Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Aujourd'hui était totalement fantastique! Nous avons vu l'éléphant aujourd'hui il était super. Je suis aussi allé au château. Le château est appelé Château des Ducs de Bretagne. Après nous avons tous rencontré avec notre famille française et sont rentrés chez eux . Il était amusant de parler de beaucoup de choses différentes.

Dydd Mawrth
Heddiw codais lan am 07:00 ac cefais cawod ac wedyn wnes i cael yn barod am y ddiwrnod hwylus ac diddorol iawn. Am brecwast cefais siocled poeth ac coco pops. Ar ôl yna wnes i cerdded gyda Damien ac Owain i'r safle bws. Cyrraeddon ni at yr ysgol ac wnaethon ni chwarae gemau ac siarad sut roedd ein noson gyda'r theulu. Gyrron ni i weld y elliffant ac anifeiliaid arall fel lindys. Roedd yr anifeiliaid yn enfawr ac yn edrych yn fendigedig. Wnes i mwynhau llawer. Ar ôl weld y holl anifeiliad ac fynd ar y reid cefais fy cinio. Am cinio cefais baguette cyw iâ ac creision ac llawer o ffrwyth. Yn y prynhawn wnes i fynd i'r castell o enw Château des Ducs de Bretagne roedd o'n diddorol iawn ac wnes i dysgu llawer am y caethwasiaeth. Oherwydd roedd pawb yn dda iawn wnaethon ni fynd am hufen iâ wnes i cael hufen iâ siocled. Roedd ganddyn ni 1 awr i edrych o gwmpas y siopau ac prynais anrhegion am fy teulu. Heno wmaethon ni cwrdd a'r teuluoedd ac siarad am beth wnaethon ni yn ystod y diwrnod. Am swper cawson ni tsili gyda reis ac am pwdin cawson ni cwstard siocled. Roedd o'n blasus iawn.


Today I woke up at 07:00 and I had a shower after the shower i got dressed ready for the brilliant and interesting day ahead. For breakfast i had hot chocolate amd coco pops which was tasty. After that I walked to the bus stop with Owain and Damien. When we arrived at the school we all played a game and asked how was our night with our families. We travelled on the bus to see the gigantic elephant and the other animals there was animals like caterpillars and excotic plants. The animals where very interesting and i had never seen anything like those animals begore in my life. I enjoyed seeing all the animals very much. After looking at all of the animals and going on the carousel I had my lunch, for lunch I had a chicken baguette and crisps and lots of lovely fruit such as melon. In the afternoon we visited the castel. The castle is called Château des Ducs de Bretagne. Visiting the castle was very interesting and i learnt a lot about slavery. Because everyone was very good the teachers took us all for ice cream I had chocolate ice cream which was very tasty and it was a nice shop that we bought it from. We had 1 hour to go shopping around the town. There were lots of interesting shops. Whilst looking around the shops i bought presents for my family. Tonight we met with our families and talked about our day and what we done today. For dinner we had chilli con carne and for dessert we had chocolate custard. In my opinion the food was extremely delicious and I really enjoyed it.  

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear more about the elephant, and other animals they sound very interesting. Have a great day tomorrow.
    Say hello to Mailie and her parents from me :)
