Grünstadt Tag #5
Heute bin ich zum Schloss mit meiner Partnerin Julia, und meinen Freunden gegangen. Ich liebe das Schloss weil es großartig und hübsch aber groß ist. Ich habe das Schloss besucht und es war interessant und informativ. Dann habe ich eigekauft, ich fand einkaufen sehr fantastich und lustig, aber teuer.
Grünstadt Diwrnod #5
Roedd heddiw yn teimlo fel dydd diflas iawn oherwydd y tywydd ofnadwy, yr oedd yn bwrw glaw trwy'r dydd, ond does gennyn ni ddim rheolaeth dros di, felly parhadd y dydd yn arferol. Gwanethom treilio rhan fwyaf o'r dydd gyda ein partneriaid. Aethom yn gyntaf i'r castell, cafon ni ein tywys gan fenyw brwdfrydig, roedd y gwybodaeth yn diddorol iawn, roedd yn sôn am Harri VIII, ac llawer o frenhinoedd a breninesau eraill. Wedyn aethon ni siôpa yn Heidelberg gyda ein partneriad, fe wnes i brynu mwy o anrhegion i fy nheulu, ac hefyd cafon ni Subway arall, fe ges i BBQ ribs eto! Fe aethon ni rownd siôpau cofroddio, ble prynais gwydr i fy nhad, het i fy mrawd a siocled Lint i fy mam. Roedd hi'n bwrw glaw trwy'r dydd, felly yn dod ar y bws roeddwn i'n wlyb o'r pen i'r traed. Pam des i yn ôl, es i a Julia mas am dro bach o amgylch y dref, gaethon ni hufen-iâ ac hefyd chwaraeon ni offerynnau yn uchel iawn. Gwaneth hyn wneud fi'n cysglyd, felly es i i gysgu yn ei thŷ am y tro olaf.
Grünstadt Day #5
Today the weather wasn't as nice, it was raining throughout the day, and all my clothes got wet, but I still had a really nice time. Firstly, we went to the castle, we had a very enthusiastic guide, but we learnt a lot about the castle, including information on Henry VIII, and other Kings and Queens. The castle itself was beautiful, and had a lovely structure, there were beautiful paintings on the wall as well as patterns. Later we went around Heidelberg with our partners, we went to various shops including many tacky souvenir shops! I also bought some presents for my family, and bought another Subway for lunch, I had another BBQ rib sandwich! At the end of the day me and Julia went walking around her village, where I could see the difference between ours and their culture, it was very interesting. When we got back, we both had some ice cream and played some instruments-loudly. This made us sleepy, so it wasn't long until we were both in bed sleeping.
Blog cynhwysfawr am ddiwrnod gwlyb iawn. Falch dy fod wedi mwynhau er gwaetha'r tywydd! Mae'r berfau gorffennol i gyd yn eu lle heddiw, da iawn ti am wrando ar yr holl sylwadau ar hyd yr wythnos. Beth am ychwanegu mwy o wybodaeth i'r rhan Almaeneg y tro nesaf?
ReplyDeleteI have really enjoyed reading your food diary, sorry I mean holiday blog, lots of Subways and even more ice cream, what happened to sausages and sauerkraut (not sure about the spelling). It sounds like you have had an amazing week I haven't been jealous at all. Daddy has a surprise for you when you get home, a pet snake! LOL. Can't wait to see you back home and hear about your travels in more detail and hopefully see some photos. P.s your brother has already rented out your bedroom! Safe journey home, Love Mum x
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