Bonjour tout le monde!
Mae'n ddydd Gwener yn Nantes ac mae'r wythnos yn dirwyn i ben yn gyflym. Rydyn ni wedi cael wythnos arbennig iawn yn Nantes, gyda chroeso cynnes a llawer o weithgareddau diddorol. Y bore ma aethon ni am helfa drysor o amgylch y dref a'r pnawn ma bydd pawb yn gwneud gweithgareddau yn yr ysgol gyda'u partneriaid. Rydyn ni newydd gael cinio ysgol yn y ffreutur. Roedd yn wahanol iawn i ginio ysgol yng Nghymru: rholyn bara, dewis o salad, porc gyda ratatouille fel prif gwrs ac eirinen wlanog neu salad ffrwythau yn ogystal â baryn hufen iâ Snickers fel pwdin. Dim dewis, a dim ystyriaeth i lysieuwyr nac unrhyw un gydag alergedd i gnau'r Snickers! Fodd bynnag, ym marn yr athrawon roedd yn bryd hynod o flasus, ond rydyn ni'n gwybod y bydd barn y disgyblion yn wahanol iawn!
Neithiwr cafon ni lawer o hwyl yn y noson Lydewig. Cynrychiolodd Owain yr ysgol yn wych drwy ganu unawd yn y Gymraeg ac fe glywson ni ddigon o ganeuon Llydaweg. Roedd cyfle hefyd i bawb ddawnsio, ac roedd hyn yn gwneud i'n dawnsio gwerin ni edrych yn hynod o gyffrous! Cawson ni gyd gyfle i gael pryd o fwyd o grempogau sawrus a melys, a chacen a oedd yn gyfoeth o fenyn. Noson hyfryd iawn, gyda'n disgyblion ni'n mwynhau cwmni'u partneriaid a'u teuluoedd ac yn joio'r dawnsio. Aeth y noson ychydig o'r ffordd i godi'r ysbryd ar ôl y gêm. Cawsom ni groeso cynnes yn y Bistrot des Legendes ac roedd pawb yn hapus nes 90+2 pan sgoriodd Lloegr. Roedd gwrando ar y sylwebaeth Ffrangeg mor depressing â gorfod gwylio John Inverdale ac roedd rhyddhad enfawr i'w glywed yn lleisiau'r sylwebwyr pan sgoriodd Lloegr reit ar y diwedd. Hen dro.
Mae ymddygiad arbennig disgyblion Bro Edern wedi bod yn uchafbwynt cyson drwy'r wythnos ac mae'r ffordd y mae pawb wedi cynrychioli'r ysgol dramor ac arddel eu Cymreictod mewn ffordd mor wych wedi bod yn destun llawenydd i ni i gyd. Wythnos fythgofiadwy.
Cofiwch fod lluniau ar
It's Friday in Nantes and a fantastic week with our Celtic cousins is coming to an end. We have had a great week of activites and a very warm welcome with the families. This morning we went on a treasure hunt around town and this afternoon everyone will do various activities in school with their partners. We have just had lunch in the school cantine, which was very different from the catering provided by Cardiff County Council! We each had a bread roll, a choice of salad, pork loin with sauce and some ratatouille as a main course and then a peach or a fruit salad, as well as a Snickers ice cream bar for dessert. No choice, no consideration for any dietary needs. It's just tough that there are nuts in the Snickers! Not much use for me with a nut allergy, but there we go! It was a small price to pay, because there were plenty of other delicious things to eat. We staff enjoyed the meal very much and enjoyed the hour and a half long lunch break. However, I'm sure that our pupils' opinions of the lunch will be very different, having observed the mountains of food that was returned to the hatch.
Last night we had lots of fun in the Breton evening. Owain represented the school brilliantly with his solo and we heard some traditional Breton songs, including the Breton anthem, which is sung to the tune of Hen Wlad fy Nhadau! There was also a chance to dance (dawnsio gwerin, all is forgiven!) and the pupils all seemed to enjoy themselves, dancing with their partners. We ate some great savoury and sweet pancakes and generally had a lot of fun. We also ate a Galette des Rois cake, which is basically a heart attack on a plate. It seemed to consist of butter. Butter and sugar and not much else! The Breton evening made up for the depressing state of affairs at the end of the match. The French commentators annoyed me greatly, because they seemed to be urging England on through the match and seemed to be rejoicing when they finally scored at the end. The mood at the bistrot where we watched the match was very subdued, with everyone doing their maths and trying to work out the various possibilities for us to advance to the next round.
The highlight of the week has been the exemplary behaviour of our pupils and the way that everyone has represented Bro Edern abroad. We have heard lots of Welsh and French and everyone has been on top form. A very memorable week.
Remember that the photos are here:
Au revoir!
Yfory: Gadael Nantes am 10am, gyrru i Caen, croesi yn y prynhawn a chyrraedd Portsmouth am 9:15pm. Nôl yn hwyr ym Mro Edern. Dilynwch y cyfrif Twitter adrannol uchod am ddiweddariadau.
Tomorrow: Leaving Nantes at 10am, driving to Caen, crossing in the afternoon and arriving at Portsmouth at 9:15pm. Back late at Bro Edern. Follow the above departmental Twitter account for updates.
*** O.N. Cadwch fynd wrth ysgrifennu sylwadau. Maen nhw wir yn hwb i'r disgyblion ac rydyn ni'n joio eu darllen mas ar y bws.
*** P.S. Keep the comments coming. They are a real boost for the pupils and we're having great fun reading them out on the bus.
Sounds like an enjoyable time for all! Thank you for looking after our children so well.
ReplyDeleteSounds like an enjoyable time for all! Thank you for looking after our children so well.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic opportunity & lasting memories you have given our kids! It sounds like they (and i hope you too) have had an amazing time. I have read everyones blogs. They kept me amused (especially Luke's & his love of football (not). They talked about fairytale castles, mechanical animals, football, castles/culture, shopping & more shopping (meg, please stay out of calvin klein on the way home!). To see them blogging trilingually makes me a very proud mum (even uf google helped a little). I hope they have keep in touch with their partners & new french friends so that they can develop their language further (meg, i cant wait to hear your french)...They seem to have experienced new food too... And not once did i hear about anyone eating escargot!! Have a safe journey home all! X
ReplyDeleteSafe journey x
ReplyDeleteSafe journey x
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like a great time was had by all! Thank you for giving the pupils of Bro Edern such a great opportunity. We are looking forward to seeing Aimee later this evening. The house has been unusually quiet without her! Belinda