WOW!! Heddiw angen fod y dydd gorau y wythnos (fyddwn i angen weld os yw yfory neu y diwrnod nesaf yn well neu ddim). Diwrnod llawn hufen ia, cefais i tri math gwahanol sydd sorbet siocled, sorbet mango a y gorau or tri...lime sorbet (doeddwn i dim yn meddwl oedd nhw yn creu sorbet o lime,di'n dwli y gwlad yma! Wedyn eithom ni shopa am tipyn bach. Wnaeth fi, Ethan a Ben ffindio y shiop gorau y byd syd y "comic dungeon", llawn comics a pethau am fi (ond prynais i dim o fyna gan fod dwi mynd i comic con am y pen blwydd unrhywpeth) a gesiwch beth oedd Ethan a Ben wedi prynu, Ben: y comic cyntaf Deadpool, a Ethan: mwy o comics Deadpool am pris chep iawn ( 1 i 5 ewro ANHYGOEL!!!!) ond defnyddiais i fy arian i prynu rhywbeth (dim sboilers yma), ac hefyd eithom ni i weld y eleffant mawr , sydd dim yn byw neu unrhywbeth oedd o gyd wedi yn macenyddol wrth gwrs, ond roedd neb cael mynd ynddo gan fod na streic mynd ymlaen (fel y arfer yn ol miss James) ond welodd ni llawer o pethau mecenyddol arall rhownd y lle, ac wedyn roedd mr Voyle yn siarad i ni am y pethau roedd o yn wybod ar ol byw am tri wythnos yn y amason am tgau (ie reit(sarcasm) am y holl trychfilod roedd yn taflu miwcus atoch chi, a y un sydd gallu lladd ni o fewn tri deg munud a cael dy cynoi ganddo a y (geiriau mr Voyle) "the vinus man trap" (celwyddoedd llwyr, nice try mr Voyle dyle ti wedi cymryd tgau drama am y perfformiad hynna) ac nawr dwi wedi y pizza gorau dwi byth wedi cael, ac y peth gorau, roedd nhw byth yn gorffen, wrth iddo fi meddwl bod na dim mwy pizza, mae mam Awen yn dod a dwy mwy mas! ANHYGOEL!! Ac pob un mor neis ar ei gilydd, ac or diwedd roedd nhw wedi rhedeg mas ( sydd yn anhygoel o fewn ei hunain hefyd), ond sut yn y byd ydy y athrawon mynd i wneud y diwrnodau nesaf well na heddiw dwi ddim yn wybod.
O MY GOSH!! Today , WOW! Today was Amazing, when I awoke this morning with the sleep in my eyes and the weight of my eyes unable to awake, I forced myself (no not the force in star wars) out of the be, instantly felt as fresh as a ice cube, frozen with nitro glicerin (dry ice to those who do not know the correct term, to be honest I'm noteven sure if that has been sbelled properly, or even the right words, please correct me if I'm wrong mr A.Williams (no I'm not adding "golygus" to it) I'm talking to you) and dressed my smatest clothes for the mayor ( who we did not see in the end I think), and so began our little adventure (well it was quite big actually). We first went to see the marvel ( not the comics) that was the giant elephant (which lived up to it's name ) which was mechanical. imagine owning a army of those I could finaly take over the worl...sorry forget you read that. Unfortunatley we could not ride it due to the fact that (according to miss James) there was another one of these strikes AGAIN, so we could not ride it (insert sad face). And after that we went to this nature part of this place, where mr Voyle told us about what he learned on his three week trip to the Amazon for gcse (ye right(sarcasm) nd so began the lies of Voyle which were told to us all with confidence, and very good acting( shoul've taken drama for gcse mr Voyle) and so he told us about the "snot beatle" which flung snot at you (lies mr Voyle LIES!) and the cherry on top...the "vinus man trap" all of it lies, but then we went to the best carousel ever!Where I rode a dragon (which i was controllling the head) man I felt powerful! and evil. And the after that wewent on a very interessting tour of a castle and the we were given EVEN MORE ICE CREAM! I had chocolate sorbet, mango sorbet and the best one of all lime sorbet ( mam I love this Country!) And after that me Ethan and Ben went shopping and as we walked it started to rain, and I forgot my coat , so Ethan with all the kindness in him gave me his jacket...and as soon as he put over my head the rain stopped (typical!) And then we found the best shop there "comic dungeon" where Ben bought Deadpool issue number 1 and Ethan bought mor Deadpool comics, me on the other hand didn't spend a ewro in there I went and bought my mum a gift from another shop (no sboilers on what it is) And after all that we came back with the families we are staying with and I was welcomed in with pizza the best part, it was never ending, (well it did eventually) I thought it would never end, but then it did (I don't think I could eat another slice anyway. Teachers thank you so much for today it was amazing 10/10 I have no idea how you'll beat today all I say to that is Good luck
P.S:I had help with the french
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ReplyDeleteVenus mantrap is a song I think and there is such a thing as snout beetle but not a snot beetle lol.
ReplyDeleteI saw the pictures for today and yes it looked amazing. The
sorbets sound delicious. I look forward to my present. Have a great day xx