Today I woke up at seven o clock, fortunately I wasn't extremely tired from the past days of travelling (with only a couple hours of sleep) and went and ate my breakfast with my exchange partner Ines. I had chocolate cheerios which was very nice for a change as I don't usually have them. Once we were dressed and ready, we left to meet Hollie and her exchange parner Romane and caught the bus to travel to school. In the morning we visited Le Baule (Europe's longest beach) and the weather was absolutely freezing. However we still enjoyed our ice cream (mine was white chocolate and caramel flavour.) We then visited LeClerc, a very big supermarket that also had a mini shopping centre. We had a treasure hunt o find certain things (e.g french cheese, newspapers and so on) and bought a few things. The security there was very strict especially because we were a big group of children. Lastly we travelled back to the school to meet our exchange partners and got the bus home. Later we are having a pizza party at my exchange's house.
Mae heddiw wedi bod yn ddiwrnod wych er bod y tywydd wedi bod bach yn oer a glawiog. Mwynheuais cerdded ardraws y traeth gyda fy ffrindiau a bwyta hufen iâ blasus yn y siop 'Manuel'. Roeddwn ni wedi cerdded ar hyd y stryd o siopau ac mae'n ddryslyd i weld y ceir yn gyrru ar ochr arall yr hewl. Yn y prynhawn ymwelon ni â archfarchnad fawr yn Nantes o'r enw LeClerc. Roedd yn fawr iawn wedi cymharu a'n archfarchnadau yng Nghymru, ac yno roedd hefyd siopau eraill fel 'Inter Sport.' Roedd y gweithwyr yn y siop bach yn bryderus ohonom oherwydd rydym yn blant ond roeddwn ni yn iawn. Prynais anrheg ar gyfer fy nheulu a fy mrawd. Fe wnaethon ni yna ddychwelyd i'r ysgol ar bws a chwrdd â ein partneriad a dechrau ein ffordd adref. Rwyf yn edrych ymlaen at y parti pitsa heno.
En le matin, j'ai mange cheerios et ja'i parle avec Ines. Nous sommes allés à Le baule et c'était fantastique, et dans l'après midi nous sommes allés à Le Baule et c'était grand. Ce sera amusant ce soir car nous avons un pizza fête. J'ai hâte de voyant Grand Elephant, ce sera interassant. Selon Miss James, c'est super cool et incroyable.
Bon soir! We're glad to hear you're having a lovely time and that Ines and her family are looking after you so well. We're enjoying seeing the photos of you on Twitter. The ice cream sounds delicious! I think you should get some sleep soon before the fun starts all over again tomorrow! Hope you enjoyed your pizza party! Love Mum, Dad & Thomas xx