Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Dydd Mercher/ Wednesday/ Mercredi- 15/06/2016           

Aujourd'hui j'ai visité un palais le long de le fleuve Loire avec mon école, c'était intéressant et incroyable malgré le échafaudage sur un flanc. Nous avons vu à l'intérieur de le château et j'ai prendre des photos également. Alors, j'ai magasiné avec mon camarades de classe, j'ai fouillé pour une cadeau pour mon parents, mais j'ai échoué. Je vais trouver une cadeau bientôt.

Heddiw, ymwelom ni â chastell  ar hyd yr afon Loire, yno cawsom ni'r cyfle i ymweld â ystafelloedd yr adeilad, er oedd yna sgaffaliadau o amgylch ochr y castell, roedd y tu fewn a'r tu allan yn brydferth yn ogystâl. Cefais cyfle i dynnu luniau o ran fwyaf o'r ystafelloedd ymwelom ni â, roedd nifer fawr o'r ystafelloedd yn fawr ac yn foethus, gyda amrywiaeth o gelfwaith ar waliau'r ystafelloedd. Ar ôl cwbwlhau ein ymweliad o'r gastell, dychwelom ni yn ôl i'r bws lle aethom ni i ganolfan siopa i wario tua awr. Prynnodd nifer o ddisgyblion nwyddau i'w hunain ac i'w deuluoedd yn ogystâl, ymdrechais i ddod o hyd i anrheg am fy rhieni ond ni lwyddais i allu darganfod gwrthrychau bydden nhw'n hoffi yn ogystâl â rhwbeth byddai'n para taith yn ôl i Gymru heb pydru. Gobeithio bydd y daith siopa nesa yn rhoi mwy o lwc i mi....

Today we visited a castle along the river Loire; one of France's longest rivers that flowed through Nantes. According to our previous guide during the previous castle tour: castles built with white brickwork were intended to be more palaces than strongholds; which was pointed out by the teachers of course. This castle -although having scaffolding along one side for further restoration that was taking place- was an extremly tall and luxurious palace with one of the tallest and most extravagant blue tiled roofs i'd ever seen on a building. We had a chance to see the inner rooms of the castle, as well as take pictures of some of the antique displays of the palace, many stairs included. After seeing the castle we returned to the bus to visit a close shopping centre for about an hour where many pupils purchased gifts for themselves and their families. Long story short; I could'nt find anything that they would like or would last the trip home, so I just had a crêpe, a drink, a visit to the toilets and was on my way back to Nantes. Hopefully the next shopping trip will be more fortunate.


  1. Hen dro bo ti wedi methu dod o hyd i anrheg i dy rieni y tro yma Kaya. Rhiad i ti ofyn i Miss James am syniadau. Blog diddorol iawn eto eleni, edrych mlaen i glywed gweddill yr hanes. Mr Pritchard

  2. The castle sounds fantastic Kaya. Hope you have lots of photos to show us. Dad is envious you had a crepe. Don't worry about pressies, just enjoy the experience. Mum and Dad. Bonne nuit x

  3. The castle sounds fantastic Kaya. Hope you have lots of photos to show us. Dad is envious you had a crepe. Don't worry about pressies, just enjoy the experience. Mum and Dad. Bonne nuit x
