Wnes i godi am 7:00 yn y bore unwaith eto yn barod am ddiwrnod o antur a hwyl. Yn gyntaf cefais brecwast o muesli a rhyw fath o iogwrt eto. Roedd yn flasus iawn. Wedyn wnes i baratoi i adael y tŷ i fynd i Collége Rutigliano. Wnes i gerdded fyna gyda Alice. Wedyn pryd cyrhaeddon ni roedd ddim amser cylch bore yma felly aethon ni i'r bws yn syth. Roedd rhaid aros tipyn am un person i gyrhaedd. Gadawon ni am y trip dau a hanner awr yn gyffrous. Roedd rhaid rhoi eli haul arno gan fod y tywydd wedi gwella! Aethon ni i gastell or enw Château d'Azay le Rideau. Roedd yn brydferth iawn! Aethon ni i eistedd ar y porfa i fwyta ein cinio. Wnes i eistedd gyda Leia a Kaya. Roedd yn hwyl iawn a roedd y bwyd yn flasus! Wedyn cerddon ni i flaen y castell ble aethon ni mewn i chwilio o gwmpas. Pryd aethon ni mewn roedd yna llawer i weld. Roedd yn ddiddorol i weld sut roedden nhw yn ail-creu y dodrefn. Wedyn wnaethon ni edrych trwy y siopa a wedyn gadael i fynd i L.Eclerc. Wnes i gerdded o gwmpas gydag Leia ac Ashleigh. Edrychon ni mewn nifer o siopau. Prynnais Haribo a Kinder i fy ffrindiau yn L.Eclerc. Roedd L.Eclerc heddiw yn llai "ddiddorol" na L.Eclerc ar Ddydd Llun! Wedyn aethon ni nôl ar y bws ar ôl awr a theithio'n ni nôl i Nantes. Mae nawr yn bwrw glaw. Rydw i'n mynd i bwyta tê gyda'r teulu. Bydd o'n hwyl ac rwy'n siwr bydd y bwyd yn flasus iawn.
I woke up at 7:00 in the morning and got ready for a day of adventure and fun. First I ate breakfast which was muesli and some sort of yoghurt thing which was delicious. Then Alice and I walked to Collége Rutigliano. When we arrived there was no chatting and games today so we went straight to the bus where we waited for one person to arrive. Then we started the long two and a half hour journey excitedly. As we got closer we had to apply sun cream because the weather was much better today! Then we walked towards it. It was so beautiful! We walked around the back looking for a place to eat and then sat down on the grass to eat. I sat with Leia and Kaya. It was very fun and the food was good too! Then we walked back around to the front where we went inside to look around. It was very interesting to see how they re-made furniture. We couldn't see that much because they are rebuilding part of it so we only so a few rooms. We then went through the shop and set off to L.Eclerc. Today's L.Eclerc trip was a lot less "interesting" than Monday's! I bought some Haribo and Kinder for my friends as presents. I walked around looking at shops with Ashleigh and Leia. Then we got back on the bus and drove to Nantes. I talked with Leia, Ashleigh, Kaya and Cameron on the way home. It is now pouring with rain! Apparently the weather was lovely before we came! On the way home we saw both ends of a rainbow! It was so magical I half expected to see a unicorn! Yesterday it was interesting to learn that they buy their vegetables from a special garden in Nantes where they are grown really naturally in the right season.
What no ice-cream today? That looks like a beautiful castle. Hope you enjoy the football tomorrow! xxx