Heute ging ich um einen Weinberg herum.Es war sehr interessant und ich habe viel gelernt.Nachden Lena die schule beendet hatte gingen wir zurück zu ihrem Haus und wir aßen etwas Pizza.Wir gingen dann mit einingen unserer anderen Freunde zum schimmbad.Es war so viel spaß,ich hatte Eis un wir gingen in den Pool und dann waren wir Sonnenbaden auf dem Gras.Es war ein schöner Tag und ich kann nicht warten,bis morgen kommen aber ich bin jezt sehr müde und ich musse schlafen.Gute Nacht.
Roedd heddiw yn ddiwrnod gwych.Aethon ni drwy'r winllan ac wnes i ddysgu llawer am gwin a'r proses o greu gwin.Yna aethon ni i flasu sudd grawnwyn, roedd yn arbennig.Ar ôl i Lena gorffen ysgol aethon ni i'w thŷ a chael pitsa.Wedyn aethon ni i nofio efo ychydig o'n ffrindiau eraill.Roedd yn amser ardderchog aethon ni yn y pwll ac yn aethon ni i orwedd yn yr haul am ychydig.Am 6:30 aethon ni nol i tŷ Lena i newid yn gyflym ac yna syth allan eto i barti pen-blwydd un o ffrindiau mam Lena.Wnes i gwrdd a llawer o bobl newydd ac roedden nhw i gyd mor garedig.Mae pob Almaenwr rwyf wedi cwrdd a mor belled wedi bod yn neis iawn.Daethon ni adref am tua 9 o'r gloch y nos,reyf wedi blino. Rwy'n mynd i gysgu nawr,nos da.
Today was amazing,I woke up bright and early and got ready to go.We went to the Vineyard and learned a lot about wine and the process of making it,it was all very interesting.Once we had finished walking through the vineyard we went to Herr Seibert's house to taste GrapeJuice,it was lovely.We didn't get to taste any wine but we did get to smell it,it smelt great and very strong.We got to have a look around the wine cellar after that and then when we were done we walked back to the school.By then Lena had finished her day (at 12:50!) so we went back to her house.We ate pizza and then got ready to go swimming.It was a beautiful day and it was 30 degrees,so once we got to the poo, we all went straight in,we were in the pool for about an hour and then we went to sunbathe for a while,it was great.The sun was shining and we were all as happy as can be,all laughing and joking together.We left the pool at about 6:30 to go back to Lena's house and change again,we were going to the birthday party of one of Lena's mother's friends.It was really fun and i got to meet some more people,they're all so kind here.We got back to Lena's house at around 9pm and now im about to go to bed as I'm writing this blog.Good Night
Sounds like you had an amazing day jordanna xxx mum