Sunday, 21 June 2015



Heute bin ich nach Heidelberg gefahren. Ich aufgestanden an 6 Uhr! Heute Morgen ich Frühstück gessen mit Simone. Ich fand Heidelberg echt klasse. Wir sind Burg den ganzen Morgen dauernd gegangen. Es war alt, interessant und großartig.

Später, ich essen erste Subway seit Jahren. Es war so. Ich essen mit meinen Freundinnen : Jessica, Amelia, Megan, Simone, Jodi und Loisa.


   Heddiw, wnaethom mynd Heidelberg! Roedd yn lle prydferth iawn. Roedd yr adeiladau yn hynod o bert a lliwgar.
   Yn gyntaf, wnaethom mynd o gwmpas y dref, ond roedd yn boen oherwydd roedd yn bwrw glaw'n drwm! Ond fe wnaethom cerdded beth bynnag. Am tipyn roeddwn just yn cerdded o gwmpas y dref, ond wnaethom stopio mewn Cafe, a prynais cacen siocled.        Wnaeth llawer o fy ffrindiau prynu'r un cacen ond doedden nhw ddim yn ei hoffi.
   Wedyn, fe wnaethom mynd i ymweld a'r castell. Roedd yn castell hynod o hen ond hardd. Roeddwn yn gallu dweud unwaith roedd yn castell hynod o soffistigedig.
   Wedyn, wnaethom cwrdd a'r partneriaid ni a mynd i Subway i gael bwyd.
Wedyn, ar ôl prynu rhai anrhegion i fy nheulu roedd wedi dechrau bwrw glaw eto a roedd rhaid cwrdd a'r athrawon. Cafon ein cyfri wedyn mynd nol i'r bws.
   Pan wnaethom cyrraedd yr ysgol fe wnaeth mam Simone rhoi lifft i fi a Megan nol adre.
Pan wnaethom cyrraedd adre fe wnaethom cael Pizza a pancakes efo Nutela! Ar ôl tipyn bach o pacio fe wnaeth fi a Simone gwylio ffilm mewn Almaeneg o'r enw Rubinrot. Roedd mewn Almaeneg ond roedd yna is-teitlau mewn Saesneg fellyroeddwn yn gallu ei ddeall. Doeddwn i byth wedi gweld ffilm mewn Almaeneg a ffyndiais yn hynod ddefnyddiol pan roeddwn yn gymharu sut roeddwn i'n siarad a nhw.

Today, we went to visit Heidleberg with our German partners! I really enjoyed this because I felt like it's more relaxed to be with our friends than if we're alone at home playing games.
We started off walking around the village, if it was sunny it would have been extremely beautiful, but it was raining so hard that when the teachers finally found somewhere where we could all sit down everyone gave an over-exaggerated sigh of relief!
After another 20 or so minutes of walking we made our way to the castle. The castle was beautiful, I especially liked the room where the portraits of the Princes and Princesses hung.
After the tour, we went to see the big barrel where our tour guide said there would be a big surprise in store. But when we reached the barrel, there was no real surprise apart from the shock of seeing a barrel that is at least four times the hight of any of the teachers.
When we went to get lunch, we met up with our partners and headed over to Subway where i had a chicken sandwich. To be perfectly honest, I don't get what the hole fuss is about. Then, after we finished our sandwiches we went over to a couple of stalls and shops and bought some presents for our families (namely the Bro Edern students since we all went a little crazy when we arrived at Lindlt).
Then when we reached the school, Simone's mum arrived and picked Megan, Loisa, Simone and I and took us home. After dropping off Megan and Lousa, when Simone and I got back home, we had something to eat, I started on my packing then we watched a German film which was quite new for me since I have never seen a German film before. Simone attempted to explain the plot to me as the film progressed but eventually we gave up and turned on the English sub-titles. We then went to bed around 9.



Heute, habe ich Reptalium gegangen. Reptalium ist und fantastisch! Es war sehr warm. Meine Lieblingsreptil ist Chamäleon und Wasserschildkröten! Sie sind charmant und bezaubernd.

Habe ich Pringles und Subway gegessen, es war super!

Später, ich bin Pasta gessen, es war wunderbar!

Wir sind um 2:00 Uhr, habe ich spielen in der Swimmingpool!

Heddiw, fe wnaethom teithio i'r lle Reptaliwm. Roedd yn hynod o gyffroes, wnaethom weld llawer o anifeiliaid gwahanol!
Wnaeth Corina (y ddynas wnaethom dangos ni o gwmpas) siarad am sut roedden yn edrych ar ôl gyd o'r anifeiliaid egsotig. Hefyd, wnaeth siarad am y penderfyniadau anodd mae rhaid wneud i sicrhau dyfodol disglair i'r Reptaliwm, e.e roedd un neidr dim ond yn bwyta nadron arall, felly pan oedd pobl yn rhoi nadron i'r Reptaliwm a doedden nhw ddim yn poeni am beth oedd yn digwydd iddo, wel, rydyn nhw'n troi mewn i fwyd.
Ond, roedd hi'n trip posotif hefyd. Welon babi mwnci! Roedd wedi cael ei eni ar ddydd llun diwethaf! Roedd yn gorwedd ar cefn ei fam, roedd yn anodd weld o oherwydd roedd yn edrych fel pêl o ffŵr, ond ar ôl pum munud roeddwn wedi weld o!
Wedyn, wnaethom mynd nôl i'r ysgol i mynd adref efo Simone i nôl fy ngwisg nofio felly roeddwn yn gallu cwrdd fy ffrindiau yn y pwll!

   Today, I went to a Reptile zoo. There was a lot of different animals to see but my favourite animal has to be either the turtles o'r the chameleons! The size of the turtles varied but the cutest of them all was an adult that was around the size of my fist!
   Later on, when we reached the school Simone, Loisa, Megan, Zoe, Harriet and I had to go straight for the bus, otherwise we would miss it. It was quite an enjoyable experience: my friends and I laughed a lot! Even though there were no seats available and we had to stand - I almost fell over a couple of times and there were some unlucky passengers who were in the way of my not-so-graceful downfall - we had a bundle of laughs!
   When we reached our bus stop, we got off the bus and went to Simone's house where we had one of the best pasta sauce's I had ever tasted (don't worry mum, yours is still the best!).
   Then Harriets exchange partner's (Zoe) mum gave us all a lift to the swimming pool. The swimming pool was AMAZING! The was an indoor pool (which was heated), an out-door pool (not heated), an out-door salt swimming pool (so heated that if you had come from the outside swimming pool it felt like it was burning your feet) and a mini pool (inside the large pool indoors).
    I had an amazing time because I had a sense of achievement after I jumped a 3 and a 7 1/2 meter board! I also got to watch the successful and not-so-successful attempts of everyone else!
   Afterwards, Simone's dad gave us all a lift home where her family and I watched an American film in German with English sub-titles. Then I had a shower to get rid of all the chlorine and salt out of my hair, then went to bed.


Friday, 19 June 2015

Freitag/Dydd Gwener/Friday

Y Diwrnod Olaf/ Last Day Sniflels

Heute ist mein letzter Tag  in Deutschland. Ich habe den Austausch genossen und ich fand Deutschland unglaublich atemberaubend. Ich fand meine Austausch Familie gänzlich freundlich und nett und ich bin wirklich dankbar. Heute hatte ich einen Schultag mit meine Austausch Partner Merlin und ich fand die Schule riesig. Die Schule und das Lernsystem in Deutschland sind anders als in Wales, ich fand den Unterricht in Deutschland sehr ungewohnt. Jetzt packe ich meine Tasche für die Heimfahrt und ich bin sehr traurig Deutschland zu verlassen. Ich kann mich nicht entscheiden was mein Lieblingsmoment war, denn ich habe jeden Tag vom Austausch geliebt. Ich habe die Fahrt zu dem Reptilium mit die Affen, den Eidechsen und Pythons geliebt. Ich habe die  Fahrt zum Technick Museum in Mannheim geliebt. Ich habe es geliebt bei meiner Austausch Familie zu wohnen. Danach werde ich zu der Schule für ein abschieds Festessen gehen und ich bin gespannd aber unglücklich.

Heddiw yw'r diwrnod Olaf i Ysgol Bro Edern yn yr Almaen. Cefais i cyfnod hynod o hwyl yn yr Almaen a wnes i mwynhau'r profiad yn hollol. Yn ystod cyfnod yr wythnos yma gae´thon ni amser anhygoel yn dysgu am Diwylliant, Bywyd, Hanes a Iaith yr Almaen. Heddiw yn ystod ein diwrnod Olaf wnaethon ni cael y profiad o fynd i ysgol ein partneriaid a derbyn gwersi yno, yno sylwais faint mor gwahanol oedd y systemau addygu mewn yr Almaen a wnes i mwynhau'r profiad anghyfarwydd. Ar ol diwrnod hir o ysgol, aethon ni adref gyda ein partneriaid er mwyn paratoi am y Gwledd Ffarwelio fydden ni'n fynd i cyn adael ar ein bws am 9 o'r gloch y nos. Ni allwn i ddewis fy holl rhan o'r cyfnod cyfnewid oherwydd mi roedd y profiad i gyd yn un cofiadwy iawn. Wnes i mwynhau ein taith i'r Reptilium lle welon ni y mwnciod mwya addoladwy'r byd. A'r tro pan aethon ni i'r Teschnich Museum a welon ni Paul; y Robot all dawnsio. A'r profiad arbennig o fyw gyda teulu Almaeneg i ddysgu a datblygu dy iaith Almaeneg ym mhellach. Fe fydden ni yn adael am Gymru cyn bo hir, ac er bod rhan ohona i yn hapus amdan hyn, ni allwn i fod yn mwy trist i adael y lle nefol yma.

Today is our last day in Germany and I am both relieved and disheartened, our time spent in Germany has beén a wonderful experience and it almost pains me to leave, but i miss my Family and can't wait to see them again. Today we spent the day in School with our partners as we had lessons with them, the experience was quite strange because the Learning System in Germany is so different from ours. The teachers there were very thoughtful and tried their best to speak English to us which i thought was very kind. However, now that the School day is done, I have to pack and get ready for our bus ride back to Wales at 9:00pm. Before then will be attending going to a Farewell Buffet hosted by our Exchange School at about 6:30pm so it is important that all pupils are packed and ready by then. I cannot Chose a favourite Memory because all my experiences here have been amazing. I enjoyed seeing those cute monkeys at the Reptilium, seeing Paul The Dancing Robot at the Technisch Museum, and most of all experiencing life with a German Family and being able to see German day to day life and improve my skills in the language. I could go on and on about how much of a memorable experience Germany was but this is were i must bring my post to a Close

Tschüss! (bye)

Donnerstag/ Dydd Iau/ Thursday- 2nd to last day not long now/ diwrnod olaf ond un dim hir nawr

Donnerstag/ Dydd Iau/ Thursday

Gestern, haben meine schule und ich Heidelberg besucht. Das Straße in Heidelberg war sehr lang und Das Wetter war nicht so gut es habt geregnet. Habe ich viele Nippes in der Geschäfte gekauft, danach sind wir  zu Schloss Heidelberg mit ein Hilfslinie gefahren. In der Schloss haben wir über Geschichte der Schloss in der siebzehnte Jahrhundert gelernt. Haben wir Räume historisch der Schloss besucht und Kunst berühmt auf der Jahrhundert gesehen. Dann, sind wir in eine Eis Café angekommen und habe Frau James viele Spagetti Eis für meine Klassenkameraden gekauft und habe ich ein Spagetti Eis in der regen gegessen, das war komplett lecker!

Ddoe teithion ni i Heidelberg i ymweld a sipoau'r ardal ac i ddysgu am hanes Castell Heidelberg yn ystod y 17eg Ganrif. Pan cyraeddon ni yn Heidelberg rhannon ni mewn i dau grwp, ond heddiw wnaeth ein partneriaid cyfnewid ymuno a ni ar y taith a fellu yn lle rhannu mewn i grwpiau blynyddoedd 8 a 9, wahanon ni i grwpiau cofrestru ein partneriaid -dosbarth A a B= grwp 1, C a D= grwp 2-. Aeth grwp ni lawr strydoedd yr ardal yn gyntaf a mi roedd e'n bwrw glaw yn uffernol a mewn 10 munud o'r daith cefais fy nglychu'n barod! Wedi hynny, ymwelon ni a'r castell  lle gwahanon ni eto mewn i ddau grwp; partneriaid Cymraeg ac Almaeneg, i wrando ar arweinydd ein ymwybodi ar y castell mewn ein ieithoedd ni (nid oedd arweinydd Cymraeg yn anffodus fellu roedden ni angen wrando ar arweinydd Saesneg). Ar ol clywed ar hanes y castell aethon ni nol i strydoedd Heidelberg lle cyfarfododd y dau grwp ar bwys Eis Café (Caffi Hu´fen Ia) a bwyton ni Spagetti Eis tra aeth y glaw yn waeth!

Yesterday we traveled by bus to Heidelberg were the weather was AWFUL, the rain was showering down in bucketloads as we walked. We were seporated into two Groups, but this time because our Partners accompanied us we were seporated depending on THEIR classes. Our group first walked down the streets of Heidelberg and we passed many colourful and interesting buildings on the way. Afterwards we traveled up to Heidelberg Castle where we had a chance to learn about the castle's jistory during the 17th century, it was all very interesting. As we were on a tour we devided again to make two smaller groups; Welsh partners and German partners, this was because we were listening to a guide speak in our language (unfortunantly there was no Welsh speaking Guide so we had to have the tour in English instead). After the tour concluded we made our way back to the streets of Heidelberg where we enjoyed some delicious Spagetti Eis thanks to Miss James. We then enjoyed some Shopping and i ended up with a pile of trinkets to bring home. All in all a good day despite the heavy rain.

Freitag Friday Dydd Gwenner


Heute war ich in Bens Schule. Wir hatten Music, Biologie, Deutsch, Mathematik, Französisch und Religion. Seine Schule ist sehr groß und sehr schön. Diese Woche war wunderschön. Ich habe es sehr genossen Ben und seine Familie zu sehen. Ich fand jeden Tag von meinem Ausflug in Deutschland wunderschön. Ich freue mich Ben zu sehen wenn er mich im August in Cardiff besuchen kommt.

Heddiw wnes i fynd i'r ysgol Ben. Cafodd ni Cerddoriaeth, Bioleg, Almaeneg , Mathemateg, Ffrangeg ac Add Gref. Mae ei ysgol yn yn mawr iawn ac yn neis iawn. Mae'r wythnos yma wedi bod yn arbennig. Rydw i wedi mwynhau ymweld â Ben a'i theilu yn fawr iawn. Rydw i wedi caru pob dydd o fy ymweliad yn yr Almaen. Rydw i'r edrych ymlaen tuag at gweld Ben pryd mae'n ymweld fi yn Gaerdydd yn Mis Awst.

Today I went to Ben's school. We had Music, Biology, German, Maths, French and RE. His school is very big and very nice. This week has been amazing. I have enjoyed seeing Ben and his family very much. I loved every day of my visit in Germany. I am looking forward to seeing Ben when he visits me in Cardiff in August.

Diwrnod olaf yn Grünstadt

Ich finde du woche sehr fantastisch und sehr interessant.
Ich finde Reptilium sehr wunderbar und interessant.
Ich finde Heidlberg sehr wunderbar und geil.
Ich finde Mannheim super und total gut.
Ich finde technomuseum sehr sehr interessant und toll.
Ich finde schule im Deutschland sehr prima und nett.

Roedd y wythnos yn gwych! Roedd o yn hynod o diddorol. A dysgais i llawer am dan sut mae pobl almaeneg. Mae na llawer o hanes hynod o diddorol. Roedd y holl ymweliadau yn y Almaen hynod o arbennig. Roedd y reptilium yn gwych. Roedd y dau trip shopa môr doniol. Roedd castell Heidlberg yn llawn o hanes diddorol. Roedd y technomuseum yn hwyl. A Mae y ysgol yn hynod o da.

The week was amazing! It was full of interesting things. And I had learned a lot about how people live in Germany. I have also learned that Germans have to wake up way to early and that there first lesson is at half past eight in the morning! And that there money system is very complex. And there shops are very different from ours. All the trips were very interesting such as the reptilium with the cute little reptiles such as Komodo dragons, bearded dragons ( mum can I please have one 🐲  ) and the technomuseum and Heidlberg castle. And all the shopping that was very funny. And the school is very good.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Dydw i ddim yn galli blogio heddi

Roeddwn angen aros mewn bath am 2 awr oherwydd roeddwn wedi brifo yn sglefrbwrddio?

Dydd Iau

Heute waren wir in Heidelberg. Es dauerte eine Stunde bis wir endlich da waren. Wir besichtigten ein sehr altes Schloss, was aber sehr langweilig war. Dann kaufte uns allen  Frau James ein Eis. Das war sehr nett. Dann sind wir alle einkqufen gegangen. Ich kaufte mir ein Paar neue Schuhe. Nachdem wir zuhaue waren, spielten wir bis 9 Uhr Fußball. Morgen ist der letzte Tag in Grünstadt.

Heddiw aethom ni i Heidelberg. Ar ol tua awr ar y bws cyrhaeddon ni yn Heidelberg. Aethom ni i castell hên iawn yn y bore a siopa yn y prynhawn. Roedd y castell yn diflas ac yn rhy hên i mi ei hoffi. Wedyn fe wnaeth Miss James prynnu Sbagettice i ni. Roedd o yn blasus iawn. Wedyn cafodd pawb ei rhyddhau i siopa. Prynnais pâr o esgidiau newydd. Wedyn aethom ni adref ac chwaraeiais pêl-droed efo llawer o pobl. Yfory yw'r diwrnod olaf yn Grünstadt.

Today we went to Heidelberg. It took about and hour but finally we got there. We went to a very old castle which was quite boring. After Miss James bought us all ice cream. It was very nice. Then we all went shopping and i bought a new pair of shoes. Then we went home and played football till 9. Tomorrow is the last day here in Grünstadt.

Donnerstag / Dydd Iau / Thursday

Heute sind wir nach Heidelberg mit dem Bus gefahren. Dann haben wir das Schloss im Heidelberg besucht. Es war ziemlich interressant und sehr schön. Wir haben Eis im Eiscafé gegessen. Ich habe Spaghettieis gegessen. Es war ausgeziehcnet und spitze. Miss James liebt Spagehttieis, weil es echt lecker ist. Dann haben wir mit unser Partener in Heidelberg eingekauft. Es war wirklich prima und toll und es macht Spaß. Ich habe Gummibärchen gekauft. Ich finde Gummibärchen fantastisch und sehr lecker! Danach haben wir Fußball gespielt.

Heddiw aethon ni i Heidelberg a ymwelon ni â'r castell. Roedd e'n eithaf diddorol omd doedd e ddim yn fy hoff rhan am y trip. Cymrodd Miss James ni i le i gael hufen iâ. Cefais Spaghetti Eis, roedd e'n flasus iawn. Hefyd roedd e'n wirioneddol yn edrych fel sbageti. Wedyn aethon ni siopa gyda'n partneriaid. Es i gyda Maike, Caitlin, Delia, Mared, Charlotte, Leah, Lena, Lowri ac Ann-Sophie. Roedd e'n hwyl iawn. Ar ôl siopa, es i a Maike i chwarae pêl-droed; roedd llawer o fy ffrindiau yna hefyd.

This morning we visited the castle in Heidelberg; it was very pretty so it was a shame that it rained. The tour was interesting and our tour guide was very enthusiastic. Miss James then took us for an ice cream. Most of us had a Spaghetti Eis. It was delicious. We then went shopping with our partners. That was also very fun, we were laughing a lot and we bought many things. After shopping Maike and I went to play football. I have enjoyed my trip to Grünstadt very much; I am really happy I came.

- Mabli

Grünstadt Dydd 5

Today I was awoken by Pitu-Jacob's dog- and then I had eggs on toast for breakfast. Following this I a shower and then was dropped off for school by Jacob's Mum in the rain. We gathered in the reception and then we ran to the bus and then drove all the way to Heidleberg. After we arrived we split into two groups and then walked over to the castle. Then my group walked through the rain and into a cafe bar. Then me Josh and Riley played a game on my phone and talked until we walked back over to the castle. We then went onto the train up to the castle and then met up with the other group in the reception. Then our tour guide arrived and showed us around the castle and after this we saw a massive barrell that could hold thousands of litres of wine. Following this we went back on the train at met Miss James at the Eis Caffe. I had a Spaghetti Eis; it was very nice. Then we were free to shop and went around with my and some other people's partners. At three a clock we all met up again and went home on the bus; fortunetly the rain stopped and me and Jacob walked home. After we had dinner we played Basketball and then Badmington; this was fun. Then we played on the Play Station and watched the King's Speech before going to bed. I look forward to going to school tommorow and then leaving to go home. Good night!

Codais heddiw am hanner awr wedi chwech ac yna cefais wyau ar dost i frecwast. Ar ol cawod roedd Mam Jacob wedi gyrru fi i'r ysgol a fe wnes i cwrdd a phawb yn y derbynfa. Yna rhedodd pawb i mewn i'r bws ac yna aethon ni i Heidleberg. Cwrddais efo fy martner ac yna roeddwn ni wedi gwahanu i ddwy grwp. Roedd fy ngrŵp i wedi mynd o amgylch y ddinas yn gyntaf ac yna wedi aros mewn caffi oherwydd y glaw. Yna roeddwn ni wedi cerdded i'r castell a mynd i fyny ar y tren cyn cwrdd ar grwp arall yn y siop. Yna daeth yr arweinydd y daith a dangos ni o amgylch y gastell ac yna cwrddon ni â Miss James yn yr Eis Cafe. Yn yr Eis Cafe cafais Spaghetti Eis ac yna roedden ni'n rhydd i siopa. Roeddwn i'n siopa gyda fy partner cyfnewid a ychydig o phobl arall. Ar ol cwrdd nol roeddwn i wedi mynd ar y bws ac yna cerdded nol i'r ty. Ar ol cael te roeddwn i wedi chwarae Badmington a Pel-fasged gyda Jacob. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen i mynd i'r ysgol yfory ac yna mynd i nol i Gymru. Nos da!

Heute war fantastisch und nass. Ich habe Eier mit Jacob gefrühstuckt; es war prima. Nächste to der Bus mit meine klasskamaraden gelaufen. Dann habe ich mit Josh und Riley in der kafeehaus gesprochen. Ich habe mit meine freund in der train gesitze. I h habe in der Burg mit meine freunden gewacht. Am Donnerstag habe Ich Spaghetti Eis in der Eis Caffe gegessen; es war delizious. Ich habe Federball und Basketball mit Jacob gespeilt. Morgens werde ich in der schule lernen. Gute Nacht!

Diennstag gan Ieuan Davies

Ich wachte morgens verspätet auf. Im der morgen habe ich 'Frosties' gegessen. Denn sie sind sehr lecker aber sehr feilend. Wir habe mit dem Bus gereist. Denn es ist vollgestopft ein wenig. Dannach bich wir mit dem Bus zu Manheim gereist.
Denn bin wir zu museal technologie gegangen
         We crawled through crowds of sweaty homosapians and dirty pigeons. The more we walked the hotter it got until we turned on each other. We were pointing each and every fault, every weakness. If it were a game Jac and I were winning at criticising and Kaya and Luke just had to use all the willpower they had left after we devoured most of it with our rash comments and blood-thirsty gazes. Kaya occasionally gathered enough courage to say a comeback but they were never omnipotent to ours. We watched as they held on to the tiny scraps af sanity and confidence still in them. As we were in for the killing blow we reached our destination: Jupiter, the technology store. After we convinced the two unhappy chapies to forgive us we walked through the door. As we did so the lovely care of the air-conditioning took us in and nurtured us with a blast of cool breeze. This is were Jac and I bought 'Farming Simulator 2015' in German. After that we were met with the loving care of Miss James whom out of kindness bought us each three scoops of ice cream. How thoughtful. Jac and I thought that there was a setting to switch the language on our game but there wasn't. So at least it will help our German. Koluke the cat followed it's routine be sitting on the doorstep pining to come in. It's hair was both as white as white could be and as black as black could be. It came every day like a thief in the night, never knowing when it shall show it's face.

Diwrnod 5 yn Grünstadt

Heute ging ich Heidlberg.
ich finde Heidlberg castle sehr sehr interessant.
Ich finde das wetter sehr langweilig und furchtbar.
Ich finde einkaufen sehr lustig und spitze..

Heddiw aethom no i Heidlberg. Roedd castell Heidlberg yn hynod o diddorol. Ond roedd y tywydd yn ofnadwy a môr diflas. Roedd o yn glad yma a flaw yna am bro y holl dydd. Roedd pawb wedi cael ei drenchio. Hefyd aethom in siopa. Roedd y siopa yn doniol iawn a prynais I oriawr poced hynod o smart.

Today we went to Heidlberg. In Heidlberg we went to the castle. The castle was very interesting and full of amazing story's. But the weather was not on our side it was wet and miserable. Everyone got drench with awful rain and it was bitter cold. We also went shopping in Heidlberg I bought a pocket watch which is very fancy but not that expensive ( and yes it does work. In case if anyone is asking ) and most importantly we had even more shpaggetieis!! 🍧😀

Diwrnod 5

Ich bin Heidelberg mit meiner klasse Gegangen. Ich habe Subway gegessen. Subway ist sehr lecker! Ich habe Tasche und Postkarte gekauft.
Ich habe das berg besucht und es war informativ und super.
Ich mag Berg weil es interessant und groß ist.
Das wetter es hat geregnet!

Heddiw aethon ni i Heidelberg. Bwytais fy mwyd yn Subway (eto) Cefais yr un bwyd a tro diwethaf, roedd hi'n blasus iawn! Yn Heidelberg, prynais fag newydd a cherdyn post (ohewrydd mae yna llun o Heidelberg ar y cerdyn)
Teithion ni o gwmpas y castell yn Heidelberg am gyfnod. Roedd y castell yn ddiddorol iawn ac yn llawn gwybodaeth gwych.
Yn anfodus, roedd y tywydd yn wael iawn, llawer iawn o law!

Today, we visited Heidelberg. Once again, we decided to eat our food in Subway. I had the same food as last time, and both were delicious.
In Heidelberg, I bought a new bag (because one of my bags broke, and the other was drenched in rain water) And I bought a post card, because it had a beautiful picture of Heidelberg on it.
We had a tour around the castle, it was very interesting and informative.
Sadly, the weather wasn't brilliant, it was pouring with rain for most of the day, but we still had lots of fun!

Diwrnod 5 (18/06/2015)

Heute sind wir Heidlberg gefahren. Wir haben zwei gruppe (klasse A + klasse B(Almaeneg) und klasse C + klasse D(Almaeneg)). Wir haben mit eine Pertner oder Pertnerien in die gruppe gemacht. Meine gruppe sind die Schloss gemacht. Danach haben wir ein Spagetti Eis gegessen. Wir haben in die Läden eingekauft. Am abend sind wir die Schule Fußball gespielen.

Heddiw aethom ni i Heidlberg. Yn y bore roedd e'n glawio. Ar ôl chraedd aethom ni mewn i ddau grwp gan defnyddio dosbarthiadau yr Almaenwyr(dosbarth A + dosbarth B a dosbarth C + dosbarth D). Yn y grwpiau roeddem ni gydag ein partneriaid. Roedd fy ngrwp wedi mynd i'r castell yn gyntaf. Yn y castell dysgom ni am teulu y Stiwardiau, y tywysogion etholiad, teuluoedd arall, beirdd ac hanes y castell. Yna cafon ni Spaghetti Eis roedd e'n blasus iawn. Ar ôl hynny cerddon rownd y siopau am 30 munud ond roedd pawb eisiau mynd rhywle nid oeddwn i felly arhosais tu fas. Wedyn aethom nol i'r siop hufen-iâ a cwrdd a'r grwp arall. Yna aethom ni rownd y siopau mewn grwpiau. Gwelais modrwy Pandora hyfryd roedd yn rhad ond nid oedd ganddynt y maint cywir. Ar ôl gorffen siopa aethom ni ar y bws. Yn y prynhawn aethom ni i'r ysgol i chwarae pêl-droed. Erbyn hynny roedd y tywydd yn dda.

Today we went to Heidelberg. In the morning it was raining. After ariving at Heidelberg we split into two groups using the German classes (class A + class B and class C + class D) We were in groups with our partners. My group went to the castle first, in the castle we learnt about the Stuarts, the prince electives, other families, poets and the history of the castle itself. Then we had a Spaghett Eis ( an ice-cream that looks like spaghetti). After that we were aloud to shop for 30 minuets but everyone wanted to go into a shop I did bot so I waited outside. Then we went back to the ice-cream shop to meet with the other group and after that went bck to shopping. I saw a brilliant Pandora ring and it was cheeper here than at home but they didn't have the right size. After going back on the bus and eating it became sunny, so we went to the school to play football.

Diwrnod 5

Heute war es regnerisch, aber wir sind trotzdem nach Heidelberg gegangen um Burg und die Stadt zu besichtigen. Die Sache, die es besser machte, war, dass unsere Partner mitgekommen sind. ES ist eine große Burg mit viel Historie. Nach der Tour sind wir in die Stadt gegangen, wo ich zum ersten Mal Spaghettieis gegessen habe. Spagehttieis ist ein Eis, dass so aussieht wie Spaghettis. Danach sind wir durch die Stadt gegangen (Ichj habe nichts gekauft). Als wir zu Hause angekommen sind, war ich sehr nass. Ich hatte einen schönen Tag und eine schöne warme Dusche. Am Abend sind wir dann noch mit vielen anderen bei der Schule Fußball spielen gegangen.

Roedd llawer o law heddiw yn anffodus; aethom ni dal i Heidelberg er mwyn gweld y castell ar ddinas. Yn ogystal ag hwn daeth ein partneriaid gyda ni. Aethom ni o gwmpas y castell ac mi roedd hin flinedig, ond yn ddiddorol hefyd. Mae'n castell enfawr gyda llawer o hanes. Ar ol gorffen mynd rownd y castell aethom ni i'r dreflle bu Miss James yn prynu spaghettieis cyntaf fi. Mae spaghettieis yn hufen ia sydd fod i edrych fel spaghetti- mae'n blasus iawn. Wedyn aethom ni gyd i'r dref (ni wnes i prynu unrhywbeth). Cyrhaeddom ni yn ol yn yr ysgol ac mi roeddwn i yn hynod o wlyb. Es i adref yn syth ac es i i mewn i'r cawod cynnes. Ar ol hwn aethom ni i'r ysgol, lle roedd llawer o bobl. Chwaraeom ni pel-droed,cymdeithasu a cael hwl a sbri.

Today was rainy, which was unfortunate, however we still went to Heidelberg to visit the castle and go around the town. The thing that made it better is that our partners were with us. The tour around the castle was dragging on, yet it was still interesting.It is a huge castle with a lot of history. After finishing the tour of the castle we went to the town, were I tried spaghettieis for the first time. Spaghettieis is ice cream made to look like spaghetti- it was delicious. Then we wondered around the town (I did not buy anything). We arrived back at the school and I was soaking wet. I got home and immediately had a nice, warm shower. We then went out to the school were a lot of people were. We played football, talked and had a lot of fun.

Heute war gut aber sehr nass. Heute bin ich nach Heidelberg gefahren. Heute Morgen bin ich zum Schloss gesehen. Es war sehr groß und wirklich interessant. Und diesen Nachtmittag haben wir in Heidelberg eingekauft. Ich habe Gummi Bären für meine familie und ich habe einen sehr großen Gummi bären gekauft :-). Ich habe ein heiße schocolade mit Lena getrunken. Später habe ich eine Pizza mit Schinken und Käse mit Lena und ihrem Vater gegessen. Es war sehr lecker.

Roedd heddiw yn da ond yn wylyb iawn iawn. Aethon ni i Heidelberg lle cafon ni y cyfle i weld Castell a cafodd ei adeiladu tua 500-400 mlynedd yn ôl. Caron ni ein tywys gan dynes neis iawn a oedd yn gwybod llawer am y castell ac am storïau am y teulu a oedd wedi byw yno blynyddoedd maeth yn ôl. Ar ôl hyny wnaeth Miss James eto prynu ni i gyd hufen iâ ac roedd hwna yn garedig iawn. Cefais hufen iâ siocled, mango a cookies, roedd yn blasus iawn. Ar ôl hyny cafon nimy cyfle i mynd siopa eto ond y tro yma gyda ein parneriad Almaeneg. Prynais anrhegion am fy nheulu yn canol yn ddinas a cefais Starbucks gyda Lena cyn gadael. Yn y nos cefais pizza gyda Lena ei thad a gwyliais The Devil Wears Prada roedd yn tipyn yn rhyfedd gan ei fod yn Almaeneg ond roedd dal yn dda.  

Today was a good day but a wet one. We spent the day in Heidelberg and first off we had the chance to explore the castle under the guidence of a nice lady who spoke exelent English. She told us some funny stories about the family that once lived in the castle but that was around the 1700s. The funnyest story for me was the story about Fredrick 4ths youngest son who wanted to be a grand gentleman like his father but ended up being a pirate who died in the Carribbean. After that we had the chance to shop. I went around with Lena and Lowri and a few others. It as great fun. I managed to find presents for almost all my family in the town centre and then had a Starbucks with Lena, I had a hot chocolate it was delicious. This eavning i had a pizza with Lena and her Father in a little Resturant by Grünstadt and then watched the Devil Wears Prada in German wich was a different experience but i still enjoyed it

~ Leah

Gestern / Ddoe / Yesterday

Roedd 1,910 ymweliad â thudalennau'r blog ddoe!
The blog had 1,910 page views yesterday!

Diolch i'r rhieni sydd wedi ychwanegu sylwadau.
Thanks to the parents who have commented.

Pawb arall - dewch mlaen! Ychwanegwch eich sylwadau i roi hwb i'r disgyblion. Diolch arbennig i'r staff ym Mro Edern sydd wedi ychwanegu sylwadau neithiwr.
Everyone else - come on! Please add your comments to give the pupils a boost. Many thanks to the Bro Edern staff who have added comments last night.

Lluniau hefyd ar @ITM_BroEdern ar Twitter a @broedern ar Instagram
Photos also on @ITM_BroEdern on Twitter and @broedern on Instagram

Donnerstag/Dydd Iau/Thursday

Heute habe ich Heidelberg mit meinen Freunden besucht. Es war interessant und es hat Spaß gemacht! Wir haben eingekauft und wir haben das Schloss besucht. Zuerst haben wir das Schloss besucht. Meiner Meinung nach war das Schloss wirklich interessant. Und dann, sind wir shoppen gegangen. Es hat Spaß gemacht. Ich habe viel gekauft. Und dann, sind wir nochmal shoppen gegangen?! In der Rhein Galerie. Wir haben Pizza gegessen.

 Heddiw aethon ni i Heidelberg. Roedd o'n diddorol iawn ac yn hwyl! Aethon ni i castell ac i siopa. Yn gyntaf, aethon ni i castell. Roedd gyda ni person yn siarad am y castell, felly dysgon ni llawer. Wedyn, aethon ni i siopa! Prynais i gormod o anrhegion! Wedyn, aethon ni nôl i tŷ Sophie am pump munud cyn mynd nôl i siopa! Ond, tro yma yn y Rein Galerie. Wnes i prynnu cwpl o pethau neis. Cefais i bizza i fwyta. Aethon ni i siopa gyda Delia a Caitlin.

 Today we visited Heidelberg with our German exchange partners. It was very interesting and fun! First we visited the castle. It was so interesting! We had a very enthuastic tour guide who taught us lots! Then after that we went shopping. It was so much fun wandering the streets with rain pouring down on us! I bought too many presents (Sorry Mum!) Then Sophie and I came home for about 5 minutes before heading out for more shopping! But this time in the Rein Gallerie. I bought some nice things and some things you can only get in Germany. It's sad that this is my last evening here. I will miss the people and Gründstadt itself so much! I am very tired now after wandering the streets in pouring rain! Gute Nacht! Nos da! Goodnight!

Heidelberg yn y glaw

Random siopa yn Heidelberg!

Better class of Pick and Mix - yn Lindt! Bach yn well na Woolworth ...

Addurniadau Nadolig Almaenig iawn yn Käthe Wohlfahrt
Oh I wish it could be Christmas every day ... oh it is in Heidelberg!

Unrhyw un moyn addurno'u coeden gyda gercyn?!
Anyone want a gherkin to decorate their tree?!


Ymweld â'r Castell / Visit to Heidelberg Castle

Diolch byth am y trên bach! Wedi arbed y traed ac osgoi'r glaw ...
Thank goodness for the funicular railway, it saved our feet and kept us dry ...

Yn y castell
In the castle

Donnerstag / Thursday / Dydd Iau

Hallo aus Heidelberg!

Heute war es nass! Es hat die ganze Zeit geregnet, und das war schade. Trotzdem war es ein guter Tag in Heidelberg. Wir haben das Schloss zusammen besucht und wir haben eine sehr interessante Führung mit Lucia gehabt. Danach haben wir ein Spaghettieis gegessen und wir haben die Altstadt besichtigt. Heidelberg ist historisch und schön. Morgen werden wir Unterricht in der Schule haben. Es wird interessant, wie die Kinder das Leininger Gymnasium mit Bro Edern vergleichen werden. Mal sehen ...

Roedd yn rhaid iddo ddigwydd rhywbryd, a heddiw oedd y diwrnod: GLAW! Drwy'r dydd! Roedd hynny'n drueni am fod Heidelberg yn hen dref hardd a diddorol, ond fe dreulion ni lawer o amser yn ceisio osgoi tywydd Cymreig iawn. Cawson ni ein tywys o amgylch y castell gan fenyw diddorol a brwdfrydig ac yna aethon ni lawr i'r hen dref ei hunan. Penderfynais i y byddai prynu Spaghettieis i bawb yn ffordd dda o lochesu rhag y glaw am ychydig, a dyna a fu. Dwi ddim yn siwr a yw'r café hufen iâ'n cael archeb am 61 Spaghettieis yn aml, yn enwedig yn y glaw! Pan af fi gartref, bydda i'n awgrymu i Joe's y byddai eu bwydlen yn elwa o gael Spaghettieis arni. Yfory bydd y disgyblion yn mynychu gwersi yn yr ysgol gyda'u partneriaid am nad yw'r gyrrwyr bws yn cael gyrru cyn y daith hir adref. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at eu hymateb i wersi mewn ystafelloedd gyda byrddau du a sialc, dim bwrdd gwyn rhyngweithiol, dim cyfrifiadur, dim iPad, dim posteri ar y wal ... 

It had to happen sometime, and today was the day: RAIN! Noah would have been proud. It was a shame that we did not see the famous, historic and pretty town of Heidelberg at its best, but we did the best we could. Plan B consisted of a guided tour around the castle by a very informed and enthusiastic tour guide called Lucia. In order to shelter from the rain in town, we managed to take over a whole ice-cream café, with an owner who was more than happy to serve 61 bowls of Spaghettieis and various other ice-creams on such a dreary day to 37 Welsh pupils and their German hosts. We then had time to wander around the pedestrian zone of this town which houses a better class of shop. Miss Francis and I hit Lindt, which must have the most superior Pick and Mix in the world, before going over to Käthe Wohlfahrt, a famous Christmas shop in Heidelberg. It was really bizarre to see Christmas in June, but thank goodness there was no Jingle Bells in the background! Tomorrow we will attend lessons in school. I look forward to our pupils' response to no interactive white board, no computer, no iPads, no posters on the wall, just a blackboard and chalk! It will do them good, and make them realise how lucky they are at Bro Edern. 

Dydd 5 - Day 5 - Tag 5

Heute sind wir Heidelberg besucht. Der Wetter war furchtbar, es habt geregnet. In Heidelberd haben wir die Berg gesehen. Es war interessant aber ziemlich langweilig. Dannach habe ich mit meine Partner und freunden geshoppe. Ich habe ein Geschenk fur meine Schwester gekauft. Ich mag Heidelberg gern denn es ist historisch und interessant. Dannach bin ich mit meine Partner in die Restaurant gefahren.Ich habe ein Schnitzel gegessen, es war sehr lecker. 

Heddiw es i a'r gweddill i ymwled a'r castell a siopau yn Heidelberg. Roedd y tywydd yn andros o gwlyb gan ei fod yn glawio yn trwm. Roedd y castell yn diddorol ond roedd y ffeithiau dwedodd y dynes yn eithaf diflas. Ar ôl hynny es i i siopa gyda Tobi a fy ffrindiau. Doedd dim llawer o siopau yna ond prynnais anhreg i fy chwaer. Collon ni Ieuan am adeg cyn daeth y ôl gyda llyfr Almeineg yn ei law. Ar ôl cyrraedd yn ôl cefais bwyd blasus yn bwyti agos gyda fy nheulu Almeineg. Roedd y bwyd yn newydd ond yn blasus.

Today was the day that me and the others should breach the walls of the mighty German castle in Heidelberg. It was very large and history rich but it started getting a bit boring as we stood shivering to the bone in the pouring storm above us. The decoration and design of the building were fascinating, thus intrieging tourists from around the globe ( mainly America and Japan ) to explore the halls and dining rooms of the glorious castle or wine stockpile. After finishing with the castle I, Tobi and some friends went to shop in the centre of buisnes in Heidelberg. I bought only a gift for my sister as others spent on fake knives and hidden blade wallets. As the journey in Heidelberg ended I got a chance to explore a signature dish in Germany, the Schnitzel. I must say it was very tasty in the nearing restaurant. Tomorrow will be the last day in Germany so it shall be spent in a school of Grünstadt before a nice party. 

Grünstadt- Tag/Diwrnod/Day #5

Grünstadt Tag #5
Heute bin ich zum Schloss mit meiner Partnerin Julia, und meinen Freunden gegangen. Ich liebe das Schloss weil es großartig und hübsch aber groß ist. Ich habe das Schloss besucht und es war interessant und informativ. Dann habe ich eigekauft, ich fand einkaufen sehr fantastich und lustig, aber teuer.

Grünstadt Diwrnod #5
Roedd heddiw yn teimlo fel dydd diflas iawn oherwydd y tywydd ofnadwy, yr oedd yn bwrw glaw trwy'r dydd, ond does gennyn ni ddim rheolaeth dros di, felly parhadd y dydd yn arferol. Gwanethom treilio rhan fwyaf o'r dydd gyda ein partneriaid. Aethom yn gyntaf i'r castell, cafon ni ein tywys gan fenyw brwdfrydig, roedd y gwybodaeth yn diddorol iawn, roedd yn sôn am Harri VIII, ac llawer o frenhinoedd a breninesau eraill. Wedyn aethon ni siôpa yn Heidelberg gyda ein partneriad, fe wnes i brynu mwy o anrhegion i fy nheulu, ac hefyd cafon ni Subway arall, fe ges i BBQ ribs eto! Fe aethon ni rownd siôpau cofroddio, ble prynais gwydr i fy nhad, het i fy mrawd a siocled Lint i fy mam. Roedd hi'n bwrw glaw trwy'r dydd, felly yn dod ar y bws roeddwn i'n wlyb o'r pen i'r traed. Pam des i yn ôl, es i a Julia mas am dro bach o amgylch y dref, gaethon ni hufen-iâ ac hefyd chwaraeon ni offerynnau yn uchel iawn. Gwaneth hyn wneud fi'n cysglyd, felly es i i gysgu yn ei thŷ am y tro olaf.

Grünstadt Day #5
Today the weather wasn't as nice, it was raining throughout the day, and all my clothes got wet, but I still had a really nice time. Firstly, we went to the castle, we had a very enthusiastic guide, but we learnt a lot about the castle, including information on Henry VIII, and other Kings and Queens. The castle itself was beautiful, and had a lovely structure, there were beautiful paintings on the wall as well as patterns. Later we went around Heidelberg with our partners, we went to various shops including many tacky souvenir shops! I also bought some presents for my family, and bought another Subway for lunch, I had another BBQ rib sandwich! At the end of the day me and Julia went walking around her village, where I could see the difference between ours and their culture, it was very interesting. When we got back, we both had some ice cream and played some instruments-loudly. This made us sleepy, so it wasn't long until we were both in bed sleeping.

Grünstad Tag/Diwrnod/Day #4

Grünstadt Tag #4
Heute Morgen bin ich das Reptilien, mit meinen Freunden gegangen. Ich liebe das Reptilien denn es ist interessant und spaß. Ich hasse Schlange, weil es schuppig und gruselig ist. Ich habe zu Subway gegesen, ich fand zu Subway sehr lecker und geschmackvoll, auch prima. Am Abend ich geschwommen, mit meinem Partnerin. Ich liebe schwimmen, denn es ist ausgezeichnet und erstaulich.

Grünstadt Diwrnod #4
Pam codais yn y bore roedd gen i ofn o fynd i'r Reptiliwn, mae gen i ofn o nadredd, dwi ddim hyd yn oed yn gallu edrych arno un heb deimlo'n ofnus! Oherwydd cyrhaeddon ni yn gynnar, aethon ni i'r Subway am brecwast, mae hi'n grêt i godi ti yn y bore! Pam cyrrhaeddon ni'r ganolfan, cafodd ein tywys o amglych y Reptiliwn gyda fenyw hyfryd a chyfeillgar. Fe wnes i ddysgu llawer o wybodaeth am yr ymlysgiaid, roedd hi'n ddiddorol iawn, byddaf yn hoffi mynd eto. Pam daethon ni yn ôl aethon ni i'r pwll nofio- hanner tu allan ac hanner tu mewn. Pam cyrrhaeddon ni, fe wnes i rhuthro i'r pwll a neidio mewn yn syth, ar y dechrau roedd y dŵr yn oer ond aeth yn dwymach nes ymlaen. Fe es i syth wedyn ar y bwrdd deifio, ble wnes i droelliad ymlaen, ond wnes i brifo fy nghefn yn glanio yn anghywir, ond yr roedd yn ddoniol iawn! Aethon ni gyd yn y jacuzzi, yn y pwll halen, ac yn y prif pwll. Roeddwn i yn y pwll am 6 awr! Roedd fi a Julia yn y pobl olaf yn y pwll. Ac felly pam daethon ni gartref roeddwn ni mor cysglyd, felly es i i gysgu yn syth.

Grünstadt Day #4
When I woke up this morning I was slightly anxious to go the Reptile centre, because I don't at all like snakes! We arrived early to the centre, so we went and had breakfast in Subway, I had a BBQ rib sandwich; it was delicious and perfect to wake you up in the morning! When the centre was ready for us, we went inside to meet all the animals, we saw snakes, turtles, lizards, monkeys, fish, and other reptilies. We had a chance to touch a lizard, a turtle and a snake, I touched the lizard and the turtle but not the snake (sorry Dad!) But it was very interesting, and the lady giving us the tour was very good and very enthusiastic. Later in the day we went swimming with our partners, we went to a swimming pool that was half inside and half outside, there was a diving board, a jacuzzi, a salt pool, a long slide, and a main pool. The first thing I went to was the diving board, I did a front flip off of it but hit my back on the water, by landing wrong, but it was very funny! We also went on the slide, about seven of us went together to make a water train, we couldn't stop laughing about what happened. After spending 6 hours in the pool and being the last group of people there, we decided we'd had enough so we went home and went to sleep straight away.

Donnerstag Thursday Dydd Iau


Heute waren wir in Heidelberg. Heidelberg ist ausgezeichnet. Wir waren im Schloss und es war sehr interessant und schön. Nachdem wir das Schloss gesehen haben, haben wir alle Spaghetti Eis gegessen. Das Spaghetti Eis war sehr gut. Dann sind wir shoppen gegangen. Ich hatte einen schönen Tag aber das Wetter war kalt und regnerisch.

Heddiw wnes i mynd i Heidelberg. Mae Heidelberg yn ardderchog. Wnaethom ni mynd i'r castell a roedd o'n diddorol a gwych. Ar ôl mynd i'r castell cafodd pawb hufen iâ spageti. Roedd y hufen iâ spageti yn neis iawn. Pawb wedi mynd siopa. Cefais diwrnod da, ond roedd y tywydd yn oer a gwlyb.

Today I went to Heidelberg. Heidelberg is amazing. We went to the castle and it was very interesting and great. After we saw the amazing castle everyone had Spaghetti Ice. The Spaghetti Ice was very nice. We all went shopping. I had a great day, but the weather was cold and wet.
Heute, habe ich zu Heidelberg. Wir fuhren nach der Burg. Dann wir fuhren einkaufend mit meinem freundin. Ich mag einkaufend mit meinem freudin denn es ist lustig ung sehr erstaunlich!

Heddiw aethom ni i Heidelberg i ymweld a'r castell efo ein partneriaid Almaeneg. Roedd y castell yn diddorol iawn ac yn enfawr. Roedd yn glawio llawer felly roedd pawb efo umbarellas allan. Aeth pawb siopau ar ol hynnu. Es i, Megan, Amelia a Eve i Subway am fwyd ac wedyn aethom ni nol i'r ysgol.

Today we went with our partners to Heidelberg to visit the castle and go shopping. We all went to the castle first to take a tour, but we were split up so that one tour was in German and one was in english for us. The castle was really interesting and very big. We then all met up and went off to do some shopping. We found rows of gift shops so we went in there to have a look. We then went to Subway for some lunch and then went back to the school to go home.

Diwrnod 3

Heute, habe ich der das Reptilium. Ich mag das Reptilium denn es ist sehr interessant! Ich habe   angefasst

Heddiw aethom ni i'r reptilium ac roedd yn diwrnod hwyl iawn! Er eu bod ni wedi cyrraedd yn gynnar ac wedi mynd i Subway, roedd ni dal efo digon o amser i edrych ar y holl ymlusgiaid gwahanol. Wrth gwrando ar fenyw yn siarad roedd cyfle i ni cyffwrdd a neidr, tortoise a draig barddus(?).

Today we went to the Reptilian. We arrived early so we all went to Subway, however, me and Eve went into the big supermarket adjacent to Subway to buy a tub of Pringles and a diet coke. Once we got to the Reptilian we were shown around by a woman that worked there. She spoke about the different reptiles there and we got to touch a snake, tortoise and a bearded dragon!

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Mittwoch/Dydd Mercher/Wednesday

Heute haben wir das Reptilium besucht. Meiner Meinung nach war das Reptilium ausgezeichnet! Wir haben in einem Subway gegessen. Es war sehr lecker! Wir haben ein Krokodil gesehen. Im Reptilium gab es Affen. Und dann bin ich mit meinen Freunden schwimmen gegangen. Es hat Spaß gemacht. Wir haben in der Parkschenke gegessen. Meiner Meinung ist die Parkschenke wirklich lecker! Ich bin müde, ich muss schlafen. Morgen werde ich Heidelberg besuchen. 

Roedd heddiw yn diwrnod diddorol iawn! Aethon ni i Reptilium. Gwelon ni pob fath o anifail. Neidr, crwban, crocodeil a...mwnci?! Wedyn, aethon ni i nofio. Roedd o'n hwyl iawn ad roedd llawer o pobl o Bro Edern fyna. Roedden ni wedi nofio am bron 5 awr! Wnes i nofio gyda Sophie, Mabli, Mared a Caitlin. Wedyn, aethon ni mas am bwyd. Fi, Sophie, Rhieni Sophie a Anna Lena. Roedd y bwyd yn blasus iawn! Nawr rydw i yn flinedig, rydw i angen mynd i gysgu!

Today was very interesting! We went to a Reptilium. Because we arrived 40 minutes early we went to Subway and to shop. After that we went into the Reptilium! It was so cool. There were snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles and...monkeys?! Then after that we went to the pool. It was so cool! There were slides and even diving boards...although I ignored the name and jamp. There was also a hot tub which I spent a little bit of time in. I swam with Sophie, Mabli, Mared and Caitlin. There were quite a few people from Bro Edern and Leininger Gymnasium there! After that we went out for a meal. We went to the Parkschenke. It was very yummy! Then we went home. Today was a long day so I am tired. 

Gute Nacht!
Nos da!

Dydd 4

Heute haben wir das Reptilium besucht. Es war eine Stunde entfernt, aber wir waren trotzdem früh da. Als wir beim Reptilium angekommen sind, hat eine nette Frau uns herrumgeführt und uns zu jedem Tier etwas erzählt. Der Affe war das Beste. Danach sind wir zu Florian gegangen, wo wir gegessen haben. Daraufhin sind wir schwimmen gegangen. Wir hatten alle viel Spaß beim tauchen und schwimmen. Am Ende des Tages sind wir dann nach Hause gegangen, wo ich einen leckeren Toast gegessen habe und FIFA gespielt habe.

Heddiw aethom ni i reptilium. Roedd o awr i ffwrdd a cyrhaeddon ni yn gynnar. Pryd aethom ni i fewn i'r reptilium roedd fenyw neis wedi cymryd ni rhownd a trafod yr anifeiliaid gyda ni. Roedd y mwnciod yn hwyl iawn i edrych arni. Ar ol y reptilium aethom ni adref. Roeddwn i wedi mynd rownd tŷ Ioan a Florian a bwyta efo nhw. Wedyn aethom ni i'r pwll nofio ble cafodd pawb llawer o hwyl yn neidio off y bwrdd deifio. Ar ol hynny aethom ni adref a cefais tost neis a chwareiais FIFA.

Today we visited a reptilium. It was an hour away but somehow we were early. When we did go to the reptilium a nice lady showed us around and spoke about each animal individually. The monkey was the best. After that we went to Florians' house where we had food. After that we went swimming. Everyone had lots of fun diving and swimming. After we went home where i had nice toast and played FIFA.

Mittwoch / Dydd Mercher / Wednesday

Heute habe ich ein Sandwich in Subway gegessen und ich habe Cola getrunken. Ich habe mit Caitlin und Ceri gessessn. Ich Schwarme für Subway weil es wirklich lecker und ausgezeichnet und fantastisch ist. Dann haben wir Reptilium besucht. Es war totalment gut und es war interressanter als Weinberg. Ich habe Schlange und Schildkröte und Eidechse und Bartagame gesehen. Ich habe Waffel und Sanna und Erdbeere mit Maike und sie Gerbrüder und sie Großeltern. Es war ganz lecker. Meiner Meinung nach ist Waffel ausgezeichnet. In die Abend bin ich mit Maike im Schwimmbad geschwommen. Es war sehr lustig.

Heddiw cyrrhaeddon ni y Reptilium pedwar deg munud yn gynnar, felly aethon ni i Subway - roedd e'n dawel cyn i ni cyrraedd! Ar ôl bwyta ein Subway, aethon ni i'r Reptilium. Roedd e'n eithaf diddorol a chafon ni'r siawns i gyffwrdd rhai ohonynt. Es i am ginio gyda Maike a'i dwy brawd - Felix a Jakob a'i mam-gu a'i thad-cu. Bwytais wafflau, hufen a mefu; roedd e'n blasus iawn. Aethon ni nofio gyda llawer o fy ffrindiau, roedd hynna'n hwyl iawn ac roeddwn i'n chwerthin llawer. Ges i ddiwrnod arbennig heddiw.

Today we went to Subway and then the Reptilium. We saw many different animals: snakes, tortoises, turtles, lizards and bearded dragons. We also got a chance to touch a few of them. I then went for lunch at Maike's grandparent's house. I ate my lunch outside with Maike, Felix, Jakob and their grandparents. We had waffles, cream and strawberries; they were delicious. Me and Maike then went on the train to the swimming pool. I saw many of my friends on the train. We then went swimming, there were slides and diving boards. There was also two pools: one inside which was warm and one outside which was very cold to start with. I have enjoyed my day very much.

- Mabli

Diwrnod 4

Ich habe das Reptilium, mit meiner klasse gegangen. Ich mag das Reptilium denn es ist interessant und prima! Ich habe Schlange gesehen. Ich mag Schlange weil es toll und schuppig! Auch Habe ich Spinner gesehen! Ich nicht gern Spinner denn es ist gruselig und bizarr. Ich habe Subway und croissant gegessen! Habe ich cola getrunken. Am abend, ich habe mit Luisa und miner klasse, in der schwimmbad geschwommen. Heddiw aethon ni i ymweld a'r ymlusgiaid. Rwy'n hoffi'r ymlusgiaid gan ei fod nhw'n ddiddorol ac yn wych! Gwelon ni nadroedd, crwbanod a llawer mwy! Bwytais fy mwyd yn Subway, yna es i nofio gyda Luisa, a gweddill y dosbarth. Roedd y pwll nofio yn arbennig, roedd yna lawer o bethau i wneud yno. Cefais llawer o hwyl heddiw Today we visited the Reptilium, I enjoyed seeing the reptiles because they were interesting and great. We saw snakes, spiders, crocodiles, turtles and more. I had some lunch in subway, it was delicious! After our trip, we went swimming with the rest of the school, the swimming pool was amazing, there was so much to do. I dove off a diving board, went on the slide, swam outside, sunbathed, swam in salty water and had some chips. I have had a lot of fun today!

Diwrnod 4

Heute sind wir zum Reptilium gegangen. Die Fahrt hat eine Stunde gedauert, aber wir waren trotzdem früh da. Inzwischen waren wir bei Subway. Nachdem das Reptilium geöffnet hatte gingen wir hinnein. Wir wurden wir von eine hübschen durch die Schaufenster geleitet. Mein lieblings Tier war eine Eidechse, die an die Glasscheibe kam und auf uns gestarrt hat. Nach dem Reptilium sind wir nach Hause gegangen und haben mit Moritz und Llew gegessen. Gegen ende des Tages sind wir in einer großen Gruppe ins Schwimmbad gegangen. Das Sprungbrett war lustig, weil viele Menschen Saltos und Arschbomben gemacht haben. Nach einigen Stunden sind wir nach Hause gegangen, Ich habe eine Pizza gegessen und Florian und Ich haben FIFA gespielt.

Heddiw aethom ni i'r reptilium. Cymerodd hi 1 awr i gyrraedd yna ond oeddwn ni dal yn gynnar! Cerddom ni gyd i Subway yn aros tan fod y reptilium yn agor. Ar ol iddo agor daeth menyw cyfellgar iawn draw i tywys ni o gwmpas a dangos ni yr anifeiliaid. Fy ffefrin oedd y madfall mawr; daeth lan i'r gwydr os daw ti yn agos. Ar ol y reptilium aethom ni i gyd yn ol i'n catrefi a cael bwyd (gyda fi, Florian, Moritz a Llew). Ar ol cinio/te aethom ni i'r pwll nofio. Roeddwn i'n hoffi neidio oddi ar y springffwrdd ac gwneud flipiau a cannonball. Roeddwm ni yn yr pwll am oesoedd ond cyrhaeddom ni yn ol i'r ty. Wnes i cael pizza- gan my mod yn llwglyd- ac bu chwaraeom ni gem o FIFA (ennillais).

Today we went to a reptilium. It took a 1 hour journey to get there but we still arrived early. We went to Subway in the mean time. After the reptilium opened we went inside were a very nice lady shoed us around the enclosuers. My personal favourite was the massive lizard; it would come up to the glass and stare at us. After the reptilium we went back to our houses and ate (with myself, Florian, Mortitz and LLew). We then went to the swimming pool, were a large group of people went. The diving board was fun as people would do flips and cannonball. We remained in the pool for many hours until we went back home. I had a pizza and me and Florian played FIFA (as usual).

Mittwoch/Dydd Mercher/Wednesday

Heute war fantastisch! Ich bin in Repteiliwm gefahren. Es far supar und sehr seghr interessant. Wir haben Tim in Repteiliwm gesprochen und wir haben am Repteiliwm and am der Reptile gelernt. Es war spitze und macht spaß. Und ich habe ein Subway gegessen und ein coke getrunkun In der Nacht bin ich mit fast jeder geschwommen. Es war prima und sehr lustig.

Diwrnod arbennig heddiw. Aethon ni i'r Repteiliwm a weld llawer iawn o anifeiliad rhyfedd ond brydferth. Cafon ni ein tywys gan ddyn o'r enw Tim. Roedd ei Saesneg yn ardderchog ac roeddwn i yn gallu deall pob gair. Roedd hefyd ganddyn ni y cyfle i cyfwrdd a smwytho rhai anifriliaid fel crwban,neidr a genau-goeg. Roedd yn cyfle anhygol o wych. Heno aeth llawer ohonym ni i'r pwll nofio yn Grünstadt. Roedd gandoo dau pwll, un ty fewn ac un ty allan. Amser hwylus iawn iedd hyny gan fod llawer ohonym ni yn 'dunko' ein hunain ac yn neidio i mewn ir pwll. Diwrnod da iawn.

Today was my favorite out of our days so far in Germany, We went to see the reptiles in the Reptiliwm. It was such a great experience to be able to stroke and touch the animals which were the lizards, snakes and turtles. My favorite animal was probably the black turtles as they were very pretty and had a lot of charecter. We also had the chance to have a Subway (mine a chicken and cheese) and that was very tasty. After the triomto see the reptiles most of us went down to,the local pool where we had a great time in the indoor and outdoor pools. Some of us also went on a huge slide around 15 times like a train but everytime seemed funny and different. The boys and some girls also had a competition to see who could jump the furthest away from the diving board and that was a specticle to behold :-).

Guten nach
Nos da
Good night

- Leah

Mittwoch Wednesday Dudd Mercher


Heute waren wir im Reptilium in Landau. Das Reptilium war ausgezeichnet! Ich liebe die Schlange, Schildkröten und die Eidechsen. Das Krokodil war sehr groß. Mein Lieblingstier  im Reptilium war die Anaconda. Dann bin ich ins Schwimmbad in Bad Dürkheim gegangen. Es war sehr toll. Ich habe  auch noch heute gegrillt mit Ben.

Heddiw rydw i wedi mynd i'r reptiliwm yn Landau. Roedd y reptiliwm yn arbennig! Rydw i yn caru y nadroedd, crwbanod ac y madfalloedd. Roedd y crocodeil yn fawr iawn. Fy hoff anifail yn y reptiliwm yw'r Anaconda. Rydw i wedi mynd i'r pwll nofio yn Bad Dürkheim. Roedd o'n gwych. Rydw i wedi cael BBQ gyda Ben.

Today we went to the Reptilium in Landau. The Reptilium was amazing! I love the Snakes, Turtles and Lizards. The Crocodile was very big. My favourite animal at the Reptilium was the Anaconda. I went to the Swimming pool in Bad Dürkheim. It was great. I had a very nice BBQ with Ben.

Day 4

Heute haben wir Reptilium besucht.Es war sehr interessant.Und heute ich habe mit Daniel Longboarden. Es war toll und schnell. Meiner Meinung nach ist Longboarden besser als Fußball denes ist toll und entspannend.

Roedd heddei yn dda.Yn gyntaf aethon ni i'r Reptilium,roedd y Reptilium yn ardderchog.Llawer o anifeiliaid difyr i weld.Ar ol yna aeth i efo Daniel Hirfyrddio.Rydw in hoffupi Hirfyrddio yn fwy na pêl droed oherwydd mae Hirfyrddio yn neis,y gwynt yn rhedeg trwy eich gwallt.

Today was good.First we went to the Reptilium wich was interesting.Second I and my freind Daniel   went long boarding wich was good.To sum up the day it was a brilliant day.

Grünstadt Dydd 4

Heute war good! Ich habe Eier mit Jacob gegessen. Meine meinung nach Eier is lecker und köstlich. Nächste Ich habe in der car mit der familie gegessen. Dann Ich habe mit meine freundin in der Schule gesprochen. Nächste Ich bin mit Jacob in der Bus gegessen. Damalig In der morgen habe Ich Subway mit Daniel und Riley gegessen. Ich habe der Echse, schlang, schildkröte und krokodile in der Reptilium berührt. Es war interessant. Danach Ich habe Hamburger und pommes mit meine freund gegessen. Es war prima. Folgend mit meine Klasskamaraden in der pool geschwommen. Es war  lustig und spannend. Ich habe 'Cherry spitting' in der garden gespielt. Morgen werde Ich in Heidleburg mit Jacob besucht.

Heddiw cafais fy ngodi gan Jacob ac yna gefais grawnfwyd a wyau ar dost i frecwast. Yna roeddwn i wedi cael cawod sydyn ac yna pacio fy mag am y dydd cyn gael fy nghyrru i'r ysgol. Yna cwrddais efo pawb arall ac yna aethon ni ar y bws i'r reptilium. Roedd hi'n taith eithaf bell ond cyrhaeddon ni 40 munud yn gynnar; felly roeddwn ni wedi mynd i Subway. Ar ol hynny fe wnaeth pawb prynnu '6 pack' o Almdudler cyn i Miss Borde cymryd gyniau pawb oddi-wrthynt. Ar ol hynny aethon ni i mewn i'r Reptilium. Fe wnes i edrych ar yr anifeiliaid i gyd yn y tymheroedd chwylboeth. Roedden ni wedi gweld pob fath o neidr, crwban y môr, crocodeil a madfall a roeddwn i wedi cael y cyfle i ddal rhai o'r ymlusgiaid. Ar ol hynny aeth pawb i'r siop a prynais i 'Slush Puppy'. Yna ar ol i ni sortio allan y 'health and safety procedures' gyda Mr Voyle roeddwn i'n rhydd i mynd ar y siglen. Yna aethon ni nol ar y bws i Grünstadt, a roedd Mam Jacob yna yn barod i bigo fi i fyny. Yna cefais i byrgyr a sglodion am de cyn mynd i nofio. Roedd bron pawb yna a roeddwn i wedi cael hwyl yn mynd mewn grwpiau o dros 10 lawr y sleid a mynd ar y sleid ar anifail sydd wedi ei creu o sbwng. Yna roeddwn i wedi gartref a cael bowlen o grawnfwyd ac yna gêm 'Cherry Spitting' cyn mynd i'r gwely. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen i fynd i Heidlberg yfory a gobeithio cael hwyl. Nos da!

Today I was woken up by Jacob, I then went down to have some breakfast; cereal and eggs on toast. After I finished my breakfast I had a quick wash in the shower before leaving with Jacob and his Mother for school. As we reached the school I grouped with the rest of Bro Edern to discuss matters in depth. After everyone was ready we left for the bus to begin the journey to the Replilium. We arrived early after a misjudged time for the journey and we were forced to go to Subway. After the Almdudler was packed on the bus and Miss Borde removed the guns we left for the Reptilium once again. In the Reptilium we went on the tour of the frogs, snakes lizards and turtles. We then were given the oppurtinity to touch the less dangerous animals and this was fun. Then I went back on the bus to be taken back to Jacob's house. I had Burger and chips for lunch and then went in his car to the swimming pool. There I met up with the rest of the exchange students and we played there for about 3 and a half hours before being driven home. We then had a cherry stone spitting competition before watching a film and going to bed.

Montag gan Ieuan Davies

Montag gan Ieuan Davies

          Ich wachte morgens verspätet auf weil mein Wecker nicht geklingelt hat. So ich war der Letzte beim Frühstück (Entschuldigung!) und ich habe Frosties gegessen. Dannach sind wir zur schule gefahren.
          Heddiw aethon ni i'r gwinllan. Cerddon ni lan y mynydd yn araf bach ac yn flinedig. Roedd pob cam yn brwydr i cadw'n effro ac i cadw bant o'r llawr. Gyda pob cam teimlodd fel oedd y llawr yn codi ond roeddwn i'n cwympo'n îs ac yn îs. Roedd gen i freuddwyd o gael i tir gwastad a wnaith y breuddwyd ddod yn wir wrth i ni cyrraedd pen y mynydd. Roedd y ffaith oedd rhaid i ni fynd nôl lawr y mynydd yn newyddion hyd yn oed yn well ond doeddwn i ddim yn feddwl gallwn i dyfal barhau. Cerddon ni i tŷ y perchenog i yfed sudd grawnwin a fwyta pretsiliau pretzeliau.
          I was totally flabbergasted at the lovely sight of the holiday park. I love the sound of the screaming children in the morning even though it was the afternoon. First we scuttled off to the free fall tower, we were hoisted up nice and slow. I don't know the worst part, the fact that we were held for a whole minute up high above the park or the moment we were literally dropped and caught at the last second. Then we marched to the best attraction: GeForce. We zoomed through the air in an aero-dynamic monstrosity of metal, plastic and other various materials. We then trotted over to 'Sky Fly' but it was closed due to RRR: Redesign, Redo and Repurpose. So, we went to 'Sky Scream'. We were lucky; lucky because there was no que and none of the jumpscares happened. There were 3 caterpult starts, the first was fast but only took us halfway up the ramp, the second took us all the way up the ramp behind but we suddenly came back down and the third caterpult started the ride, we went extremely fast and it was so fun we went again, and that is when IT all happened. As we walked into the building the smoke machine went off (which was only the first thing that showed the vibe of death) then as we walked through the corridors the pictures were changing from normal to a zombified version of them. Then, as we passed the chamber with a dead body in it (which i am still querying if real or not) the surgeon lunged at us spraying blood everywhere (and tasted surprisingly like ketchup). I screamed like a little girl, followed by heavy breathing, followed by the front of the que.

Diwrnod 4 (17/06/2015)

Am Morgen wir sind zum Reptilium gefahren. Wir haben zwei Gruppen (Klasse 8 und Klasse 9), ich war beid dem Fremdenführer (Tim). Ich habe die Schildkröten, Schlangen, Spinnen, Eideschsen und Affen gesehen. Eine Affe hat  einen Baby Affe. Am Abend sind wir geschwommen. Es war fantastisch weil es hat Spaß gemacht.

Heddiw aethom ni i'r sŵ reptiliaid ond cyrhaeddom ni yn gynnar felly aethom ni i Subway a'r siop. Ar ôl siopa ffeindion ni mas bod llawer o'r fechgyn wedi prynu gyniau ffug, cafon nhw ei cymryd i ffwrdd. Pryd aethom ni i'r sŵ reptiliaid splition ni mewn i blwyddyn 8 a blwyddyn 9 ac yna cwrddon ni lan gyda ein tywyswr (cafon ni Tim). Gwelon ni crwbannod, nadroedd, pry-copyn, madfallod, gecos a mwnciod. Fe cafon ni cyffwrdd rhai crwbannod, geco, madfallod a neidr. Roedd un o'r mwncipd wedi cael babi mwnci roedd e mor ciwt. Yn y prynhawn aethom ni'n nofio.

Today we went to the reptail zoo but we got there to early so we went to Subway and the shop. After we finished shopping we found a lot of the boys got a fake gun, so it got conviscated. When we went into the reptail zoo we split into year 8 and year 9 and met our guide (we had Tim). We saw turtles, snakes, spider, lizards, geckos and monkeys. We got to touch some turtles, geckos, lizards and snakes. One of the monkeys had, had a baby monkey it was so cute! In the afternoon everyone went swimming.
Wednesday/ Dydd Mercher/ Donnerstag- Fy Pedwerydd Diwrnod yn yr Almaen/ My Fourth Day in Germany

Mittwoch war der Tag an dem wir zum Reptilium in Landau gegangen sind. In dem  Reptilum haben wir viele Tiere gesehen einschließlich mehrere Eidechsen, Schildkröten, und Pythons. Ich fand das Reptilium informativ und wirklich spannend denn haben wir der Tiere berührt. Meiner Meinung nach waren die Affen ziemlich dynamisch und gänzlich bezaubernd denn sie sind sehr flauschig und süß, das war lieblich. Ich fand das Reptilium sehr spaßig und das Personal sehr nett und freundlich. Danach, haben meine Austausch Familie und ich das Naturkunde Museum besucht, in dem Gebäude habe ich etwas über die Wildtiere, Erdkunde und Ökosystem in Deutschland gelernt. Danach sind wir in einen Park mit einem Fluss gegangen, danach haben Merlin und ich in dem Wasser mit vielen Kindern gespielt und ich war durchnässt. Dann, haben wir ein Eis Café besucht und ich habe ein Spagetti Eis  gegessen. Ich fand das zeimlich ungewöhnlich aber sehr lecker!

Dydd Mercher oedd y diwrnod rhyfedd aethon ni i'r Reptilium mewn Landau, gan ei fod yn tua war i ffwrdd o Grünstadt, roedd angen iddon ni cymryd y bws. Pan cyrraeddon ni i'r Reptilium, cafon ni taith o gwmpas yr ysgol mewn ein grwpiau ar wahan; blynyddoedd 8 a 9. Cafon ni ein cymryd o gwmpas y safle gan dau aelod o staff hynod o garedig; Moana a Tim a welon ni nifer o anifeiliaid, o pysgod i madfallod i mwnciod hyd yn oed. Ffyndais y mwnciod mor acrobataidd a chrefftus. Welais un o'r mwnciod yn gofalu amdan ei baban, hyd yn hyn, hwna oedd y golwg mwya addoladwy dwi erioed wedi gweld. Ar ol iddyn ni cyrraedd yn ol i safle' ysgol yn Grünstadt, es i, Merlin a'i deulu i'r Naturkunde (AmgueddfaNatur) lle dysgais gan yr arddangosfeudd a'r teulu amdan Dearyddiaeth, Ecosystem a bywyd gwyllt yr Almaen. A ol i ni orffen y taith aethon ni i Barc lle oedd ardaloedd chwarae dwr nwedi ei adeiladu ar bwys yr afonydd yno, eisteddon ni ar bwys yr afon ar ol i ni ymweld a'r Caffi Hufen Ia a wnes i drio Sbagetti Eis, roedd y blas yn angrhedadwy, roedd hwna yn y hufen ia orau blasais mewn amser maeth!

Today was the perfect waky day to visit the Reptilium! There we had a Chance to interact and see the many, reptiles fish, monkeys and other animals that were housed. We devided into our usual two Groups; classes 8 and 9, and we had a chance to see the many creatures liuving there. By far the cutest animal shown in my opinion were the most ADOURABLE monkeys! Our guide Tim Showed us the most sweet site of a parenting monkey carrying ist child, sooooo cute! as Long as we had our Hands sanitised (which Tim provided) we were aloud to touch all the NON-DANGEROUS creatures he showed us up close. After we concluded our visit of the Reptilium, we made our way back to Grünstadt where my Exchange Family were waiting patiently. We payed a visit to the Naturkunde (Nature Museum) where i learnt about the Ecosystem, Geography and Wildelife of Germany. After the trip was over we decided to go to the park were there was a parked based around water at the side of the river flo´wing trhough the area, each part of the park e.g. (the seasaw, Trampolins, swings) pumped water through the various watermills and Sprinklers throuout the park, very unusual. And finaly i ended the day with my Exchange Family by the river as i tried the sweet taste of Spagetti Eis for the first time, a very active day!