Monday, 19 June 2017

Blog 2

Today was my second day staying in Germany and I had loads of fun. First we had a tour around a hugs vineyard which was fun and then we went to taste some grape juice. The grape juice was amazing, but sadly we only got to smell the wine. After that we went to the swimming pool and had loads of fun going down the slide and jumping off a diving board. Next we went home and I played Fifa were I beat Ben 8:0 and Tobi his brother 3:1.

Heddiw cefais cerdded rownd winllan ble roedd rhaid cerdded lan bryn enfawr, oleiaf roedd hi'n teimlo'n enfawr. Wedyn roedd siawns i prynnu gwin a sudd grawnwyn (roedd y sudd yn ardderchog). Yna aethom ni i pwll nofio ble cawsom llawer o hwyl yn mynd lawr sleid a taflu pêl o gwmpas Gyda Gwyddien, Niklas, Josh a Jacob.

Heute war sehr lustig und sehr aktiv. Ich habe 20,000 Schritte gemacht und viel gelacht. Ich freue mich auf morgen und bekomme die Chance, Geschenke für meine Familie zu kaufen.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great and tiring day.
    It's really hot here - I think slightly warmer than there!
