Heddiw teithiwn ni oriau i gyrraedd i gastell, roedd yn hynod o hardd. Arol hynny aethom ni siopa, prynais bisgedi. Roedd pethau yn eithaf rhad yno, arwahan i'r siopau poblogaidd ac brandiau mawr. Roedd yn braf iawn yn ystod y dydd, ond pryd cyrraeddon ni adref i Nantes roedd yn glawio yn drwm iawn. Yn y nôs es i a fy mhartner cyfnewid i rhyw fath o mcdonalds gyda Millie, Aimee ac Hollie a'i partneriaid cyfnewid.
Today was mostly bus time, travelling to one place to another, but it's not that bad when you have Beyoncé to listen to. The castle was beautiful, even though it took 2h and 30mins to get there and spent atlest 40mins there looking at the castle and eating our lunch. We went shopping to the same supermarket as before, but this time there was no treasure hunt, but simply shopping for goods. Then we travelled back to Nantes to find that it was raining, which was a shame because we had lovely weather all day.
Wedi mwynhau cael sylwadau dyddiol gennyt Cara, edrych mlaen yn fawr i dy weld hwyrach heno xxxxx