Dydd Sul
Bore ma roeddwn ni ar y cwch yn aros tan 6 o'r gloch.Am 6 o'r gloch roedden ni'n cael dod mas o'r caban a bant o'r cwch.Roeddwn i wedi blino.Nad oeddwn i wedi cael llawer o gwsg y noson honno.Roedden ni wedi wneud ein ffordd lawr i'r bws ac o fewn muned o eistedd mewn cadair y bws roeddwn i wedi cwympo i gysgu.
Yna yn sydyn daeth rhywun i codi fi lan.Yna sylweddolais bod ni'n mynd i'r Bayer tapestry.Cerddon ni i mewn yn dawel (rhan fwyaf o honno ni).Edrychon nhw trwy ein bagiau cyn i'r dynion rhoi tocyn papur efo ysgrifen arno i mi.Yna ar ôl i mi wneud lan y 'zip' fe wnes i cario ymlaen i gerdded.Mewn cwpl o eiliadau roedden ni o flaen desg.Ar y ddesg roedd nifer o pethau oedd yn edrych fel ffonau hen.Yna roedd hi'n amser i ni cerdded mewn i gwled y Bayer tapestry.Roedd hi'n edrych yn hen a roedd rhannau wedi dechrau torri a rhwygo.Roedd y darn gwnio yma yn 70m o lled.Mae ganddo nifer o olygfeydd i dangos pethau wahanol yn y frwydr.
Roedd hi'n amser mynd ,ond roedd ganddo ni 7 awr tan roedden ni fod mewn Nantes.Felly aethon ni i castell yma.Tu fewn y castell roedd nifer siopiau a bwyty gwahanol.Fe wnes i mwynhau bwyta selsig poeth gyda sglodion wedi'i pentyrru ar ben fo.
Cyn i mi wybod roedd hi'n amser mynd nôl ar y bws.Ond y tro yma roedden ni'n mynd i'r lleoliad olaf ni.Ysgol yn Nantes.Ar ôl 2 awr a hanner o eistedd mewn sedd chwilboeth ,roedd hi'n amser dod bant o'r bws a gweld ein ffartneriaid.Ar ôl tua 10 muned penderfynnodd dad Matteo bod hi'n amser mynd adref.
This morning I was on the ferry waiting for the clock to tick on to the 6:00.Once it was 6 a clock we could go out of the cramped cabins and we could exit the ferry.I was tired like everyone else I struggled to sleep and in the end only getting a couple of hours sleep.Once I had exited the ferry.We made our way to the bus.Eventually we arrived to the bus.Once I sat down it took me a minute to be sleeping and snoring.
Eventually once I was woken up I was informed that we were going to the Bayer tapestry.We walked quietly inside the building( well most of us ).Then 2 men searched our bags.Once they had finished we were free to carry on walking.We walked until we reached a desk.This desk had a box on it.Inside the box it contained many objects that looked like and old phone.Then we carried on walking.We then saw the 70 metre Bayer tapestry.The 'old phone' turned out to be a speaker that told us the story about the war.
We then finished looking at the Bayer tapestry and soon realised we had 7 hours till we had to be in Nantes.So we decided to have a quick trip down to this castle.Inside of the walls you could shop ,eat or explore.I enjoyed my hot dog with chips pilled on top of it.
Then before I knew it we had 2 and a half hours to get to Nantes.So we began to make our way to Nantes.Then with what seemed like 5 minutes we were in Nantes and we were walking off the bus.We then said hello to our partners.Then we went back to Matteo's house.
Bonjour aujord'hui arrive la France.Je n'aime pas ferry parce que c'est osciller et j'edeteste âgè melon.J'aime Bayer talestry parce que c'est historique.La Bayer tapestry fut 70 métre.Je suis arrive familien Matteo.J'aime sie parce que c'est sympathique.Je suis fatigue parce que c'est not sort dormir.Je manger pain et bacon, lasagne et gateu au chocolate.Alors dormir parce que c'est fatigue.Au revoir.
Bon travail Iwan! Perhaps you could remove the caps lock though, you're SHOUTING!!! Da Iwan, mwynhais darllen am dy brofiadau.
ReplyDeleteBravo Iwan! Llawer o fanylion yma am dy ddiwrnod cyntaf a'r ymweliad â Bayeux. Edrych mlaen at ddarllen dy flog nesaf ...