bonjour, aujourd'hui , nous avons quitté Nantes, c'était triste, sur le ferry il y avait un cinéma, où je regardais star wars, puis nous sommes arrivés à la maison,and so for now, au revoir.
Helo , dwi'n nol am un tro arall, felly heddiw dwedom ni hwyl fawr i eu ffrindiau newydd yn Nantes, ac wedyn arol hynnu aethom ni ar y bws a dechrau ei'n taith, arol awr neu rhywbeth cyrraeddom ni y fferi ac oedd na sinema, felly wiliais i Star Wars wrthgwrs, ac wedyn ar ol y fferi aethom ni ar y taith tri awr olaf nol catref ac ar ol iddym ni cyrraedd catref pigodd ni lan ei'n cas's ni a mynd nol yw tau ni, am nawr hwyl fawr
Hello, world! Well today we said goodbye to our newly found friends in Nantes, and it was sad, but I never cry, and so we left fir the ferry, which was nice, there was a cinema, I went to watch Star Wars The Force Awakens (which is a great movie by the way) and then we carried on our journey home, and then we arrived we took our suitcases and left for home, so for now goodbye
Monday, 20 June 2016
Sunday, 19 June 2016
Je suis aprrecier trebucher France.J'adore France parce que c'est interresant et ludique.J'ai manger crêpe il formidable et fantastique.Je manger des tas de Weetabix il savereux et sain.Le semaine il formidable et fantastique et ludique.J'ai apprendre "squash" est sirop.J'adore France parce que c'est formidable et interresant.J'ai visiterr châteou ennuyeux mais j'ai manger le glasse saveroux.J'ai regarde le foot.J'ai deçu environ resulter.J'adore le semaine et j'ai deçu nou avoir.
Dydd Sadwrn
Fe wnes i mwynhau fy amser yn Nantes.Rydw i'n hoffi Ffrainc gan ei fod yn diddorol ac yn gwahanol iawn i Brydain.Fe wnes i mwynhau bwyta crêp gan fod rhai'n melys a rhai ddim.Fe wnes mwynhau trio y bwydydd Ffrangeg , ond rydw i'n credu mae well gen i bwydydd Cymru.Fe wnes i ddim bwyta malwod neu coesau broga, ond fe wnes i bwyta rhai bwydydd newydd.Fe wnes i ddysgu bod squash yn Ffrangeg yw sirop a mae nhw'n gwerthu sirop mewn caniau.Fe wnaethon ni ymweld a dau castell.Roedd y ddau yr un mor ddiflas a'i gilydd, ond ar ôl i ni mynd i'r castell aethon ni i bwyta hufen iâ.Fe wnes i archebu yn Ffrangeg gan ddweud "Je voudrais le glasse banane et fraise."Fe wnaethon ni gwilio y pêl-droed yn erbyn Slovakia a Lloegr.Roedden ni yn Portsmouth yn gwilio'r gêm Slovakia.Yn ffodus i ni ennillodd Cymru 2-1.Ond yn y gêm yn erbyn Lloegr collon ni 2-1 ar ôl i Sturridge a Vardy sgorio i Lloegr.Yna ar ôl wythnos brysur llaw atgofion a anturiaethau bythgofiadwy roedd angen i ni mynd yn ôl adref.
I enjoyed my week in Nantes.I like France as it's interesting and very different to the Uk.I ate a crêpe which I enjoyed a lot.I like crêpes as they can be sweet and savoury.We also visited 2 boring castles (2 too many), but we then visited a ice cream shop were I ordered in French asking for a banana and strawberry ice-cream.These ice-creams were possibly the nicest ice-creams I had ever eaten.As well as eat we watched the football.Against Slovakia Wales looked like a very good side with Bale scoring a free kick and Robson Kanu with a goal.Then Wales played against England.Things didn't go so well as we lost 2-1 to a Vardy and Sturridge goals.With Bale scoring another free-kick.But even though I want Wales to win more than anything else, England were dominant and deserved to win.Then after a week full of memories and adventures that I will never forget we had to go on our way back to Wales.
Je suis aprrecier trebucher France.J'adore France parce que c'est interresant et ludique.J'ai manger crêpe il formidable et fantastique.Je manger des tas de Weetabix il savereux et sain.Le semaine il formidable et fantastique et ludique.J'ai apprendre "squash" est sirop.J'adore France parce que c'est formidable et interresant.J'ai visiterr châteou ennuyeux mais j'ai manger le glasse saveroux.J'ai regarde le foot.J'ai deçu environ resulter.J'adore le semaine et j'ai deçu nou avoir.
Dydd Sadwrn
Fe wnes i mwynhau fy amser yn Nantes.Rydw i'n hoffi Ffrainc gan ei fod yn diddorol ac yn gwahanol iawn i Brydain.Fe wnes i mwynhau bwyta crêp gan fod rhai'n melys a rhai ddim.Fe wnes mwynhau trio y bwydydd Ffrangeg , ond rydw i'n credu mae well gen i bwydydd Cymru.Fe wnes i ddim bwyta malwod neu coesau broga, ond fe wnes i bwyta rhai bwydydd newydd.Fe wnes i ddysgu bod squash yn Ffrangeg yw sirop a mae nhw'n gwerthu sirop mewn caniau.Fe wnaethon ni ymweld a dau castell.Roedd y ddau yr un mor ddiflas a'i gilydd, ond ar ôl i ni mynd i'r castell aethon ni i bwyta hufen iâ.Fe wnes i archebu yn Ffrangeg gan ddweud "Je voudrais le glasse banane et fraise."Fe wnaethon ni gwilio y pêl-droed yn erbyn Slovakia a Lloegr.Roedden ni yn Portsmouth yn gwilio'r gêm Slovakia.Yn ffodus i ni ennillodd Cymru 2-1.Ond yn y gêm yn erbyn Lloegr collon ni 2-1 ar ôl i Sturridge a Vardy sgorio i Lloegr.Yna ar ôl wythnos brysur llaw atgofion a anturiaethau bythgofiadwy roedd angen i ni mynd yn ôl adref.
I enjoyed my week in Nantes.I like France as it's interesting and very different to the Uk.I ate a crêpe which I enjoyed a lot.I like crêpes as they can be sweet and savoury.We also visited 2 boring castles (2 too many), but we then visited a ice cream shop were I ordered in French asking for a banana and strawberry ice-cream.These ice-creams were possibly the nicest ice-creams I had ever eaten.As well as eat we watched the football.Against Slovakia Wales looked like a very good side with Bale scoring a free kick and Robson Kanu with a goal.Then Wales played against England.Things didn't go so well as we lost 2-1 to a Vardy and Sturridge goals.With Bale scoring another free-kick.But even though I want Wales to win more than anything else, England were dominant and deserved to win.Then after a week full of memories and adventures that I will never forget we had to go on our way back to Wales.
I woke up early this morning to have a shower so I'm fresh for the long day ahead. I had a full French breakfast this morning. French breakfast is bread, croissants (I had Nutella with my breakfast) with orange juice. It was very delicious. My bag and suitcase was all ready, everything was all packed then..... Axelle came in my room and gave me presents. I felt like crying on the spot but I didn't I stayed strong. I opened the presents to have a look and opening the wrapping to carefully. I couldn't even guess what was in the wrapping it was so light. When I opened it it was a French mug and the other one was a French bisect bowl. I packed them and was ready. We were about to leave and then everyone had to go to the back garden for a 'selfie'.
The family is amazing. I will always remember this amazing week this the family. People was mistaking me for Axelle I don't understand why we look nothing alike. I'll always love this family, and miss Axelles friends Deborah and Charlotte. I first met them on the bus on the way to school. And Thursday they came to Axelles so they could come to the themed night.
Here's me, Megan Griffiths, Ffion Sullivan, Axelle, Deborah & Charlotte. I will never forget there's 3 amazing girls who I will talk to all the time. Hopefully I will go back to Naunts and see the girls I really hope I see them again. Back to the 'selfie' moment. It took a while to get the "Wright lighting" was funny Axelles dad just wanted it to be over. After that we headed to the car (my bags were already in the car). Heading off to the bus.... Nothing exiting happened it's okay. We got to the bus put my case on and we went. I'm joking. I put my bag and my case on the bus and went to say bye. Saying bye is the hardest thing ever. I was saying to myself "don't cry, it's going to be okay, I'll keep in touch" then..... Deborah started crying so you can guess. I cried. Whoops. Deborah's makeup started running down her face, Charlotte started crying. We started giving hugs saying bye and then more tears came (Megan). So we didn't go on the bus for another 5 minutes. Then we stated saying bye again and we couldn't stop crying, hugs for all. We went on the bus and more people stated crying well mainly me Megan and Leah. Then the long bus journey happened. Obviously I went to sleep. By the time I woke up we were at the ferry. We boarded the ferry and the ferry journey started slow and steady and then boom! We were gone. Well that's how I thought it went. After a while I went to have food with Megan Grace Reiny Chloe and Ethan. I ate fish and chips was a very big meal. I was stuffed (in other words full). After food I didn't really feel the best but I'm not getting into detail, I wasn't sick. Mr Voyle took us up to the upper deck for me to have fresh air. We stayed up there with Mr Voyle for a while and he went back inside so me Megan and Ceridwen stayed out side for about an hour. Witch that hour went really fast. Six hours on a ferry seems really long but when six hours passes it goes fast. I got many presents for people. Not gunna say names. (Dad) Don't worry didn't forget farthers day is tomorrow. When everyone was back at the room we had gotten given there was a little presentation for ..... of the week. I had won as my dad would say "Frenchie of the week" because I had been given dishes to try all week and most of them I didn't particularly like. But I have them I try.
Monday I had shrimp but I didn't try.
Tuesday Snails^^^^
Wednesday oysters^^^^
Friday frogs legs^^^^
Now for the journey home a long trip home to Cardiff and a little bumpy on the way. Everyone really enjoyed them selfs in this amazing week and can't wait for Germany next. Thanks so much for the teachers for making this possible for us, we all have made life long friends we will never forget. Diolch yn fawr
Dydd Sadwrn
Ddeffrais yn gynnar y bore yma i gael cawod felly rwy'n ffres ar gyfer y diwrnod hir o'n blaenau. Roedd gen i frecwast Ffrengig llawn y bore yma. brecwast Ffrengig yw bara, croissants (roedd gen i Nutella gyda fy brecwast) gyda sudd oren. Roedd yn flasus iawn. Mae fy bag a cês oedd yn barod, roedd popeth i gyd yn llawn, yna ..... daeth Axelle yn fy ystafell a rhoddodd anrheg i mi. Roeddwn i'n teimlo fel crio ar y fan a'r lle, ond doeddwn i ddim yn yr wyf yn aros yn gryf. Agorais yr anrhegion i gael golwg a agor y deunydd lapio yn ofalus iawn. Allwn i ddim hyd yn oed yn dyfalu beth oedd yn y lapio roedd mor ysgafn. Pan agorais roedd yn mwg Ffrengig a'r un arall oedd bowlen Haneru Ffrangeg. Paciais nhw ac roedd yn barod. Rydym ar fin gadael, ac yna rhaid i bawb fynd i'r ardd gefn am 'selfie'.
Mae'r teulu yn anhygoel. Byddaf bob amser yn cofio yr wythnos hon anhygoel y teulu. Pobl yn creu camgymryd rhwng fi a Axelle. Nid wyf yn deall pam yr ydym yn edrych dim byd fel ei'n gilydd. Byddaf bob amser yn caru y teulu hwn, ac yn colli ffrindiau Axelle, Deborah a Charlotte. Tro cyntaf imi gwrdd â nhw ar y bws ar y ffordd i'r ysgol. A dydd Iau roedden nhw wedi dod i tŷ Axelle fel y gallent ddod i'r noson thema.
Dyma fi, Megan Griffiths, Ffion Sullivan, Axelle, Deborah & Charlotte. Ni fyddaf byth yn anghofio mae 3 merch anhygoel pwy byddaf yn siarad â drwy'r amser. Gobeithio y byddaf yn mynd yn ôl at Naunts a gweld y merched. Rwy'n gobeithio fy mod yn eu gweld eto. Yn ôl at y funud 'selfie'. Cymerodd amser i gael y "Right lighting" yn ddoniol dad Axelles ond eisiau iddo fod drosodd. Ar ôl hynny aethom at y car (fy bagiau oedd yn barod yn y car). Pennawd ffwrdd i'r bws .... Dim byd cyffrous a ddigwyddodd ond roedd yn iawn. Rydym yn cyrraedd y bws yn rhoi fy bag ar y bws ar ac aethomthom ni ar ei'n fordd. Rwy on yn cellwair. Rwy'n rhoi fy mag ar y bws ac aeth i ddweud hwyl. Mae dweud hwyl yw'r peth anoddaf erioed. Oeddwn yn ei ddweud i mi fy hun "ddim yn crio, mae'n mynd i fod yn iawn gallaf cadw mewn cysylltiad" yna ..... Dechreuodd Deborah crio fel y gallwch ddyfalu. Dechaeais crio. Wps. Dechreuodd colur Deborah yn rhedeg i lawr ei hwyneb, dechreuodd Charlotte crio arôl. Rydym yn dechrau rhoi "hugs" a dweud hwyl ac yna daeth mwy o dagrau o (Megan). Felly, nid ydym yn mynd ar y bws am 5 munud arall. Yna rydym yn datgan ei ddweud hwyl eto ac ni allem roi'r gorau i crio, cwtch i bawb. Aethom ar y bws a mwy o bobl a yn dechrau crio yn dda yn bennaf i fi Megan a Leah. Yna y daith bws hir digwydd. Yn amlwg fe es i gysgu. Erbyn i mi ddeffrais oeddem ar y fferi. Rydym yn mynd ar y fferi a dechreuodd y daith fferi araf ac yn gyson ac yna ffynnu! Roeddem yn mynd. Wel dyna sut yr wyf yn meddwl ei fod yn mynd. Ar ôl ychydig es i gael bwyd gyda Megan, Grace, Reiny, Chloe a Ethan. Bwytais pysgod a sglodion oedd pryd mawr iawn. Roeddwn yn stwffio (mewn geiriau eraill llawn). Ar ôl bwyd Doeddwn i ddim wir yn teimlo y gorau ond dydw i ddim yn mynd i fanylder, nid oeddwn yn sâl. Cymerodd Mr Voyle â ni hyd at y llawr uchaf i mi gael awyr iach. Rydym yn aros i fyny yno gyda Mr Voyle am ychydig a aeth ôl y tu mewn, felly mi arhosodd Megan a Ceridwen allan ochr am tua awr. Wow mae awr yn mynd yn gyflym iawn. Chwe awr ar fferi yn ymddangos hir iawn ond pan chwe awr yn pasio mae'n mynd yn gyflym. Cawn lawer o anrhegion i bobl. Nid yw gunna dweud enwau. (Dad) Peidiwch â phoeni nid oedd yn anghofio noson y tafau yfory. Pan oedd pawb yn ôl yn yr ystafell. Cafon ni cyflwyniad bach am rhywbeth yr wythnos. Roeddwn i wedi ennill gan y byddai fy nhad yn dweud "Frenchie of the week" gan fy mod wedi cael prydau i roi cynnig ar bob wythnos ac mae'r rhan fwyaf ohonynt doeddwn i ddim yn arbennig yn hoffi. Ond yr wyf gen i roi cynnig arnynt. Dydd Llun roedd gen berdys, ond doeddwn i ddim yn rhoi cynnig arni.
Malwod Dydd Mawrth ^^^^
wystrys Dydd Mercher ^^^^
Dydd Gwener Coesau brogaod^^^
Nawr ar gyfer y daith adref daith hir adref i Gaerdydd ac ychydig o anwastad ar y ffordd. Mae pawb wedi mwynhau eu hunain yn yr wythnos hon anhygoel. Ac methu aros ar gyfer yr Almaen nesaf. Diolch yn fawr i'r athrawon am wneud hyn yn bosib i ni, yr ydym i gyd wedi gwneud ffrindiau oes hir, byddwn byth yn anghofio.
Thank you, Diolch, Merci
I woke up early this morning to have a shower so I'm fresh for the long day ahead. I had a full French breakfast this morning. French breakfast is bread, croissants (I had Nutella with my breakfast) with orange juice. It was very delicious. My bag and suitcase was all ready, everything was all packed then..... Axelle came in my room and gave me presents. I felt like crying on the spot but I didn't I stayed strong. I opened the presents to have a look and opening the wrapping to carefully. I couldn't even guess what was in the wrapping it was so light. When I opened it it was a French mug and the other one was a French bisect bowl. I packed them and was ready. We were about to leave and then everyone had to go to the back garden for a 'selfie'.
The family is amazing. I will always remember this amazing week this the family. People was mistaking me for Axelle I don't understand why we look nothing alike. I'll always love this family, and miss Axelles friends Deborah and Charlotte. I first met them on the bus on the way to school. And Thursday they came to Axelles so they could come to the themed night.
Here's me, Megan Griffiths, Ffion Sullivan, Axelle, Deborah & Charlotte. I will never forget there's 3 amazing girls who I will talk to all the time. Hopefully I will go back to Naunts and see the girls I really hope I see them again. Back to the 'selfie' moment. It took a while to get the "Wright lighting" was funny Axelles dad just wanted it to be over. After that we headed to the car (my bags were already in the car). Heading off to the bus.... Nothing exiting happened it's okay. We got to the bus put my case on and we went. I'm joking. I put my bag and my case on the bus and went to say bye. Saying bye is the hardest thing ever. I was saying to myself "don't cry, it's going to be okay, I'll keep in touch" then..... Deborah started crying so you can guess. I cried. Whoops. Deborah's makeup started running down her face, Charlotte started crying. We started giving hugs saying bye and then more tears came (Megan). So we didn't go on the bus for another 5 minutes. Then we stated saying bye again and we couldn't stop crying, hugs for all. We went on the bus and more people stated crying well mainly me Megan and Leah. Then the long bus journey happened. Obviously I went to sleep. By the time I woke up we were at the ferry. We boarded the ferry and the ferry journey started slow and steady and then boom! We were gone. Well that's how I thought it went. After a while I went to have food with Megan Grace Reiny Chloe and Ethan. I ate fish and chips was a very big meal. I was stuffed (in other words full). After food I didn't really feel the best but I'm not getting into detail, I wasn't sick. Mr Voyle took us up to the upper deck for me to have fresh air. We stayed up there with Mr Voyle for a while and he went back inside so me Megan and Ceridwen stayed out side for about an hour. Witch that hour went really fast. Six hours on a ferry seems really long but when six hours passes it goes fast. I got many presents for people. Not gunna say names. (Dad) Don't worry didn't forget farthers day is tomorrow. When everyone was back at the room we had gotten given there was a little presentation for ..... of the week. I had won as my dad would say "Frenchie of the week" because I had been given dishes to try all week and most of them I didn't particularly like. But I have them I try.
Monday I had shrimp but I didn't try.
Tuesday Snails^^^^
Wednesday oysters^^^^
Friday frogs legs^^^^
Now for the journey home a long trip home to Cardiff and a little bumpy on the way. Everyone really enjoyed them selfs in this amazing week and can't wait for Germany next. Thanks so much for the teachers for making this possible for us, we all have made life long friends we will never forget. Diolch yn fawr
Dydd Sadwrn
Ddeffrais yn gynnar y bore yma i gael cawod felly rwy'n ffres ar gyfer y diwrnod hir o'n blaenau. Roedd gen i frecwast Ffrengig llawn y bore yma. brecwast Ffrengig yw bara, croissants (roedd gen i Nutella gyda fy brecwast) gyda sudd oren. Roedd yn flasus iawn. Mae fy bag a cês oedd yn barod, roedd popeth i gyd yn llawn, yna ..... daeth Axelle yn fy ystafell a rhoddodd anrheg i mi. Roeddwn i'n teimlo fel crio ar y fan a'r lle, ond doeddwn i ddim yn yr wyf yn aros yn gryf. Agorais yr anrhegion i gael golwg a agor y deunydd lapio yn ofalus iawn. Allwn i ddim hyd yn oed yn dyfalu beth oedd yn y lapio roedd mor ysgafn. Pan agorais roedd yn mwg Ffrengig a'r un arall oedd bowlen Haneru Ffrangeg. Paciais nhw ac roedd yn barod. Rydym ar fin gadael, ac yna rhaid i bawb fynd i'r ardd gefn am 'selfie'.
Mae'r teulu yn anhygoel. Byddaf bob amser yn cofio yr wythnos hon anhygoel y teulu. Pobl yn creu camgymryd rhwng fi a Axelle. Nid wyf yn deall pam yr ydym yn edrych dim byd fel ei'n gilydd. Byddaf bob amser yn caru y teulu hwn, ac yn colli ffrindiau Axelle, Deborah a Charlotte. Tro cyntaf imi gwrdd â nhw ar y bws ar y ffordd i'r ysgol. A dydd Iau roedden nhw wedi dod i tŷ Axelle fel y gallent ddod i'r noson thema.
Dyma fi, Megan Griffiths, Ffion Sullivan, Axelle, Deborah & Charlotte. Ni fyddaf byth yn anghofio mae 3 merch anhygoel pwy byddaf yn siarad â drwy'r amser. Gobeithio y byddaf yn mynd yn ôl at Naunts a gweld y merched. Rwy'n gobeithio fy mod yn eu gweld eto. Yn ôl at y funud 'selfie'. Cymerodd amser i gael y "Right lighting" yn ddoniol dad Axelles ond eisiau iddo fod drosodd. Ar ôl hynny aethom at y car (fy bagiau oedd yn barod yn y car). Pennawd ffwrdd i'r bws .... Dim byd cyffrous a ddigwyddodd ond roedd yn iawn. Rydym yn cyrraedd y bws yn rhoi fy bag ar y bws ar ac aethomthom ni ar ei'n fordd. Rwy on yn cellwair. Rwy'n rhoi fy mag ar y bws ac aeth i ddweud hwyl. Mae dweud hwyl yw'r peth anoddaf erioed. Oeddwn yn ei ddweud i mi fy hun "ddim yn crio, mae'n mynd i fod yn iawn gallaf cadw mewn cysylltiad" yna ..... Dechreuodd Deborah crio fel y gallwch ddyfalu. Dechaeais crio. Wps. Dechreuodd colur Deborah yn rhedeg i lawr ei hwyneb, dechreuodd Charlotte crio arôl. Rydym yn dechrau rhoi "hugs" a dweud hwyl ac yna daeth mwy o dagrau o (Megan). Felly, nid ydym yn mynd ar y bws am 5 munud arall. Yna rydym yn datgan ei ddweud hwyl eto ac ni allem roi'r gorau i crio, cwtch i bawb. Aethom ar y bws a mwy o bobl a yn dechrau crio yn dda yn bennaf i fi Megan a Leah. Yna y daith bws hir digwydd. Yn amlwg fe es i gysgu. Erbyn i mi ddeffrais oeddem ar y fferi. Rydym yn mynd ar y fferi a dechreuodd y daith fferi araf ac yn gyson ac yna ffynnu! Roeddem yn mynd. Wel dyna sut yr wyf yn meddwl ei fod yn mynd. Ar ôl ychydig es i gael bwyd gyda Megan, Grace, Reiny, Chloe a Ethan. Bwytais pysgod a sglodion oedd pryd mawr iawn. Roeddwn yn stwffio (mewn geiriau eraill llawn). Ar ôl bwyd Doeddwn i ddim wir yn teimlo y gorau ond dydw i ddim yn mynd i fanylder, nid oeddwn yn sâl. Cymerodd Mr Voyle â ni hyd at y llawr uchaf i mi gael awyr iach. Rydym yn aros i fyny yno gyda Mr Voyle am ychydig a aeth ôl y tu mewn, felly mi arhosodd Megan a Ceridwen allan ochr am tua awr. Wow mae awr yn mynd yn gyflym iawn. Chwe awr ar fferi yn ymddangos hir iawn ond pan chwe awr yn pasio mae'n mynd yn gyflym. Cawn lawer o anrhegion i bobl. Nid yw gunna dweud enwau. (Dad) Peidiwch â phoeni nid oedd yn anghofio noson y tafau yfory. Pan oedd pawb yn ôl yn yr ystafell. Cafon ni cyflwyniad bach am rhywbeth yr wythnos. Roeddwn i wedi ennill gan y byddai fy nhad yn dweud "Frenchie of the week" gan fy mod wedi cael prydau i roi cynnig ar bob wythnos ac mae'r rhan fwyaf ohonynt doeddwn i ddim yn arbennig yn hoffi. Ond yr wyf gen i roi cynnig arnynt. Dydd Llun roedd gen berdys, ond doeddwn i ddim yn rhoi cynnig arni.
Malwod Dydd Mawrth ^^^^
wystrys Dydd Mercher ^^^^
Dydd Gwener Coesau brogaod^^^
Nawr ar gyfer y daith adref daith hir adref i Gaerdydd ac ychydig o anwastad ar y ffordd. Mae pawb wedi mwynhau eu hunain yn yr wythnos hon anhygoel. Ac methu aros ar gyfer yr Almaen nesaf. Diolch yn fawr i'r athrawon am wneud hyn yn bosib i ni, yr ydym i gyd wedi gwneud ffrindiau oes hir, byddwn byth yn anghofio.
Thank you, Diolch, Merci
I have really enjoyed my time in Nantes and I can't believe the whole exchange is over. My partner Ines was very generous along with her mum, Cecile. Throughout the week I have learnt a lot of new things about France's language and culture, the food (that the bread and pastry is delicious,) the language (that they don't pause between sentences like us,) school and traditions. On Friday we ate in the school's canteen and I felt like an extra in an American TV show because the way of getting the food was similar and the environment was similar. Also, I found it really confusing because the cars are on the other side of the road, as well as the steering wheel, and sometimes it felt weird on a roundabout and I thought we were going to crash, so it is a relief driving home on the usual side of the road. I am also relieved that both ferry journeys are over because I was slightly nervous going on a ferry for the first time. We have experienced a lot interesting things but my favourite was most probably the Dukes of Nantes castle and shopping in LeClerc because it was really funny and we learnt that shopping in France is much different than shopping in Wales. I also enjoyed watching Wales play against England in the pub except for the disappointing result. The funniest moment was when the teacher read the label and noticed that the huge jars of nutella were 30c off, not a price of 30c (I don't think I have laughed so hard in my life.) Overall the experience was amazing and I would always do it again and would love to meet up with the friends I have made.
Mae'r siwrne wedi dod i ben a dydw i ddim yn gwybod os rydw i yn drist ei bod drosodd neu yn falch ei bod drosodd. Roedd yr holl drip yn wych a mwynheuais pob eiliad ohono ond erbyn hyn rydw i'n dechrau colli fy nheulu. Dysgais llawer iawn am ddiwylliant Ffrainc, yn cynnwys bwydydd, iaith, traddodiadau ac ysgol. Mae bwyd yn rhan fawr o ddiwylliant Ffrainc, ac os fyddech yn crwydro o amgylch strydoedd yr ardal byddech yn sylweddoli fod llawer o boptai sy'n arogli'n flasus iawn. Ar ein taith i Nantes fe wnaethon ni fwyta mewn caffi llawn lluniau o'r teulu brenhinol Prydeinig o'r enw George V11 a chefais i groissant mor flasus ni alla'i fyth bwyta croissant yr un ffordd eto oherwydd ni fydd cystal. Mae fy nealltwriaeth o'r iaith hefyd wedi gwella a bydd yn helpu yn y dyfodol wrth ddatblygu fy sgiliau Ffrangeg. Mwynheuais ymweld â'r holl gastellfeydd, amgueddfeydd, a siopau wahanol. Roedd y gastell Nantes yn ddiddorol a hefyd yr Eliffant fawr. Ar y cyfan roedd y daith yn anghofiadwy ac rydw i methu aros i rannu fy mhrofiadau gyda fy ffrindiau a theulu.
J'ai apprecitié Nantes totalment, c'était incroyable. Mon correspondante était fantastique et amis. J'ai achete souvernirs pour mon famillie, mes amis et moi, par example aimants, un tasse et aliments. Nantes est vraiment interessant, aussi College Rugitgliano est super cool. Ce sera bien à voir mon avis et famillie plus tard.
last day😢😢😢 dydd olaf
Hi i woke up early and everything just went so fast until we waved goodbye to the families wich with some people (Leah, Ash) were crying but me no because i knew i was going to see them again so we left the families and as soon as we started driving i put on my earphones my bright yellow jumper on me and then i put my pillow around my neck and next thing i knew is that we were 30mins from the seversis and then I started to pack everything wich was mostly food, then we went off I eaten my food, and then we were of to the ferri were i was just watching youtube with someone's hotspot and we were at the ferri were on it we took shifts to watch over our room after that i had a burger and chips and straight after that we went to watch the new starwars wich was awesome. After we went off the ferri our passport for any illegal immigration's were there but thank god there were none so we set off to the school were our parents were waiting and thats the end of my trip see you guys in another blog.
Salut je me suis réveillé tôt et tout juste allé si vite jusqu'à ce que nous dit au revoir aux familles wich avec certaines personnes (Leah, Ash) pleuraient mais moi non, parce que je savais que je devais les revoir et nous avons laissé les familles et dès que nous avons commencé à conduire je mets sur mes écouteurs mon pull jaune vif sur moi, puis-je mettre mon oreiller autour de mon cou et la prochaine chose que je savais est que nous étions 30mins de la seversis puis j'ai commencé à emballer tout wich était surtout de la nourriture, puis nous sommes allés au large, je mangé ma nourriture, et nous étions de la ferri ont été i étais juste youtube regarder avec le hotspot de quelqu'un et nous étions à la ferri étaient sur elle, nous avons pris des changements pour veiller sur notre chambre après que j'ai eu un hamburger et des frites et tout de suite après que nous sommes allés voir la nouvelle wich starwars était génial. Après nous sommes allés au large de la ferri notre passeport pour toute immigration illégale de étaient là, mais Dieu merci, il n'y avait aucune façon que nous sommes partis à l'école ont été nos parents attendaient et thats la fin de mon voyage que vous voyez les gars dans un autre blog.
Hi fi Ddeffrois i fyny yn gynnar a phopeth yn unig yn mynd mor gyflym nes i ni chwifio hwyl fawr i'r teuluoedd wich gyda rhai pobl (Leah, Ash) yn crio ond fi dim oherwydd fi yn gwybod fi oedd yn mynd i weld nhw eto felly rydym yn gadael y teuluoedd a chyn gynted wrth i ni ddechrau gyrru i roi ar fy clustffonau fy siwmper melyn llachar ar mi ac yna i roi fy gobennydd o amgylch fy ngwddf a beth nesaf i yn gwybod yw ein bod yn 30 munud o'r seversis ac yna dechreuais i bacio wich popeth oedd yn bennaf bwyd, yna rydym yn aeth i ffwrdd i mi bwyta fy mwyd, ac yna roeddem nag at y ferri oedd fi oedd dim ond gwylio youtube gyda problemus rhywun ac yr oeddem ar y ferri oedd arno rydym yn cymryd sifftiau i wylio dros ein ystafell ar ôl bod fi oedd byrger a sglodion ac yn syth ar ôl hynny aethom i wylio'r wich starwars newydd yn awesome. Ar ôl i ni fynd oddi ar y ferri ein pasport ar gyfer unrhyw mewnfudo anghyfreithlon oedd yno ond diolch dduw nid oedd yr un, felly rydym yn gosod i ffwrdd i'r ysgol oedd ein rhieni yn aros a thats ddiwedd fy daith byddwch yn gweld guys mewn blog arall.
Salut je me suis réveillé tôt et tout juste allé si vite jusqu'à ce que nous dit au revoir aux familles wich avec certaines personnes (Leah, Ash) pleuraient mais moi non, parce que je savais que je devais les revoir et nous avons laissé les familles et dès que nous avons commencé à conduire je mets sur mes écouteurs mon pull jaune vif sur moi, puis-je mettre mon oreiller autour de mon cou et la prochaine chose que je savais est que nous étions 30mins de la seversis puis j'ai commencé à emballer tout wich était surtout de la nourriture, puis nous sommes allés au large, je mangé ma nourriture, et nous étions de la ferri ont été i étais juste youtube regarder avec le hotspot de quelqu'un et nous étions à la ferri étaient sur elle, nous avons pris des changements pour veiller sur notre chambre après que j'ai eu un hamburger et des frites et tout de suite après que nous sommes allés voir la nouvelle wich starwars était génial. Après nous sommes allés au large de la ferri notre passeport pour toute immigration illégale de étaient là, mais Dieu merci, il n'y avait aucune façon que nous sommes partis à l'école ont été nos parents attendaient et thats la fin de mon voyage que vous voyez les gars dans un autre blog.
Hi fi Ddeffrois i fyny yn gynnar a phopeth yn unig yn mynd mor gyflym nes i ni chwifio hwyl fawr i'r teuluoedd wich gyda rhai pobl (Leah, Ash) yn crio ond fi dim oherwydd fi yn gwybod fi oedd yn mynd i weld nhw eto felly rydym yn gadael y teuluoedd a chyn gynted wrth i ni ddechrau gyrru i roi ar fy clustffonau fy siwmper melyn llachar ar mi ac yna i roi fy gobennydd o amgylch fy ngwddf a beth nesaf i yn gwybod yw ein bod yn 30 munud o'r seversis ac yna dechreuais i bacio wich popeth oedd yn bennaf bwyd, yna rydym yn aeth i ffwrdd i mi bwyta fy mwyd, ac yna roeddem nag at y ferri oedd fi oedd dim ond gwylio youtube gyda problemus rhywun ac yr oeddem ar y ferri oedd arno rydym yn cymryd sifftiau i wylio dros ein ystafell ar ôl bod fi oedd byrger a sglodion ac yn syth ar ôl hynny aethom i wylio'r wich starwars newydd yn awesome. Ar ôl i ni fynd oddi ar y ferri ein pasport ar gyfer unrhyw mewnfudo anghyfreithlon oedd yno ond diolch dduw nid oedd yr un, felly rydym yn gosod i ffwrdd i'r ysgol oedd ein rhieni yn aros a thats ddiwedd fy daith byddwch yn gweld guys mewn blog arall.
Cette semaine était très amusant et inttéresant. Une partie de ma nourriture était bonne mais pas toute. Sur le chemin du retour j'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à explorer le ferry.
Wythnos yma rydw i wedi cael llawer o hwyl yn dysgu am pethau newydd. Roedd y bwyd yn neis enwedig ar y diwrnod olaf ac hefyd ar y diwrnod olaf wnaethon i mynd sglefrio ia. Pam roeddwn ni yn dod adref wnaethon ni mynd ar chwch a cael llawer o hwyl yn gweld pa fath o pethau sydd ar cwch ac wedyn pan cyraeddon ni adref aethon ni y gysgu.
This week was very fun and interesting becAuse i saw a lot pf places that i had never been before like the tapestri. The food was nice expesually on the last day aswell on the last day o went ice skatong and had lots of fun. On the way home i had lots of fun exploring a ferry it was very interesting for some reason. Then when i got home i went to sleep.
Saturday, 18 June 2016
Dydd olaf
Roedd y wythnos yma yn hwyl iawn. Roedd llawer o bethau yn wahanol rhwng Ffrainc a Cymru. Does dim gwisg ysgol ac maer bwyd yn llawer gwell yn Ffrainc. Roedd y hufen ia bron yn well na yn y hufen ia. Sut? Roedd ganddon nhw Dominos YAY! Ond yn anffodus doedd dim Costa dim ond Starbucks ac mae Costa yn llawer gwell na Starbucks. Doeddwn i ddim yn hapus. Roedd yn drip gwych ac dwin edrech ymlaen at y cyfnewid nesaf!
Friday, 17 June 2016
Aujourd'hui j'ai chasse au trésor et aller à l'école. A lécole, nous avons fait beaucoup d'actovités amusants.
heddiw wanaethon ni gwneud helfa dryssor ac wedyn aethon ni i'r ysgol a gwneud llawer p gweithgareddau hwylus wnaethon ni chwarae pel-droed, Pel-fasged , ping pong a chwara gemau cerdyn dim ond un wnaethon ni chwarae ac yr un yna oedd dubles. Wedyn yn anfodus wnaeth tywydd mynd yn hollol diflas . yna wnaethon ni mynd sglefrio ia a pacio am y daith adref
Today we did a treasure hunt and went to our partners school ac we did lots of fun activites like ping pong, football , backet ball and play card games the one i played was called doubles. Then unfortunately the rain drenched me on my way home and then i wrote my blog , the went ice skating and packed then when i got home from ice skating i went ti sleep .
Blog Owain Tudur Jones
Jeudi / Dydd Iau / Thursday
Aujourd'hui était totalement interessant et formidable! Premiérement, j'ai mange coco pops pour mes céréales à 7h, parce que c'est vraiment delicieux! Puis, j'ai suis allé en voiture à l'école avec Damien, Chloe et Maelie. Aprés j'ai suis allé en bus à voir le sous-marin. Le sous-marin était interessant et fantastique. Aprés j'ai suis allé en bus arriére à Nantes à regarde le foot Pays de Galles contre Angleterre, parce que c'est formidable et un petit peu décevant.
Dydd Iau
Roedd heddiw yn ddiwrnod hynod o ddiddorol a chyfrous, roedd yn llawn pethau diddorol ac annisgwyl. Codais am 6:50 bore ma, yna es i am fy mrecwast i lawr y grisiau. I fy mrecwast cefais coco pops ac roedden nhw yn flasus iawn. Yna teithiais i'r ysgol yng nghar mam Damien gyda Chloe, Damien a Maelie. Cyrrhaeddon ni yr ysgol y bore ma mewn hên bryd o amser. Unwaith roedd pawb wedi cyrraedd roedden ni yn barod i fynd. Yn gyntaf roedden ni wedi ymweld a'r llong danfor o'r enw Espadon. Dysgais bod yr Espadon oedd llong danfor cyntaf Ffrainc ac roedd wedi teithio i Begwn y Gogledd. Dysgais hefyd cymrodd 1,800,000 awr i'w adeiladu. Roedd yn edrych yn anferth o'r tu allan ond roedd yn gyfyngig iawn y tu fewn. Ar y llaw arall roedd yn ddiddorol iawn i gael gweld sut oedd y criw yn byw o dan y môr. Yn hwyrach ymlaen gwylion ni y gêm Cymru yn erbyn Lloegr, roedd y gêm yn hynod o ddwys. Yn hwyr yn y hanner cyntaf roedd Cymru wedi cael cic rhydd, ac wrth gwrs roedd Gareth Bale wedi ei gymrud. Roedd y stadiwm wedi tawelu wrth i Bale rhedeg i fynu at y bêl ac yna GÔÔÔL!! Roedd Bale wedi sgorio gôl anhygoel o wych i rhoi Cymru ar y blaen. Yna tua deg munud ar ôl hanner amser roedd Jamie Vardy y eilydd wedi dod ymlaen a sgorio yn syth bin, roedd y pwb wedi tawelu yn sydyn. Ac yna yn anffodus iawn i Gymru yn y 90fed munud daeth Lloegr ymlaen a cymryd y gêm allan o estyniad Cymru, ac yna canodd chwiban y dyfarnwr a dyna fo.
Today i woke up fairly early at 6:50. We travelled to school in Damien's mum's car. Before travelling on the bus to Espadon Submarine all of us sat in a circle and discussed the Referendum that will be held shortly, and we also discussed whether the age of voting should be dropped down and whether kids/teenagers would get to vote. In my opinion kids/teenagers should get to vote because it will have a major effect on our future although a few say the kids/teenagers are not mature enough and haven't seen enough of what happens in the world to vote. The Espadon Submarine was absolutely huge from the outside but very cramped in the inside. It was very interesting to see how the crew was able to live in there under sea. This submarine was the very first French submarine to ever go to the North Pole. Then we drove back to Nantes to watch the big game Wales vs England. I was very excited and so was everyone else in the pub. I was so excited for Wales to win and i'm sure everyone else was too. Before the half time whistle blew Bale was awarded a free kick, of course Bale took it. As Bale was running up to the ball the pub went suddenly quiet. Then Bale struck the ball with power and.....GOOAAL! Wales had scored. Unfortunately after ten minutes of the second half Jamie Vardy the substitute had equalised. The game ended 2-1 to England as Daniel Sturridge scored the winner for England in the last minute. Then we had to go to the traditional evening of Nantes.
Aujourd'hui était totalement interessant et formidable! Premiérement, j'ai mange coco pops pour mes céréales à 7h, parce que c'est vraiment delicieux! Puis, j'ai suis allé en voiture à l'école avec Damien, Chloe et Maelie. Aprés j'ai suis allé en bus à voir le sous-marin. Le sous-marin était interessant et fantastique. Aprés j'ai suis allé en bus arriére à Nantes à regarde le foot Pays de Galles contre Angleterre, parce que c'est formidable et un petit peu décevant.
Dydd Iau
Roedd heddiw yn ddiwrnod hynod o ddiddorol a chyfrous, roedd yn llawn pethau diddorol ac annisgwyl. Codais am 6:50 bore ma, yna es i am fy mrecwast i lawr y grisiau. I fy mrecwast cefais coco pops ac roedden nhw yn flasus iawn. Yna teithiais i'r ysgol yng nghar mam Damien gyda Chloe, Damien a Maelie. Cyrrhaeddon ni yr ysgol y bore ma mewn hên bryd o amser. Unwaith roedd pawb wedi cyrraedd roedden ni yn barod i fynd. Yn gyntaf roedden ni wedi ymweld a'r llong danfor o'r enw Espadon. Dysgais bod yr Espadon oedd llong danfor cyntaf Ffrainc ac roedd wedi teithio i Begwn y Gogledd. Dysgais hefyd cymrodd 1,800,000 awr i'w adeiladu. Roedd yn edrych yn anferth o'r tu allan ond roedd yn gyfyngig iawn y tu fewn. Ar y llaw arall roedd yn ddiddorol iawn i gael gweld sut oedd y criw yn byw o dan y môr. Yn hwyrach ymlaen gwylion ni y gêm Cymru yn erbyn Lloegr, roedd y gêm yn hynod o ddwys. Yn hwyr yn y hanner cyntaf roedd Cymru wedi cael cic rhydd, ac wrth gwrs roedd Gareth Bale wedi ei gymrud. Roedd y stadiwm wedi tawelu wrth i Bale rhedeg i fynu at y bêl ac yna GÔÔÔL!! Roedd Bale wedi sgorio gôl anhygoel o wych i rhoi Cymru ar y blaen. Yna tua deg munud ar ôl hanner amser roedd Jamie Vardy y eilydd wedi dod ymlaen a sgorio yn syth bin, roedd y pwb wedi tawelu yn sydyn. Ac yna yn anffodus iawn i Gymru yn y 90fed munud daeth Lloegr ymlaen a cymryd y gêm allan o estyniad Cymru, ac yna canodd chwiban y dyfarnwr a dyna fo.
Today i woke up fairly early at 6:50. We travelled to school in Damien's mum's car. Before travelling on the bus to Espadon Submarine all of us sat in a circle and discussed the Referendum that will be held shortly, and we also discussed whether the age of voting should be dropped down and whether kids/teenagers would get to vote. In my opinion kids/teenagers should get to vote because it will have a major effect on our future although a few say the kids/teenagers are not mature enough and haven't seen enough of what happens in the world to vote. The Espadon Submarine was absolutely huge from the outside but very cramped in the inside. It was very interesting to see how the crew was able to live in there under sea. This submarine was the very first French submarine to ever go to the North Pole. Then we drove back to Nantes to watch the big game Wales vs England. I was very excited and so was everyone else in the pub. I was so excited for Wales to win and i'm sure everyone else was too. Before the half time whistle blew Bale was awarded a free kick, of course Bale took it. As Bale was running up to the ball the pub went suddenly quiet. Then Bale struck the ball with power and.....GOOAAL! Wales had scored. Unfortunately after ten minutes of the second half Jamie Vardy the substitute had equalised. The game ended 2-1 to England as Daniel Sturridge scored the winner for England in the last minute. Then we had to go to the traditional evening of Nantes.
vendredi / Dydd Gwener / Friday
Bonjour tout le monde!
Mae'n ddydd Gwener yn Nantes ac mae'r wythnos yn dirwyn i ben yn gyflym. Rydyn ni wedi cael wythnos arbennig iawn yn Nantes, gyda chroeso cynnes a llawer o weithgareddau diddorol. Y bore ma aethon ni am helfa drysor o amgylch y dref a'r pnawn ma bydd pawb yn gwneud gweithgareddau yn yr ysgol gyda'u partneriaid. Rydyn ni newydd gael cinio ysgol yn y ffreutur. Roedd yn wahanol iawn i ginio ysgol yng Nghymru: rholyn bara, dewis o salad, porc gyda ratatouille fel prif gwrs ac eirinen wlanog neu salad ffrwythau yn ogystal â baryn hufen iâ Snickers fel pwdin. Dim dewis, a dim ystyriaeth i lysieuwyr nac unrhyw un gydag alergedd i gnau'r Snickers! Fodd bynnag, ym marn yr athrawon roedd yn bryd hynod o flasus, ond rydyn ni'n gwybod y bydd barn y disgyblion yn wahanol iawn!
Neithiwr cafon ni lawer o hwyl yn y noson Lydewig. Cynrychiolodd Owain yr ysgol yn wych drwy ganu unawd yn y Gymraeg ac fe glywson ni ddigon o ganeuon Llydaweg. Roedd cyfle hefyd i bawb ddawnsio, ac roedd hyn yn gwneud i'n dawnsio gwerin ni edrych yn hynod o gyffrous! Cawson ni gyd gyfle i gael pryd o fwyd o grempogau sawrus a melys, a chacen a oedd yn gyfoeth o fenyn. Noson hyfryd iawn, gyda'n disgyblion ni'n mwynhau cwmni'u partneriaid a'u teuluoedd ac yn joio'r dawnsio. Aeth y noson ychydig o'r ffordd i godi'r ysbryd ar ôl y gêm. Cawsom ni groeso cynnes yn y Bistrot des Legendes ac roedd pawb yn hapus nes 90+2 pan sgoriodd Lloegr. Roedd gwrando ar y sylwebaeth Ffrangeg mor depressing â gorfod gwylio John Inverdale ac roedd rhyddhad enfawr i'w glywed yn lleisiau'r sylwebwyr pan sgoriodd Lloegr reit ar y diwedd. Hen dro.
Mae ymddygiad arbennig disgyblion Bro Edern wedi bod yn uchafbwynt cyson drwy'r wythnos ac mae'r ffordd y mae pawb wedi cynrychioli'r ysgol dramor ac arddel eu Cymreictod mewn ffordd mor wych wedi bod yn destun llawenydd i ni i gyd. Wythnos fythgofiadwy.
Cofiwch fod lluniau ar
It's Friday in Nantes and a fantastic week with our Celtic cousins is coming to an end. We have had a great week of activites and a very warm welcome with the families. This morning we went on a treasure hunt around town and this afternoon everyone will do various activities in school with their partners. We have just had lunch in the school cantine, which was very different from the catering provided by Cardiff County Council! We each had a bread roll, a choice of salad, pork loin with sauce and some ratatouille as a main course and then a peach or a fruit salad, as well as a Snickers ice cream bar for dessert. No choice, no consideration for any dietary needs. It's just tough that there are nuts in the Snickers! Not much use for me with a nut allergy, but there we go! It was a small price to pay, because there were plenty of other delicious things to eat. We staff enjoyed the meal very much and enjoyed the hour and a half long lunch break. However, I'm sure that our pupils' opinions of the lunch will be very different, having observed the mountains of food that was returned to the hatch.
Last night we had lots of fun in the Breton evening. Owain represented the school brilliantly with his solo and we heard some traditional Breton songs, including the Breton anthem, which is sung to the tune of Hen Wlad fy Nhadau! There was also a chance to dance (dawnsio gwerin, all is forgiven!) and the pupils all seemed to enjoy themselves, dancing with their partners. We ate some great savoury and sweet pancakes and generally had a lot of fun. We also ate a Galette des Rois cake, which is basically a heart attack on a plate. It seemed to consist of butter. Butter and sugar and not much else! The Breton evening made up for the depressing state of affairs at the end of the match. The French commentators annoyed me greatly, because they seemed to be urging England on through the match and seemed to be rejoicing when they finally scored at the end. The mood at the bistrot where we watched the match was very subdued, with everyone doing their maths and trying to work out the various possibilities for us to advance to the next round.
The highlight of the week has been the exemplary behaviour of our pupils and the way that everyone has represented Bro Edern abroad. We have heard lots of Welsh and French and everyone has been on top form. A very memorable week.
Remember that the photos are here:
Au revoir!
Yfory: Gadael Nantes am 10am, gyrru i Caen, croesi yn y prynhawn a chyrraedd Portsmouth am 9:15pm. Nôl yn hwyr ym Mro Edern. Dilynwch y cyfrif Twitter adrannol uchod am ddiweddariadau.
Tomorrow: Leaving Nantes at 10am, driving to Caen, crossing in the afternoon and arriving at Portsmouth at 9:15pm. Back late at Bro Edern. Follow the above departmental Twitter account for updates.
*** O.N. Cadwch fynd wrth ysgrifennu sylwadau. Maen nhw wir yn hwb i'r disgyblion ac rydyn ni'n joio eu darllen mas ar y bws.
*** P.S. Keep the comments coming. They are a real boost for the pupils and we're having great fun reading them out on the bus.
Mae'n ddydd Gwener yn Nantes ac mae'r wythnos yn dirwyn i ben yn gyflym. Rydyn ni wedi cael wythnos arbennig iawn yn Nantes, gyda chroeso cynnes a llawer o weithgareddau diddorol. Y bore ma aethon ni am helfa drysor o amgylch y dref a'r pnawn ma bydd pawb yn gwneud gweithgareddau yn yr ysgol gyda'u partneriaid. Rydyn ni newydd gael cinio ysgol yn y ffreutur. Roedd yn wahanol iawn i ginio ysgol yng Nghymru: rholyn bara, dewis o salad, porc gyda ratatouille fel prif gwrs ac eirinen wlanog neu salad ffrwythau yn ogystal â baryn hufen iâ Snickers fel pwdin. Dim dewis, a dim ystyriaeth i lysieuwyr nac unrhyw un gydag alergedd i gnau'r Snickers! Fodd bynnag, ym marn yr athrawon roedd yn bryd hynod o flasus, ond rydyn ni'n gwybod y bydd barn y disgyblion yn wahanol iawn!
Neithiwr cafon ni lawer o hwyl yn y noson Lydewig. Cynrychiolodd Owain yr ysgol yn wych drwy ganu unawd yn y Gymraeg ac fe glywson ni ddigon o ganeuon Llydaweg. Roedd cyfle hefyd i bawb ddawnsio, ac roedd hyn yn gwneud i'n dawnsio gwerin ni edrych yn hynod o gyffrous! Cawson ni gyd gyfle i gael pryd o fwyd o grempogau sawrus a melys, a chacen a oedd yn gyfoeth o fenyn. Noson hyfryd iawn, gyda'n disgyblion ni'n mwynhau cwmni'u partneriaid a'u teuluoedd ac yn joio'r dawnsio. Aeth y noson ychydig o'r ffordd i godi'r ysbryd ar ôl y gêm. Cawsom ni groeso cynnes yn y Bistrot des Legendes ac roedd pawb yn hapus nes 90+2 pan sgoriodd Lloegr. Roedd gwrando ar y sylwebaeth Ffrangeg mor depressing â gorfod gwylio John Inverdale ac roedd rhyddhad enfawr i'w glywed yn lleisiau'r sylwebwyr pan sgoriodd Lloegr reit ar y diwedd. Hen dro.
Mae ymddygiad arbennig disgyblion Bro Edern wedi bod yn uchafbwynt cyson drwy'r wythnos ac mae'r ffordd y mae pawb wedi cynrychioli'r ysgol dramor ac arddel eu Cymreictod mewn ffordd mor wych wedi bod yn destun llawenydd i ni i gyd. Wythnos fythgofiadwy.
Cofiwch fod lluniau ar
It's Friday in Nantes and a fantastic week with our Celtic cousins is coming to an end. We have had a great week of activites and a very warm welcome with the families. This morning we went on a treasure hunt around town and this afternoon everyone will do various activities in school with their partners. We have just had lunch in the school cantine, which was very different from the catering provided by Cardiff County Council! We each had a bread roll, a choice of salad, pork loin with sauce and some ratatouille as a main course and then a peach or a fruit salad, as well as a Snickers ice cream bar for dessert. No choice, no consideration for any dietary needs. It's just tough that there are nuts in the Snickers! Not much use for me with a nut allergy, but there we go! It was a small price to pay, because there were plenty of other delicious things to eat. We staff enjoyed the meal very much and enjoyed the hour and a half long lunch break. However, I'm sure that our pupils' opinions of the lunch will be very different, having observed the mountains of food that was returned to the hatch.
Last night we had lots of fun in the Breton evening. Owain represented the school brilliantly with his solo and we heard some traditional Breton songs, including the Breton anthem, which is sung to the tune of Hen Wlad fy Nhadau! There was also a chance to dance (dawnsio gwerin, all is forgiven!) and the pupils all seemed to enjoy themselves, dancing with their partners. We ate some great savoury and sweet pancakes and generally had a lot of fun. We also ate a Galette des Rois cake, which is basically a heart attack on a plate. It seemed to consist of butter. Butter and sugar and not much else! The Breton evening made up for the depressing state of affairs at the end of the match. The French commentators annoyed me greatly, because they seemed to be urging England on through the match and seemed to be rejoicing when they finally scored at the end. The mood at the bistrot where we watched the match was very subdued, with everyone doing their maths and trying to work out the various possibilities for us to advance to the next round.
The highlight of the week has been the exemplary behaviour of our pupils and the way that everyone has represented Bro Edern abroad. We have heard lots of Welsh and French and everyone has been on top form. A very memorable week.
Remember that the photos are here:
Au revoir!
Yfory: Gadael Nantes am 10am, gyrru i Caen, croesi yn y prynhawn a chyrraedd Portsmouth am 9:15pm. Nôl yn hwyr ym Mro Edern. Dilynwch y cyfrif Twitter adrannol uchod am ddiweddariadau.
Tomorrow: Leaving Nantes at 10am, driving to Caen, crossing in the afternoon and arriving at Portsmouth at 9:15pm. Back late at Bro Edern. Follow the above departmental Twitter account for updates.
*** O.N. Cadwch fynd wrth ysgrifennu sylwadau. Maen nhw wir yn hwb i'r disgyblion ac rydyn ni'n joio eu darllen mas ar y bws.
*** P.S. Keep the comments coming. They are a real boost for the pupils and we're having great fun reading them out on the bus.
Thursday, 16 June 2016
Aujourd'hui, nous avons visité un sousmarin,il était très intéressant de voir ce que ça aurait été comme pour ceux sous la mer pendant 45 jours.
Roedd heddiw yn ddiwrnod llawn dysgu pethau newydd. Dysgais lawer amdan llong danfor, ac sut fath o fywyd oedd byw arno un.
Today I tried a cake, which was baisically made of butter, and butter only. So you can imagine how diffrent it was to regular cake.
Aujourd'hui était totalement fantastique! je visité le sous-marin et il a été très interessant. Dans l'après-midi nous avon regardé ,e football, mais malheureusement nous avon perdu. Çe soir, nous étions tous à l'école et je me suis amusé.
Dydd Iau
Heddiw codais am 06:30 i cael yn barod am y diwrnod hwylus. Am brecwast cefais granfwyd ac sudd afal. Ar ôl yna wnaeth mam Maëlie gyrru ni i'r ysgol. Pryd cyrhaeddon ni at yr ysgol wnaethon ni mynd mewn i gylch ac siarad am dylse ni fel wlad aros mewn y DU neu gadael yr DU. Yn y bore wnaethon ni fynd i weld y llong danfor. Roedd y llong danfor yn diddorol iawn ac roedd o hefyd yn y tro cyntaf i mi fynd ar llong danfor. Ar ôl gweld y llong danfor wnaethon ni bwyta ein cinio ar y bws pryd roeddwn ni ar ein fordd i gwylio y gêm pel-droed. Yn y prynhawn wnaethon ni gwylio y gêm pel-droed Cymru yn erbyn Lloegr ond yn anfodus wnaethon ni colli. Heno wnaeth yr ysgol trefnu i ni cael rhywbeth i fwyta yn yr ysgol ac roedd o'n amser i ni cael siarad gyda ein partneriaid Ffrangeg ac ein ffrindiau.
Today I woke up at 06:30 to get ready for the fun day ahead. For breakfast I had cereal and apple juice which was tasty. After that Maëlie's mum drove us to school. Whem we arrived at the school we all sat in a circle and had a discussion about if we should stay in the EU or leave the EU. We also had to talk about what biscuit we would be and why.In the morning we visited the submarine which was very interesting and it was also my first time on a submarine. After seeing the submarine we all ate our lunches on the bus whilst travelling to the bar where we were going to watch the football match. In teh afternoon we watched the the football match Wales v England unfortunately we lost 2-1. Tonight the school arrange for us all to meet up in the school and have some food and it was a chance for us to spend some time with our friends but it was also a chance for us to talk to our french corespondent's friends and it was nice and I had a lovely time.
dydd Iau yn Nantes/Thursday in Nantes
Aujourd'hui était agréable, aujourd'hui, nous sommes allés voir un sous-marin,le sous-marin a été intéressant, nous avons regardé le football, qui était horrible, puis nous sommes allés à une fête, ce qui était agréable.
Heddiw aethom ni i weld y llong danfor yma, ble cafodd ni taith rownd yn gwrando i'r ffon peth yma llawn ffeithiau am y llong danfor yma, ac wedyn aethom ni i weld y gem pel droed, dyn dwi'n cysau pel droed mor cymaint doeddwn i heb hyd yn oed wilio fe i fod yn onest, ac ar ol hynnu aethom ni gyd i y parti yma, roeddwn i wedi cael hwyl yn y parti yma roedd o'n neis ac hynnu beth deugwyddodd heddiw, diwrenod arall neis.
Well, yet again a good day, when I awoke today I wasn't overly sure what was going to happen today, but the things that did happen was nice (except for one thing) , so today we went to visit this submarine and walked in there and was given a phone looking thing, which gave us information about the submarine, and then we went to see the "except one thing" part of this blog which was the devil...the football (boooo!), so ye we went and watched the Wales vs England game (if you call that a game even) I have to be honest I would've ratherd watch it burn, and one day it will , and I hope I'll be there to watch it burn, and I'll cheer to that, (ye I hate football, as you could probably guess). So after that torture (which I didn't watch to be honest I just sat at the table and watched things on youtube , then stopped to get fresh air) we went to a nice party sort of thing where we were given pancakes, and cakes , (and way to much sugar), the party was nice, the food was nice, and so today was a nice day I mut say.
P.S sorry this one is short and probably a few mistakes but I was very tired when I wrote this.
Heddiw aethom ni i weld y llong danfor yma, ble cafodd ni taith rownd yn gwrando i'r ffon peth yma llawn ffeithiau am y llong danfor yma, ac wedyn aethom ni i weld y gem pel droed, dyn dwi'n cysau pel droed mor cymaint doeddwn i heb hyd yn oed wilio fe i fod yn onest, ac ar ol hynnu aethom ni gyd i y parti yma, roeddwn i wedi cael hwyl yn y parti yma roedd o'n neis ac hynnu beth deugwyddodd heddiw, diwrenod arall neis.
Well, yet again a good day, when I awoke today I wasn't overly sure what was going to happen today, but the things that did happen was nice (except for one thing) , so today we went to visit this submarine and walked in there and was given a phone looking thing, which gave us information about the submarine, and then we went to see the "except one thing" part of this blog which was the devil...the football (boooo!), so ye we went and watched the Wales vs England game (if you call that a game even) I have to be honest I would've ratherd watch it burn, and one day it will , and I hope I'll be there to watch it burn, and I'll cheer to that, (ye I hate football, as you could probably guess). So after that torture (which I didn't watch to be honest I just sat at the table and watched things on youtube , then stopped to get fresh air) we went to a nice party sort of thing where we were given pancakes, and cakes , (and way to much sugar), the party was nice, the food was nice, and so today was a nice day I mut say.
P.S sorry this one is short and probably a few mistakes but I was very tired when I wrote this.
Dydd Iau ⚽️
Je me suis levée à 7h00. J'ai mangé muesli et fromage blanc. Je suis allée à Collége Rutigliano avec Alice et Papa Alice. J'ai voyagé sur autobus à Sous-marin Espadon. C'etait intéressant. J'ai mangé sur autobus. Sur autobus j'ai parlé avec Leia, Ashleigh, Kaya et Cameron. J'ai bu syrup et regardé Pays De Galles contre Angleterre. Je suis allée avec Alice à Collége Rutigliano. J'ai mangé avec Alice. C'etait delicioux. Je suis fatigué.
Wnes i godi am 7:00 yn y bore eto heddiw. Ond, ar ddamwain es i nôl i'r gwely am 20 munud. Dechreuiad grêt i'r ddiwrnod! Wedyn bwytais muesli a pheth fel iogwrt a gyrodd tad Alice Alice a fi i'r ysgol. Pryd cyrhaeddon ni wnaethon ni amser cylch i drafod gadael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd. Roedd yn ddiddorol i glywed barn pobl arall yn enwedig pobl sydd eisiau gadael. Hefyd roedden ni'n trafod os dylen ni cael yr hawl i bleidleisio. Rydw i'n meddwl dylen ni gan fod yn effeithio arno ni yn fawr. Wedyn dechreuon ni teithio i Llong Danfor Espadon. Wnaethon ni gweld golygfa anhygoel o fen yr adeilad. Roedd yn ddiddorol iawn i weld sut roedd pobl yn byw ar y llongau danfor yna. Roedd y Llong Danfor Espadon wedi mynd i Begwn y Gogledd. Wnes i fynd i'r siop er mwyn prynnu anrhegion ac roedd yn lwyddiannus. Wedyn aethon ni nôl ar y bws i deithio yn ôl i Nantes. Ar y ffordd nôl bwytais fy cinio a gwrandawais arno cerddoriaeth o Wicked. Wedyn aethon ni i wylio gêm pêl-droed Cymru yn erbyn Lloegr. Rydw i ddim yn hoffi pêl-droed llawer ond mwynheais llawer! Cefais diod o grenadine a lemonade. Roedd yn flasus iawn! Yn drist roedd y gêm ddim yn fuddugol. Wedyn cerddais adref gyda Alice. Pryd cyrhaeddon ni nôl gwyliais i, Alice a'i chwaer fawr Lost a fwyton ni. Wedyn cerddais i a Alice nôl i'r ysgol er mwyn mynd i ei Noson Lydewig. Cafon ni fwyd blasus a roedd llawer o ddawnsio a chanu. Wedyn wnaethon ni gyrru nôl a nawr rydw i yn flimedig iawn ac angen cysgu!
I woke up at 7:00 in the morning and accidently went back to bed for 20 minutes! So it was a great start to the day! I then went into the kitchen (after Alice had to wake me up) to eat my breakfast. I ate muesli with a thing similar to yoghurt and then Alice's Dad drove us to school. On school we had circle time and discussed whether we should leave or stay in the EU. I think we should stay. It was interesting to hear different people's opinions. Especially the people who wanted to leave. Afterwards we talked about whether we should be able to vote. I though we should as it effects us most but I understand that some people would be too immature or wouldn't understand properly. Then we got on the bus to drive to the Espadon Submarine. It was very interesting to learn about how they lived and lovely to see the beautiful view from the roof. We had an audio guide which told us interesting information about the lives of the French men on the submarine. The Espadon was the first French submarine to travel to the North Pole! I then went in the gift shop to buy presents and was successful. Then we got back on the bus and travelled to Nantes where we watched the Wales versus England game. Usually I am not a huge fan of football but this game was extremely exciting and I enjoyed myself very much! I had a grenadine squash and lemonade drink which was delicious. After the disappointing end to the game Alice and I walked back to her house. There we watched Lost and ate cookies and apple purée with her sister Louisa. Then we walked back to the school to attend the Breton evening. We had delicious food and there was lots of singing and dancing. We even heard the Welsh anthem in Breton which was amazing! Then we drove home where we found out that the giant sweet we had made the night before was more of a jelly! I am extremely tired and need to go to bed!
Wnes i godi am 7:00 yn y bore eto heddiw. Ond, ar ddamwain es i nôl i'r gwely am 20 munud. Dechreuiad grêt i'r ddiwrnod! Wedyn bwytais muesli a pheth fel iogwrt a gyrodd tad Alice Alice a fi i'r ysgol. Pryd cyrhaeddon ni wnaethon ni amser cylch i drafod gadael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd. Roedd yn ddiddorol i glywed barn pobl arall yn enwedig pobl sydd eisiau gadael. Hefyd roedden ni'n trafod os dylen ni cael yr hawl i bleidleisio. Rydw i'n meddwl dylen ni gan fod yn effeithio arno ni yn fawr. Wedyn dechreuon ni teithio i Llong Danfor Espadon. Wnaethon ni gweld golygfa anhygoel o fen yr adeilad. Roedd yn ddiddorol iawn i weld sut roedd pobl yn byw ar y llongau danfor yna. Roedd y Llong Danfor Espadon wedi mynd i Begwn y Gogledd. Wnes i fynd i'r siop er mwyn prynnu anrhegion ac roedd yn lwyddiannus. Wedyn aethon ni nôl ar y bws i deithio yn ôl i Nantes. Ar y ffordd nôl bwytais fy cinio a gwrandawais arno cerddoriaeth o Wicked. Wedyn aethon ni i wylio gêm pêl-droed Cymru yn erbyn Lloegr. Rydw i ddim yn hoffi pêl-droed llawer ond mwynheais llawer! Cefais diod o grenadine a lemonade. Roedd yn flasus iawn! Yn drist roedd y gêm ddim yn fuddugol. Wedyn cerddais adref gyda Alice. Pryd cyrhaeddon ni nôl gwyliais i, Alice a'i chwaer fawr Lost a fwyton ni. Wedyn cerddais i a Alice nôl i'r ysgol er mwyn mynd i ei Noson Lydewig. Cafon ni fwyd blasus a roedd llawer o ddawnsio a chanu. Wedyn wnaethon ni gyrru nôl a nawr rydw i yn flimedig iawn ac angen cysgu!
I woke up at 7:00 in the morning and accidently went back to bed for 20 minutes! So it was a great start to the day! I then went into the kitchen (after Alice had to wake me up) to eat my breakfast. I ate muesli with a thing similar to yoghurt and then Alice's Dad drove us to school. On school we had circle time and discussed whether we should leave or stay in the EU. I think we should stay. It was interesting to hear different people's opinions. Especially the people who wanted to leave. Afterwards we talked about whether we should be able to vote. I though we should as it effects us most but I understand that some people would be too immature or wouldn't understand properly. Then we got on the bus to drive to the Espadon Submarine. It was very interesting to learn about how they lived and lovely to see the beautiful view from the roof. We had an audio guide which told us interesting information about the lives of the French men on the submarine. The Espadon was the first French submarine to travel to the North Pole! I then went in the gift shop to buy presents and was successful. Then we got back on the bus and travelled to Nantes where we watched the Wales versus England game. Usually I am not a huge fan of football but this game was extremely exciting and I enjoyed myself very much! I had a grenadine squash and lemonade drink which was delicious. After the disappointing end to the game Alice and I walked back to her house. There we watched Lost and ate cookies and apple purée with her sister Louisa. Then we walked back to the school to attend the Breton evening. We had delicious food and there was lots of singing and dancing. We even heard the Welsh anthem in Breton which was amazing! Then we drove home where we found out that the giant sweet we had made the night before was more of a jelly! I am extremely tired and need to go to bed!

Aujourd'hui totalemet fantastique. J'ai dejeuner 7 heures 15. Avec mes amis le crépe et fomidable. merci
Roedd heddiw yn diwrnod dda iawn oherwydd roedd yn llawer o hwyl. Wnaethon ni codi am 7:15 ac cael yn barod am y diwrnod.Yna wnaethon ni mynd ir sumbarine yna wnaethon ni gwilio y gem Lloegr v Cymru ond yn anfodus wnaethon ni colli. Yna wnaethon ni mynd ir ysgol a cael crempog. yna cyraedd adref a mynd i cysgu.
Today was a fantastic day because it was loads of fun and i got to see my partner from cardiff. I woke up at 7:15 in the morning and got ready for the day ahead. Then we went to the sumbarine and then wayched the match England vs Wales but unfortunately we lost. Then we went back to the school and had some pancakes that were nice. Then we got home and went to sleep .
Today I woke up very early again at 6:30 to catch the bus at 7:40. Before departing to Espadon submarine we had a circle time and discussed the Referendum that will be held shortly and whether kids/teenagers should have the right to vote. Personally I thought we should be able to vote because it will have a major effect on our future althoghh some say we are'nt mature enought. The Espadon submarine was huge on the outside but very cramped on the inside. This was the very first French submarine and it explored the North Pole. The workers of the submarine lived on the submarine for a long time woth only five litres of water per day and that included washing, etc. The shower was also cold sea water. We ate our dinner on the bus as we drove back to Nantes to watch the Wales V England Euros football match. I was very excited and I was desperate for Wales to win. I also had the red colours painted on my face and a flag to show my support. When Gareth Bale scored his free kick a couple of minutes before half time the whole pub went absolutely crazy. This gave us the lead at half time but not long into the second half we lost our lead. According to some their goal was offside but I'm not entirely sure. As the time reached 90 minutes there was an added three minutes and unfortunately, England scored a goal, and we failed to score another. We lost the game even though (in my opinion) we were the better team. Later we having a traditional Breton evening in their school.
Heddiw roeddwn ni yn codi yn meddwl am y diwrnod oedd gen i o fy 'mlaen. Y llong danfor a'r gêm yn erbyn y Saeson. Roedd y llong Espadon yn ddiddorol a dysgais ei bod wedi cymeryd tua 1,800,000 awr i'w adeiladu. Redd yn anferth ar y tu allan ond nid oedd gymaint o le ar y tu fewn. Roedd rhaid i'r gweithwyr ar y llong cael cawod gan ddefnyddion dŵr oer o'r môr. Yn hwyrach fe wyliwn ni y gêm yn erbyn Lloegr a chefais ddiod blasus, sgwash mefus gyda lemonêd. Roedd gôl Bale yn anhygoel a llwyddodd i roi Cymru yn y blaen am haner amser, ond yn anffodus fe gyfartalodd Vardy yn fuan i fewn i'r ail hanner. Erbyn y 90fed munud roedd yna dri munud o amser ychwanegol ac yn ffodus i Loegr sgorion nhw gôl arall and cymeron nhw amser hir i ail ddechrau'r gêm felly nad oedd gan Gymru lawer o amser i sgorio gôl terfynol. Roedd Bale bron wedi sgorio gôl arall ond ni lwyddodd ac fe chanodd chwiban y ddyfarnwr. Heno byddwn yn cael noson traddodiadol Nantes.
Aujourd'hui j'ai visite Espadon, c'était interessant et toltalment fantstique. J'ai vu à l'intérieur la Espadon et c'était vraiment petit. J'ai aimé la Espadon car c'était super cool. Je suis agacé avec résultat le foot, Pays de Galles V Angleterre. C'était 2-1 à Angleterre :(. Se soir nous allons soirée traditionelle Bretonne en l'ecole.
Aujord'hui nous avons vu château c'était amusant et historic. J'ai mangé sandwich jambon. Puis fait du shopping en E.Leclerc c'était formidable.
Heddiw teithiwn ni oriau i gyrraedd i gastell, roedd yn hynod o hardd. Arol hynny aethom ni siopa, prynais bisgedi. Roedd pethau yn eithaf rhad yno, arwahan i'r siopau poblogaidd ac brandiau mawr. Roedd yn braf iawn yn ystod y dydd, ond pryd cyrraeddon ni adref i Nantes roedd yn glawio yn drwm iawn. Yn y nôs es i a fy mhartner cyfnewid i rhyw fath o mcdonalds gyda Millie, Aimee ac Hollie a'i partneriaid cyfnewid.
Today was mostly bus time, travelling to one place to another, but it's not that bad when you have Beyoncé to listen to. The castle was beautiful, even though it took 2h and 30mins to get there and spent atlest 40mins there looking at the castle and eating our lunch. We went shopping to the same supermarket as before, but this time there was no treasure hunt, but simply shopping for goods. Then we travelled back to Nantes to find that it was raining, which was a shame because we had lovely weather all day.
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Blog Mari Chiswell
Aujourd'hui nous avons vu le château d'Azay le Rideau. C'ètait intéressant et amusant. Nous avons voyagé dans le bus pour un centre commercial. J'ai acheté du maquillage.
À 14:00 nous avons voyagé dans le bus pour un l'école. Le temps était bon jusqu'à la fin de la journée.
Today we visited a Castle (Azay le Rideau). It was interesting and fun. After finishing our tour around the castle, we traveled to a shopping centre by bus. I bought makeup there. At 14:00 we traveled from the shopping centre to school by bus. The weather was sunny until the end of the day.
Heddiw, wnaethon ni ymweld â Castell Azay Le Rideau. Roedd yn ddiddorol a hwyl. Ar ôl gorffen ein taith o gwmpas y castell, teithion ni ar fws i ganolfan siopa. Prynais colur. Am 14:00 teithion ni i'r ysgol o'r ganolfan siopa. Roedd yn ddiwrnod heulog tan ddiwedd y dydd.
Aujourd'hui nous avons vu le château d'Azay le Rideau. C'ètait intéressant et amusant. Nous avons voyagé dans le bus pour un centre commercial. J'ai acheté du maquillage.
À 14:00 nous avons voyagé dans le bus pour un l'école. Le temps était bon jusqu'à la fin de la journée.
Today we visited a Castle (Azay le Rideau). It was interesting and fun. After finishing our tour around the castle, we traveled to a shopping centre by bus. I bought makeup there. At 14:00 we traveled from the shopping centre to school by bus. The weather was sunny until the end of the day.
Heddiw, wnaethon ni ymweld â Castell Azay Le Rideau. Roedd yn ddiddorol a hwyl. Ar ôl gorffen ein taith o gwmpas y castell, teithion ni ar fws i ganolfan siopa. Prynais colur. Am 14:00 teithion ni i'r ysgol o'r ganolfan siopa. Roedd yn ddiwrnod heulog tan ddiwedd y dydd.
Blog Miral Qureshi
Aujourd'hui j'ai visité l'elephant au centre-ville, ensuite nous avons marché au château des Ducs de Bretagne en l'après-midi. J'ai mangé une glace framboise grâce à mon bon comportement. Après recontré ma famille dans maison maires, j'ai mange nourriture Indien parce qu'il était l'anniversaire de Pierre.
Heddiw, gwelais yr eliffant mawr yng nghanol Nantes, bwytais cinio gyda fy ffrindiau .Cerddon no i'r château des ducs de Bretagne am awr, oherwydd ein hymddygiad gwych yr prynnodd ur athrawon hufen ia mafon. Yn olaf aethon i tŷ y Maer. Daeth fy nheulu i nôl fi ac rydym yn bwyta mewn bwyty Indiaidd oherwydd ei fod yn ben-blwydd Pierre, a daeth adref ar y bws am 10yh
Nos da!
Today we visited the the giant elephant in the centre of Nantes, and had lunch with my friends. We walked beside the river towards the Castle of the dukes of France. We were there for an hour it was quite boring towards the end but still interesting, because of our fantastic behaviour we ate ice cream I had lemon and raspberry sorbet. We visited the Mayor's house it big but we only went to one room so it was quite boring. My family came to pick me and we ate at a Indian restaurant because it was Pierre's birthday, and came home on the bus at 10pm
Good Night!
Blog Owain Tudur Jones
Mercerdi / Dydd Mercher / Wednesday
Aujourd'hui était totalement fantastique et formidable! Premiérement, j'ai mange frosties pour mes céréales à 7h10, parce que c'est vraiment delicieux! Puis, j'ai suis allé en bus à l'école avec Damien et Chloe! Aprés j'ai suis allé en bus pour 2 heures 30, parce que c'est vraiment ennuyeux. Puis, j'ai visiter château d'Azay le Rideau, parce que c'est interessant mais parce que c'est assez ennuyeux. Aprés, j'ai suis allé en supermarché et j'ai acheter nourriture delicieux.
Dydd Mercher
Roedd heddiw yn ddiwrnod hynod o wych a hwylus yn llawn amrywiaeth o weithgareddau i edrych ymlaen tuag at. Codais am 6:40, yna es i am frecwast. Cefais grawnfwyd frosties ac yna ges i siocled poeth i yfed. Roedd popeth yn flasus iawn. Yna gyrrais yng nghar tad Damien i'r ysgol bore ma gyda Damien, Chloe a Maelie. Yna cyrrhaeddon ni yr ysgol yn gynharach nag arfer y bore ma. Yna roedd pawb wedi gofyn i'w gilydd sut roedd noson pawb efo'i teuluoedd y noson cynt. Unwaith roedd pawb wedi cyrraedd yr ysgol roedden ni ar ein ffordd. Roedden ni i gyd ar y bws am 2 awr a 30 munud ar y ffordd i weld castell d'Azay le Rideau, roedd y taith ar y bws yn un diflas iawn. Yna or diwedd roedden ni wedi cyrraedd y castell ar ôl taith eithaf hir i gyrraedd felly roedd yn rhaid iddo fod yn dda. Doeddwn i heb cael fy siomi. Roedd y profiad o gael edrych o gwmpas y castell ac cael gweld beth oedd hanes y castell yn un diddorol iawn. Yna roedd yn rhaid i ni fynd ar y bws am 1 awr a 10 munud yn ychwanegol felly dim hwnna oedd y newyddion gorau clywais yn ystod y diwrnod, ond yna ar ôl y taith yna ar y bws roedden ni wedi cyrraedd yn adfarchnad Yna am fy swper, cefais pasta a sôs. Roedd yn flasus iawn!! Rydw i wedi mwynhau heddiw yn fawr yn gobeithio am yr un peth yfory!
Today was a brilliant day filled with a variety of interesting activities! I woke up this morning at 6:40 which was earlier than normal and then i got dressed. After i got dressed i went downstairs to have my breakfast, and for my breakfast i had frosties and a lovely and warm hot chocolate. It was delicious. Then i was prepared for hopefully a brilliant and interesting day ahead. I wasn't disappointed. This morning Damien, Chloe, Maelie and i travelled to school in Laurent's car (Damien's father). Then after arriving the Frenchmen's school all of us asked each and other about the time we had spent with our partners the previous night. Then we got on the bus and travelled to the castle. We were all on the bus for 2 hours and 30 minutes so we were able to go and see the castle d'Azay le Rideau. In the end we finally we arrived there after a long Journey, so it had to be good. I wasn't disappointed. The experience of looking into the castle's history in detail was very interesting. It was brilliant to see all the pictures on the wall explaining the history in a different way if you like. Then we had to go on the bus for another 1 hour and 10 minutes which wasn't the best news i had recieved throughout the day, but then after the long and boring travel on the bus we had arrived the E.Leclerc supermarket. Then for me dinner I had pasta and sauce it was very delicious. I have enjoyed thoroughly throughout the whole day and I am hoping for the same tomorrow!
Aujourd'hui était totalement fantastique et formidable! Premiérement, j'ai mange frosties pour mes céréales à 7h10, parce que c'est vraiment delicieux! Puis, j'ai suis allé en bus à l'école avec Damien et Chloe! Aprés j'ai suis allé en bus pour 2 heures 30, parce que c'est vraiment ennuyeux. Puis, j'ai visiter château d'Azay le Rideau, parce que c'est interessant mais parce que c'est assez ennuyeux. Aprés, j'ai suis allé en supermarché et j'ai acheter nourriture delicieux.
Dydd Mercher
Roedd heddiw yn ddiwrnod hynod o wych a hwylus yn llawn amrywiaeth o weithgareddau i edrych ymlaen tuag at. Codais am 6:40, yna es i am frecwast. Cefais grawnfwyd frosties ac yna ges i siocled poeth i yfed. Roedd popeth yn flasus iawn. Yna gyrrais yng nghar tad Damien i'r ysgol bore ma gyda Damien, Chloe a Maelie. Yna cyrrhaeddon ni yr ysgol yn gynharach nag arfer y bore ma. Yna roedd pawb wedi gofyn i'w gilydd sut roedd noson pawb efo'i teuluoedd y noson cynt. Unwaith roedd pawb wedi cyrraedd yr ysgol roedden ni ar ein ffordd. Roedden ni i gyd ar y bws am 2 awr a 30 munud ar y ffordd i weld castell d'Azay le Rideau, roedd y taith ar y bws yn un diflas iawn. Yna or diwedd roedden ni wedi cyrraedd y castell ar ôl taith eithaf hir i gyrraedd felly roedd yn rhaid iddo fod yn dda. Doeddwn i heb cael fy siomi. Roedd y profiad o gael edrych o gwmpas y castell ac cael gweld beth oedd hanes y castell yn un diddorol iawn. Yna roedd yn rhaid i ni fynd ar y bws am 1 awr a 10 munud yn ychwanegol felly dim hwnna oedd y newyddion gorau clywais yn ystod y diwrnod, ond yna ar ôl y taith yna ar y bws roedden ni wedi cyrraedd yn adfarchnad Yna am fy swper, cefais pasta a sôs. Roedd yn flasus iawn!! Rydw i wedi mwynhau heddiw yn fawr yn gobeithio am yr un peth yfory!
Today was a brilliant day filled with a variety of interesting activities! I woke up this morning at 6:40 which was earlier than normal and then i got dressed. After i got dressed i went downstairs to have my breakfast, and for my breakfast i had frosties and a lovely and warm hot chocolate. It was delicious. Then i was prepared for hopefully a brilliant and interesting day ahead. I wasn't disappointed. This morning Damien, Chloe, Maelie and i travelled to school in Laurent's car (Damien's father). Then after arriving the Frenchmen's school all of us asked each and other about the time we had spent with our partners the previous night. Then we got on the bus and travelled to the castle. We were all on the bus for 2 hours and 30 minutes so we were able to go and see the castle d'Azay le Rideau. In the end we finally we arrived there after a long Journey, so it had to be good. I wasn't disappointed. The experience of looking into the castle's history in detail was very interesting. It was brilliant to see all the pictures on the wall explaining the history in a different way if you like. Then we had to go on the bus for another 1 hour and 10 minutes which wasn't the best news i had recieved throughout the day, but then after the long and boring travel on the bus we had arrived the E.Leclerc supermarket. Then for me dinner I had pasta and sauce it was very delicious. I have enjoyed thoroughly throughout the whole day and I am hoping for the same tomorrow!
Blog Olivia Twomey
Dydd Sul a Llun
Mae heddiw wedi bod yn brysur iawn. Roedd y golygfeydd yn anhygoel ac y llefydd yn wych. Fe aethon ni i La Baule. Er ei fod yn glawio roedd y diwrnod yn byth cofiadwy. Roedden ni ar y bws am rhan fwyaf y dydd. Mae pawb yn cyffroes yn wedi blino oherwydd y daith ar y ferry. Mae pawb yn edrych ymlaen am yr wythnos sydd o blaen ni. Mae yn mynd i bod yn llawn pethau hwylus. Rydym yn mynd i fynd i'r traeth. Mae'n treath enfawr. Un o'r rhai fwyaf yn Ewrop. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr iawn. Mae'r taith ar y bws yn mynd i cymryd llawer o amser, on fe fyddai'n werth yr aros.
Today has been a busy day. The views have been breathtaking and the places have been amazing. Even though it was raining a little, the day was unforgettable. We went to the tapestry which is 75m long. Everyone is excited but very tired from the long journey on the ferry. Everybody is looking forward to our busy week ahead. It's going to be great. We are going to go to one of the biggest beaches in Europe. I'm looking forward to it. The bus journey will take a long time but it will be worth the wait in the end.
J'adore la Tapisserie parce que elle est formidable et fantastique. Elle mesure 75m. J'ai beaucoup aimé cette visite.
Dydd Llun
Mae heddiw wedi bod yn glawio eto. Fe aethon ni i'r traeth. Fe es i yn y mor gyda Anna ac mae yna llun o ni yn chwerthin ar twitter. Cefais i ac Anna yn wlyb iawn ac ar ol newid bwyton ni ein cinio yn edrych allan i'r mor (er ei fod yn glawio). Roeddwn ni yn edrych allan i'r traeth hiraf yn Ewrop. Roedd y môr yn oer iawn heddiw. Er hynny fe cefon ni hufen ia cyn mynd nôl ar y bws. Yna fe aethon ni i archfarchnad ac roedd rhais i ni ffeindio beth roedd ar ein rhestr ac tynnu llun ohono fe. Roedd Miss James wedi rhoi ni rhestr o bethau i tynnu lluniau o e.e. 4 math gwahanol o gaws, 4 math gwahanol o greision. Roedden ni hefyd yn gallu prynu unrhywbeth roeddwn eisiau. Mae pawb wedi blino ar ôl diwrnod mor brysur ac yn edrych ymlaen at yfori.Yfory rydym yn gobeithio i ymweld a'r Eliffant.
Today has been a busy day again. We went to the longest beach in Europe which is well over 500m. I went in the sea with Anna which was ice cold. Even so, we still bought an ice cream after. We got a photo in the sea an dwe also got wet. After a while we changed and ate our lunch. After ice cream we got on the bus and went to a shopping centre where we were given a list of things we had to take a photo of. For example, 4 different types of cheese, 4 different types of crisps. We were also allowed to buy anything we wanted. We are all tired after our busy day. Im looking forward to tomorrow where we will hopefully see The Elephant.
Bonjour, J'aime la France parce que elle est fantastique, incroyable et historique.
Mae heddiw wedi bod yn brysur iawn. Roedd y golygfeydd yn anhygoel ac y llefydd yn wych. Fe aethon ni i La Baule. Er ei fod yn glawio roedd y diwrnod yn byth cofiadwy. Roedden ni ar y bws am rhan fwyaf y dydd. Mae pawb yn cyffroes yn wedi blino oherwydd y daith ar y ferry. Mae pawb yn edrych ymlaen am yr wythnos sydd o blaen ni. Mae yn mynd i bod yn llawn pethau hwylus. Rydym yn mynd i fynd i'r traeth. Mae'n treath enfawr. Un o'r rhai fwyaf yn Ewrop. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr iawn. Mae'r taith ar y bws yn mynd i cymryd llawer o amser, on fe fyddai'n werth yr aros.
Today has been a busy day. The views have been breathtaking and the places have been amazing. Even though it was raining a little, the day was unforgettable. We went to the tapestry which is 75m long. Everyone is excited but very tired from the long journey on the ferry. Everybody is looking forward to our busy week ahead. It's going to be great. We are going to go to one of the biggest beaches in Europe. I'm looking forward to it. The bus journey will take a long time but it will be worth the wait in the end.
J'adore la Tapisserie parce que elle est formidable et fantastique. Elle mesure 75m. J'ai beaucoup aimé cette visite.
Dydd Llun
Mae heddiw wedi bod yn glawio eto. Fe aethon ni i'r traeth. Fe es i yn y mor gyda Anna ac mae yna llun o ni yn chwerthin ar twitter. Cefais i ac Anna yn wlyb iawn ac ar ol newid bwyton ni ein cinio yn edrych allan i'r mor (er ei fod yn glawio). Roeddwn ni yn edrych allan i'r traeth hiraf yn Ewrop. Roedd y môr yn oer iawn heddiw. Er hynny fe cefon ni hufen ia cyn mynd nôl ar y bws. Yna fe aethon ni i archfarchnad ac roedd rhais i ni ffeindio beth roedd ar ein rhestr ac tynnu llun ohono fe. Roedd Miss James wedi rhoi ni rhestr o bethau i tynnu lluniau o e.e. 4 math gwahanol o gaws, 4 math gwahanol o greision. Roedden ni hefyd yn gallu prynu unrhywbeth roeddwn eisiau. Mae pawb wedi blino ar ôl diwrnod mor brysur ac yn edrych ymlaen at yfori.Yfory rydym yn gobeithio i ymweld a'r Eliffant.
Today has been a busy day again. We went to the longest beach in Europe which is well over 500m. I went in the sea with Anna which was ice cold. Even so, we still bought an ice cream after. We got a photo in the sea an dwe also got wet. After a while we changed and ate our lunch. After ice cream we got on the bus and went to a shopping centre where we were given a list of things we had to take a photo of. For example, 4 different types of cheese, 4 different types of crisps. We were also allowed to buy anything we wanted. We are all tired after our busy day. Im looking forward to tomorrow where we will hopefully see The Elephant.
Bonjour, J'aime la France parce que elle est fantastique, incroyable et historique.
Leah Burling Dydd Mercher / mercredi
il pleuvait encore aujourd'hui, mais aussi bien ensoleillé. Nous avons vu un robot vraiment cool Elephant et il y avait d'autres créatures / animaux comme une fourmi, Ashleigh et certains des garçons ont le contrôle. (J'ai une vidéo d'entre eux il circonscription) Après que nous sommes allés au château (Château des ducs de Bretagne), il était cool que nous avons quelqu'un qui parle anglais. Ensuite, nous sommes allés à aller voir le maire adjoint. Moi et Ashleigh est allé aux partenaires de la maison de Mari et avait pizza.
Wnaith e glawio eto heddiw ond roedd na tipin o haul. Gwelais llawer robotiaid in yn eliffant ac morgrigin oedd Ashleigh wedi mynd ar y morgrigin af rhai or bechgyn. Wedyn rydym wedi mynd i castell (Château des Ducs de Bretagne) roedd en mor cwl. We fun no wedi cwrdd ar mair. Oeddwn i ac Ashleigh wedi mynd draw tŷ partner Mari.
It was raining again today but as well quite sunny. We saw a really cool robot Elephant and there were other creatures/animals like a ant, Ashleigh and some of the boys were controlling it. (I have a video of them riding it) After that we went to the castle (Château des Ducs de Bretagne) it was cool as we got someone that speaks English. Then we went to go see the deputy mayor. Me and Ashleigh went to Mari's partners house and had pizza.
il pleuvait encore aujourd'hui, mais aussi bien ensoleillé. Nous avons vu un robot vraiment cool Elephant et il y avait d'autres créatures / animaux comme une fourmi, Ashleigh et certains des garçons ont le contrôle. (J'ai une vidéo d'entre eux il circonscription) Après que nous sommes allés au château (Château des ducs de Bretagne), il était cool que nous avons quelqu'un qui parle anglais. Ensuite, nous sommes allés à aller voir le maire adjoint. Moi et Ashleigh est allé aux partenaires de la maison de Mari et avait pizza.
Wnaith e glawio eto heddiw ond roedd na tipin o haul. Gwelais llawer robotiaid in yn eliffant ac morgrigin oedd Ashleigh wedi mynd ar y morgrigin af rhai or bechgyn. Wedyn rydym wedi mynd i castell (Château des Ducs de Bretagne) roedd en mor cwl. We fun no wedi cwrdd ar mair. Oeddwn i ac Ashleigh wedi mynd draw tŷ partner Mari.
It was raining again today but as well quite sunny. We saw a really cool robot Elephant and there were other creatures/animals like a ant, Ashleigh and some of the boys were controlling it. (I have a video of them riding it) After that we went to the castle (Château des Ducs de Bretagne) it was cool as we got someone that speaks English. Then we went to go see the deputy mayor. Me and Ashleigh went to Mari's partners house and had pizza.
Aujourd'hui était vraiment formidable .Je manger weetabix et sandwich jambon et fruits.J'aime Weetabix parce que c'est deliceux et mou.J'aime sandwich jambon parce que c'est croustillant.Et j'aime fruits car c'est sain et deliceux.Je suis enjoyer manger.J'ai visiter à châteou enneyoux.Apres visiter à magasiner.J'ai suis fair de acheter bonbon.Je suis enjoyer mon temps dans France.Pas plus châteou!(finalimint).Salut dans l'immediat.
Dydd Mercher
Roedd heddiw yn diwrnod llawn gwaethgareddau hollol gwych a fe wnaethon ni ymweld a castell arall.Am frecwast fe wnes i bwyta weetabix mewn llaeth.Am cinio fe wnes i fwyta brechdan ham a salad ac am tê fe wnes i bwyta ffrwythau a salmon.Fe wnaethon ni ymweld a canolfan siopa eto.Roedd hyn yn eithaf mwy cyffrous.Roeddwn i wedi prynnu losin, a crwst rhai pethau gwahanol.Aut allai ymweld a Ffrainc a ddim prynnu rhywbeth yn ei pâttiserrie nhw.Fe wnes i prynnu rhai arbennig(Mam dylset ti gwybkd pa rhai)Yna fe wnaethon wneud ein ffordd i ein teuleoedd.Felly rwyf yn mwynhau fy amser yn Nantes.Dyna yw y castell olaf rydyn ni'n ymweld a(rwy'n gobeithio)!
Today was full of fun activities and visiting another castle.For breakfast I ate weetabix, for lunch I ate a ham sandwich and for dinner I ate fruits with a bagel and salmon.Today I met Matteos Mum and Sister.Matteos Mum was very friendly and could speak quite good English and Matteos sister was almost fluent in English.To start the day we went on a 2 hour and a half trip to a "exciting" castle.Then we went shopping in a shopping centre I bought some Euros merchandise and some sweets and of couse what would a trip to France be without a trip to the pâttiserrie.I bought these delicious round little pastries.(Mum you shoukd know which ones)Then on the way back on the bus not everyone was feeling great,but despite that the journey back was fun.Then we were back with our partners families.I'm enjoying my time in Nantes.Hopefully that is the last castle that we will have to go to.
Aujourd'hui était vraiment formidable .Je manger weetabix et sandwich jambon et fruits.J'aime Weetabix parce que c'est deliceux et mou.J'aime sandwich jambon parce que c'est croustillant.Et j'aime fruits car c'est sain et deliceux.Je suis enjoyer manger.J'ai visiter à châteou enneyoux.Apres visiter à magasiner.J'ai suis fair de acheter bonbon.Je suis enjoyer mon temps dans France.Pas plus châteou!(finalimint).Salut dans l'immediat.
Dydd Mercher
Roedd heddiw yn diwrnod llawn gwaethgareddau hollol gwych a fe wnaethon ni ymweld a castell arall.Am frecwast fe wnes i bwyta weetabix mewn llaeth.Am cinio fe wnes i fwyta brechdan ham a salad ac am tê fe wnes i bwyta ffrwythau a salmon.Fe wnaethon ni ymweld a canolfan siopa eto.Roedd hyn yn eithaf mwy cyffrous.Roeddwn i wedi prynnu losin, a crwst rhai pethau gwahanol.Aut allai ymweld a Ffrainc a ddim prynnu rhywbeth yn ei pâttiserrie nhw.Fe wnes i prynnu rhai arbennig(Mam dylset ti gwybkd pa rhai)Yna fe wnaethon wneud ein ffordd i ein teuleoedd.Felly rwyf yn mwynhau fy amser yn Nantes.Dyna yw y castell olaf rydyn ni'n ymweld a(rwy'n gobeithio)!
Today was full of fun activities and visiting another castle.For breakfast I ate weetabix, for lunch I ate a ham sandwich and for dinner I ate fruits with a bagel and salmon.Today I met Matteos Mum and Sister.Matteos Mum was very friendly and could speak quite good English and Matteos sister was almost fluent in English.To start the day we went on a 2 hour and a half trip to a "exciting" castle.Then we went shopping in a shopping centre I bought some Euros merchandise and some sweets and of couse what would a trip to France be without a trip to the pâttiserrie.I bought these delicious round little pastries.(Mum you shoukd know which ones)Then on the way back on the bus not everyone was feeling great,but despite that the journey back was fun.Then we were back with our partners families.I'm enjoying my time in Nantes.Hopefully that is the last castle that we will have to go to.
Aujourd'hui était totalement fantastique et formidable! Aujord'hui arrive à elephant grand. J'aime elephant, parce que c'est interresant et grand. J'ai manger sandwich saumon. J'aime ca parce que c'est delicieux et formidable. Puis arrive château Nantes. C'était grand et fantastique. J'ai suis enjoyer. Puis arriver magasiner le glace. J'ai mange le glace banane et fraise. J'aime le glace parce que c'est vraiment deliceux.Je suis enjoyer aujord'hui.
Dydd Mawrth
Roedd heddiw yn ddydd hollol wych yn llawn antur.Fe wnaethon ni ymweld a eliffant enfawr pren oedd yn cerdded o gwmpas.Yna fe wnaethon ni cerdded i castell Nantes.Roedd rhaid i ni rhoi rhywbeth trydanol yn ein clust a gwrando i menyw yma oedd yn dangos ni o gwmpas y castell.Yna am bod yn plant dda aethon ni i cael hufen iâ.Fe wnes i cael blas banana a mefus.Fe wnes i mwynhau bwyta y hufen iâ ynwedig cyn i mi cerdded o gwmpas y dref.Fe wnes i Owain a Cameron cael antur diddorol.(Mam byddaf yn dweud i chi ar ôl).Yna fe wnaethon ni cerdded cwpl o funudau i ymweld a'r Mair.Felly peidiwch a phoeni Mam mae popeth yn iawn a rwyf yn mwynhau fy amser yn Ffrainc.Hwyl am y tro.
Today was an amazing day full of adventures.First of all we made our way to see a giant elephant.Unfortunately the elephant's legs did not move but the wheels did.I then ate a delicious salmon sandwich with salad.We then walked towards the city centre and to the castle.After we had a tour around the castle we were then free to roam the town and shop.(Don't worry Mum I still have money left).After that we then got on the bus and went back to our families.
Aujourd'hui était totalement fantastique et formidable! Aujord'hui arrive à elephant grand. J'aime elephant, parce que c'est interresant et grand. J'ai manger sandwich saumon. J'aime ca parce que c'est delicieux et formidable. Puis arrive château Nantes. C'était grand et fantastique. J'ai suis enjoyer. Puis arriver magasiner le glace. J'ai mange le glace banane et fraise. J'aime le glace parce que c'est vraiment deliceux.Je suis enjoyer aujord'hui.
Dydd Mawrth
Roedd heddiw yn ddydd hollol wych yn llawn antur.Fe wnaethon ni ymweld a eliffant enfawr pren oedd yn cerdded o gwmpas.Yna fe wnaethon ni cerdded i castell Nantes.Roedd rhaid i ni rhoi rhywbeth trydanol yn ein clust a gwrando i menyw yma oedd yn dangos ni o gwmpas y castell.Yna am bod yn plant dda aethon ni i cael hufen iâ.Fe wnes i cael blas banana a mefus.Fe wnes i mwynhau bwyta y hufen iâ ynwedig cyn i mi cerdded o gwmpas y dref.Fe wnes i Owain a Cameron cael antur diddorol.(Mam byddaf yn dweud i chi ar ôl).Yna fe wnaethon ni cerdded cwpl o funudau i ymweld a'r Mair.Felly peidiwch a phoeni Mam mae popeth yn iawn a rwyf yn mwynhau fy amser yn Ffrainc.Hwyl am y tro.
Today was an amazing day full of adventures.First of all we made our way to see a giant elephant.Unfortunately the elephant's legs did not move but the wheels did.I then ate a delicious salmon sandwich with salad.We then walked towards the city centre and to the castle.After we had a tour around the castle we were then free to roam the town and shop.(Don't worry Mum I still have money left).After that we then got on the bus and went back to our families.
Dydd Mercher 🏰
Je me suis levée à 7h00. J'ai mangé muesli et fromage blanc. J'aime muesli et fromage blanc à mon avis c'est delicieux. Je suis allée à Collége Rutigliano avec Alice. J'ai voyagé sur autobus à Château d'Azay le Rideau. Château d'Azay le Rideau c'etait belle est intéressant. J'ai mangé avec Kaya et Leia. J'ai voyagé sur autobus à L.Eclerc. Sur autobus j'ai parlé avec Kaya, Leia, Cameron et Ashleigh. J'ai acheté Haribo et Kinder pour mes amies à L.Eclerc. L.eclerc c'etait moins "intéressant" à L.eclerc sur Lundi! J'ai voyagé sur autobus à Nantes. Je vais mangé avec la famille. Ce sera incroyable.
Wnes i godi am 7:00 yn y bore unwaith eto yn barod am ddiwrnod o antur a hwyl. Yn gyntaf cefais brecwast o muesli a rhyw fath o iogwrt eto. Roedd yn flasus iawn. Wedyn wnes i baratoi i adael y tŷ i fynd i Collége Rutigliano. Wnes i gerdded fyna gyda Alice. Wedyn pryd cyrhaeddon ni roedd ddim amser cylch bore yma felly aethon ni i'r bws yn syth. Roedd rhaid aros tipyn am un person i gyrhaedd. Gadawon ni am y trip dau a hanner awr yn gyffrous. Roedd rhaid rhoi eli haul arno gan fod y tywydd wedi gwella! Aethon ni i gastell or enw Château d'Azay le Rideau. Roedd yn brydferth iawn! Aethon ni i eistedd ar y porfa i fwyta ein cinio. Wnes i eistedd gyda Leia a Kaya. Roedd yn hwyl iawn a roedd y bwyd yn flasus! Wedyn cerddon ni i flaen y castell ble aethon ni mewn i chwilio o gwmpas. Pryd aethon ni mewn roedd yna llawer i weld. Roedd yn ddiddorol i weld sut roedden nhw yn ail-creu y dodrefn. Wedyn wnaethon ni edrych trwy y siopa a wedyn gadael i fynd i L.Eclerc. Wnes i gerdded o gwmpas gydag Leia ac Ashleigh. Edrychon ni mewn nifer o siopau. Prynnais Haribo a Kinder i fy ffrindiau yn L.Eclerc. Roedd L.Eclerc heddiw yn llai "ddiddorol" na L.Eclerc ar Ddydd Llun! Wedyn aethon ni nôl ar y bws ar ôl awr a theithio'n ni nôl i Nantes. Mae nawr yn bwrw glaw. Rydw i'n mynd i bwyta tê gyda'r teulu. Bydd o'n hwyl ac rwy'n siwr bydd y bwyd yn flasus iawn.
I woke up at 7:00 in the morning and got ready for a day of adventure and fun. First I ate breakfast which was muesli and some sort of yoghurt thing which was delicious. Then Alice and I walked to Collége Rutigliano. When we arrived there was no chatting and games today so we went straight to the bus where we waited for one person to arrive. Then we started the long two and a half hour journey excitedly. As we got closer we had to apply sun cream because the weather was much better today! Then we walked towards it. It was so beautiful! We walked around the back looking for a place to eat and then sat down on the grass to eat. I sat with Leia and Kaya. It was very fun and the food was good too! Then we walked back around to the front where we went inside to look around. It was very interesting to see how they re-made furniture. We couldn't see that much because they are rebuilding part of it so we only so a few rooms. We then went through the shop and set off to L.Eclerc. Today's L.Eclerc trip was a lot less "interesting" than Monday's! I bought some Haribo and Kinder for my friends as presents. I walked around looking at shops with Ashleigh and Leia. Then we got back on the bus and drove to Nantes. I talked with Leia, Ashleigh, Kaya and Cameron on the way home. It is now pouring with rain! Apparently the weather was lovely before we came! On the way home we saw both ends of a rainbow! It was so magical I half expected to see a unicorn! Yesterday it was interesting to learn that they buy their vegetables from a special garden in Nantes where they are grown really naturally in the right season.
Wnes i godi am 7:00 yn y bore unwaith eto yn barod am ddiwrnod o antur a hwyl. Yn gyntaf cefais brecwast o muesli a rhyw fath o iogwrt eto. Roedd yn flasus iawn. Wedyn wnes i baratoi i adael y tŷ i fynd i Collége Rutigliano. Wnes i gerdded fyna gyda Alice. Wedyn pryd cyrhaeddon ni roedd ddim amser cylch bore yma felly aethon ni i'r bws yn syth. Roedd rhaid aros tipyn am un person i gyrhaedd. Gadawon ni am y trip dau a hanner awr yn gyffrous. Roedd rhaid rhoi eli haul arno gan fod y tywydd wedi gwella! Aethon ni i gastell or enw Château d'Azay le Rideau. Roedd yn brydferth iawn! Aethon ni i eistedd ar y porfa i fwyta ein cinio. Wnes i eistedd gyda Leia a Kaya. Roedd yn hwyl iawn a roedd y bwyd yn flasus! Wedyn cerddon ni i flaen y castell ble aethon ni mewn i chwilio o gwmpas. Pryd aethon ni mewn roedd yna llawer i weld. Roedd yn ddiddorol i weld sut roedden nhw yn ail-creu y dodrefn. Wedyn wnaethon ni edrych trwy y siopa a wedyn gadael i fynd i L.Eclerc. Wnes i gerdded o gwmpas gydag Leia ac Ashleigh. Edrychon ni mewn nifer o siopau. Prynnais Haribo a Kinder i fy ffrindiau yn L.Eclerc. Roedd L.Eclerc heddiw yn llai "ddiddorol" na L.Eclerc ar Ddydd Llun! Wedyn aethon ni nôl ar y bws ar ôl awr a theithio'n ni nôl i Nantes. Mae nawr yn bwrw glaw. Rydw i'n mynd i bwyta tê gyda'r teulu. Bydd o'n hwyl ac rwy'n siwr bydd y bwyd yn flasus iawn.
I woke up at 7:00 in the morning and got ready for a day of adventure and fun. First I ate breakfast which was muesli and some sort of yoghurt thing which was delicious. Then Alice and I walked to Collége Rutigliano. When we arrived there was no chatting and games today so we went straight to the bus where we waited for one person to arrive. Then we started the long two and a half hour journey excitedly. As we got closer we had to apply sun cream because the weather was much better today! Then we walked towards it. It was so beautiful! We walked around the back looking for a place to eat and then sat down on the grass to eat. I sat with Leia and Kaya. It was very fun and the food was good too! Then we walked back around to the front where we went inside to look around. It was very interesting to see how they re-made furniture. We couldn't see that much because they are rebuilding part of it so we only so a few rooms. We then went through the shop and set off to L.Eclerc. Today's L.Eclerc trip was a lot less "interesting" than Monday's! I bought some Haribo and Kinder for my friends as presents. I walked around looking at shops with Ashleigh and Leia. Then we got back on the bus and drove to Nantes. I talked with Leia, Ashleigh, Kaya and Cameron on the way home. It is now pouring with rain! Apparently the weather was lovely before we came! On the way home we saw both ends of a rainbow! It was so magical I half expected to see a unicorn! Yesterday it was interesting to learn that they buy their vegetables from a special garden in Nantes where they are grown really naturally in the right season.
dydd mercher yn Nantes/wednesday in Nantes
N'a pas été aussi bonne qu'hier aujourd'hui, aujourd'hui je suis allé à un château, le château était ok, Nous sommes également allés achats, le shopping était agréable, aussi j'avais kfc qui était incroyable.
Roedd heddiw dim mor da a ddoe dwi angen dweud, i fod yn onest mae mynd i bod yn anodd iawn i ciro ddoe, ond heddiw aethom ni i weld castell yma, yn anffodus roeddwn ni wedi colli y tour or castell, ac wedyn eithom ni shopa (eto) ac wedyn eithais i i kfc gyda y teulu, a hynna beth wnaethom i am y dydd.
Well I have to say (and I said this in yesterdays blog), today wasn't as good as yesterday, but it was still good , just not as good, so today we went to the castle, which was alright, unfortunatly we missed our tour, but all well, it was still interesting, and then we went shopping (again) and I didn't buy anything (because I didn't have to and I've bought everything I needed and then after such a lovley day we came of the bus to be welcomed buy the hard hitting rain, and so me , and Awen Awen's mum ran to the car and drove back to the flat. And then I had kfc which was delicious (obviously). And that's really all that's happened today.
P.S:sorry for another short one today but as you've already read, today was more chilled (which was nice)
Roedd heddiw dim mor da a ddoe dwi angen dweud, i fod yn onest mae mynd i bod yn anodd iawn i ciro ddoe, ond heddiw aethom ni i weld castell yma, yn anffodus roeddwn ni wedi colli y tour or castell, ac wedyn eithom ni shopa (eto) ac wedyn eithais i i kfc gyda y teulu, a hynna beth wnaethom i am y dydd.
Well I have to say (and I said this in yesterdays blog), today wasn't as good as yesterday, but it was still good , just not as good, so today we went to the castle, which was alright, unfortunatly we missed our tour, but all well, it was still interesting, and then we went shopping (again) and I didn't buy anything (because I didn't have to and I've bought everything I needed and then after such a lovley day we came of the bus to be welcomed buy the hard hitting rain, and so me , and Awen Awen's mum ran to the car and drove back to the flat. And then I had kfc which was delicious (obviously). And that's really all that's happened today.
P.S:sorry for another short one today but as you've already read, today was more chilled (which was nice)
Sunniest day so far, no rain. Yey! We all traveled for two hours to Château d'Azay le Reideau, another Castel. Not saying in a mean way but it was nice to see it. On the way I wanted to have a sleep. When i was pretending to sleep i could here Leah and Ceridwn was singing "My little pony" theame tune. when we got to the castel it was white. Unfortunately we missed our appointment for our tour around the castel, it was okay though we went around tbe castel in our own time. Before that we had a pic-nic on the grass. Just to relax. The trip to E.Leclair was easy because I had a reading book to read. When we went around the shops i got a little present for my friend that really missis me (Tia). Leah got a Pickachu teddy that talks. Amazing! We were looking for shops to go in and we wnt down the escalator and thought there was shops but no it was a car park. Was a bit embarrassed but was so funny. Tonight Axelle has horse riding so i'm going to Leah's partners house Manon. I will be going home to another suprise. I can look forward to my food and a little food suprise. Another day of fun tomorrow.
Dydd Mercher
Diwrnod heulog heddiw. Gobeithio y bydd yn aros fell hyn nawr am gweddill yr wythnos. Wneuthom ni teithio i castell arall heddiw or enw, Château d'Azay le Reideau. Roedd yn arbenig. Collon ni ein cyfle i mynd o gwmpas a ddysgu llawer gan ein bod wedi cyrraedd yn hwyr ond wneuthom teithio o gwmpas fel teulu mawr. Clwstwr Bro Edern yn wneud argraff dda. Cafon ni llawer o hwyl ar y bws. Wnes i ddarllen llawer o fy llyfr darllen. Roedd siopa yn llwyddianus iawn. Methu aros am mwy o hwyl yn y diwrnodau i ddod. Mae gen i bach o bwyd supreis pob nôs. Rwyn ederych ymlaen at fy supreis heno goeithio mae'n rhywbeth rwyn hoffi.
J'aime Naunts. Je me réveille à 6h40 tous les matins, se préparer et prendre le petit déjeuner. nous avons Nutella sur du pain grillé. moi et Axelle me entends très bien donc conversations sont faciles. Aujourd'hui, il y avait un long voyage voyager vers le château d'Azay le Reideau. Nous avons manqué notre slot pour notre tournée autour, mais nous avons marché autour d'un groupe, comme une famille. Nous avons passé un très bon moment. Les chambres était très intéressant. Après nous sommes retournés à l'autobus pour se rendre au lieu de shopping. Nous avons eu le temps de magasiner pour une heure. Ensuite, sur le moi de bus Leah et Ceridwen avait une chanson chanter. Mlle tout le monde !!
Sunniest day so far, no rain. Yey! We all traveled for two hours to Château d'Azay le Reideau, another Castel. Not saying in a mean way but it was nice to see it. On the way I wanted to have a sleep. When i was pretending to sleep i could here Leah and Ceridwn was singing "My little pony" theame tune. when we got to the castel it was white. Unfortunately we missed our appointment for our tour around the castel, it was okay though we went around tbe castel in our own time. Before that we had a pic-nic on the grass. Just to relax. The trip to E.Leclair was easy because I had a reading book to read. When we went around the shops i got a little present for my friend that really missis me (Tia). Leah got a Pickachu teddy that talks. Amazing! We were looking for shops to go in and we wnt down the escalator and thought there was shops but no it was a car park. Was a bit embarrassed but was so funny. Tonight Axelle has horse riding so i'm going to Leah's partners house Manon. I will be going home to another suprise. I can look forward to my food and a little food suprise. Another day of fun tomorrow.
Dydd Mercher
Diwrnod heulog heddiw. Gobeithio y bydd yn aros fell hyn nawr am gweddill yr wythnos. Wneuthom ni teithio i castell arall heddiw or enw, Château d'Azay le Reideau. Roedd yn arbenig. Collon ni ein cyfle i mynd o gwmpas a ddysgu llawer gan ein bod wedi cyrraedd yn hwyr ond wneuthom teithio o gwmpas fel teulu mawr. Clwstwr Bro Edern yn wneud argraff dda. Cafon ni llawer o hwyl ar y bws. Wnes i ddarllen llawer o fy llyfr darllen. Roedd siopa yn llwyddianus iawn. Methu aros am mwy o hwyl yn y diwrnodau i ddod. Mae gen i bach o bwyd supreis pob nôs. Rwyn ederych ymlaen at fy supreis heno goeithio mae'n rhywbeth rwyn hoffi.
J'aime Naunts. Je me réveille à 6h40 tous les matins, se préparer et prendre le petit déjeuner. nous avons Nutella sur du pain grillé. moi et Axelle me entends très bien donc conversations sont faciles. Aujourd'hui, il y avait un long voyage voyager vers le château d'Azay le Reideau. Nous avons manqué notre slot pour notre tournée autour, mais nous avons marché autour d'un groupe, comme une famille. Nous avons passé un très bon moment. Les chambres était très intéressant. Après nous sommes retournés à l'autobus pour se rendre au lieu de shopping. Nous avons eu le temps de magasiner pour une heure. Ensuite, sur le moi de bus Leah et Ceridwen avait une chanson chanter. Mlle tout le monde !!
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