Croeso nol i'r cyfres newydd yma o fy anturiaethon mewn Nantes (ydw i wedi sillafu hynna yn cywir miss James?). Roedd heddiw wedi dechrau fel unrhyw dydd arall codi am chwech (amser prydain yw hynny saith mewn Frainc) yn anffodus dydy hyn dim mynd i fynd mor hir gan fod heddiw yn eithaf syml (hynny dim yn peth ddrwg,dwi ddim yn dweud hynna) eithom ni i'r traeth, roeddwn i yn cysau hynna gan fod na tywod ac maen "annoying" ac wedyn eithom ni i cael hufen ia yn anffodus cafodd nhw fy order yn anghywir gofynais i am siocled a mint siocled (yn ffraneg) ond wnaeth nhw dim ond rhoi fi mint siocled, wedyn wnaeth ni mynd siopa a nawr dwi mynd i cael bwyd, ond cyntaf rhaid imi mynd i'r archfarchnad yn cyntaf yw prynu, a felly nawr dwi mynd i bwyta steak! (whoop whoop) ac wedyn roeddwn i wedi prynu rhywbeth ti methu cael yn prydain sydd hyn (sorry am y cliffhanger)....
Hello world! I have returned to tell you a short tale about my adventures today (and as stated it will be a short one, sorry) so today, we awoke like any day six o'clock (Britain time it's seven here but not, so nothings changed with my sleeping patterns) and then I went to the beach, man I hate beaches so much, the sand gets everywhere it's soooo annoying, and then we had ice cream unfortunately the ladie at the counter got my order wrong I ask for chocolate and mint chocolate (in french) but I was only given mint chocolate (at least it was still delicious) and then we went shopping in this humongously dragon sized shopping centre.... which didn't have much but everything was really cheap, so we left the dragon went back to the comfort of the families we are staying with and so we went to the shop and we bought our food for the night....STEAK(WHOOP WHOOP!!!!) and then i bought one of the greatest things in the universe (unavailable in the uk though, wierd)....
a overwatch
t shirt (I don't have a clue if the picture is there or not if it is or isn't please say)
Hello world! I have returned to tell you a short tale about my adventures today (and as stated it will be a short one, sorry) so today, we awoke like any day six o'clock (Britain time it's seven here but not, so nothings changed with my sleeping patterns) and then I went to the beach, man I hate beaches so much, the sand gets everywhere it's soooo annoying, and then we had ice cream unfortunately the ladie at the counter got my order wrong I ask for chocolate and mint chocolate (in french) but I was only given mint chocolate (at least it was still delicious) and then we went shopping in this humongously dragon sized shopping centre.... which didn't have much but everything was really cheap, so we left the dragon went back to the comfort of the families we are staying with and so we went to the shop and we bought our food for the night....STEAK(WHOOP WHOOP!!!!) and then i bought one of the greatest things in the universe (unavailable in the uk though, wierd)....
t shirt (I don't have a clue if the picture is there or not if it is or isn't please say)
P.S:sorry this is so short today, everything was quite straight forward today, and was so simple to
write about, I know for a fact that tomorrow will much more action packed (I am not saying today wasn't fun, it was, just to simple to write about) A hefyd alla fi cael y côd am y e-lyfr os gwelwch yn dda (dwi wedi bod yn defnyddio screenshots mae fy chwaer wedi tynnu a anfon tuag at fi, ond mae mwyafrif yn eithaf blurry). and help was given with the french.
No pic :-( funny you used to love the beach, maybe you should have taken a spade to dig for hobbit treasure. Well done speaking french. Guessing no Game or Lego Store in the Dragon lol xx
ReplyDeleteAucun pic :-( drôle que vous l'habitude d'aimer la plage, vous devriez peut-être avoir pris une pelle pour creuser pour hobbit Treasure. Bien fait de parler français. Pas de jeu de devinettes ou Lego stocker dans le Dragon lol xx
Dim pic :-( ddoniol a ddefnyddiwyd gennych i garu y traeth, efallai y dylech fod wedi cymryd rhaw i gloddio am drysor Hobbit. Da iawn siarad Ffrengig. Dyfalu dim Gêm neu Lego Store yn y Ddraig lol xx