach.
Ar ôl y taith rownd y Reptilium wanaeth llawer o pobl mynd i'r pwll nofio. Yr un un. ddoe. Roedd en mor hwyl. Roeddwn ni wedi mynd ar y sleid yn mwy ofalus tro yma. Roedd llawer mwy o pobl yna.Felix, Florian,Ben,Henry,Max,Eric,Jamie,Elliot,Fabian, Ben, Felix a Fi. Cefodd ni hwyl ar y bwrddau deifio ac ar y springfyrddau ond roedd llawer o pobl angen gadael yn gynnar.
Today was fun. First we arrived at the reptilium an hour early. But there was a shop right beside it which we all went to. Lots of people bought Almdudler. An Austrian drink. We also got subway. The Reptilium was very good beacause there were loads of reptiles of all sizes. There were snakes, alligators, spiders, fish and more. We were allowed to touch most of them because they weren't dangerous. After a good tour of the place we went home. We then set off for the swimming pool. There were more of us this time,Felix, Florian,Ben,Henry,Max,Eric,Jamie,Elliot,Fabian, Ben, Felix and me. After a while of mucking around on the slides i decided it was time and plucked up the courage to jump from the 10m platform... 4 times. A very exciting and interesting day.
Hwyl Fawr
sehr not zer !!! -Ceri
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a fun and exciting day. Well done on jumping off the 10 metre board. Did you try the Almdudler?