Thursday, 16 June 2016

Aujourd'hui était totalement fantastique! je visité le sous-marin et il a été très interessant. Dans l'après-midi nous avon regardé ,e football, mais malheureusement nous avon perdu. Çe soir, nous étions tous à l'école et je me suis amusé.

Dydd Iau 
Heddiw codais am 06:30 i cael yn barod am y diwrnod hwylus. Am brecwast cefais granfwyd ac sudd afal. Ar ôl yna wnaeth mam Maëlie gyrru ni i'r ysgol. Pryd cyrhaeddon ni at yr ysgol wnaethon ni mynd mewn i gylch ac siarad am dylse ni fel wlad aros mewn y DU neu gadael yr DU. Yn y bore wnaethon ni fynd i weld y llong danfor. Roedd y llong danfor yn diddorol iawn ac roedd o hefyd yn y tro cyntaf i mi fynd ar llong danfor. Ar ôl gweld y llong danfor wnaethon ni bwyta ein cinio ar y bws pryd roeddwn ni ar ein fordd i gwylio y gêm pel-droed. Yn y prynhawn wnaethon ni gwylio y gêm pel-droed Cymru yn erbyn Lloegr ond yn anfodus wnaethon ni colli. Heno wnaeth yr ysgol trefnu i ni cael rhywbeth i fwyta yn yr ysgol ac roedd o'n amser i ni cael siarad gyda ein partneriaid Ffrangeg ac ein ffrindiau.

Today I woke up at 06:30 to get ready for the fun day ahead. For breakfast I had cereal and apple juice which was tasty. After that Maëlie's mum drove us to school. Whem we arrived at the school we all sat in a circle and had a discussion about if we should stay in the EU or leave the EU. We also had to talk about what biscuit we would be and why.In the morning we visited the submarine which was very interesting and it was also my first time on a submarine. After seeing the submarine we all ate our lunches on the bus whilst travelling to the bar where we were going to watch the football match. In teh afternoon we watched the the football match Wales v England unfortunately we lost 2-1.  Tonight the school arrange for us all to meet up in the school and have some food and it was a chance for us to spend some time with our friends but it was also a chance for us to talk to our french corespondent's friends and it was nice and I had a lovely time.


  1. Swnio'n ddiwrnod diddorol iawn Chloe, ar wahân i ganlyniad y gêm bêl droed! Joia weddill yr ymweliad. Mr Pritchard

  2. Sounds like you had a great day, well apart from the football score :(. What was it like on the submarine, small and cramped I'd imagine. Did you all decide to stay in the EU or to come out? x

  3. Sounds like you had a great day, well apart from the football score :(. What was it like on the submarine, small and cramped I'd imagine. Did you all decide to stay in the EU or to come out? x
