Wnes i godi am 7:00 yn y bore eto heddiw. Ond, ar ddamwain es i nôl i'r gwely am 20 munud. Dechreuiad grêt i'r ddiwrnod! Wedyn bwytais muesli a pheth fel iogwrt a gyrodd tad Alice Alice a fi i'r ysgol. Pryd cyrhaeddon ni wnaethon ni amser cylch i drafod gadael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd. Roedd yn ddiddorol i glywed barn pobl arall yn enwedig pobl sydd eisiau gadael. Hefyd roedden ni'n trafod os dylen ni cael yr hawl i bleidleisio. Rydw i'n meddwl dylen ni gan fod yn effeithio arno ni yn fawr. Wedyn dechreuon ni teithio i Llong Danfor Espadon. Wnaethon ni gweld golygfa anhygoel o fen yr adeilad. Roedd yn ddiddorol iawn i weld sut roedd pobl yn byw ar y llongau danfor yna. Roedd y Llong Danfor Espadon wedi mynd i Begwn y Gogledd. Wnes i fynd i'r siop er mwyn prynnu anrhegion ac roedd yn lwyddiannus. Wedyn aethon ni nôl ar y bws i deithio yn ôl i Nantes. Ar y ffordd nôl bwytais fy cinio a gwrandawais arno cerddoriaeth o Wicked. Wedyn aethon ni i wylio gêm pêl-droed Cymru yn erbyn Lloegr. Rydw i ddim yn hoffi pêl-droed llawer ond mwynheais llawer! Cefais diod o grenadine a lemonade. Roedd yn flasus iawn! Yn drist roedd y gêm ddim yn fuddugol. Wedyn cerddais adref gyda Alice. Pryd cyrhaeddon ni nôl gwyliais i, Alice a'i chwaer fawr Lost a fwyton ni. Wedyn cerddais i a Alice nôl i'r ysgol er mwyn mynd i ei Noson Lydewig. Cafon ni fwyd blasus a roedd llawer o ddawnsio a chanu. Wedyn wnaethon ni gyrru nôl a nawr rydw i yn flimedig iawn ac angen cysgu!
I woke up at 7:00 in the morning and accidently went back to bed for 20 minutes! So it was a great start to the day! I then went into the kitchen (after Alice had to wake me up) to eat my breakfast. I ate muesli with a thing similar to yoghurt and then Alice's Dad drove us to school. On school we had circle time and discussed whether we should leave or stay in the EU. I think we should stay. It was interesting to hear different people's opinions. Especially the people who wanted to leave. Afterwards we talked about whether we should be able to vote. I though we should as it effects us most but I understand that some people would be too immature or wouldn't understand properly. Then we got on the bus to drive to the Espadon Submarine. It was very interesting to learn about how they lived and lovely to see the beautiful view from the roof. We had an audio guide which told us interesting information about the lives of the French men on the submarine. The Espadon was the first French submarine to travel to the North Pole! I then went in the gift shop to buy presents and was successful. Then we got back on the bus and travelled to Nantes where we watched the Wales versus England game. Usually I am not a huge fan of football but this game was extremely exciting and I enjoyed myself very much! I had a grenadine squash and lemonade drink which was delicious. After the disappointing end to the game Alice and I walked back to her house. There we watched Lost and ate cookies and apple purée with her sister Louisa. Then we walked back to the school to attend the Breton evening. We had delicious food and there was lots of singing and dancing. We even heard the Welsh anthem in Breton which was amazing! Then we drove home where we found out that the giant sweet we had made the night before was more of a jelly! I am extremely tired and need to go to bed!

Sounds like a good day again. Pity about the football result. Hope you enjoy your last day tomorrow and see you on Saturday night!
ReplyDeleteBlog diddorol iawn Ceridwen, braf gweld dy fod yn blasu bwyd a diod Ffrainc. Mwynha weddill y daith. Mr Pritchard
ReplyDeleteGwaith gwych unwaith eto, Ceridwen. Falch dy fod wedi joio'r diwrnod.
Mae angen 2x E ar fatiguée oherwydd dy fod yn ferch.