Wednesday, 15 June 2016



Aujourd'hui était vraiment formidable .Je manger weetabix et sandwich jambon et fruits.J'aime Weetabix parce que c'est deliceux et mou.J'aime sandwich jambon parce que c'est croustillant.Et j'aime fruits car c'est sain et deliceux.Je suis enjoyer manger.J'ai visiter à châteou enneyoux.Apres visiter à magasiner.J'ai suis fair de acheter bonbon.Je suis enjoyer mon temps dans France.Pas plus châteou!(finalimint).Salut dans l'immediat.

Dydd Mercher

Roedd heddiw yn diwrnod llawn gwaethgareddau hollol gwych a fe wnaethon ni ymweld a castell  arall.Am frecwast fe wnes i bwyta weetabix mewn llaeth.Am cinio fe wnes i fwyta brechdan ham a salad ac am tê fe wnes i bwyta ffrwythau a salmon.Fe wnaethon ni ymweld a canolfan siopa eto.Roedd hyn yn eithaf mwy cyffrous.Roeddwn i wedi prynnu losin, a crwst rhai pethau gwahanol.Aut allai ymweld a Ffrainc a ddim prynnu rhywbeth yn ei pâttiserrie nhw.Fe wnes i prynnu rhai arbennig(Mam dylset ti gwybkd pa rhai)Yna fe wnaethon wneud ein ffordd i ein teuleoedd.Felly rwyf yn mwynhau fy amser yn Nantes.Dyna yw y castell olaf rydyn ni'n ymweld a(rwy'n gobeithio)!


Today was full of fun activities and visiting another castle.For breakfast I ate weetabix, for lunch I ate a ham sandwich and for dinner I ate fruits with a bagel and salmon.Today I met Matteos Mum and Sister.Matteos Mum was very friendly and could speak quite good English and Matteos sister was almost fluent in English.To start the day we went on a 2 hour and a half trip to a "exciting" castle.Then we went shopping in a shopping centre I bought some Euros merchandise and some sweets and of couse what would a trip to France be without a trip to the pâttiserrie.I bought these delicious round little pastries.(Mum you shoukd know which ones)Then on the way back on the bus not everyone was feeling great,but despite that the journey back was fun.Then we were back with our partners families.I'm enjoying my time in Nantes.Hopefully that is the last castle that we will have to go to.

1 comment:

  1. Wow it sounds like you're really enjoying your food! I know which pastries you're talking about, the ones that you accidentally discovered last year in France? It's lovely to read all about your trip and you'll be pleased to know that I've stocked up on Weetabix and arranged a special castle tour for the summer holidays!!!! Enjoy the game tomorrow xxx
