Sunday, 18 June 2017

Diwrnod Cyrraedd!

Sonntag bin ich Calais gefahren. Ich habe mit Lily gesitzen. Der bus war macht spaß denn es ist mit meiner Freunde aber manchmal langweilig und ziemlich laut. Der bus war sehr groß. Heute Nachmittag habe ich chips gegessen. Ich bin Köln gegangen und Kathedrale gesehen. Ich habe nomlauch mit Lily gesitzen.

Yn gyntaf, aethon ni ar bws i Dover ac eisteddais ar bwys Lily. Yna cyrraeddon ni Dover ac aethon ni ar y cuwch mawr. Teimlais tamed yn sâl ond gwellais i. Cymerodd ni llawer o lluniau da o'r ddwr. Ar ôl oriau cyrraeddon ni Köln ac gweld y eglwys gadeiriol o'r Almaen. Yna llawer o oriau yn ddiweddar, cyrraeddon ni y ysgol! Gwelais Fidelis a'i deulu ac aethon ni i eu gardd. Dwedais helo i'r gafr, cyw iâr, cath, cath gwyllt a hwyaid. Nesaf, aethon ni i dŷ Fidelis ac siaradodd ni dros ffrwyth a bisgedi oan rhoddais i y anrhegion iddyn nhw. I orffen y dydd, cerddon ni ar bwys afon ac bwyton ni yn Rheinperle, cefais byrgyr blasus iawn. Gorffen da i ddiwrnod hir ond arbennig!

Firstly, we went on the bus to Dover, I sat next to Lily. Then, we arrived at Dover and we went on the ferry. I felt a bit sea sick but I got better. We took a lot of amazing pictures of the water and the sunset. After hours we arrived at Köln and we visited the cathedral. And eventually after a phew more hours we arrived at the school! I saw Fidelis and her family and we went to their garden. I said hello to the goats, chickens, cat, wild cat and ducks. Next, we went to her house and we spoke over fruit and biscuits where I gave them their presents. To finish the day, we walked next to a river and ate in the Rheinperle, where I had a very tasty burger. A good finish to a long but great day!


  1. Hapus iawn i glywed bo chi gyd wedi cyraedd yn saff. Edrych ymlaen i weld y lluniau. Wyt ti wedi cymryd lluniau o'r anifeiliaid? Dim sôn am gwydd?

  2. Good too see you arrived ok. Love the blog - I'm looking forward to more in the week!
