Monday, 13 June 2016

Dydd Llun 🌅

J'ai s'éveillé à 7h00. J'ai allé en Collège Rutigliano avec Alice. J'ai voyagé sur autobus à La Baule. J'aime La Baule parce que c'est magnifique. J'ai mangé un glace au Manuel's. C'etait delicieux. Merci Miss. James! J'ai voyagé sur autobus à E.Leclerc. J'ai acheté Haribo au L.Eclerc. L.Eclerc est plus intéressant au Tesco! J'ai voyagé sur autobus à Nantes. Nantes est joli et belle. J'ai joué JustDance avec Suzanne (sœuer Alice). C'etait plaisir. J'ai mangé avec la famille. Je suis fatigué. Je vais visité Le Grand Éléphant. Wnes i godi am 7:00 yn y bore. Wedyn teithion ni ar droed i Collège Rutigliano. Ar ôl curraedd wnaethon ni wneud amser cylch tan fod pawb yn cyrraedd. Roedd yn diddorol i glywed sut aeth dydd pawb ddoe. Wedyn aethon ni ar y bws er mwyn teithio i La Baule sef traeth hiraf Ewrop! Roedd yn brydferth iawn. Roedd yn glawio felly doedd dim modd nofio yn y dŵr felly aethon ni i chwilio o gwmpas siopau wahanol La Baule. Ar ôl crwydro am dipyn wnaethon ni gyd cerdded i Manuel's lle cafon ni hufen iâ blasus iawn. Cefais côn gyda hufen iâ siocled mint a cyrens duon. Wedyn aethon ni nôl ar y bws lle teithio'n ni i L.Eclerc. Wnaeth yr athrawon gwneud helfa drysor allan ohoni a roedd rhaid ffeindio eitemau gwahanol Ffrengig. Wedyn roedd siawns i ni siopa am ychydig. Prynnais llawer o Haribo gan fod fath o Haribo yma yn addas am lysieuwyr. Gyrron ni nôl i Nantes ble wnaethon ni cwrdd ag ein partneriaid. Pryd cyrhaeddon ni gartref roedd angen i Alice adolygu felly wnes i chwarae JustDance gyda'i chwaer Suzanne. Roedd yn hwyl iawn. Bwytais pasta am de ac nawr rydw i yn flinedig iawn! Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at yfory gweld Y Grand Éléphant (gobeithio), I woke up at 7:00 in the morning and got ready for the day. I ate toast for breakfast and then Alice and I walked to school. Once we arrived we sat in a circle to talk about the time we had with our partners the previous night. It was interesting to hear how different everyone's evenings had gone. When everyone had arrived we drove to La Baule. La Baule is the longest beach in Europe and it was very beautiful! Sadly it was raining and so there was no way we could swim in the sea and it was not very nice on the beach so we went to explore the shops around La Baule. After wandering for a while we all went to Manuel's where we all got ice cream. I had a cone with mint choc chip and blackurrant ice cream and it was delicious. After finishing our ice creams we got back on the bus and drove to L.Eclerc. The teachers made a treasure hunt out of it where we had to find 4 of various different things. After finding them all we shopped for a little. I bought a lot of French Haribo as it is suitable for vegatarians. Then we drove back to the school where we met up with our exchange partners. Alice had to revise for an upcoming exam so I played JustDance with her sister Suzanne. It was very fun. Then we had tea which was spaghetti and vegetables. Now I am very tired! Tomorrow we visit the Grand Éléphant (hopefully) and I am looking forward to that.


  1. The ice cream sounds delicious. You are working hard on this blog and it is very interesting to read. Cai reads the Welsh and I read the English. Looking forward to reading tomorrows!

  2. Fantastique Ceridwen! Falch iawn dy fod wedi joio'r hufen iâ. Dyma flog cynhwysfawr a braf clywed fod Cai a dy fam yn darllen gartref.
    Es i = Je suis allée
