Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Diwrnod 4 FN

Heute waren wir in einem Reptilium in Landau. Bisher war es der beste Ausflug. Meine Lieblingstiere dort waren die Krokodile und die Basilisken. Ich hatte einen Basilik auf meinem Kopf. Im Reptilium war es waermer als draussen.

Heddiw fe aethom ni i'r Reptilium yn Landau.Hon oedd fy hoff drip.Rhwyn hof iawn o anifeiliadud fel na.Fy hoff bethau oedd y crocodeil a'r basalisk(Ddim o Harry Potter).Cefais basalisk baby ar fy men.Roedd yn teimlo bach yn rhyfedd.Roedd yn andros o foeth yn y Reptilium.Boethach na ty allan.Roedd hefyd mwnciod bach a meerkats yn y Reptilium.Triodd un o'r mwnciod dianc.Cyn y Reptilium aethom i archfarchnad.Fe rhedodd pawb at yr almduddler.

Today we whent to the Reptilium in Landau.I think it was my favorite trip.I like reptiles.My favourites where the crocodiles(behind the glass) and the basalisks(not from Harry Potter).Basalisks are sometimes called a Jesus lizard as they can walk on water.I had a baby basalisk on my head.Felt a bit weird,it had a very long tail.It was actually warmer in the Reptilium than it was outside.They also had small monkeys and meerkats in the Reptilium.One monkey tried to w
escape.Before the Reptilium we whent to a supermarket.Everyone rhan straight to the almduddler.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful experience and the photos from twitter show you all having a great time! The basilisk on the head is definitely a fashion statement that will be seen on the catwalks of Milan, Paris & London 😉
