Sunday, 12 June 2016

aujour'hui était totalment fantastic. J'ai visite bayeux.

 heddiw roedd i wedi cael diwrnod gwych a hwylus wnaethon ni ymweld ar beyeux tapestri ac hwnnw yn diddorol iawn ac wnaethon ni prynnu sglodion anc roeddwn nhw yn yn neis on yn poeth iawn
today was an amazing day we visited the beyeux tapestri and that was interesting and then i baught chips and chicken nuggets and they were very hot.


  1. Da iawn Ffion. Wyt ti am geisio bwyta rhywbeth ychydig mwy traddodiadol yfory?
    Mr Voyle.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Glad your enjoying your trip Ffion :) Hope you are having a good day today :)
