Heute war sehr lustig. Ich habe mit Will, Elliot und Rhys gesprochen. Wir haben Karten mit meinen Freunden gespielt. Ich fand der Bus angenehm. In der Bus, habe ich Chocolate Buttons, Doritos und Hoola Hoops gegessen. Das war sehr lecker. Ich habe Volvic getrunken und das war wunderbar!
In Köln habe ich den Dom besucht. Ich fand den Dom spitze und interessant. Ich bin mit Max gegangen. Ich habe fotografiert. In der Bus, habe ich Despacito, I'm the One und Whatever it takes gehört.
Roedd heddiw yn hollol wych. Siaradais gyda Will, Elliot a Rhys. Roeddwn i wedi chwarae cardiau gyda fy ffrindiau. Ffeindiais i y bws yn gyfforddus iawn. Yn y bws, bwytais i Chocolate Buttons, Doritos a Hoola Hoops. Roedd hwnna'n flasus iawn. Roedden i wedi yfed Volvic ac roedd hwnna'n arbennig!
Yn Köln, roedden ni wedi ymweld a Eglwys Gadeiriol mawr iawn. Ffeindiais yr Eglwys Gadeiriol yn hollol wych ac yn ddiddorol iawn! Roeddwn i wedi cerdded gyda Max. Cymerais lluniau hefyd. Yn y bws, gwrandais ar Despacito, I'm the One a Whatever it takes.
Today was super. I talked to Will, Elliot and Rhys for most of the journey. We sat there and played cards for an hour or so. I found the bus very comfortable and it was easy to sleep on it. The seats had loads of room. Half way through the journey, me and my friends started to eat chocolate and sweets like Chocolate Buttons, Doritos and Hoola Hoops. Although they were all nice, my favourite snack I had were the Chocolate Buttons. I also had Volvic to drink. That was very refreshing especially as the weather was warm.
We as a group stopped off in Köln to visit the Cathedral. The Cathedral was humongous. I found it very interesting. Most of the group took photos of the building many times. Me and my friend Max walked back to the bus together. When we got back on the bus, me and my friends listened to Despacito, I'm the One and Whatever it takes. These songs were good and kept me from falling asleep.
Falch clywed dy fod yn cael amser da a bod y siwrne wedi bod yn iawn. Rydw i'n hapus iawn aethoch i Köln - dyna lle arhosais pan roeddwn i wedi mynd ar trip cyfnewid gyda'r ysgol!! Mwynha yfory x