bonjour, aujourd'hui , nous avons quitté Nantes, c'était triste, sur le ferry il y avait un cinéma, où je regardais star wars, puis nous sommes arrivés à la maison,and so for now, au revoir.
Helo , dwi'n nol am un tro arall, felly heddiw dwedom ni hwyl fawr i eu ffrindiau newydd yn Nantes, ac wedyn arol hynnu aethom ni ar y bws a dechrau ei'n taith, arol awr neu rhywbeth cyrraeddom ni y fferi ac oedd na sinema, felly wiliais i Star Wars wrthgwrs, ac wedyn ar ol y fferi aethom ni ar y taith tri awr olaf nol catref ac ar ol iddym ni cyrraedd catref pigodd ni lan ei'n cas's ni a mynd nol yw tau ni, am nawr hwyl fawr
Hello, world! Well today we said goodbye to our newly found friends in Nantes, and it was sad, but I never cry, and so we left fir the ferry, which was nice, there was a cinema, I went to watch Star Wars The Force Awakens (which is a great movie by the way) and then we carried on our journey home, and then we arrived we took our suitcases and left for home, so for now goodbye
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