Monday, 15 June 2015

Diwrnod 2

Grünstadt diwrnod 2

Today I woke up with a smack in the face and the alarm clock in my ear. It was very funny but strange. When we all woke up fully Tilman showed me a video os me snoring my my sleep. At first I was shocked but then I found it funny when my head got round it. We all went to have breakfest, I had toast and nutella. We then walked to school with Molly Nia and Emma. We arrived at the school and left to the Vineyards. Tye vineyards was amazing, I could'nt believe how big it was. We then went to a house and bought some wine. We then went to visit the winr factory , it was very interesting. We then walked back to the school. We arrived at the school and walked home with our exchanges. But me Jake, Hanes, and Tilman stayed at the school for a bit and went on the computers. We then walked home and had pancakes. They were very nice. We then went to play football and socialise with other friends and exchanges. Then the majority of us went back to Matthias's garden for a BBQ. It was very delicious, and I really enjoyed myself. After the BBQ me Tilman and Matthias walked back to his house.

Deffrodd gyda smac yn y gwyneb ac y larwm yn canu yn fy nghlust. Cafodd brecwast. Am frecwast cafodd tost a nutella, roedd brecwast yn blasus iawn. Cerddodd ir ysgol gyda'r bechgyn. Pan gyrhaedodd cerddodd lan i'r wynllan, roedd y wynllan yn enfawr doeddwn i heb weld unhrywbeth o'r fath. Ar ol yr wynllanoedd cerddodd i ty a prynodd gwin. Ar ol pryny gwin cerddodd ir ffatri gwin. Rodd y ffatri yn diddorol iawn. Cerddodd nol i gartref ac chwaraeodd pel droed am tipyn o amser cyn y BBQ, roedd y BBQ yn hwyl ac yn blasus iawn. 

Heute sind wir zur Schule gelaufen. Wir sind zu dem Weinberg gewandert. Er war sehr groß. Wir sind zu einem Haus, dem Weingut gegangen, und haben ein bisschen Wein gekauft. Wir haben dann auch die Herstellung angeschaut. Es war sehr interessant. Danach sind wir nach Hause gelaufen. Heute Abend haben wir noch gegrillt.

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