I have really enjoyed my time in Nantes and I can't believe the whole exchange is over. My partner Ines was very generous along with her mum, Cecile. Throughout the week I have learnt a lot of new things about France's language and culture, the food (that the bread and pastry is delicious,) the language (that they don't pause between sentences like us,) school and traditions. On Friday we ate in the school's canteen and I felt like an extra in an American TV show because the way of getting the food was similar and the environment was similar. Also, I found it really confusing because the cars are on the other side of the road, as well as the steering wheel, and sometimes it felt weird on a roundabout and I thought we were going to crash, so it is a relief driving home on the usual side of the road. I am also relieved that both ferry journeys are over because I was slightly nervous going on a ferry for the first time. We have experienced a lot interesting things but my favourite was most probably the Dukes of Nantes castle and shopping in LeClerc because it was really funny and we learnt that shopping in France is much different than shopping in Wales. I also enjoyed watching Wales play against England in the pub except for the disappointing result. The funniest moment was when the teacher read the label and noticed that the huge jars of nutella were 30c off, not a price of 30c (I don't think I have laughed so hard in my life.) Overall the experience was amazing and I would always do it again and would love to meet up with the friends I have made.
Mae'r siwrne wedi dod i ben a dydw i ddim yn gwybod os rydw i yn drist ei bod drosodd neu yn falch ei bod drosodd. Roedd yr holl drip yn wych a mwynheuais pob eiliad ohono ond erbyn hyn rydw i'n dechrau colli fy nheulu. Dysgais llawer iawn am ddiwylliant Ffrainc, yn cynnwys bwydydd, iaith, traddodiadau ac ysgol. Mae bwyd yn rhan fawr o ddiwylliant Ffrainc, ac os fyddech yn crwydro o amgylch strydoedd yr ardal byddech yn sylweddoli fod llawer o boptai sy'n arogli'n flasus iawn. Ar ein taith i Nantes fe wnaethon ni fwyta mewn caffi llawn lluniau o'r teulu brenhinol Prydeinig o'r enw George V11 a chefais i groissant mor flasus ni alla'i fyth bwyta croissant yr un ffordd eto oherwydd ni fydd cystal. Mae fy nealltwriaeth o'r iaith hefyd wedi gwella a bydd yn helpu yn y dyfodol wrth ddatblygu fy sgiliau Ffrangeg. Mwynheuais ymweld â'r holl gastellfeydd, amgueddfeydd, a siopau wahanol. Roedd y gastell Nantes yn ddiddorol a hefyd yr Eliffant fawr. Ar y cyfan roedd y daith yn anghofiadwy ac rydw i methu aros i rannu fy mhrofiadau gyda fy ffrindiau a theulu.
J'ai apprecitié Nantes totalment, c'était incroyable. Mon correspondante était fantastique et amis. J'ai achete souvernirs pour mon famillie, mes amis et moi, par example aimants, un tasse et aliments. Nantes est vraiment interessant, aussi College Rugitgliano est super cool. Ce sera bien à voir mon avis et famillie plus tard.
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