Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Heute, ging ich Technikmuseum mit meinem freundin. Ich mag Technikmuseum denn es ist interessant. Ich ging einkaufen mit Megan, Amelia und Eve. Ich leibe einkaufen mit meinem freundin weil es erstaunlich und sehr lustig ist.

Heddiw aethom ni i amgueddfa technoleg ble roedd llawer o weithgareddau gwahanol i'w wneud. Roedd y amgueddfa yma fel Techniquest yn Bai Caerdydd. Hefyd roeddwn ni wedi clywed dyn yn siarad am sut roedd pethau yn hedfan. Ar ymweld ar amgueddfa, aeth pawb i Mannheim er mwyn cael dwy awr yn siopa. Aethom ni i lawer o siopau gwahanol fel H&M a siopau oedd yn gwerthu pethau gwahanol. Ar ol fynd siopa, es i i'r doctors oherwydd roedd fy mys yn brifo.

Today we went to the technology museum and spent the morning looking around at the different activities. Me and Megan went on a hamster wheel which we found scary at first but once we got used to it we started going around it quite fast! We then listened to a man that worked in the museum talk for about an hour about flying. After visiting the technology museum we all went shopping for about 2 hours. Me, Megan, Amelia and Eve went around Mannheim together looking in different shops for different things. After the first hour, everybody met Miss James outside an ice-cream shop and she bought us all an ice-cream (i had chocolate-cherry, cherry mania and tiramisu). After that we carried on shopping. Once we got back to the school to be picked up I was taken to the doctors by Miss James, Miss Borde, a German teacher, Jodie and Jodie's mum because my broken finger was hurting. Turns out that if I had kept my finger in the straps that it was already in I never would have been able to straiten it again.   


  1. That was very kind of Miss James - do you all have to buy her an ice cream during the rest of the week?
    Did you find the Technology Museum interesting? Was it like Techniquest?

    I'm so glad that your finger has been sorted out.

    Thank you Miss James for looking after Jessica so well.

  2. Dim problem! All part of the Bro Edern service!
