Monday, 19 June 2017

Diwrnod 2/ Day 2

Halli Hallo. Heute war ein guter Tag. Ich habe weinberg gegangen. Es war zer heiss. Ich habe traubensaft getrunken. Ich habe pretzel gegessen. Nach ich bin mit Henry, Felix und Ben geschwommen. Es war zer gut. Meinelieblingssache es schwommen

Roedd heddiw yn diwrnod dda oherwydd roeddwn ni wedi cael cerdded troi gwynllan. Roedd en poeth iawn. Ond doeddwn i heb llosgi. Yaaaaas. Roedd hon wedi cymryd tua 3 awr neu llai. Ar ôl roeddwn ni wedi mynd nôl i tŷ Mr Siebert (person sy'n perchen y gwynllan) a blasu y sudd grawnwyn gyda dŵr fizzy. Roedd en neis iawn. Wedyn aethon ni ar taith rownd y ffactori a lle roedden nhw yn cadw y gwîn. Ond y peth gorau yn y diwrnod oedd mynd i llyn gyda chychod, gyda fy mhartner, Felix a Henry a partner e Ben. Pryd roedden ni yna a naethon ni ffindio swing rhaff a neidio bant mewn ir llyn.

Today was ok. We went on a walk through Mr Siebert Vineyard to see where it is grown. It was good but very hot. It was on top of a hill so the views from the top were very good. Only problem was that Miss James wanted to take a picture every five minutes at the top. After the 2-3 awr walk we went to the owners house to try some grape juice and the wife made us pretzels. The juice was very nice with sparkling water. We went on a tour of the factory and the storage area, and we looked at the machines used to pick the grapes. After that we went back to the school and then home. Me, Felix, my exchange, Henry and his exchange Ben went to a big lake to take the boats out. We found a rope swing and jumped off it into the lake. It was fun. Although Felix did lose his glasses. We never found them. The good thing is despite being out in the sun all day I didn't get burned. MUM.

Hwyl Fawr


  1. Glad to see you didn't get burned 'yassssss' -Ceri :)

  2. It sounds like you had a really nice time today, and I'm glad the sun cream is working!!! The lake sounds cool. Hope you have a good day tomorrow too. (Keep using the sun cream!)

  3. And it would be nice if you smiled in some of those photos maybe?!
