Monday, 19 June 2017

Monday // Dydd Llun

Ich bin in der schule gefahren. Ich bin mit dem freunden gegangen. Ich bin zu den Weinbergen gegangen. Es war heiß bei den Weinbergen. Ich habe Traubensaft getrunkt. Ich habe mini golf gespielt, es hat spaß gemacht. Ich bin in der Kletterzemtrum geklettert, die wände waren hoch.

Fe teithion ni i'r ysgol yn yr car am tua 7:30. Fe cerddon ni i'r Winllan fe cymrodd hwna tua 20 munud. Roedd Mr Siebert wedi cerdded ni lan yna a dweud i ni ffeithiau am y Winllanau er engraifft ble nhw angen gorffen tyfu a adegau or blwyddyn pryd nhw'n casglu nhw. Fe wnaethon ni yfed sydd grawmwin Mr Sienert efo dwr. Fe wnaethon ni fynd i chwarae mini golff pan daethon ni nol.
Wedyn aethon ni ddringo yn neuadd chwaraeon am 2 neu 3 awr. Wedyn aethon ni adref a cael te.

We drove to school in the morning at about 7:30. From school we walked to the wineyard which took us about 20 muinutes. Mr Sie bert gave us a tour around the vineyards and gave a few facts about them, questions like when it was made when they start picking the grapes. We drank some of Mr Siebert grape juice which was very nice and we mixed it with fizzy water. After that Mr Siebert gave us a tour around where he makes the wines. We had a chance to buy our parents spem of his wine. We went back after that. When we got back we went and played some golf. After we went to a sports hall where we went climbing for about 2 or 3 hours. Then we went home to have dinner.

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