Aujourd'hui nous avons visité La Baule. Nous avons vu la mer et je suis allée dans la mer. C'était assez froid mais La Baule est vraiment impressionnant et la plage est très longue. A la plage j'ai mangé un croque monsieur avec Madame Shannon, Madame Francis et Monsieur Voyle. Chez Manuel j'ai mangé une glace au chocolat blanc et au carasel. C'était exceptionnel!
Roedd heddiw'n ddiwrnod hyfryd gyda disgyblion Bro Edern ar eu gorau unwaith eto. Aethon ni i'r dref enwog La Baule, sydd ar lan y môr. Mae yno draeth enfawr sy'n ymestyn am dros saith milltir. Yn anffodus nid oedd y tywydd ar ei orau heddi, sy'n drueni mawr. Serch hynny, llwyddon ni i fynd i badlo yn y môr a threulio peth amser ar y traeth cyn i'r glaw mân ddechrau. Roedd croeso mawr yn ein haros yn Manuel, y siop hufen iâ enwog ar y ffrynt. Cafodd y disgyblion i gyd gyfle i archebu hufen iâ yn Ffrangeg. Cefais i blob o siocled gwyn a blob o carasel, sef caramel hallt. Roedd yn flasus iawn, ond ddim cystal â Joe's, wrth gwrs! Aethon ni wedyn i archfarchnad Leclerc er mwyn darganfod cynnyrch Ffrengig a phrynu ychydig o anrhegion. Roedd hwn yn antur fawr i nifer o'r disgyblion! Nawr mae pawb wedi dychwelyd at eu partneriaid ers 4:30 ac mae'r athrawon yn ceisio dod i dermau gydag allweddell Ffrangeg sydd yn wahanol iawn ac yn anodd i deipio arno. Llun ar y cyfrif Trydar: Heno rydyn ni'n mynd mas i gael bwyd gyda Xavier, un o'r athrawon yma yn y Collège Rutigliano.
Today was a great day with Bro Edern pupils at their best once again. We went to the lovely seaside town La Baule, but unfortunately the weather wasn't at its best so we could't really appreciate La Baule in all its glory. However, we did the best we could with a dip in the sea before going to Manuel for one of their famous ice creams. The pupils all ordered in French and I had a blob of white chocolate and carasel, which was salted caramel. Both were really tasty, but I remain a Joe's girl, of course! We moved on to a local hypermarket which gave the pupils an opportunity to see French products and buy some things. This turned out to be a bit of an adventure for many and it reinforced the importance of learning other languages. Everyone is now back with their families and we staff are trying to type in school on a French keyboard which is proving to be a bit of a challenge. We are going less than half our normal speed! A picture is on the Twitter account for you to appreciate the extent of our problems:
Tonight we are going out for a meal with Xavier, one of their teachers. There is the threat of a national strike tomorrow. Time will tell if the elephant is on strike too!
Au revoir!
Fab pictures! Love the sunglasses too! Nice to see you all making the most of it despite the weather, enjoy your evening.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you're all having a great time - you've fitted so much in already! Lovely to see so many happy faces in the photos. Thanks for the updates