Wednesday, 15 June 2016

dydd mercher yn Nantes/wednesday in Nantes

N'a pas été aussi bonne qu'hier aujourd'hui, aujourd'hui je suis allé à un château, le château était ok, Nous sommes également allés achats, le shopping était agréable, aussi j'avais kfc qui était incroyable.

Roedd heddiw dim mor da a ddoe dwi angen dweud, i fod yn onest mae mynd i bod yn anodd iawn i ciro ddoe, ond heddiw aethom ni i weld castell yma, yn anffodus roeddwn ni wedi colli y tour or castell, ac wedyn eithom ni shopa (eto) ac wedyn eithais i i kfc gyda y teulu, a hynna beth wnaethom i am y dydd.

Well I have to say (and I said this in yesterdays blog), today wasn't as good as yesterday, but it was still good , just not as good, so today we went to the castle, which was alright, unfortunatly we missed our tour, but all well, it was still interesting, and then we went shopping (again) and I didn't buy anything (because I didn't have to and I've bought everything I needed and then after such a lovley day we came of the bus to be welcomed buy the hard hitting rain, and so me , and Awen Awen's mum ran to the car and drove back to the flat. And then I had kfc which was delicious (obviously). And that's really all that's happened today.

P.S:sorry for another short one today but as you've already read, today was more chilled (which was nice)


  1. Sylwadau diddorol iawn dros y dyddiau diwetha Luke, da iawn. Mwynha weddill straeon Mr Voyle! Mr Pritchard

  2. It's been hammering it today too. Pity you missed the castle tour. Sounds like a chilled as a polar bear on a Fox's mint day, my day was the same.
