Thursday, 18 June 2015

Grünstadt Dydd 5

Today I was awoken by Pitu-Jacob's dog- and then I had eggs on toast for breakfast. Following this I a shower and then was dropped off for school by Jacob's Mum in the rain. We gathered in the reception and then we ran to the bus and then drove all the way to Heidleberg. After we arrived we split into two groups and then walked over to the castle. Then my group walked through the rain and into a cafe bar. Then me Josh and Riley played a game on my phone and talked until we walked back over to the castle. We then went onto the train up to the castle and then met up with the other group in the reception. Then our tour guide arrived and showed us around the castle and after this we saw a massive barrell that could hold thousands of litres of wine. Following this we went back on the train at met Miss James at the Eis Caffe. I had a Spaghetti Eis; it was very nice. Then we were free to shop and went around with my and some other people's partners. At three a clock we all met up again and went home on the bus; fortunetly the rain stopped and me and Jacob walked home. After we had dinner we played Basketball and then Badmington; this was fun. Then we played on the Play Station and watched the King's Speech before going to bed. I look forward to going to school tommorow and then leaving to go home. Good night!

Codais heddiw am hanner awr wedi chwech ac yna cefais wyau ar dost i frecwast. Ar ol cawod roedd Mam Jacob wedi gyrru fi i'r ysgol a fe wnes i cwrdd a phawb yn y derbynfa. Yna rhedodd pawb i mewn i'r bws ac yna aethon ni i Heidleberg. Cwrddais efo fy martner ac yna roeddwn ni wedi gwahanu i ddwy grwp. Roedd fy ngrŵp i wedi mynd o amgylch y ddinas yn gyntaf ac yna wedi aros mewn caffi oherwydd y glaw. Yna roeddwn ni wedi cerdded i'r castell a mynd i fyny ar y tren cyn cwrdd ar grwp arall yn y siop. Yna daeth yr arweinydd y daith a dangos ni o amgylch y gastell ac yna cwrddon ni â Miss James yn yr Eis Cafe. Yn yr Eis Cafe cafais Spaghetti Eis ac yna roedden ni'n rhydd i siopa. Roeddwn i'n siopa gyda fy partner cyfnewid a ychydig o phobl arall. Ar ol cwrdd nol roeddwn i wedi mynd ar y bws ac yna cerdded nol i'r ty. Ar ol cael te roeddwn i wedi chwarae Badmington a Pel-fasged gyda Jacob. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen i mynd i'r ysgol yfory ac yna mynd i nol i Gymru. Nos da!

Heute war fantastisch und nass. Ich habe Eier mit Jacob gefrühstuckt; es war prima. Nächste to der Bus mit meine klasskamaraden gelaufen. Dann habe ich mit Josh und Riley in der kafeehaus gesprochen. Ich habe mit meine freund in der train gesitze. I h habe in der Burg mit meine freunden gewacht. Am Donnerstag habe Ich Spaghetti Eis in der Eis Caffe gegessen; es war delizious. Ich habe Federball und Basketball mit Jacob gespeilt. Morgens werde ich in der schule lernen. Gute Nacht!

1 comment:

  1. Sehr gut Iwan. Crynodeb da iawn o ddiwrnod gwlyb!
    Mae'r berfau Almaeneg yn llawer gwell o ran trefn y frawddeg heddiw, felly da iawn ti am wrando ar yr adborth ar y bws.
    Gofal gyda'r berfau 'ge':
    gesessen (sitzen)
    gepielt (nid gespeilt)
    gewacht yw wedi deffro??
    Spaghettieis / Eiscafé yn un gair
    Edrych ymlaen at y bennod olaf yfory!
