Helo, heddiw mae'n ddydd Sadwrn sy'n feddwl rydym yn gadael heddiw i fynd i'r Almaen. Mae hynnu'n cyffrous iawn ond fyddwn i'n colli fy mam,dad,frawd,teulu a anifeiliaid. Rwy'n cyffrous i weld fy partner Lena, mae wedi fod amser hir cyn i fi weld hi ond nawr mae'r amser wedi ddod. Rwyf angen cysgu ond mae fy mol yn llawn sbri a emosiynnau nerf, fyddwn yn flogio pob dydd ac dyma ddechrau'r antur.
Hello today is Saturday, as some know that means tonight we will be leaving. This is very exciting but also very nerve racking. I am super excited to see my partner Lena after all this time and maybe go swimming with her too tomorrow but, I will also miss my mum,dad,brother, family and pets. We will be travelling for a bit and so I must practise my german, get ready to my friends that are sitting by me. I will blog everyday and si this is the start of the adventure!
Have a great time. Make some amazing memories. Enjoy it all and stay safe 😉. See you soon. X