After arriving to the school, we made our way to the Grand Elephant and it was much bigger than expected. It was a ginormous mechanical walking elephant with tusks that hung from his head and a long nose that sprayed water. Unfortunately we could not ride it but we still had a tour of other mechanical walking animals (e.g flies) and although it was in French it was still interesting. We then walked to the Dukes of Nantes Castle and had a tour and we learnt all about the history of Nantes, it's trade and it's slavery port. After our interesting tour, we all had a delicious ice cream (I had caramel and vanilla choc chip) and went shopping. I bought some presents and saw some French shops. Lastly we went to the Town Hall and we had a speech from the teachers and the deputy mayor (I think.) This was because Nantes and Cardiff are twin cities. There was a nice buffet and we all caught the bus home and tonight I am having sausage and mash for tea.
Heddiw fe wnes i godi yn hwyrach, am 7:15am. Mwynheuais fy mrecwast a dal y bws gyda fy ffrindiau Ffrangeg a Chymraeg. Roeddwn i wedi siomi ar ba mor fawr oedd yr Eliffant, a sut roedd yn cael ei gweithio. Cefais i frechdan iâr a chaws blasus yn fy mhicnic. Cerddon ni i'r Gastell Nantes a dysgais llawer am hanes y dref ac roedd y ddynes â oedd yn cynnal y daith o amgylch y gastell yn garedig a chyfeillgar. Yn ffodus roedd hi'n gallu siarad Saesneg dda iawn. Mwynheuais bwyta fy hufen iâ a roeddwn i'n ddiolchgar nad oedd hi'n bwrw glaw unwaith eto! Roedd y siopau yn ddiddorol a phrynias anrhegion i fy nheulu. Yna fe wnaethon cwrdd yn Neuadd y ddinas er mwyn dathlu bod Caerdydd a Nantes yn ddinasoedd efeilliaid.
Nous avons roulé le bus á l'ecolé avec Ines, Romane, Hollie, Emma et Cara. Nous sommes allés à Chateau Dukes de Bretagne, c'était interssant, et nous sommes allés à Grand Elephant, c'était formidable. J'ai mange glacée, c'était délicieux. J'ai acheté cadeaux pour mon famille. J'ai bon temps en France.
Wow, another action packed day! I think I may have to come to Nantes for one of those caramel & vanilla choc chip ice creams! Thomas hopes you remembered him while shopping for presents! Love Mum xxx