Wednesday, 21 June 2017

21/06/17 Grünstadt 

Guten tag, heute ich ging nach der Reptilium. Wir belassen der schule an der bus und angereist für einz stunde. Es wurde sehr geil. Der schlangen,frosch und eidechsen wäre ziemlich eindrucksvoll und geil. Rührend und haltend der tiere war sehr amüsant. Wir dann ging zurück an der bus und ging daheim. Wir ging für à spaziergang auf der wald. Der bäume wäre wuchtig. Wir der hund genracht und er war laufend allseits. Danach der gehen wir ging zu bekommen eis.

Helo, heddiw es i i'r Reptilium. Gadawon ni yr ysgol ar y bws ac yna teithion am awr i'r reptilium. Cyn iddyn ni cael mynd i weld yr ymlusgiaid gwahanol roedd rhaid i ni aros am awr. Yn yr amser hynny aethon ni gid i'r archfarchnad oedd ar ochr arall yr rhewl. Roedd gan yr siop yma subway ynddo lle gallon ni prynnu bwyd. Yna, o'r diwedd pryd oedden ni yn gallu ymweld a'r reptilium, aethon ni mewn i ddau grwp wahanol. Roedden ni yn gallu anwesu yr anifeiliaid e.e neidr, broga, crebanod a.y.y.b. Ar ddiwedd y taith o gwmpas y gwahanol arddangosfeydd welon ni Meerkats, roedden nhw yn ciwt iawn. Ar ôl ddod yn nôl i'r ysgol ar y bws, roedd rhaid i mi ddal y bws i mynd nôl i'r tŷ. Dewdodd Marie wrthaf fod ni yn mynd i mynd am dro yn y goedwig. Roedd y coed yn y goedwig yn enfawr a roedd y bryn roedd y llwybr arno yn serth iawn. Hefyd wnaethon ni ddod a'r ci a roedd o yn rhedeg pob man. Ar diwedd y llwybr yn y goedwig roedd yna llyn a roedd hi'n prydferth. Ar ôl i ni gyd cael gorfwys wnaethon ni gyd cerdded nôl i'r car i mynd adref. Ar y ffordd adref aethon ni am hufen ia a roedd o yn dda iawn. Gorffenon ni ein hufen ia a aethon ni adref.

Hello, today we went to the Reptilium. We left the school on the bus and traveled for an hour to reach the Reptilium. Before we could go and see all of the different reptiles we had to wait for an hour. So in the meantime we went to the supermarket which was across the road, it also had a subway where people could buy some food. Then when we could finally go into the Reptilium, we had to split into two groups and we then looked around at all of the different snakes, frogs, turtles ect. While walking through the different parts of the reptilium we had a chance to stroke turtles and snakes and we also had a lizard put on our heads. At the end of the guided tour we got to see some meerkats and they were very cute. After traveling back to the school on the bus I then had to catch the train to get to the house. I was told then that we would be going on a walk through the forest. Once we were ready we got in the car to go to the forest. The trees in the forest were massive and the hill that we were on was extremely steep. We had brought the dog with us and he was running everywhere. At the end of the path in the woods there was a lake and it was beautiful. After having a break from walking on a bench we all walked back up to where the car was. On the way home from our walk we went to get some ice cream, it tasted very good. We all finished our ice cream and then went home.

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