Aujourd'hui c'était un jour très culturel et traditionnel. Le matin, j'ai visité Le Grand Éléphant, c'était incroyable et intéressant. Après, j'ai voyagé au Château des Ducs de Bretagne. C'était très amusant, mais était ennuyeux après une heure. Finalement, j'ai visité le maire de Nantes dans l'Hôtel de Ville.
Roedd heddiw yn ddiwrnod diwylliannol a thradoddiadol iawn, yn osgystal â phob diwrnod arall! Yn y bore fe wnaethon ni ymweld â'r 'Grand Éléphant'. Roedd yn dda i'w weld yn gyntaf, ond fe ddaeth yn ddiflas ar ôl edrych ar yr un peth am ddeg munud. Nesaf, aethon ni i 'Le Château des Ducs de Bretagne'. Cafon ni ein tywys o gwmpas yr adeilad gan fenyw a dysgon ni lawer am hanes a datblygiad Nantes, gan gynnwys hanes caethwasiaeth sydd yn rhan drist o hanes Nantes. Ar ddiwedd yr ymweliad dywedodd y fenyw ein bod ni wedi bihafio'n ardderchog. Ar ôl hufen iâ blasus aethon ni i Neuadd y Dref yn Nantes, a chafon ni groeso cynnes a rhywbeth i fwyta.
Today was, in short, a very cultural and traditional day, much like every other so far. In the morning, we visited the 'Grand Éléphant' which was rather interesting. We also visited a museum that contained mechanical overgrown insects. They were all really weird. We had a ride on a carousel of moving animals. It's one of the most peculiar things I have ever done. Check out the photos on the @ITMBroEdern Twitter account! Later we went to 'Le Château des Ducs de Bretagne'. It was an interesting experience, and we learnt a lot about Nantes - from slavery to the role of the river Loire which flows through the middle of the town. Despite the fact that the majority of us were very tired by now, our behaviour was amazing and we did ourselves proud. Finally we visited the Town Hall for an official reception to celebrate the exchange with our Celtic cousins.
Hi. Lovely to read your blogs. Very well written too! Enjoy the rugby tomorrow. Who's playing? Only joking. Mum x