Today I woke up very early again at 6:30 to catch the bus at 7:40. Before departing to Espadon submarine we had a circle time and discussed the Referendum that will be held shortly and whether kids/teenagers should have the right to vote. Personally I thought we should be able to vote because it will have a major effect on our future althoghh some say we are'nt mature enought. The Espadon submarine was huge on the outside but very cramped on the inside. This was the very first French submarine and it explored the North Pole. The workers of the submarine lived on the submarine for a long time woth only five litres of water per day and that included washing, etc. The shower was also cold sea water. We ate our dinner on the bus as we drove back to Nantes to watch the Wales V England Euros football match. I was very excited and I was desperate for Wales to win. I also had the red colours painted on my face and a flag to show my support. When Gareth Bale scored his free kick a couple of minutes before half time the whole pub went absolutely crazy. This gave us the lead at half time but not long into the second half we lost our lead. According to some their goal was offside but I'm not entirely sure. As the time reached 90 minutes there was an added three minutes and unfortunately, England scored a goal, and we failed to score another. We lost the game even though (in my opinion) we were the better team. Later we having a traditional Breton evening in their school.
Heddiw roeddwn ni yn codi yn meddwl am y diwrnod oedd gen i o fy 'mlaen. Y llong danfor a'r gêm yn erbyn y Saeson. Roedd y llong Espadon yn ddiddorol a dysgais ei bod wedi cymeryd tua 1,800,000 awr i'w adeiladu. Redd yn anferth ar y tu allan ond nid oedd gymaint o le ar y tu fewn. Roedd rhaid i'r gweithwyr ar y llong cael cawod gan ddefnyddion dŵr oer o'r môr. Yn hwyrach fe wyliwn ni y gêm yn erbyn Lloegr a chefais ddiod blasus, sgwash mefus gyda lemonêd. Roedd gôl Bale yn anhygoel a llwyddodd i roi Cymru yn y blaen am haner amser, ond yn anffodus fe gyfartalodd Vardy yn fuan i fewn i'r ail hanner. Erbyn y 90fed munud roedd yna dri munud o amser ychwanegol ac yn ffodus i Loegr sgorion nhw gôl arall and cymeron nhw amser hir i ail ddechrau'r gêm felly nad oedd gan Gymru lawer o amser i sgorio gôl terfynol. Roedd Bale bron wedi sgorio gôl arall ond ni lwyddodd ac fe chanodd chwiban y ddyfarnwr. Heno byddwn yn cael noson traddodiadol Nantes.
Aujourd'hui j'ai visite Espadon, c'était interessant et toltalment fantstique. J'ai vu à l'intérieur la Espadon et c'était vraiment petit. J'ai aimé la Espadon car c'était super cool. Je suis agacé avec résultat le foot, Pays de Galles V Angleterre. C'était 2-1 à Angleterre :(. Se soir nous allons soirée traditionelle Bretonne en l'ecole.
Dad was screaming it was offside!!! Disappointing in the end, but hope you and your French friends enjoyed watching. I hope you have taken lots of photos, I'd like to see one with your face painted. The Breton evening sounds interesting. I'm sure I'll hear all about it in your next blog, lots of love Mum xxx