Thursday, 22 June 2017

Diwrnod 5 /Day 5

Hallo. Heure  ich Heidelberg besucht. Es war sehr interessant. Ich habe Heidelberg Schloss gesehen.Nach Ich habe Heidelberg einegekauft. Es war sehr gut. Ich habe spaghetti eis gegessen. Lecker. Nach ich habe grill Ben und Henry besucht. Ich habe wurst und kartoffel gegessen.

Roedd heddiw yn eitha da. Yn cyntaf roedden ni wedi mynd i castell Heidelberg  Cafodd ni taith o gwmpas y castell. Roedd en mor fawr. Roedd yna casgen enfawr, faint ystafell dosbarth a mwy. Ar ôl i y taith o gwmpas y castell cafodd ni amser i myns siopa yn Heidelberg. Roedd na llawer o siopau yna, Roedd llawer o pobl wedi mynd i siop gummy. Roedd yr athrawon yn neis ac wedi prynnu spaghetti eis i ni. Blasus. Ar ôl siopa am 2 awr wnaeth fi, Felix, Florian, Ben a Henry mynd i barbecue yn tŷ Ben. Cefais i selsig gyda tatws. Cefais i sudd grawnwyn i yfed hefo dŵr fizzy. Ar ôl y fwyd roeddwn ni wedi mynd i chwarae pêl-droed mewn cae agos. Diwrnod olaf yn Grundstadt.

Today was ok. First we went to Heidelberg castle. It was very interesting. We saw a giant barrel that was the size of a school clasroom and more. We were in the castle for a little while. After that we went down to Heidelberg city to look around and shops. Most people bought stuff. Lots went into a gummy shop. We were there for a while. Afterwards we went back home. We then went to Ben and Henrys house for a barbecue. I had a sausage and potato. I had grape juice mixed with sparkling water to drink. Everything was bery nice. After that we we went to play football for a bit at a local bit of grass. Today was our last full day in Grundstadt i had a good time.

Hwyl Fawr


  1. Danach habe ich not Nach ich habe !!!!! -Ceri

  2. It was nice to see you smiling in the photos! Hope you enjoy your last day tomorrow.
