Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Dienstag / Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday

Dienstag habe ich Mannheim besucht. Es war sehr groß! Am Morgen, bin ich Technikmuseum gegangen. Am Nachmittage, habe ich eingekauft. Ich habe Spaghettieis gegessen (danke Miss james, Mr Voyle, Miss Francis, Miss Morris), es war sehr lecker! Am Abend, habe ich Pitch Perfect gesehen.

I ddechrau Dydd Mawrth aethon ni i Mannheim ar bws. Yn y bore, aethon ni i'r Technikmuseum, roedd e'n ddiddorol iawn ac yn hwyl. Ar ôl i ni creu papur yn y amdduegfa aethon ni nôl ar y bws ac mynd i ganol Mannheim ble mae'r siopiau. Prynon ni llawer o bethau gwych, yn cynnwys Spaghettieis (diolch i'r athrawon), roedd e'n flasus iawn. Aethon ni nôl i'r bws ar ôl cymryd llun gan Miss James i Drydar,cwrddon ni ein partneriaid nôl yn yr ysgol. Cyrraeddon ni tŷ Fidelis ac yna chwarae Uno a Badminton. Yna bwyton y theulu a fi Spaghetti. I orffen y dydd gwylion ni Pitch Perfect.

To start Tuesday off we went to Mannheim in a bus. In the morning, we went to the Technikmuseum, it was very interesting and fun. After we made paper at the museum we went back on the bus to the center of Mammheim where the shops are. We bought a lot of great things including Spaghettieis (thank you to the teachers), it was very tasty. We went back on the bus after Miss Jmaes took a picture of us for Twitter, we met our partners at the school again. We arrived at Fidelis' house and we played Uno and Badminton. Then, we ate spaghetti. To finish the day we watched Pitch Perfect.


  1. Chi'n lwcus iawn bod athrawon mor arbennig ym Mro Edern! Edrych ymlaen i weld y siopa. Joio'r blogs, da iawn Glesi xxx

  2. Diwedd perffaith i'r diwrnod! Falch dy fod wedi joio'r Spaghettieis hefyd!
    Blog gwych Glesni!
