Sunday, 18 June 2017

Dydd Sadwrn/Sûl Sataurday/sunday


Heute Ich bin gefarhen zu Deutschland und ich war sehr müde. Ich bin gesitzen bei Gwydd und Jamie in dem bus. Ich bin gefarhen von Dover zu Calais im Schiff denn es ist gut. Ich habe gespreacht im bus mit meinem Freunden. Ich habe geshlaft für 2 Uhr .


Heddiw rydw i wedi bod yn teithio i Yr Almaen ac roeddwn i wedi teimlo yn blinedig. Ar y bws eisteddais ar byws Gwydd ac Jamie yn y bws. Teithais ar y cwch o Dover i Calais. Cefais 2 awr o cwsg ar y bws . Rydw i wedi cwrdd a Mario ac ei teulu. Mae anodd deall pobl yn siarad Almaeneg oherwydd rydw i'n gallu adnabod rhai geiriau mae'n nhw yn ei neud.


Today, I have been traveling to Germany on the bus and it has been a long endless bus ride witch doesn't seem to end. I got a small amounts of sleep about 2 hours over the whole journey. The trip from Dover to Calais was a smooth one and good break to move around. I have met Mario and his Family they are very nice and I went to play football with Mario and his friends. Its very hard to figure what people are saying because I know words that they say but I don't know others.

-Harry Griffiths 😶


  1. English:very interesting blog Harry! from Gwen.x
    Cymraeg:blog diddorol iawn Harry! Gan Gwen.x
    Deutsch:Sehr interessanter Blog Harry! von Gwen.x

  2. Phew - bet you're tired today! Glad to hear you're having fun with Mario. Hope the Vineyard trip went well. Have you been to the outside swimming pool yet? It's 30 degrees here today (!) but probably even hotter in Germany. Look forward to hearing more of your news! Love Mum xx

  3. Falch i glywed bod ti wedi cyrraedd yn saff ac bod y teulu yn neis. Wyt ti wedi bod yn y pwll nofio tu Allan eto? Dad x
