Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Mittwoch / Dydd Iau / Wednesday

Eute gingen wir zum reptisium im Landau . Wir sahen Schlangen, Eidechsen, Alligatoren und mehr. Nachmittags schwimmen ich, mit meinen Freunden im Eisenburg. Ich habe eis gegessen im schwimbad. Aber zu groß, Ich konnte es nicht beenden, Also stelle ich es in den bin.

Heddiw roedd yn ddiwrnod arall boeth. Aethom i'r reptisiwm yn Landau cyrhaeddodd yn gynnar felly aethom i'r amfarchnad lle aeth pawb yn wyllt i brynu Almdudler sydd fel lemonêd . Pam agorodd y reptiswm fe gwahanodd mewn i ddau grŵp gwahanol, aethom ar twr o amgylch y reptiswm. roedd yn rhy boeth mewn yna. Fi cyffwrdd neidr ac roedd yn teimlo yn rhyfedd iawn. Yn y prynhawn aethom nofio yn bwll Eisenburg. Prynais hufen ia enfawr doeddwn fethu eu gorfannau felly taflais yn y bin.

Today was very warm again, we went to the reptilium in Landau, we arrived there before it opend so we went to the supermarket across the road. Everyone rantibuy Almdudler which is like lemonade. When the reptilium opend we went over. We where put into groups and then had a tour around the place. It was really really warm in there. In the afternoon me and my german partner went back to her house o. The bus it was really busy so we had to stand up. Then we went swimming in Eisenburg, it was a really big pool with a 10m high diving bored but I didn't jump of it. Then i brought a really big ice cream, but it was so big I couldn't finesh it so i put it in the bin.

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