Thursday, 16 June 2016

dydd Iau yn Nantes/Thursday in Nantes

Aujourd'hui était agréable, aujourd'hui, nous sommes allés voir un sous-marin,le sous-marin a été intéressant, nous avons regardé le football, qui était horrible, puis nous sommes allés à une fête, ce qui était agréable.

Heddiw aethom ni i weld y llong danfor yma, ble cafodd ni taith rownd yn gwrando i'r ffon peth yma llawn ffeithiau am y llong danfor yma, ac wedyn aethom ni i weld y gem pel droed, dyn dwi'n cysau pel droed mor cymaint doeddwn i heb hyd yn oed wilio fe i fod yn onest, ac ar ol hynnu aethom ni gyd i y parti yma, roeddwn i wedi cael hwyl yn y parti yma roedd o'n neis ac hynnu beth deugwyddodd heddiw, diwrenod arall neis.

Well, yet again a good day, when I awoke today I wasn't overly sure what was going to happen today, but the things that did happen was nice (except for one thing) , so today we went to visit this submarine and walked in there and was given a phone looking thing, which gave us information about the submarine, and then we went to see the "except one thing" part of this blog which was the devil...the football (boooo!), so ye we went and watched the Wales vs England game (if you call that a game even) I have to be honest I would've ratherd watch it burn, and one day it will , and I hope I'll be there to watch it burn, and I'll cheer to that, (ye I hate football, as you could probably guess). So after that torture (which I didn't watch to be honest I just sat at the table and watched things on youtube , then stopped to get fresh air) we went to a nice party sort of thing where we were given pancakes, and cakes , (and way to much sugar), the party was nice, the food was nice, and so today was a nice day I mut say.
 P.S sorry this one is short and probably a few mistakes but I was very tired when I wrote this.


  1. Think you needed a sugar intake to sweeten you up after the football soured you. Pancakes and cakes yum, we both know you luvs the cake :-)
    Nice to hear you had a nice day. Hope you get a nice night sleep.

  2. C'mon Luke, dyw pêl-droed ddim mor wael â hynny!
