Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Dienstag - Bobbi Kerfoot

Hallo! Heute was... kochend. Sehr kochend. Zu kochend. Ich habe beinahe niederbrennen. In Mannheim, habe ich einen Bleistift eingekauft. Mannheim ist sehr besetzt. Meine familie sind sehr nett und freundlich. Ich mag meine familie!

Helo! Roedd heddiw yn... boeth. Boeth iawn. Yn RHY boeth. 'Nes i bron â losgi. Yn Mannheim, wnes i brynu pensil. Mae Mannheim yn frysur iawn. Wnes i bron colli fy ffrindiau yr holl bobl! Mae'r teulu rwyf yn aros hefo yn neis ac yn gyfeillgar iawn. Rwyn ei hoffi nhw llawer! Wnes i hefyd mynd i gael pitsa hefo Elin, Lilly, ai phartneriaid. Roedd y bwyd yn flasus iawn, ond roedd y Spagetti Eis cafon ni ar ôl yn hyd yn oed yn fwy blasus!

Hello! Today was... for lack of a better word, BOILING. Very warm. TOO WARM. I almost burnt. A bit like my chicken nuggets in cooking class. 😅 In Mannheim I bought a pencil and some refills for it, since it's a mechanical one. Mannheim, as expected, was very busy. I guess you could say there were MANN-Y people there!... My puns have gotten worse 😅 I DEFINITELY need to improve. Anyway... I almost lost my friends in all the hustle and bustle. There were posters everywhere of... uh... FAMOUS LEADERS... graffitied on, as part of the poster. They looked really well done, and i even thought that someone had just cleverly graffitied on them to cover the faces. I think it was a good artistic and appealing choice. They looked like emoji's, covering... infamous celebrities with different political stances from me that may, or may not be the colour orange, or rule Russia😅. After we got home I went to have Pizza with Elin, Lilly, and their partners. It was quite tasty, but nothing beats my home-made pizza! Yum! We had a Spagetti Eis, much like the one I had in Mannheim, which was also very tasty!
It's time for me to sleep now, since it's about ten! Bye!


  1. Bobbi you crack me up!! Hilarious!! So glad you're having a fantastic time and enjoying this experience!! I agree nothing beats your pizza and they beat those burnt chicken nuggets you make any day!!
    Make sure you're using your sunblock and enjoy the reptiles tomorrow! Stay safe and keep smiling my beautiful Girl!

    Love you lots!
    Mum 😊😊😊😊

  2. Sehr interessant Bobbi! Trueni na welais i'r posteri, maen nhw'n swnio'n ddifyr!

  3. Gobeithio rydych yn cael hwyl Bobbi!
