Sunday, 12 June 2016

Dydd Sadwrn a Dydd Sul 🚌

J'ai voyagé sur autobus et bac sur Samedi et Dimanche. J'ai acheté avec Kaya et Luke dans Gunwharf Quays. J'aime Gunwharf Quays parce que c'est incroyable. Gunwharf Quays est moins grand est Saint Davids 2. J'ai dormi sur Brittany Ferries. J'ai partagé carlingue avec Ashley et Leia. J'ai visité Bayeux sur Dimanche. J'ai mangé croissant et j'ai boiré jus d'abricots. J'aime croissant à mon avis c'est magnifique. J'ai visité Mont-Saint-Michel. C'etait formidable. Je suis fatigué. Je vais dormir.

Teithion ni trwy'r dydd ar bws ac ar ferri yn ystod Dydd Sadwrn a Sul. Ar Dydd Sadwrn stopio'n ni yn Gunwharf Quays i wylio'r gêm pêl-droed ac i siopa. Ar ôl gwylio'r gêm ardderchog a siopa tan fod ein coesau'n brifo wnaethon ni gyrru 5 munud i'r dociau ble aethon ni ar gam nesaf y daith; y ferri! Cyn fynd i ein cabanau i gysgu aethon ni lan i'r dec er mwyn gwylio Portsmouth yn mynd heibio gyda goleuadau prydferth. Wedyn aethon ni i gyd i gysgu. Rhannais ystafell gydag Ashley a Leia. Cafon ni ein codi yn gynnar yn y bore a aethon ni yn syth oddi ar y ferri yn ôl i'r bws. Ar ôl bach cyrhaeddon ni Bayeux. Roedd Bayeux yn dref bach, dawel. Cafon ni brecwast mewn caffi bach. Cefais croissant a sudd apricot. Roedd yn flasus iawn. Wedyn wnaethon ni mynd i weld Tapestri Bayeux sydd yn dweud y stori o frwydr enwog rhwng William a Harold am Loegr. Ar ôl hynnu aethon ni i Mont-Saint-Michel. Roedd yr olygfa mor brydferth wrth gyrru mewn i'r maes parcio! Cymron ni tram i gael yn agosach a wedyn aethon ni am dro. Roedd y lle yn dwristaidd iawn gyda nifer o siopau twristaidd a bwytai. Cefais sglodion poeth i fwyta a wedyn aethon ni nôl ar y tram. Cyrhaeddon ni'r bws ac aethon ni ar y bws am y taith olaf i Nantes. Pryd cyrhaeddon ni Nantes roedd ein partneriaid a'i theuluoedd yn aros amdanom yn cyffrous. Teithio'n ni cartref. Wedyn, wnes i ddadpacio a cael bach o beth fel cacen gyda'r teulu. Cafon ni tê neis gyda llawer o gaws Ffrengig. Rydw i wedi blino llawer.

 We travelled throughout the day on the bus and ferry for Saturday and Sunday. We started at 11 o clock and travelled to Portsmouth where we stopped in Gunwharf Quays. In Gunwharf Quays we shopped and watched the football match. After shopping for hours and watching the amazing game Kaya, Luke and I sat down in Frankie and Benny's for a quick snack before heading off to the docks where we boarded the ferri. Before heading to our cabins for the night we went up to the deck where we watched Portsmouth glide by with all it's pretty lights. After that we headed downstairs to our cabins to sleep. I shared a room with Ashley and Leia. We woke up early and quickly left the ferry and got back on the bus to travel to Bayeux. In Bayeux we got breakfast at a little café. I got a croissant and an apricot juice. After that we went to see the Bayeux Tapestry. It was amazing. It told the story of the famous battle between William and Harold. We had a commentary to listen to that told us everything about all the different panels. We then got back on the bus and headed to Mont-Saint-Michel. The view of it as we drew closer was astounding! It looked like something out of a Disney movie! We then took a tram to get closer. It was mostly tourist shops and restaurants. I got some extremely hot chips and then we went back on the tram to go all the way to Nantes. Once we arrived we saw our excited partners straight away. We then all went our seperate ways. Alice and her family are extremely nice and welcoming. We chatted with some cakey bready thing (and a dictionary) and then I unpacked and got settled in. We then had tea. They had a seperate course for cheese which was delicious! I am very tired now so I am going to bed!


  1. Llawer o waith caled fan hyn Ceridwen!
    Falch dy fod wedi mwynhau hyd yn hyn.
    À demain, Miss James

  2. Ymdrech wych Ceridwen! Falch wnes di fwynhau ymweld â'r tapestri Bayeux. Siŵr wedi dod a llawer o atgofion yn ôl o dy wersi Dyniaethau Blwyddyn 8. Dim byd cystal â gweld pethau gyda llygaid dy hun.

  3. It sounds like you are having a good time and seeing some interesting sights. We are looking forward to hearing what the elephant is like. Regards to Alice and her family xxx Hope you have some sunny weather for the beach!
