Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Dydd ar y traeth

Aujourd'hui nous est allé à la plage, il est le plus grande la Plage en Europe. Il y avait également commerces de proximité que nous avons examiné dans. Dans l'un des magasines que j'acheté un pain au chocolaut. Alors nous sommes retournés  à la plage pour obtenir la crème glacée. Après tout le monde fini leur crème glacée nous sommes allés au marché. Nous avions une liste  de amincit pour prendre des photos de, et nous avons terminé tous trouver dans le temps.

Heddiw aethon ni i'r traeth fwyaf yn ewrop a mynd yn siopa yn y siopau lleol oedd ar bwys y traeth. Aethon ni i'r siopau ar ôl i ni fynd i'r traeth a cefais pain au chocolaut yn un or siopau oedd yno. Edrychais yn y siopau eraill ond doeddwn i heb weld unrhybeth oedd werth ei prynnu. Wedyn pan adawon ni y strydoedd oedd y siopau arno aethon ni nôl i'r traeth er mwyn cwrdd a pawb arall a bwyta hufen iâ, yn y siop cefais hufen iâ siocled gwyn a roedd hi'n blasus iawn. Ar ôl i ni mynd ar y bws am tipyn aethon ni i yr arfarchnad a cafon ni rhestr o pethau roedd angen i ni tynnu lluniau o neu ysgrifennu enw o i lawr, feindion ni nhw gyd ar ôl amser hyr o edrych am un peth, ond gorffenon ni y tasg ar amser.

Today we went to the biggest beach in Europe to go in the sea, but unfortunatly the weather wasn't good so we had the option to go to the local shops which were just up the street from the beach. Whilst we were looking in the different shops we came across a shop that sold passtries and I bought a pain au chocolaut which was very delicious, but I didn't buy anything else because there wasn't really anything worth buying. Once we decided we'd stop looking through the shops we went to go get ice cream from one of the local shops which was right by the sea. In the shop I got white chocolate ice cream which was really good. After everyone had finished their ice cream's we went back onto the bus to travel to a super market, and we also got a list of things that we needed to either take a picture of or write down the names of the different brands, eventually we did find them all after a while of searching for the last thing that was on our list, but we still managed to finish the task in time.

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