Sunday, 18 June 2017

Diwrnod 1

Heddiw wnaethon ni gyrraedd yr Amlaen.Roedd y taith neithiwr yn hir ac yn dwym ond o'r diwedd rydym ni yma!Ni lwyddais i gysgu llawer ar y bws on fe wnes i gysgu ar y Ferry.Aethon ni i'r Eglwys Gadeiriol yng Nghologne.Roedd o mor crand.Yna wnaethon ni gario ymlaen efo'n taith i Grünstadt.Wrth i ni agoshau at Grünstadt dechreuoch pawb cynhyrfu.Roedden ni i gyd mor frwdfrydig i weld ein ffrindiau Almaeneg eto.Roeddwn i'n nerfus i gwrdd a rhieni Lena ond doedd gen i ddim rheswm i boeni,roeddent yn bobl mor garedig a chroesawgar.Roedd y teimlad o weld Lena eto mor wych,roeddwn i wir wedi ei cholli hi. Hwyl am y tro!

Today we finally got to Germany.The journey was long and tiring.At fist we were all excited to be leaving Cardiff and making our wat across the border all day way to Germany,but as the trip went on we all got much more tired and grumpy.Not many of us could sleep because the bus was uncomfortable but my friends an i managed to get some sleep on the Ferry.We arrived in Calais at about 2:30 British time which is 4:30 German time.We all got much more lively as we approached Germany and by the time we got to Cologne we were all laughing and joking.We stopped off at the Cathedral im Cologne,it was a large fancy looking building.It looked very gothic victorian.We then got back on the bus and continued with our travel to Grünstadt.When we finally arrived at Grünstadt we were all very excited and couldn't wait to see our partners again.Being re-united with Lena was the best feeling in the world I missed her so much.I was very nervous to meet Lena's parents but I had no reason to be so worried because they are lovely people and they're so kind. Bye for now!

Heute habe ich Lena wieder gesehen. Wir gingen zum Grillen im Weinberg, nachdem sie und ihre Eltern mir das Haus gezeigt haben. Seine riesige und ich habe ein Schlafzimmer alle zu mir.Lenas Eltern sind so nett und geben und ich liebe es hier. Gute Nacht

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