Mardi / Dydd Mawrth / Tuesday
Aujourd'hui était totalement fantastique et formidable! Premièrement, j'ai mange frosties pour mes céréales á 8h, parce que c'est vraiment delicieux. Puis, j'ai suis allé en bus à l'école avec Damien et Chloe. Aprés nous avons vu l'éléphant aujourd'hui parce que c'est interessant et formidable. J'ai suis aussi allé au château avec mes amis et les proffeseurs. Le château est appelé château des Ducs de Bretagne. Aprés nous avons tous recontré aves nos familles françaises.
Dydd Mawrth
Roedd heddiw yn ddiwrnod hynod o wych a hwylus yn llawn o weithgareddau diddorol ac annisgwyl. Codais am 7:15 y bore ac yna gwisgais ac cefais fy mrecwast. I fy mrecwast cefais grawnfwyd Frosties, roedden nhw yn flasus iawn. Yna cerddais i'r safle bws gyda Damien a Chloe er mwyn cyrraedd yr ysgol! Roedden ni wedi gofyn i bawb sut aeth eu noson efo'r teulu ac yna unwaith roedd pawb wedi cyrraedd yr ysgol, gyrron ni i weld yr Eliffant enwog sydd yn Nantes. Roedd y profiad o weld yr Eliffant yn ddiddorol iawn oherwydd roedd yn symud mor araf. Doedden ni ddim yn cael mynd ar yr Eliffant oherwydd streiciau gwaith. Yna gyrron ni i weld y Castell des Ducs de Bretagne, roedd yn ddiddorol iawn wrth i mi weld y pethau gwahanol wrth teithio o gwmpas y castell. Oherwydd roedd yr athrawon wedi dweud roedden ni wedi ymddwyn yn dda tra oedden ni yn derbyn taith o amgylch y castell, roedd yr athrawon wedi mynd a ni i gael hufen ia blasus iawn. Enw'r siop oedd Amiro's ac cefais 3 math gwahanol o flas. Cefais blas lemon, siocled a caramel, roedd y hufen ia yn flasus dros ben. Yna rhodd yr athrawon rhyddid i ni disgyblion i fynd i grwydro efo ein ffrindiau. Ar ôl i ni gyrraedd yn ôl yn y tŷ cafon ni tsili a reis i fwyta am y prif pryd ac yna cwstard caramel i bwdin. Rydw i wedi mwynhau llawer heddiw ac rwyf yn edrych ymlaen am yr un peth yfory.
Today was a brilliant day filled with a number of exciting activities. I woke up this morning at 7:15 and then i got dressed. After i got dressed i had Frosties for my breakfast, it was very delicious. Then i was prepared for hopefully a brilliant and interesting day ahead. I wasn't disappointed. This morning Damien, Chloe and i travelled on the bus to school. We arrived the Frenchmen's school and then we all sat in a circle and asked each and other about the time we had spent with our partners the previous night. We had to wait a little bit longer than expected this morning but to kill time we played a few interesting games (suggested by Mr. Voyle)! Then we got on the bus and drove to see the Elephant of Nantes. It was very interesting to see how the mechanics worked. Unfortunately we didn't get to go on the elephant due to the work strikes. After we had to talk a fairly long walk to the Castle des Ducs de Bretagne. In the castle the women gave us a tour of the castle. To hear about the history of the castle was very interesting. We learnt quite a lot about the slavery. And because we behaved so good (in the teachers point of view) they gave us a treat by taking us for some ice cream in a shop named Amiro's. I ordered lemon, chocolate and caramel ice cream. It was very delicious. Then the teachers gave us some freedom with our friends and let us go shopping. We came back to the house and we had a lovely dinner, we had chilli and reis. Then for dessert i had caramel moose. I had a lot of fun today and i am hoping for the same tomorrow!
Blog diddorol iawn! Dewch nôl â hufen iâ gyda chi! Miss Moore