Thursday, 18 June 2015

Diwrnod 5

Ich bin Heidelberg mit meiner klasse Gegangen. Ich habe Subway gegessen. Subway ist sehr lecker! Ich habe Tasche und Postkarte gekauft.
Ich habe das berg besucht und es war informativ und super.
Ich mag Berg weil es interessant und groß ist.
Das wetter es hat geregnet!

Heddiw aethon ni i Heidelberg. Bwytais fy mwyd yn Subway (eto) Cefais yr un bwyd a tro diwethaf, roedd hi'n blasus iawn! Yn Heidelberg, prynais fag newydd a cherdyn post (ohewrydd mae yna llun o Heidelberg ar y cerdyn)
Teithion ni o gwmpas y castell yn Heidelberg am gyfnod. Roedd y castell yn ddiddorol iawn ac yn llawn gwybodaeth gwych.
Yn anfodus, roedd y tywydd yn wael iawn, llawer iawn o law!

Today, we visited Heidelberg. Once again, we decided to eat our food in Subway. I had the same food as last time, and both were delicious.
In Heidelberg, I bought a new bag (because one of my bags broke, and the other was drenched in rain water) And I bought a post card, because it had a beautiful picture of Heidelberg on it.
We had a tour around the castle, it was very interesting and informative.
Sadly, the weather wasn't brilliant, it was pouring with rain for most of the day, but we still had lots of fun!


  1. Falch dy fod wedi joio er gwaetha'r glaw. Berfau gorffennol yn dda iawn gyda ti erbyn hyn. Da iawn wir! Beth am ymestyn y brawddegau nawr?

  2. What a shame about the weather but the castle does look beautiful, and we Welsh love castles!! Good to hear that you enjoyed the day though. I bet it feels like you have been there for ages as you have been so busy and seen so much. Fantastic. Have a lovely last day tomorrow. Love you. Xxxx
